Saturday, December 19, 2009

Invitatation to visit art apropriation/ slide show "LOOKING BACK."

Editor's Notes: Click on 'November' to your right or visit youtube: rickaddsite. is still a work in progress and rickcosmos can use your help
not only by contributing to these worthy causes but by contributing articles or statements
or comments or artwork or comedy.We want peoples' minds diverted while they're reaching
into their pockets!
Speaching of worthy causes "Global Cash Flow Network" is raising funds for "THE BOYS AND
Merry Christmas, your 'friend' and editor (who isn't PC and proud of the fact!).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


 UPDATE: rickcosmos two art appropriation/slide shows and new space science slide show (alliteration - nice) can be seen at youtube: rickaddsite, youtube: not-for-profits and activism and youtube: people and blogs and soon here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fwd: Addendum: Random Thoughts

Editor's Note: Congress continues to be out-of-order and so is this addendum!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2009 12:11 am
Subject: Addendum: Random Thoughts

Point one: Clarification: Congress shall pass no law that is applicable to only one individual; congress shall pass no law that is applicable to only one  group when it is one of many such groups.
Point two: Observation: Random is always random.

Fwd: Regular E-mail: Can He Do It?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Apr 2, 2009 10:28 pm
Subject: Regular E-mail: Can He Do It?

THE CROWD IS HOLDING IT'S BREATH. He's taking a few practice shots. He feels loose. He's getting
into position. Wait! He took a step backward. He's attempting to regain his nerve. He waves to the crowd.
He's back in position. Here it comes...My house was built circa 1940. For years, I tried to find out what was here
prior to that. Last year, I called the Brooklyn Historical Society. I was told that they don't do research for
individuals. I'm not above exploited my disability. Cut to the chase...Bay Ridge Nursery and Greenhouse;
before approx. 1930 - likely woods. Oh no! He slipping. The crowd is shouting: "Get a grip. You can do it."
,,,Washington had a list of 110 rules regarding etiquette, manners and courtesies he tried to follow. Now Miss
Manners and the University of Virginia are creating a new list based on his list. It is sure is need today!
And teenage girls on the Internet - don't they have any respect for themselves. Years ago, I carried a cane
I rarely used it: sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't; Peter Paul's has nuts and Monds
don't. Sometimes,  you feel like a cripple and sometimes, you don't) and I would give up my seat to a women.
People looked shocked and stared. I don't mind attention. And, besides, I was just being a gentleman like I
was raised to be. Manners are disappearing just like morality! Strike out, Rick.

Fwd: A Regular E-Mail with a Big Ego

Editor's (Richard DePersio; Note: We continue
to update as we continue LOOKING BACK.
Sent: Wed, Apr 1, 2009 11:25 am
Subject: A Regular E-Mail with a Big Ego

       Dear Fans,
       OBOMA: PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIALIST SECULAR STATES OF AMERICA AND CAR SALESMAN! A few months ago, I saw something that I thought that I would never see in my lifetime the President of the United States in effect doing a T.V. commercial. But there he
was telling me that he was the largest stockholder in a major auto company and it's chief salesman and spokesman. He informed me that his cars were available at white house showrooms around U.S.government-owned U.S.S.A. and that I should rest assured that all warranties on mufflers were guarantied. What a relieve!
      I'm one embarrassed American. It must be the Twilight Zone when the socialist nations of Western Europe are telling the American President that he's being too socialist! He will be accountable to the liberal auto union. They own him. Slavery hasn't ended for your president! He won't be accountable to the other share holders or the Board of Directors or the Company executives (he  fired it's C.E.O. - that's the job of a president under the constitution: Oboma and Polusi's toilet paper!) or the costumers. He should have made the company declare bankruptcy and had the matter resolved by a bankruptcy judge.Why didn't he? He only wants major concessions from shareholders, company executives and taxpayers and
not unions. A bankruptcy judge would have spread the misery all around. He has to kiss the big
white asses of union bosses's - you call him president, they call him 'boy.'
     We can no longer use the terms: terrorists and enemy combatants. What are we suppose to call them? Friendly, peace-loving- Muslims -who want to blow themselves up and take you with them? Oboma is considering training some of them, getting them social services, jobs and an apartment near you! I'm not making this up. They try to kill you and you have to support them with your paycheck. I say fine but first they have to cut each other's hands off - their good at that! There's one problem with my idea: HOW WOULD THEY DRIVE THE NEW CAR THAT OBOMA IS GOING TO GIVE THEM!?

