Sunday, June 20, 2010

Discovery Institute - Article Database - Specialist for NASA mission demoted, threatened with termination for sharing views on intelligent design

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fwd: Constellation

-----Original Message-----
From: interndc, nelbi (Bill Nelson) 
To: <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 16, 2010 2:45 pm
Subject: Constellation

Hello sir,
We just spoke on the telephone, I'm Max from Sen. Nelson's office. I did a little poking around on the internet and found, I hope, some information that will be helpful to you. The Ares project is the next generation of NASA heavy lifters, and will take over for the heavy lifting capabilities of the Space Shuttles. The Ares would enable NASA to service satellites and the International Space Station. I believe what Sen. Nelson is doing in that letter is asking that the Ares program be continued, since the Constellation program, of which it is a part, has been cancelled. I know that's not much, but if you have more specific questions, please email me back and I will let you know.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fwd: Letter From Sen. Nelson to Sen. Mikulski Regarding FY 2011 NASA Budget | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Jun 15, 2010 1:53 pm
Subject: Letter From Sen. Nelson to Sen. Mikulski Regarding FY 2011 NASA Budget | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens  --- This message was sent by via  Please note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.  Make sharing easier with the AddThis Toolbar: 

Fwd: - Terry Hill

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 10:08 pm
Subject: - Terry Hill has sent you this article.   Terry Hill  Click the following to access the link:  ****************************   NASA Privacy Statement: 

Fwd: - Constellation Main

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Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 10:00 pm
Subject: - Constellation Main has sent you this article.   Constellation Main  Click the following to access the link:  ****************************   NASA Privacy Statement: 

Fwd: - NASA Appoints Constellation Program Managers

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 9:58 pm
Subject: - NASA Appoints Constellation Program Managers has sent you this article.   NASA Appoints Constellation Program Managers - 06.14.10  Lawrence D. Thomas has been appointed manager of NASA's Constellation Program,  which manages the effort to take humans beyond low-Earth orbit and develop the  next generation launch vehicle and spacecraft.  Click the following to access the link:  ****************************   NASA Privacy Statement: 

Monday, June 14, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 9:35 am

                          OBAMA'S PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM
  by Richard DePersio,

       Far more then a white lie. Obama promises a heavy-lifter by 2015 which will
lead to manned missions to asteroids, Mars and the moons of Mars beginning
in 2025. No stated purpose for heavy-lifter between those two years. It is
impossible to built a heavy-lifter in five years, especially, when he is laying-off                            virtually all Shuttle and Constellation scientists, engineers and technicians for they         
are the ones with the expertise in heavy-lifting and manned spaceflight. Constellation's
Ares heavy-lifter will be operational in 2017 - give or take a year and if we prevent
Constellation from being cancelled.
       1.25 trillion went down a presidential black hole in two failed stimulus packages
and Freddie and Fannie are sink holes. We've invested $9 billion in Constellation.
Will that go down self-same presidential black hole!?! It is the reason that we could
have a heavy-lifter by 2017 not 2015 by starting from scratch! Presidents Kennedy,
Johnson, Nixon, Reagan and Bush - chronologically and literally - in that order were
strongly committed to NASA and Bush to large-scale commercial investment in
space programs of their own. Obama wants to shift NASA's focus from space to
green pseudo-science.
       Recently, private sector SpaceX reached an altitude of 135 miles after three failed
attempts with a 'dummy' capsule. It claims that it will be ready to bring cargo to ISS
in early 2012 and astronauts in early 2014. It doesn't even posses blueprints for a
spacecraft and this is 2010! It recently informed fed gov that it requires an additional
$1 billion cost over-run) (c to reach an the altitude of 185 miles - location of ISS - and           lift 55,000 pounds like Space Shuttle. NASA wasn't cost-effective prior to 1992 but
shuttles were upgraded between 1992-97 and became over 90% cost-effective and
each of the three shuttles are certified for over 75 more flights. SpaceX also
indicated that it might have to limit it to 25,000 pounds - we will have to pay them to
do in two flights what the shuttle can do in one.
       Unlike the president, we're Capitalists and realists. SpaceX should be granted
more time to do it right - effectively, efficiently and SAFELY!   Extend the lifespan
of the shuttle for two to two and a half years - no more in order to be on the safe side.
ORIGINAL PROPOSAL: NASA/Boeing have blueprints for a mini-Orion (not
the one without blueprints which Obama proposed) but it was cancelled during R & D
phase (NASA s criticized for not completing ISS on schedule, it would have if it has         mini-Orion), resurrect it and it should be operational in 2 to 2 and a half years and be
able to lift over 35,000 pounds to ISS. PREVIOUS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL: Civilian
version of unmanned X-37B should be operational in less then two years (let's call
it "CONSTITUTION" when it becomes operational n order to drive liberals crazy!) and
manned version in 3 years or less (if estimates on the Air Force 'secret' program are
in the ball park).
        What about SpaceX's Falcon 9? Give it 3 to 4 years to begin cargo flights on a
limited basis and  5 to 6 years for limited number of manned flights. It should assume
nearly full control and responsibility (with NASA's watchful eye - eye opened             
wider on manned missions) by 2017 and virtual autonomy by 2021. Further, it should
immediately begin working with NASA and Boeing, as well as, NASA and Air Force
(recent directive allows for greater cooperation between NASA and military). Mini-Orion
should become Boeing/SpaceX project and unmanned and manned Constitutions
SpaceX programs (We spoke about NASA and Air Force using a different version in
original proposal concerning GPS previously).
        The astronautic-ally-challenged think that Constellation represents a step backward
by using Apollo/Saturn and Shuttle technologies and not cutting-edge technology.
Point One: it isn't using but building on those successful technologies which is smart
and cost-effective. Point two: Cutting-edge - how's this for you: 'artificial' gravity; solar
power-generation (that should please 'hockey sticks'); ion rocket engine; nuclear fusion
reactor (recently, the first fission power plant opened up since Three-Mile-Island. How sad.
We have had the technology to build much safer fission plants for over 15 years but
liberals wouldn't allow it - they love American energy dependence. It is estimated that
we can have even safer, less costly and -for cattle farters- non-greenhouse gas-producing
fusion plants between 2030-35. NASA and Constellation can accelerate process toward
energy independence by enabling us o have fusion a lot sooner). 
       Neil Armstrong and many other prominent people oppose Obama space plan
and suspect that he giving up America's number one position in space - pure science
and all the benefits - - NASA in your home, car, office, farm, factory, hospital. SAVE
CONSTELLATION - find plan at: and more info at that website
and his website in order to prepare for battle! Don't let NASA fade to black. Re-REBUTTAL: THE OBAMA PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM Re-REBUTTAL: THE OBAMA PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM

