Wednesday, January 26, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: , 2010 2:32 pm

(There is a kernel of truth to promo. CR knew a pilot who saw a Foo Fighter in 1944. In 1947,
incident in Roswell with weather balloon cover story for parachute with a camera to spy on Russia.
A few weeks earlier, a reputable gentleman (his name escapes me) reported seeing what appeared "to be a saucer skimming across water." He wished that he had said "crescent" for that more 
accurately described what he saw. Reporter picked up on it and it has been flying saucer ever since.
 Foo seen by British  and American pilots in '44-'45. 
 They were likely secret-advanced-experimental Nazi aircrafts. Reports of flying
sauces in late '40s to mid-'60s were probably U'S. tests of these captured Nazi crafts, our modifications of them, as well as, our own original black projects.
 As war ended, more German scientists, engineers and technicians opted to
surrender to U.S. then Russia. And, further, we got more of their crafts, including, V!s and V2s
and files then did Russia. American black projects explain UFOs except for loony tunes!).

This is the Night Owl Show with me, your DJ Hawkeye, and your favorite announcer, Spearchucker
John, coming to you from the lodge on the Space
Coast in Florida. News Bulletin: Foo Fighters haver been reported over New Mexico.We are coming     to you not by radar but our super-station transmitter with issues regarding frequency and other  technical matters resolved with and subsequent permission granted by NASA. We hope to be   working with NASA on a host of projects of mutual interest via the new /group/nasa-our-way which       is moving up the charts with a bullet. We have an oldie but a baddy "the muslim brotherhood' backed   up by 71 virgins(and they were hard to find). "Don't Do it" has climbed from 10th to 3rd at /group/yellowfeverlime101 and the /group/sciencerepublicans are debuting their new dance number   "Do the Pulusi. You Better do Her when You are Drunk."We have an email request for Mike's new        a Capella release on the political chart at  We are brought to you    by and YouTube: Rickaddsite. In sports,  rickcosmos has beaten the liberal Huffington Post. And, now the weather, Rick is chillin' in the  hood with George, Abe and Ron at the /group/newfederalism. Orion is flying high over our sister stations at Facebook:. NASA_Ares and     THE Meeting Place and at Twitter: all NASA news, all the time at nasa-ares, nasa-ares-associate, nasa-ares-facebook. Bye, Bye and don't buy Obama gov bonds. 