     Financial institutions (commercial banks, investment banks, Fanny and Freddy and Insurance giants should have been given loans and charged interest instead Oboma became the biggest shareholder in those vital institution (the auto industry isn't vital).. They could face bankruptcy. OBOMA: WALL STREET"S NEW FAT CAT! He will soon bail out states making them beholden
to him and purchase part or majority interest in cooperate farms.
    Oboma rating: Double S plus.
                                                                                                      Constitutional American,

Fwd: Randam Thoughts

Editor's (Richard DePersio; We update as we continue

Sent: Sun, Mar 22, 2009 6:23 pm

       This isn't an e-mail/article. It's a mini-e-mail/composition. I'm not a thou breaker!
       A few months ago, The liberal P.C. Police had turned on one of their own   over a
joke that the President made regarding his lack of bowling skills and the special Olympics. Grow-up already. Public schools emphasize PC more then they emphasize getting correct answers! People can't tease or make fun at or joke about our human foibles, imperfections, and differences anymore - even guys are expected to be girly sensitive. Correction: men and Christians are fair game for jokes and insults. By the way, I'm a cripple!
       The media has reported that abstinence-based program don't work. Of course, they don't minus the God component (traditional morality in general and the Bible in particular and old-fashioned civics courses and instruction in manners and politeness - they are all related). Why? Liberals created the myth of separation of church and state and because of their moral relativism have no problem with young people having sex and favor teachers demonstrating the proper way of putting a condom on an artificial phallus instead of telling girls to keep their legs closed and boys to keep their peckers in their pants! One recent study indicated that 40% of births are out-of-wedlock. Liberals, liberal celebrities, and liberal media depict single mothers as victims. The true victim is the child. Study after study has shown that a child is best off in a mom/dad household functional followed by mom/dad dysfunctional followed by single parent functional followed by single parent dysfunctional. These bastards and bitches are doomed. There the most likely to grow up and take up booze and/or drugs and/or impregnate or be impregnated
as teens and/or drop out of high school and/or wind up in prison. Give them a fighting chance: adoption. Force women,especially, welfare women to give up for adoption instead of rewarding them with more social services for each knew victim they produce. It's cruel to take a baby from its mother - it's crueler to condemn someone to a lifetime of hell! Interestingly, the more educated and financially well off the unwed mother is the more likely that that women will give up the child for adoption. Liberals began the process of destroying marriage via laws and judicial decisions in the '60s.
       Every president from Washington to Bush has stated that America is a Christians nation based on Christian values and principles. Oboma is the first president to state that this is a nation of believers and nonbelievers. Just remember this: a kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental things apply as time goes by...oops, my A.D.D.ed kicked in. Hold your horses. Too bad the fundamental things didn't apply as  time went by...Rights that come from a government can be taken away from an individual or a group by the government that gives those rights (recently, the democratic congress did just that regarding AIG - they set a precedent supported by Oboma which violates the constitutional; don't be shocked; liberals have been created a Godless society; they've declared this not to be a Christian nation; they've worked for decades to create a secular/socialist nation).
       Read the following and weep for your country today and where it's headed: "The Founding Fathers had to refer to a Creator in order to make their revolutionary experiment make sense; it was because 'all men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights'  that men could dare to be free (president Eisenhower ('50s); "The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God" (Kenneddy ("60s); "our constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (President Adams (1890s).
      Look at the nation of today and look at the nation prior to the 1960s. Our constitution was unique.No longer. Worry about your rights. Our government can take them away. I could supply you with thousands of quotes and it would be meaningless. I could give you dozens of examples. I gave you only these: Separation of church and state; AIG; the destruction of the sanctity of marriage; we are a nation of believers and non-believers.
      For you information, I'm non-religious. Oh where, Oh where have my rights gone...
                                                                                               (They Went) Bye-Bye,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fwd: addendum to smile

-----Original Message-----
To: o'
Sent: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 11:20 am
Subject: addendum to smile

         Presidents Polusi and Oboma have ended workfare for the able-bodied and are working on open borders
and fast-tracking illegals to citizenship what will be the fallout of their little, liberal, amoral minds? There will be an unpresedented
growth in registered democrats thus virtually producing a one-party system in America. With best regards, Castro.

Fwd: Smile

Editor's Note: Join as as we continue LOOKING BACK sadly.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 22, 2009 3:32 pm
Subject: Smile