NASA order may force shutdown of Constellation moon-rocket program – The Write Stuff – Orlando Sentinel

RED ALERT: GO TO: for info in key members of
congress and how to do so.

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2010 7:13 am

OPPONENTS AT: & sri-philosophy-chapter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Re-Rebuttal: THE OBAMA PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM
                                by Richard DePersio

How will Obama built a heavy-lifter in 5 years starting from scratch? Obama BIG White Lie! Over $1 trillion down presidential black hole with 2 failed stimulus packages. Fannie and Freddie are sink holes. $10 billion invested in CONSTELLATION down self-same black hole. Obama plan: U.S. will never leave earth orbit. CONSTELLATION'S Ares heavy- lifter will be ready in 2017 - give or take a year. Obama: Heavy- lifter will lead to manned missions to asteroids, Mars, moons of moons. It's Ares or we relinquish our dominance in space. He has no intention of keeping his space word SpaceX claims it will carry 55,000 pounds of cargo to ISS altitude of 185 miles like Space Shuttle in early 2012 if it receives additional $1 billion from fed gov (cost-over-run), otherwise, 25,000 pounds to altitude of 135 miles - useless! It states that it will begin manned flights in early 2014! We are Capitalist unlike the president. We want SpaceX's Falcon 9 to be successful, efficient and safe; we don't won't it to undergo pressure to realize an unrealistic timetable. Due to large-scale upgrades between 1992-97 Space Shuttle became 90% cost-effective and each shuttle has been certified for 150 more flights. Most experts are recommending that shuttle be extended for 2 to 3 years to be on safe side no more then that. SpaceX doesn't have a blueprint for a spacecraft; it orbited a 'dummy.' Original Proposal 1: NASA and Boeing have a blueprint for a mini-Orion and were doing R & D on it when it became a victim of budget cuts. ISS would have been completed on schedule had this cargo vessel not been canceled. We're confident it could be flight-ready in 2 to 3 years. Original Proposal 2: It is reasonable to assume that X-37B will be operational in 2 years if it already isn't. Certainly, civilian version could be ready in 2 years. Due to new directive NASA can work more closely with  military. Speculated manned version in 3 to 3 1/2 years as a joint NASA/Air Force with classified safeguards. Falcon 9 can begin limited cargo flights in 4 years and manned flights in 6 if NASA-certified. It should begin working with NASA and Boeing and NASA and Air Force immediately. NASA should turn over mini- Orion and x-37b (let's call it CONSTITUTION when it becomes operational in order to drive liberals crazy!) to Boeing/SpaceX and virtual autonomy for earth orbital missions. (We have plans regarding modified unmanned Constitution and GPS). SRI, we hope that he isn't a real Rev., we don't want to wind up in a black hole!Another thing: Obamo wants to shift NASA focus from space to green pseudo- science. Look at NASA record: Unique gov program $7 return in pure science and spin- offs, applications (technology for our economic engine and it's budget is only .5 % of total federal budget - NASA in your home, car, office, factory, farm, hospital) for $1 budgeted. Rev., we saw your critique of NASA on Facebook. Don't strike me with a bolt of lightning for telling truth...was that thunder? Now, hat we finally get a chance at; RE- REBUTTAL. CONSTELLATION represents a step backward for it is using Apollo/Saturn and Space Shuttle technologies. Not so. It is building in those proven technologies which is cost-effective while it develops cutting-edge technology: 'artificial' gravity; solar power-generation (hockey- sticks should like that) ion rocket engine (which may be used on Mars mission and is part of CONSTELLATION program); (as is) fusion reactor. Energy independence: is estimated that we will have safe, much less- expensive then fission, non-greenhouse gas-producing (another one for the cattle farts; excuse my language in case you are a real Rev.) between 2030-35. NASA could accelerate that process. A NASA engineer - we won't mention his name - says we have to purge ourselves of the present top NASA administrators and the NASA can enjoy a stellar future. With Obama plan: we fade to black. -Richard DePersio (former, space researcher; former, museum educator - Thanks, SRI, this article will appear here first, we should combine our efforts and create something bigger and better. we have ideas). Re-REBUTTAL: THE OBAMA PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM Re-REBUTTAL: THE OBAMA PHANTOM SPACE PROGRAM: "starting"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The unmanned 'secret' Air Force X-31B is more maneuverable then a satellite. President                    Eisenhower wanted NASA to to be a civilian agency with very little involvement with                                                             the military when he created it in 1958. But, now we are at war with terrorists. Last year, in a
translucent manner China made it clear that it might choose to militarize space which
would make our GPS system used by the military vulnerable. Now, everyone uses it,                                       including, China. They have chosen to build one of their own in order not to be dependent on us.
Nutritious food for thought:  X-31B might replace or back-up GPS for reason given in
sentence one. Temporary reposition when it becomes a target.