Friday, January 21, 2011


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 7:06 pm

ANNOUNCER: "We are coming to you live on liberal NBC which had been an arm of
                       the Obama Campaign. Is it?...Is it?...Yes, Yes it is...Ladies and
                       Gentleman, he is going through with it! Here's his sister. Let's see if
                       we can get to her. Diane, I'm with NBC."
DIANE:           "Go F***  yourself. Citizen Reporter thinks those who work....Please
                      don't do it! For the love of NASA, Please don't...", she hollows at brother.
ANNOUNCER: He's checking the equipment and..."
DIANE:           (interrupts) "He thinks those who work at NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS and
                      CNN are either brain-washed or brain-dead. Get away from me."
ANNOUNCER: We have Sara Pallin.
SARA:            "Not surprising the's disgusted on webs and blogs like Move
                      On-ers and Huffingston Posters wishing that he fails, some wishing that                                 he has a heart attack or a stroke. Liberals and the internet. More of them                               say revolting things.. Conservatives do it but not as many and their rarely                               as mean-spirited as bleeding heart liberals. Ya betcha"                                    ANNOUNCER: "We are doing this in red because what Citizen Reporter is doing is                                     dangerous. Please don't try it at home.                                                   SkyNews Reporter (from UK) "It could get bloody messy. We have a bloody exclusive.                     He didn't want 'No Brains Service' is how it he referred to NBC. I don't                                    believe that the chap is fond of them! His friends in America where it's                                    live on the ScienceChannel. There must be confusion for Citizen Reporter                              is known for science, technology, politics, economics, etc. I'm getting a...                              wait...yes...I've received the signal to do the exclusive. Mr. Citizen                                          Reporter, perhaps, Sir. rumor has it that the Queen might make him an                                  honorary lord. His friends in the former colonies and across the pond                                      begged not to attempt -  even his enemies - - and he has far more of                                      them. And, now, his statement. Women are screaming and crying. There                              shouting: 'Please don't do it' while others are pleading that he use a net.                                  I hope that you can hear his statement: 'It's something that I just have to                              do. No net for I am not a sissy boy!. If the worst happens, I want my                                      crying female fans. Terminate the other kind.I  want them to have a lock                                  of my hair to place under their pillows. Not too much - I don't wish to be                                  buried bald like cotex...Kojak. I want my assets to go to Topper, Mariam                                and George and my debits to go to the liberals, socialists and communists                            who hijacked the Democratic Part from Real Democrats. I want my hands                              to go to the pretty young thing in the first row in the micro-mini.'    
Isms or movement...What is he talking about?... Periods or Eras...geology?...What is
Art...Has he taken leave of his senses?...This question  would have been answered 
in almost any epoch in history...History? He'd qualified to write about that. Where safe...
Our word art...That's it. I'm out of here. I must be in a parallel universe. I never thought
that I see the day  that he would write about art. He is definitely going to hurt himself.
I'm not one of those sickos that stares at car accidents. I'm out of here...comes from a
Latin term meaning "skill, way, or method.' In Ancient Times and during the Middle
Ages all kinds of trades and professions were known as arts. The Liberal Arts of the
medieval curriculum included music but neither painting, sculpture, nor architecture, 
which were numbered among the mechanical arts, since they involved making objects
by hand and you apprenticed with a master. At least since the fifteenth century, the          term art has taken  on as its principle characteristics in most societies the requirement of aesthetic appreciation as distinguished from utility. Even if its primary function is           shelter, a great building for example is surely a work of art...
       An explanation: This reporter started studying art, on and off, for the past three.
years. Appropriately, he started with "Art for Dummies." Why. We find ourself curious     about many subjects and must get our feet wet in some and wade neck high in others      And, not to be cultured!!! We aren't cultured and  are proud of the fact. Stick that         particular fork where ever you're so inclined and we don't wish to make the acquaintance of Beethoven! 
       ...We generally associate aesthetic with things pleasurable and beautiful but there
is art and even sculpture, music, plays, novels, film which engender terror or revulsion 
by portraying painful or tragic subjects. Is it the ability to embrace all human experience
that makes it art? Although, most of you would only consider that which is appealing to the
eye as  art   but not so irregular people.
      Why is art made? To celebrate god, glorify the state, overthrow governments, make
people think, or to win fame and fortune? Artists create for all of these reasons and more.
Art created during Ancient Times and during the Middle Ages (until about 1400) often had
a communal purpose and a common language of symbols that was widely understood;     often that communal purpose was linked to religion, ritual and mythology.
     Modern art existed from about 1860-1970 and post-modern from 1970-present. It
would seem to his writer that prior to 1400 if you quarried 10 people on a painting that
you would get one interpretation and, rarely, two. While between around 1400-1860 - 70-%
of the time they would all agree and 25% of the time two interpretations and 5% got           you three. And, there was a 95% likelihood of winning the prize.  And, 
then things got abstract: During Modern Period a painting could invoke 3 or 4 interpretations
from ten people with a 90% chance of one interpretation matching the artist vision; Whilst,
during post-modern, you could engender 3 to 10 interpretations with a 75% chance of
 of one of the interpretations matching the artist's conception.
    What is a Period or an Era? Often a Period is parallel with an historical period:
Pre-historic; Greek; Roman; Medieval, Renaissance; etc.They aren't driven by artists.
Neoclassicism and Romanticism are a duality: part period/part movement.
    What is a movement or an ism? An ism is launched by a small group of artists who
want to promote or provoke change. It is associated with an art style and often with an
ideology (leftist). When it first makes the seen some consider it a new avant-garde Their art shares stylistic features and focuses on similar subjects.
Let's get expansive: 1) A new ism must develop from an old ism; 2) A new ism is a new
way of thinking about art; 3) Artists of an ism must hang out together; 4) A new ism is
invented by an art critic; 5) A new ism always has a slightly different British sub-species; 
6) a new ism must have a landmark exhibition; 7) At first, people think that a new ism
isn't art.
    Beginning around '70, the art world fractured into so many minor movements that
tracking them all is difficult. Conceptual and Feminist Art are two of many isms that
had their genesis in the late '60's and '70's. The '80's and '90's, saw Art Appropriation (we
dabble in that; YouTube: Rickaddsite), Multi-media, Relational.
    As a student a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was necessitated. Description of
a painting: "Girl on boat in pond or lake." Report on visit submitted. Professor asked: "What
was girl on boat in lake thinking about." Yours truly responded: "Who knows?" Professor:
Try to imagine her thoughts" Response: " How am I going to get back to the land."
Professor: "What did you think of the artist's use of colors?" Reply: "Nice. Looked at it,
like it, it became a choice. It was time to leave as some one was picking up my father 
(who kindly accompanied; dreaded visitation to high-brow venue). Upon leaving, there
was an exhibition of utensils from various times and places. Could only visit for a minute.
Had this college student saw exhibit upon arrival - assignment would have been forgotten.
    Those who engage in Relation Art (Art for Network in UK) don't consider it an ism (We
don't consider it art!). Curious. There was a major exhibition in Italy. Nicolas Bourriand, 
big art critic (We never heard of him!) and curator wrote a book about Relational Art.
    Art for Network artist doesn't think A for N is an ism but hangs out with those who
do it - can't recollect his name - yet, considers Relational an ism (artists go figure and
go figure what follows). He said that Pop Art of the '60's ( an ism) centered around 
sphere of consumption. Hire people; make them slaves - exploit them. Industrial; sphere
of production. Relation Art - sphere of information and communication age. (We thought
Pop Art is about Andy Warhol and stacks of Brillo cartons).
   Many artists since post-impressionism   felt that art was a process of reduction leading
to minimalism in the late '50's. It appears to continue in post-modern.
Two things George Herriman said about "KRAZY KAT" I SAY ABOUT C.R.: A) "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing, shifting backgrounds - added     by R.C.) and that's wot I am." ; B) He is but a shadow of himself (to you; in Plato's Cave - added by R.C) caught in the web of this mortal skein.May in some
soon time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision denied...for you will
understand him no better then we who linger on this Side of the Pale."
(AS TRANSMITTED to Richard DePersio (
(This article was partially-based on: "Art History for Dummies" by J.B. Wilder; "A History of
Art" by F. Hart and H Abrams; "Art Safari" -CUNY-T.V. nosted by B. Lewis; Wikipedia;