       Dear Fans,
       A Harris poll in 2001 indicated that Jesus Christ was the most admired man (?) in America. This year  President Oboma was chosen. He was heartened by the fact that Americans chose the same man again!
I am confident that are other president (Polusi) will will be chosen as the most admired female.
       Please bear with me as I get a few more odds and ends out of the way before I get to today's monumental topic. Please be patient. I momentarily have forgotten it (it's what to expect when unlike others your A.D.D.ed)
       In a recent article, I stated the way, this isn't the topic...we were moving from being a religious/capitalistic nation to being a secular/socialist nation. I wish to change my position slightly: we are becoming a communist nation (in practice not theory. The democrats will fast-track illegal's - the good and the bad ones - to citizenship and want them to be able to bring over their parents, under- and over-age children, their aunts, uncles and cousins. Legal immigrants and new citizens can't do most of those things.Crime pays - - - for democrats that is. Over 2/3 of the estimated 50 millions are expected to registerdemocrat. There's more: and it's still not on today's topic ( I do hope it doesn't prove to be anti-climatic). Welfare to Workfare...In 1996, republicans forced Billy-boy to sign welfare reform. He didn't want to do it;
he didn't want do it. He and his party didn't care for it. And, all the time you knew it; and all the time you knew it. When it worked, he took the bows. Since it was passed millions of able-bodied people have chosen to wave goodbye to social services because of the way republicans wrote the bill. Their proud was restored.Presidents Polusi and Oboma have restored the good, old, traditional program (and your going to pay for it!).Why? Democrats have a vested interest in keep people poor - most of them vote democrat. Bleeding heartliberals my bad foot. It's politics. The mainstream media depicts conservative-republicans a cold and callous.Why? We don't toe (my bad feet again) the line: we don't want to throw good money after bad when it comes to failed liberal programs. We want new approaches to helping the truly need. Like parental choice
(school vouchers): regular public schools; more public magnet schools and magnet programs inside of regular public schools; private school; home schools; and more non-union public charter schools (the problem with public schools a lack of money - - - charter schools receive less government funding and their kids
out perform regular public schools kids. If limo-liberals can grant choice (46 chromosomes at conception defines a human) to murder why can't they give the same choice that they enjoy to the non-working poor, the poor and the lower middle class - and it won't cost the taxpayers and the regular public school one red penny. Liberals in general and unions in particular destroyed the public school system, the airline industry and now the auto industry. They want to perpetuate the vicious cycle of grandparents, parents and children on social services and they want this children to grow-up and be on the public dole vote democrat. Government social programs are a hand-out while faith-based programs are a hand-up.The presents says that he will continue President Bush's faith-based programs but without the God component which makes these programs successful! Don't give me the 'separation of church' argument.It doesn't exist in any legal document - it was invented by a philosopher (his name escapes me, as well
as, today's topic) in the 1880s. The hell with the poor. Why don't the democrats take them out of their misery and abort them!?
       I believe that congratulations are in order. I remember today's topic. I'd prefer that you remember me in your wills. Without delay; post-haste; with no further a do. Smile! Smile! Smile! as you watch your  hard earned money spent by big brother.Watch as the stimulus bill creates a handful of temporary jobs. Watch as stimulus money is spent on programs having nothing to with stimulus and creating jobs. Watch as the roads are repaired. Watch the corruption. Watch as good money is thrown at failing public schools. Watch as money is spent on silly, pet projects of politicians. Watch as the streets are cleaned for you'll soon by sent to the cleaners. Watch as democrats continue to receive campaign contributions from semi-independent federal agencies like Fannie Mae. Watch the bureaucratic waste. Watch as your taxes go through roof thanks to their beneficence. Don't worry about the democrats for they don't bother to pay their taxes while they get high positions in the Oboma administration - positions that will be beyond the reach of the poor for mostremain so, Watch! Watch! Watch!...
                                                                                             As Your Pockets are Picked,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fwd: The Obama Report

EDITOR'S NOTE: we continue Looking Back.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 9:38 pm
Subject: Fwd: The Obama Report

Sent: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 9:10 

       Dear Fans,
       Hide the children! Liberals have waited 50 to 100 years for this day depending how you want to date it: liberals control the White House and Congress; the mainstream media - CBS, NBC, ABC and most of the major newspapers; public elementary/high schools and colleges, as well as, most private colleges; the music and movie industries; and the Internet(a bonus - the Internet; it was invented by the military in the late 1960s and reinvented in 1990 by Al Gore!). They will have a majority of federal judges and appeals court justices within 4 years and a majority of of U.S. Supreme Court justices within 8 years. They have successfully diminished the influence of their  major adversary: Christian churches.
      You were warned: A) President Obama is in the process of reinstated that heinous late-term abortion procedure in which labor is induced and a needle is stuck in the baby's head in order to suck out his or her brain - Bush had put a stop to the inhumane act;  B) Obama will now allow federally funded doctors to perform abortions in poor countries - Bush had stopped that from occurring  (How many people know that Bush did more to fight disease in Africa then any of his predecessors?); C) You can now be OPENLY GAY in this WOMEN'S ARMY (where standards are lowered so that they can play soldier). Obama will go further then Cllinton's
don't ask/don't tell policy which resulted in Colin Powell resigning as Clinton's Chairman of the military's Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff. He made it clear that morale had to be his primary consideration, He wouldn't reveal his position homosexuality. He felt that it was dangerous from a military perspective and could result in a crisis if Clinton went further.
       This is just the beginning.
                                                                                                         An anti-secular Gene,      
P.S. This has nothing to do with color; it has everything to do with political philosophy. I outgrew being a semi-racist when I was in my 20s. Actually, I think that Nancy Polisi (an Italian, I believe, is far more dangerous.
P.P.S. I'm looking forward to hearing you views.