Obama NASA plan is bad for America. Hero and expert Neil Armstrong agrees with me.
My opinion: He will shrink his plan and substantially reduce NASA's budget Commercial
space ventures will be dependent on gov NASA and NSF for a long time. He will be as
faithful to NASA as he is to the Constitution.

Monday, June 7, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 7:23 pm

                               by Richard DePersio
  - six websites; NASA_Ares at Facebook & rickaddsite-nasa-official at
                        Twitter; YouTube: Rickaddsite).

Publisher's Note: Rick drives me to the eleventh dimension! A supplement before
not after and a title within a title that we all know is a plug but we humor him in order
to preempt him from humoring us for the thousandth time with: I hate to play the
sympathy card but I'm disabled and homebound. I must say that his English teachers
would faint at our maverick but he is ours and unpredictable. He wouldn't give a
Tinker's Damn for while Rick is a college graduate, he had no use for school but
prides himself in his self-education though he hates learning - he's fond of saying:
Too much dang work. Why can't I be stupid like everyone else!
He submitted for our consideration a theory and proposals in: "The Mystery Flight of
April 23." I just plugged it! He so enjoys to plug all over cyber-space what he considers
his best articles. Unfortunately, he thinks that they're all his best!
A lot of what moderate-conservative and conservative journalists and commentators
began talking about in April of 2009, he began talking about in 1993 (the Liberal plan).                        Last year, he wrote a 4-part series on the Oboma Oligarchy about a month before Beck                    and others spoke or wrote it. He's cheap and he owes me $10! He stated: "Perish the
thought that anyone perceive me as anything but modest. You tell the Readers about
it for I've already done it a thousand times.
And, now, he continues with space or space policy or space politics...
          "Mutually beneficial: Partner with the Department of Defense
           and commercial space launch companies to reap the benefits
           of economics of scale from a common national engine."
                       Point 5 in 6 Point plan issued by NASA in May, 2010.