Fwd: DO YOU THINK - Should We Stop Here? - that it was CONSTITUTIONAL...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 18, 2010 5:30 pm
Subject: Fwd: DO YOU THINK - Should We Stop Here? - that it was CONSTITUTIONAL...

All comsats listed and described at

Subject: DO YOU THINK - Should We Stop Here? - that it was CONSTITUTIONAL...
and CAPITALISTIC for Fed Gov to STEAL Land from states and SUBSIDIZE selected components
of private sector? Three New, as well as, Recent posts at and and pay a courtesy call at command center: /group/
rickcosmos-eclectic We are looking forward to seeing you there (Gift optional).

Fwd: BIG National Security Crisis:

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 14, 2010 2:24 pm
Subject: BIG National Security Crisis:

Childhood Obesity! According to Mrs. Obama's definition of national security. Her
husband is Cig-in-Chief. She wants $5 Billion to rectify what is served in public
elementary school cafeterias and what is available in their vending machines. Does
this mean that public schools have spent hundreds of billions of dollars over
decades poorly educating and feeding YOUR children! Mrs. Obama as Momma-in-
Chief. When will fed gov confine itself to just responsibilities delegated to it by the
Constitution. Gov think: Medicaid and Medicare (fed gov unconstitutionally involved
with healthcare) billions of dollars in debt and fraught with billions of dollars of fraud -
what does it do? Healthcare Reform! It seizes control of virtually all of healthcare. Will
make your health decisions for you and diet decisions for children (it is your money;
the PTA, mayor and city council should render such decisions).-R. DePersio (all of his
comsats listed and described at

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fwd: libertarians: big judge nap and his little john lapdog