       Obama claims that he wants to revitalize NASA and is expanding it's budget by
a WHOPPING (sarcasm) $6 billion over 5 years. MISLEADING: What else can we
expect and it's far more then a little white lie. He cut NASA's budget by $2.5 billion for
fiscal 2010 which means the increase is: 3.5 billion. He claims that he favors
ambitious manned exploration programs while cutting their treasuries and shifting NASA's
focus to green pseudo-science.
      He wants to cancel CONSTELLATION after we've spent $10 billion on it (why not?                         He wasted trillions of dollars on two failed stimulus packages!). and eliminate
over 90% of the managers, scientists, engineers and technicians with the expertise                 associated with the manned space flight shuttle and CONSTELLATION programs- only                          a small fraction of which will be hired by the new space companies for they aren't                         NASA-sized                and are taking a totally different approach to orbital flight then the           experience     shuttle and CONSTELLATION personell.Ten billion, experience and                     expertise down a presidential black hole!
      He utilizes flowery and stimulating verbiage in talking about missions to asteroids,
Mars, the moons of Mars without a plan. He will have to start from scratch if he abandons
shuttle and CONSTELLATION. Does anyone with half a brain or more think that he will
commit the sums of money necessary to accomplish his lofty goals. The money will go
to the sink holes: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac!
      Recently, SpaceX successfully launched  it's rocket Falcon 9 into earth orbit -
on the fourth try; the others failed to reach orbit due to engineering problems. Granted
NASA had it's share of failed test flights but on the very same day it successfully tested
the Ares 1-X (part of Constellation program) on first try. Falcon reached an altitude of 135                  miles. It is not yet capable of reaching height of 185 where International Space Station
is located. Yet, they claim that they will be able to transport materials to and from ISS in
a year and a half and NASA astronauts in 2 and a half years or less.We are with those
who wish to extend life of shuttle for two years.This writer's theory (read: "The Mystery                       Flight of April 23" No gay) replace shuttle with upgraded Air force X-37B (read point 5 above).                     NASA and Boeing wanted to build a mini-Orion (part of BIG-C and not to be confused with                     Obama unmanned mini-Orion for rescue missions) for rescue missions, unmanned cargo flights
and full-time replacement for Orion-large when it had to concentrate full-time on 
preparing and conducting missions beyond earth orbit. It didn't receive funding.
       It's time for the numbers game. NASA wasn't cost-effective (it cost a lot more per
pound to lift astronauts and cargo then envisioned prior to 1992). It made changes to the
three shuttles between 1992 and 1995 which rendered them over 90% cost-effective.
The shuttle can carry 55,000 pounds to ISS, Ares 1 will be able to carry 25,000 pounds
but it's primary responsibility is to carry astronauts. Ares 5 is the planned heavy-lifter:
414,000 pounds!(for those who are keeping  score: Saturn 5, 475,000).Falcon 9 between
23,000 and 58,000 - will it be closer to lower or higher figure - - that will depend on
how much of the additional $1 billion that they are requesting of NASA, they will get.! Fannie                    calling.
      There are those who harbor opinion that NASA is just using Apollo and Shuttle
technology when we need NASA to be more cutting-edge for the sake of economy. Two
points for the astronautically-challenged: 1) it is building on those technologies - smart
and cost-effective and 2) It is developing new technologies. NASA has begun tests
involving 'artificial' gravity and ion propulsion (as a mater of fact, an unmanned probe is
going to orbit! two asteroids -what NASA precision! - using ion rocket engines for the
first time - CONSTELLATION people eagerly studying data but might not be around much
longer if you don't do what was recommended in "Package"). Solar energy-generation (that
should please 'hockey sticks'! And, a nuclear light/heat- generator, a nuclear reactor                            similar to those used on nuclear subs, Vasimr 3 ion rocket engine.
     Which brings us to NERVA (1963-1973) a joint NASA, Atomic Energy Commission,
Los Alamos Labs, Westinghouse project to create nuclear fusion propulsion. Remember:
It and ion propulsion are faster and cheaper then chemical which we have used in space
program since day one. In 1968, they were successful. The NRX/NE was certified Moon/
Mars qualified. Next Step: Saturn S-N; Saturn third stage would go nuclear for Mars
mission in 1978 and completion of permanent moon base by 1981. President Nixon
was a space enthusiast but congress was controlled by liberals who wanted to spend
more on failed social programs, in spite of BIG Apollo 11. Again, Obama is lying: we
will never leave earth orbit again. He's the first president to travel the world insulting
America and apologize for alleged American mistakes in the past. Presidents should
talk up their country when with company. Why doesn't he talk about how more countries
are free thanks to us then thanks to the other nations of the world combined, our
government gives more humanitarian aid then all foreign nations combined and
Americans per capita give more to help needy in other countries then any other country,
and we foot 25% of the cost of the useless U.N....Oops, he's A.D.D.-ing...someone
point him right direction...Obama would be pleased if we want from number one in space
with all the economic ramifications thereof to second or third or fourth place. He's
a Constitutional Criminal and under his leadership (?)  America is fading to black...Save                          it for another article...NASA on a small-scale has over the past few years come up
with designs predicated on NRX/NE. Why is it important? It will save money and                                     can be used in CONSTELLATION Program and more.
       More proposals. Resurrect NERVA Program. Is it necessary to refurbish their
facilities and bring their living - only living - personal out of retirement. We have data.
It wouldn't hurt and it just might help and it would be space nostalgic and dramatic. A couple
of years ago, we saw a documentary and one of the engineers visited the testing site
for first time since project ended. He was proud as he pointed to decaying tank  and
said that here was where conclusive tests were conducted. We can spruce it up and
finish the job. Was he kidding? There couldn't be Saturn S-N, NASA was told by liberals:
you won't get funding for shuttle the only remaining item on you wish list if you don't
destroy Apollo and Saturn blueprints. This reporter always figured that copies were
hidden at NASA or NASA people took files home with them in spite of silly liberal-
democrat order. The NASA boys were angry with lib-sissies. Ares is building on
the technology.Last year, the first fission power plant opened since Three Mile Island which is
unfortunate since we had the technology to construct much safer ones  ten or more years ago
It is hoped that we can built nuclear fusion plants between 2030 and 2035 which would
be extremely safe, less expensive and for those were worried about cattle farts doesn't
produce greenhouse gases. NASA could accelerate process of developing the technology
and contribute toward energy independence.
      Let's recap: ion and nuclear propulsion for CONSTELLATION but funds lacking?
Revive NERVA. Bring back all members of NERVA Team, including, ghosts! 
Here's a new one: Do both - mini-Orion and modified X-37B. We told you in: "The
Mystery Flight of April 23" why we believe manned version could be ready
in two years or less. Shuttle lives to 2013; X-37B replaces it in that year. It will
need a proper name when it goes from experimental to operational: CONSTITUTION
(that will drive 'progressive living constitutional' liberals crazy!).
      What about cost of oriiginal theory and proposals here and you know where?
Rumor has it that Obama was told don't increase NASA budget by $3 billion per
year over 5 years (not that he would) for if you do NASA will have heavy-lifter Ares
in 2017 give or take a year, would be able to return to moon in 2020 like President
Bush hoped. He's proposing $1.2O billion a year over 5 years while this science                        journalist's proposals would require $1.25 over 7 years and then frozen or, preferably,
$150 to 250 million per year thereafter. Citizen Reporter wants Project SETI which
wasn't a part of NASA except for a few years during early '90's, the other Winner
Clinton canceled it and continued on it's own. Get it back and have budget go north
by $15 to 25 million over three years. Cooperation: NASA and Air Force should combine
their talents as regards vulnerability of GPS system.
      What about Falcon? It can continue. We just want to give it more time and not
feel pressured. Safety is crucial. They should be able to conduct a limited number of cargo
missions...Hold it! this guy doesn't wish to generate the wrong impression. This reporter
is a BIG CAPITALIST and a REAL CAPITALIST unlike the Marxist guy on Pennsylvania                Avenue. Americans are the most creative, inventive, ingenuous people in the Cosmos!
Limited number of cargo missions in 2 and half to 3 years, take-over cargo missions
in 4; Transport NASA astronauts in 5 years, take over in 7. No other nation cold do it!
Whether, they continue Falcon or not, they should get involved with shuttle immediately and declassified version of X-37B when available. mini-Orion should be completely turned over to
them in 4 and Constitution in 7. Overtime, they will update systems and replace systems
with cutting-edge technology.
     Calling all Cyber-friends. S.O.S. Save Our Shuttle. Save Our Constellation.
                 "The most beautiful experiences we can have is the mysterious. It
                  is the fundamental emotion which stand at the the cradle of true art
                  and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer
                  wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed."
                                                                                                            Al Einstein
Don't let him take it away from us. Don't let him make things go dark.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fwd: Orion Lite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Jun 6, 2010 7:46 pm
Subject: Orion Lite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  --- This message was sent by via  Please note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.  Make sharing easier with the AddThis Toolbar: - NASA's Ares 1-X Vs. the World's Tallest Rockets