From: b <
Sent: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 12:23 am 
Subject: libertarians: big judge nap and his little john lapdog pet 
Former judge, FOXBN host and FOXN contributor has become television's
for libertarianism. We've made our arguments for most of them being
and in-the-closet social (amoral-list;
moral relativists; secularists) liberals.  
He was interviewed by little john stossel on little john's show. I
expected the lapdog 
to hump napolitano's (lousy Italian-American) leg. Nap arrived on the
scene about 
two years ago. We heard him say thousands of times that he was a
judge and that that it was wrong for judges to legislate from the
bench: legislators 
should legislate and the voice of the people should prevail via State
Amendments. Judge Hypocrite was upset that the people of California
were 'wrong' 
to vote against the legalization of pot (they should have limited vote
to gay san 
fransisco), congress is 'wrong' not to use legislation to undo "don't
ask, don't tell" 
and the state surpreme court of california was right to void the
people's decision to 
ban same-sex marriages (38 states ban the perversion by law and 14 by
amendments as well [different then fed amendments]). He is elated that
the 9th circuit 
court - the most liberal in the nation - is likely to take up the cases
and do the  'left' 
thing: overrule. We engage in intellectual integrity while he
doesn't: Legislate-from- 
the-Bench. He is a big HYPOCRITE!!! He wants judges to do what is the
domain of 
legislators and the people. He has LIED for two years! 
The show ended with younger little john shouting: "Go, judge, go judge,
go judge"             Where was his
little cheerleader outfit!?! 
We dissociated from congressman ron paul's "campaign for liberty' just
in time. He has 
stated emphatically that he has been wrongfully denied the position of
a certain 
financial sub-committee and if he ever secured the post that he would
audit the damn 
fed (federal reserve bank). His org collects donations to achieve that
goal! Now, he 
says it depends on the committee chairman and the house speaker and
that he is 
unlikely to do it - CRIMINAL: collecting money under false pretenses! 
tea is bad while ATBTC is good! Join us in a SECOND AMERICAN
REVOLUTION!!!, /group/nasa-our-way, /group/ 


Two months after the highly successful CITIZEN REPORTER/GOOD YEAR
BLIMP PUBLICITY TOUR ending at MOUNT RUSHMORE followed by a visit with
HEF and BUNNIES  in the GROTTO with
no exploration for CITIZEN REPORTER winding up at the BYRD
STATION in the ANTARCTIC and right after LAUNCHING
/group/nasa-our-way, CITIZEN REPORTER vanished for a time  a la Agatha
Christie (there is speculation that he was studying MAYAN ruins in  
Central America) returns to take ill and, more importantly,
take on a CAUSE. NASA, of course. You'll join
 the CAUSE, of course.

Fwd: The Warfare Over General Welfare (Paul Jacob finds that reading the Constitution and considering what its drafters said at the time might lead to common sense interpretation)

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred B. Ellison <>
To: MLC Google Group

January 6, 2011
The Warfare
Over General Welfare
Constitutionalists, flush with the attention being paid this very day
in the House of Representatives to the land's highest law, finally get
to hold their conversations outside of seminars and institutes.
Some pundits argue that Tea Party folks will be surprised by how much
power the Constitution gives the federal government. (Sure, I miss the
Articles of Confederation.)
But however much power Madison & Co. bestowed upon the Feds, there is a
limit. This comes as a shock to career politicians who envision
government as all things to all people, from world cop to tooth fairy.
They like to point to the Preamble of the Constitution which reads:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America."
Could this mean Congress can do anything it wants, if designed to help
people generally?
Yesterday, several Wall Street Journal readers cleared up any
Michael Hanselman of Maryland cited Thomas Jefferson's 1814 conviction
that "Congress had not unlimited powers . . . to provide for the
general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated."
Arnold Nelson of Chicago quoted from Federalist 41, where James
Madison, the Constitution's chief architect, decried an expansive view
of "general Welfare" as "a very fierce attack against the
Constitution." Mr. Nelson and Mr. Madison point to the 18 enumerated
powers in Section 8, which are the only powers Congress has to affect
the general welfare.
The intent? Clear. Today's reality? Much different.
This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense and Paul's weekly Townhall
Column. The opinions expressed in Common Sense are Paul Jacob's and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizens in Charge or Citizens
in Charge Foundation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fwd: Citizen Journalist Reports

                                           CITIZEN JOURNALIST REPORTS:
                              An Open Letter of Apology Sent Across 'the Pond'