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How Capt. Kirk Changed the World - NASA Science

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RICKADDSITE sent you a video: "NASA's canceled spacecraft and rockets, Orion and Ares 1-X"

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NASA has been busy planning for a new spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), to be able to rendezvous with the ISS and then to take a crew back to the moon in conjunction with the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM). A Crew Launch Vehicle, named Ares I, derived from the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) will deliver the CEV to low Earth Orbit (LEO) while a larger rocket, Ares 5, will deliver ISS cargo of the LSAM to LEO. Once in LEO, the CEV and LSAM will dock and a J-2X Earth Departure Stage (EDS) will deliver the CEV/LSAM to Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) at 100 km. The EDS is discarded and CEV/LSAM temporarily decouple. The LSAM then performs the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) to deliver the LSAM to the lunar surface will all 4 astronauts onboard. After some amount of time on the surface, an ascent stage from the LSAM boosts the crew back to LLO and the ascent stage docks with the unattended CEV. The ascent stage is discarded and the service module section of the CEV boosts... more
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RICKADDSITE sent you a video: "The First Mission to Mars"

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RICKADDSITE has shared a video with you on YouTube:

A Mars Direct-style mission featuring the Ares V rocket.
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RICKADDSITE sent you a video: "Conceptual Mars mission using 3 VASIMR engines"

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RICKADDSITE has shared a video with you on YouTube:

This is NASA's conceptual human mission to Mars using 3 plasma rockets (VASIMR), 3 nuclear reactors (similar to the reactors used on nuclear submarines). The reactors are extended on booms in order to minimize the amount of shielding required to shield the spacecraft.

The large fuel tanks would provide shielding astronauts against radiation from the Van Allen belts during the Earth departure phase and also against cosmic radiation once outside the influence of Earth's magnetic field.

An electric propulsion thruster such as VASIMR would provide a faster travel time compared to using chemical rockets. The VASIMR engines would speed up the spacecraft towards Mars and then slow down the spacecraft once past the half way point from Earth to Mars. Ion engines in general provide a low amount of thrust (up to several Newtons or tens of Newtons), but do so for many hours or months. In this way, a spacecraft with a given mass can continually speed up and attain veloci... more
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Thursday, June 3, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 1:11 pm

                                  ORIGINAL THEORY and PROPOSALS
                             FUTURE PACKAGE: CONGRESS; BIG ONE:
                    "THE MYSTERY FLIGHT OF APRIL 23"; "Re Rebuttal"

NASA and the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION are the scientific/technological
engines are economy. We live in a Post-Industrialized or Service Economy and
no longer an Industrialized or Manufacturing Economy. We should have had
primarily a Service Economy with a strong Manufacturing base but that was
destroyed by unions. Can we maintain our technological edge and have a
moderate resurgence in manufacturing it depends on NASA. We must call for
the restoration of the NASA of the 1960's (visit: and read - "NASA in
Our Home," "NASA Technology" and "NASA History"). NASA only receives a
paltry 1/2 of one per cent of federal budget and that just won't cut it, especially,
since, we get a $7 return on each dollar budgeted NASA - no government
department or agency or program can make that claim. There have been two
failed stimulus packages - most Americans are only aware of one do to fancy
liberal footwork. we must cut spending in real terms and reduce the growth of
spending in others. However, when it comes to national and domestic security -
some frozen, some growing. NASA should be the exception: the non-security -
in a direct sense - which necessitates growth.

It is our hope that after your read PACKAGE that you will call each of the key
members of congress every month until October, it might take until February.

Big NASA proponents: call the offices of Senators Shelby's (R; Alabama; 202-224-
5744) and Nelson's (D; Florida; 202-224-5274).
Believe it: staff members pay attention, especially, in an election year.

Senate Budget Committee: Chairman: Conrad - 202-224-3324; Ranking Member:
Greg - 202-224-2043
House Budget Committee: Chairman: Sprat - 202-225-5501; Ranking Member:
Ryan - 202-225-3031

Also contact every month, your two senators and congressman. You need not
know their names but you must know the name of the state in which you live!
Senate Operator: 202-224-3121...............................House Operator: 202-226-7200
Actually, yo can get all info from Senate Operator.

"The MYSTERY FLIGHT of APRIL 23" follows. The last component of package is
"Re Rebuttal." Visit: for rebuttal.
We are also associated with and
don't forget: rickcosmos-eclectic


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:14 pm

                                 Subtitle: WE GOT A PLAN
                                     by Richard DePersio                                                             "Cosmic Trinity": plus NASA_Ares 
(Facebook), nasa-ares, rickaddsite-nasa-ares-nasa-ares-facebook-link (official NASA-                    Associate), YouTube: Rickaddsite (mosly, NASA-related material)         (Companion piece: "A VISION OF AMERICA'S NASA'S FUTURE" AT: YouTube:                                      Rickkaddsite; check out: "Nick..."too;