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 2:05 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist Reports
Once again, I apologize to U.K. on behalf of U.S. In 2009, he slighted your Queen; in 2010, it                  was your PM's turn. He doesn't speak for America. Recently, he told the smelly french (you
know the drill: lower-case 'f' intentional) that they were America's greatest ally. A majority
of Brits were rightly offended. Those not familiar with obama's history as regards U.K.
might think you petty: you most certainly are not; you are America's best FRIEND! He
is so incompetent and unprofessional that he can't separate personal feelings from (as
regards treatment of his grandfather in the then British-controlled Kenya of the 1950s)
from his conduct of U.S. foreign policy and the best interest of Americans.The U.K. had been
one of our best allies during and since WW1 (we saved you from the kaiser) and our best friend                   during and since WW2 (we saved you from swastika-man; not only did you pay back your                                    financial debt accrued for both wars long before france {ingrates and contra-U.S. foreign policy                  since the conclusion of WW2, especially, since de Gaul in 1960s and didn't make their last                                         payment of WW2 war debt until recently!} and you have demonstrated your genuine friendship                    again and again). The same is true with respect to our second best friend: Israel. They have
reason to worry for he clearly favors muslim nations in the Middle East. His father and
grandfather were and his brother is a muslim and for two years as a child he attended one of       those (name begins with an 'm') radical/brainwashing muslim schools: America is the devil and
Jews are pigs and monkeys. Getting back to U.K.: extreme socialism called fascism a.k.a.
nazism a.k.a. national socialism and communism aren't polar opposites on political/economic
spectrum like most people think but are quite similar in nature. An aside: recent                        congressional-shooter quoted from "communist manifesto" and "mein kampf." So much
for preposterous liberal claim that he was prompted by vocal pro-Constitutional/anti-gov               moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives of the following ilk: pull-no-punches/                  take-no-prisoners in what we call our Second American Revolution (restoration of our real Constitution. I'm proud to be apart of that group of pundits.-Richard DePersio.
Sent: Wed, Oct 20, 2010 3:50 pm
On behalf of real Constitutional Americans, Rick apologizes for Obama's lack of class
and regards his subjectivity concerning alleged events concerning
his grandfather in Kenya in the 1950s to color his conduct of foreign policy. Some of his
behavior was childish in nature. U.K., Israel (which has every reason to fear a president                            who favors the muslim (lower case 'm' intentional) nations of the Middle East) and Australia                          are our three best friends in the world; friendship that goes back a long time, at least a century             with respect to the U.K. He travels the world insulting his own country and apologizing for                alleged American mistakes in the past no doubt predicated on the distorted history he learned                at the feet of the Marxist professors he favored while a lad in college or from one of his three                 'spiritual' advisors (practitioners of false Christianity: black liberation theology; he had one as a
teenage, the reverend 'wrong' was the second and he has one now). I have never felt such a need even as regards presidents with whom I disagreed I never thought, I would feel compelled to   apologize for a president.
Watching three episodes  "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" from U.K. Jeremy Brett does a              splendid (as the Brits would say) job; second best for you can't top Basil!
In exile in the former U.S.A. which is fast becoming the United Secular Socialist States of
China (while Western Europe slowly moves away from socialism toward capitalism.


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 11, 2011 4:24 pm
Subject: MONDAYS with RICK - EXPANDED (A.D.D.)

                                             Mondays with Rick
                                            "Cripple Composed"
                                            by Richard DePersio
    (Enjoy {one of his best!} with cold beer, cold pizza and an X-rated presentation at
                                           YouTube: Rickaddsite)

"How Dare they!" (Richard DePersio)...Shooter was a nut-period; don't read political                                                                                  motivations into it.They are lousy little lying liberals (writer's
copyrighted alliteration). They controlled the following for decades: public elementary/
high schools and colleges; all the major broadcasts networks and, in recent years,
MSNBC, CNBC and CNN (the latter since '81); the movie and music industries; the
major newspapers and magazines. Civility is a concept beyond liberal comprehension.
obama is in the process of seizing control of internet and taking actions as regards
FoxNews in an effort to suppress free speech. After all, they don't already control enough!
We are certain Miss Manners is pleased with "Huffington Post." Conservative and moderate-
conservative journalists such as 'Yours Truly' are provocative and controversial and non-P.C.
but we don't smite and put a pox on the house with remarks of this ilk: I hope congressman
_____(fill in blank) gets cancer; I hope Senator________and his family die in a fire.
Liberals often resort to name-calling and fact-distortion when they can't refute sound/logical
arguments. They incite riots - remember '60s and '70s and want what is happening in
Europe to happen here - - the violent demonstrations. They generate hostility toward those
who favor the real Judeo-Christian Federalist/Constructionist/Capitalist Constitution and oppose
bogus progressive/secular 'living' constitution. Fort Hood: liberal media and politicians - don't
read anything into the fact that shooter was muslim (lower-case 'm' intentional); Congressional
Shooter: do connect him with moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives for they
are the dangerous ones for demanding a return to "U.S. Constitution." via the vote and
"Action Chain Letters." The converse is the case: congressional shooter a nut job with no
connection to Constitutional Conservatives; Shooter in the Hood: relevant that he is a 'person
of the dome." Moderate muslims? We pointed out in article on the N.Y. dome: most so-called
moderate mosques in U.S. receive monetary contributions from radical/terrorist-supporting
"muslim brotherhood." (Please find saucer article: valuable info; article name: after an A.D.D.          break). 

FAREWELL to Keynesian economics...What not to do in a recession or a depression is
Keynesian and what fdr and obama did - both failed! Strong actions by Federal Reserve
Bank (especially, keeping interest rates very low) and large-scale fed gov spending (stimulus).
It is suppose to result in a rapid increase in the GDP and massive job creation. It failed
between 1929 and 1935 (in spite of liberal revisionist history being taught to your children
and grandchildren in liberal public schools regarding "new deal"). What turned economy
around? Private sector: Demand for weapons, food, etc. by nations fearful of an impending
war, demand increase after war begins by countries fearing that they were next for an
unwanted visit by the mad corporal from WW1 and demand from U.K. which stood alone
against the nazis who thought that they were from my friend Plato's Atlantis. It kills this
writer to give a nod of approval to the cripple (not-P.C.? Who cares! A cripple - no semantic
games - is composing this masterpiece!): started sending weapons to U.K. after congress
nixed idea. Economy really blossomed after we entered war. Movie theaters, night clubs
(not what goes for clubs today; nightclub defined: live jazz, stand-up comic and patrons
dressed in their Sunday best {people had class before this here cripple was born; no sissy
euphemism - call a spade a spade}) and restaurants were packed on Fridays and
Saturdays - people had money to burn: there were shortages of some products and
produce and some products were discontinued during war or were only being produced for
military as most companies focused on "the Greatest Generation in uniform and not on
consumers. What did "cash-for-clunkers (perfectly good cars but cars global warming
cattle farters don't like!) and non-shovel ready useless programs which only produced
low paying temporary jobs and caused our debt to skyrocket (Bad Bush increased national
debt by $3.7 trillion over 8 years while obama increased by $4 trillion in 2!) and value of
dollar to fall and food and energy prices to rise (energy is also rising because 'hockey
stick graph' global fantasy warming prompted moratorium on off-shore Gulf drilling while
obama gave loan to Brazilian Oil where some of the rigs went; other rigs saw mexicans
knocking American workers into the water after traitor gave loan to mexican (you know the
drill by now: lower-case letters intentional) oil. By the bye, Brazil and mexico have much
lower environmental standards then us: would someone kindly tell greennie cretins in the
White House! Bye-Bye American jobs). Constitutional Criminal-in-Chief continues to
print $$$s and borrow big-time from our banker: China; they own us; he won't be happy
until U.S. loses its Triple 'A' Bond Rating and we are well on our to achieving his lofty goal of
third-world status from Sea to Shining Sea!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

'Trash Can' Nuclear Reactors Could Power Human Outpost On Moon Or Mars

fission could have application on earth. "Action Chain Letter" NASA, moon
base, solar, fusion.obama cancelled base; energy lower cost then his plan

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Water on moon originated from comets

"Action Chain Letter" explains how moon base could play major role in
generating energy for U.S. obama nixed base, we need-his ideas expensive

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