Fact: NASA and Boeing were working on X-37B a mini-drone (controlled from ground;
unmanned) space shuttle in 1993 to carry supplies, equipment, experiments to
ISS (International Space Station; our station, we paid most of the cost, as usual -
worth it but to think that we might be denied access to it by the president who
travels the world putting down America and who  learned science from Al Gore!;
we also pay the bulk of the cost of the useless U.N. and the cold-war relic - NATO...
is my A.D.D. showing again!?!) and return materials to the earth. There were those
who complained that NASA was behind schedule  in completing
station - that wouldn't have been the case if it had the X-37B. It lost it due to
budget cuts and was taken over by the military which always wanted a military
space plane...don't ask them...they'll deny it. It was the X-37B which was tested
on April 23 (This reporter saw it 'live' on Fox News - the only network which isn't
liberal-biased and gives all points-of-view) and the 'secret' launch was televised!
All the military would say was that it would A) Carry new technology for testing
purposes before possibly being used in future satellites and B) lift components
and subsystems into orbit (presumably, for assembly). They denied that it was in
response to last year's Chinese missile knocking out one of it's own satellites -
China claimed that the 'faulty' satellite had to be terminated because it might crash
in a populated area - - many foreign observers, including, American suspected
that China was signalling that it would have no compunction militarizing space if
it so choose (think about comsats and weather sats, especially, GPS during a
war). The Air Force (did you know that it's only the Air Force and CIA that have U.S.
missile programs!) has been developing it since '94; how many tests have they
had?; is it nearly operational? Speculation has it that the X-37B which is about
one- third the size of the shuttle could be expanded to carry 2 or 4 'military'
astronauts (we never had those). The military gives that question a BIG "No 
1) Most Shuttle, Space Station and CONSTELLATION scientists, engineers and
    technicians, as well as, many members of congress want the Space Shuttle
    extended for two years (the green president wants it cancelled).( NASA is a
    unique government component - you actually get a return on your investment!
    It is estimated the for every  dollar invested in NASA - which receives about
    1/2 of 1% of the federal budget that we get approximatively $7 back in pure
    science and technology - applications and sin-offs: NASA in you phone,
    pacemaker, microwave, T.V., car, office, farm, factory, hospital. It is 
    imperative that we cut federal spending in real terms in certain areas and
    we reduce the growth of spending in others, including, so-called entitlement
    programs. We must freeze and, in some cases, grow spending in departments,
    agencies and programs having to do with national and domestic security.
    NASA must be the exception. It only receives a pittance compared to it's
    hay days back in the '60s. It is our main scientific/technological engine of
    our economy but it must be BIGGER again...tangent?..I'm again!).
    The danger factor as regards the aging shuttle fleet.All Mercury, Gemini, Apollo,
    Skylab astronauts (commanders and pilots) were former test pilots as are
    shuttle astronauts (although, some might be a notch below: fighter pilots) and                             
    all have the "RIGHT STUFF." Exceptions: one Apollo astronaut was a
    scientist-astronaut as were a couple in Skylab; there are - unless, we do
    something, probably were - many in the the shuttle and the name has been
    changed to mission specialist and a new breed known as payload specialist
     usually an engineer dedicated to  one activity or experiment. Spaceflight
    is dangerous business. Talk of it becoming routine back in the '8'0's was
    premature to say the least. Commercial spaceflights like airliners can
    potentially become routine by 2020 or sooner. Due to delays with respect to
    R & D, the space shuttle no longer represented cutting edge technology when it
    first flew in the early '80's...I'll get back to the mission specialists...I caught
    myself...I'm wasn't implying that they necessarily didn't have the "RIGHT 
    STUFF...Unlike other areas of NASA due to budget cuts causing R & D
    problems, it was predicated on '60's and '70's technology. All shuttles enjoyed
    '80's-level technology in virtually all of their systems and subsystems by the
    mid-'90's. Today, they're pretty much up-to-date. We must expend the lifespan of
    the shuttle for two years during which time, we continue to upgrade it and, if,
    possible, have it test Orion command and service components, after all, your
    president said that he would 'tolerate' a mini-lifeboat version of Orion - not that
    Ruskkies would hold our astronauts hostage even in the event of war; they                         
    always have one at the ready- which also doubles as a cargo vessel. We extend
    longevity of shuttle, would astronauts fly it? I'm confident that 95% of commanders
    and pilots would...I told you that I would get back to it, people don't have
    enough confidence in me...and 50% of mission specialists. No problem. We are
    only talking about 7 to 10 flights over two years - we must evaluate feasibility
    and budgetary constraints. Your president extends life of space station from
    2015 to 2020 to humiliate U.S. Americans have flown aboard Soyuz and Russians
    aboard shuttle - no problem. This president like progressive Wilson doesn't have
    deep love of country - yes, I'm questioning level of patriotism, Obama hasn't to
    he best of my knowledge  instituted sedition yet like Wilson - nor a profound
    interest in American history and Constitutional Law. FDR wanted to reinvent
    America, damaged it severely, but I think loved it and respected what it had been.
    Obama is the first president to travel the world for the purpose of knocking U.S.
    Human beings - and they were American - walking on a heavenly celestial body
    for the first time - - we won the space race and dramatically demonstrated to
    the world the superiority of our space technology and indirectly our military
    technology - for the two technologies are related. We will have to beg Russia
    (whom we beat) to fly us to our space station (international, my foot, we footed
    most of the cost) and they've made it clear that they will charge an astronomical
    price. What if they refuse to fly us or fly us when we need to be flown, Do you
    think that this president - bowing: how low can he go - will have the Bs to tell
    Russia to keep their putin hands off of our station - he's no Bush. Worse yet,
    riding our banker's Shenizhou! Obama wants the private sector to carry tourists
    and astronauts to and from space station. Unlike Obama, this reporter is a
    capitalist and not a Marxist and he is also realistic. The private sector would
    have to do R & D with NASA for at least 4 years to develop a vehicle followed
    by at least 2 years of tests flights. It will become operational and relatively
    independent but not completely of NASA and transporting our astronauts and 
    cargo to and from space station in 2015 or 16  or 17 after 6 years of humiliation. And,
    further, there is no guarantee that national and international commitment to
    station will last until 2020. You're right, sometimes, the writer wears science
    hat and, sometimes, political hat.
2) We made the case for extending the space shuttle. And, now for a proposal that
    we haven't heard elsewhere: what about the X-37B. The Air Force has been
    secretly working on it since '94. Allowing launch to be televised would serve to
    indicate hat components had been tested on the ground followed by sub-orbital
    flights followed by orbital ones. They showed confidence in it via T.V. could a
    modified version - modified for security reasons - be employed by NASA within
    a year to ship materials to and from station? Would it surprise anyone if the
    Air Force had blueprints for, and more then that has a mock-up of a 2- or 4-
    manned version? And, further, that it is prepared to conduct a suborbital flight.
    Mercury, Gemini and Apollo had unmanned suborbital tests prior to human
    occupancy. The shuttle was the exception. The military will have to come-up
    with a cover story. Telemetry: Russia, China and other countries would know that
    men were aboard. It's being developed to repair military satellites? Russia, China
    and U.S. have military sats and sats that are used for military purposes and it hasn't
    been considered a violation of the international treaty on the militarization of space.
    Pleasant surprise: have NASA astronauts fly it and hen thumb our nose at Russia
    and China. NASA should go with less expensive 2-manned version. Green
    president wants to shift focus of NASA from space science to 'hockey stick.'
    We can't afford to be too pushy. Outlandish? This reporter contends that
    speculation has been plausible and reasonable.
3) Don't cancel "Constellation" Program. The Ares 1 heavy-lift rocket was suppose                                                                      n  to be operational by 2015 and Americans were suppose to return to the moon as part                                                           
    of an international team with the EU or EO and Russia. Forget about it! We will do
    it with our real friends: England, Canada, Australia and Isreal (?), Georgia, Check
    Republic and Poland and our semi friends: Quirter and UAE (because they have
    green stuff. We would pay 50% of the cost, Quitar and UEA - 27%, England and
    Canada - 18%, Isreal, Georgia, Check Republic and Poland - 5%. $s would determine
    where facilities wouuld be built and how many, level of responsibility, number of seats
     and backup seats per country. We wold get the most, of course. We would be
    in charge, of course. We would develop certain technology separately from the
    so that are private sector can eventually benefit from it! Obama plan wouldn't
    put us in charge, he is diminishing us in prestige. Israel might very well be our
    best friend in the world. Although, president with Muslim roots is jeopardizing
    that relationship. Every president from Truman to Bush has claimed a balanced
   approach as regards Middle East while in reality learning slightly in Israel's favor.
   He's leaning the other direction. Or, we can say to Muslims: "Play ball if you want                                                    n to be on the winning team!" The other being the EUU or the EU and Russia. China,                                 n India and Japan are question marks. It might help peace process. Buzz Aldrin likes                     n Obama's plan and is in minority,
   as far as, former astronauts, including, even BIGGER WORLD-HERO ARMSTRONG.
   We hate to say this but he seems to have lost it. Recently, we saw clip of him
   on wresting show (He did suffer a nervous breakdown after his return to earth).
   About a month ago, he wrote an about Russia's Soyuz and A2 rocket which they
   have been sing since late '60's - it has been modernized and upgraded a number
   of times put never with cutting-edge technology, otherwise, it might necessitate
   a name or number change. He praised this approach and indicated that it would
   be good for us. We've been there. Gemini was 90% based on Mercury and Apollo
   25% based on Gemini. Mercury was atop Atlas and Gemini - Titan. Slight 
   modifications were made to Titan from what we learned from Atlas. Saturn 1B
   and Saturn V were rockets in truest sense. They weren't modified missiles like
   Atlas and Titan. Our first space station, Skylab, consisted of the Apollo command
   and services modules, the lunar lander and a Saturn V third stage outfitted with
   equipment and experiments instead of containing fuel. The shuttle was brand-new.
   What's wrong with building on it? In another article, Buzz states that "Constellation"
   is based on Apollo and Shuttle. We need brand-new cutting edge technology. Buzz
   is a rocket scientist, this writer has a lot of nerve disagreeing with Buzz but while
   about 75% of Program takes Apollo and Shuttle technology up a few notches which
  is good from a safety perspective, it also involves cutting edge technological
   development in areas like solar energy-generation (that should please hockey
  pucks), nuclear energy-generation, ion propulsion, medical equipment, space suits,
   construction and more - much of which will find applications on Terra fer-ma.
4)Let's be practical - money! We should forgo years building and using a moon base.
  We're not talking abandoning moon.For technical and budgetary reasons, we                                    pole and artic circle and the moon's backside at the antartic circle with a satellite in
  orbit high above moon so that astronauts can keep in touch with home for 5 weeks.
  Up to 5 follow-up missions will take place if NASA can justify returning to a particular
  site one or more times or returning to more then one site. The EU and Russia have
  made it clear that they are bypassing moon. China and Japan are competing for
  moon ehile India is an unknown. Will these counties join EU or EU/Russia for Mars?
  Russia and EU have also made it clear that they will test technology on the ground
  in earth orbit (how many times?) and in Martian orbit (how many times?). Similar
  to approach we took in Apollo. Under Bush plan: tests on ground, in earth and lunar
  orbits and at moon bas. He wanted a moon base for two reasons: scientific and
  technological (developing new technologies, including, technologies for Mars mission.
  No test missions in Martian orbit prior to a landing.
5)Orion Version One was to replace shuttle. We will leave that to commercial sector.
  Orion Version 2 with 4 astronauts for moon and Version 3 carrying 6 for Mars. 
  MISSION 1: Ion propulsion - round trip - - 3 months; landing site - equator - - length
  of stay - - - 1 & 1/2 to 3 months. Mission 2: Same as MISSION 1 except landing
  site between Martian north pole and arctic circle. MISSION 3: Same as 2 except
  south. MISSION 4 or 4 and 5 (depending on budget constraints): Round trip 6 months;
  length of stay 1 & 1/2 to 2 years. Where? Missions 1, 2 and 3 will dictate that.
  Bush and Obama called for a Martian mission in 2035. Due to big savings on moon
  base, we can up that to between 2030 and 2033. We might decide to begin building
  a moon base in 2035 and a Mars base in 2033 or 2037. Obama calls for a
  manned landing on an asteroid in 2025. Why not? We can consider landing on
  a comet and a moon of Jupiter after 2040. At this point a majority, not a large
  majority, but a majority, nonetheless, speculate that using suspended animation or
  ion propulsion or a combination of both or by using matter/antimatter propulsion
  that we could visit one or more of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons and visit the nearest
  star by 2050 or sooner! And, why not, en route, land on a Plutoid (a large Kuiper-iod) or            nOort comet to boot!


HOUSE BUDGET COMMITTEE: Chairman: (www.-?)
                                                Ranking Member: Ryan
                                                Ranking Member: Greg
House: 202-226-7200                                                         Senate: 202-224-3121

Contact your two senators and one congress. You need not know their but you must
know the state in which you live!
Two BIG NASA proponents: Senators Shelby of Alabama and Nelson of Florida.

Recommendation: Send an email to each of them every month. Tell them to save
"Constellation" and give one good reason. According to law, the budget is suppose to
be completed by Oct. 1 but never is! In September, send an email and speak to
staff member. You might have to do same thing in early December or early January.

Request: Visit: oremail I would prefer that you visit so that you learn about sites
Please become a member of NASA_ares at Facebook and nasa-ares rickaddsite-nasa-
ares, rickaddsite-nasa-ares-official and nasa-ares-facebook-link. Thank you/.