Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fwd: (a.k.a. COUNTDOWN to "GOODBYE")

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 2:40 pm
Subject: (a.k.a. COUNTDOWN to "GOODBYE")

                                (a.k.a. COUNTDOWN to "GOODBYE")
                            EPILOG to SUPPLEMENT to ADDENDUMS
                                            by Richard DePersio
We deeply appreciate our friend Vincent contributing the opening for this here
                    "Your profession is not what brings home your weekly
                      Your profession is what you are put here on earth to do with
                      such passion and such intensity that it becomes a spiritual
                                                                          - van Gogh
We are profoundly grateful to our readers - up to 250 per week for our three
main comsats. Mr. Provocative is shocked by sanctity of feedback - either
readers are in full accord or brain dead (to lift a leaf from Don Rickle's book).
       There was an 83% rise in discretionary domestic spending, including,
stimulus funds (a form of subsidy) since Obama took office and when dems
controlled both houses. It is the reason that we are entertaining the
possibility of attaining third-world-nation status.
       You are cognizant of the fact that we favor ending all forms of subsidies.
Obama contends 'stimulus' created 2 million jobs. The branch of the
Federal Reserve Bank in lovely San Francisco puts it at 1 million tempory
       The Repubs are recommending cuts of $61 billion and dems $12 billion;
it constitutes a joke and a bigger joke. As the national debt will climb to
$16 trillion at the end of this fiscal year!
       There is a total of $40 billion a year of waste, overpayments and fraud
in Medicare and Medicaid according to the most recent CBO report.
       We predicted it and it has come to pass: Russia is demanding a 20%
increase for a space ticket (the charge to take our astronauts to the
International Space Station - for which we footed most of the bill. It is a disgrace.
We beat them in Moon Race and now we are dependent on their whims
and scheduling (certain experiments are time-sensitive), otherwise, we would
by grounded.
      We have said it many times before and it bares repeating: we must
reestablish NASA - the main sci/tech engine of our economy - to the level
that it enjoyed in the '60s.
       Michael Kinsley, Politico, 3-1-11, advocates ending all subsidies.
Welcome aboard: A position that we first took about 7 months ago.
Privatize Medicare and Medicaid. First, we must reduce at least 75% of the
$40 billion in order to make it attractive to the private sector. Amendment 10 in
the Bill of Rights makes it unconstitutional for fed gov to be involved with
healthcare. It can't clean bedpans anymore then it can make the trains run on
time; Amtrak is also fraught with billions of dollars of waste. It would necessitate
a larger co-pay and, perhaps, a annual and/or monthly fee but recipients will
think it worth it for the enhanced service. A safety net would be maintained for the
TRULY needy. These programs will be more effective and efficient and it would
save taxpayers over $1.5 trillion over 10 years. Now, we are talking seriously
about reducing and paying off the debt!
We hereby have gotten more bang for the buck.
Breaking the rules: Intellectual, white boy-style.


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 11:12 am
Subject: THE PLEA by Richard De Persio

                SUPPLEMENT to ADDENDUMS
(Can he do that?...He's doing it...Watch this...)
fervently hope that we can work in tandem to save our Constitution
and our NASA. It is with profound hope that I offer the seven
unorthodox 'Action Chain Letters' and Addendums. It is with
eagerness that I anticipate perusing your proposals."
All modesty aside: Re: "Action Chain Letters" - the writing manages to
get better as you progress from 1 to 7 plus addendums. All gold; no
pyrite. Alright, we won't argue: mostly gold. Gold mines located at:                                                                                                                                        , /group/
nasa-our-way and /group/newfederalism Be the first kid on your
block to collect all 7 (stale gum not included). Also visit our lodges
(Happy Hour begins a 7 P.M.): Facebook - "NASA_Ares." YouTube -
Rickaddsite, Twitter - "Facebook-NASA_Ares" or Rickaddsite@Facebook-
NASA_Aries, and "nasa-ares" at Twitter.
Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution!
Update: A recent study (a Bush "No Child Left Behind" requisite) reveals that
83% of American public schools are failing from 4th to 12th grade. We
made our strong case for school vouchers so the parents can choose regular
public school or magnet school (if seating available, there aren't many of
them) or charter school (if sitting available) or virtual academy or private
school. We favor having at least 50% of schools becoming magnet (less
union control then in regular public schools) and charter (no union control;
public or non-public - for profit or not-for-profit - - charter issued by state
through county or city). Magnets and Charters outperform regulars. See
"Action Chain Letters" for a lot more.
Update: Chrysler forced to produce "Volt" electric car: sales are virtually
non-existent. You subsidized it; you loose. See "Action Chain Letters" for
case against subsidies.
Update: Studies have shown the only 30% of our electricity can come from
solar and wind over the next 20 years. We get our electricity from:
coal - 45%; natural gas - 28%; nuclear - 20%; oil - 1%; other - 6%. Unlike
the stimulus programs clean coal, nuclear, natural gas and oil are
shovel-ready. Licensing process should be streamlined and made less
expense, otherwise, energy prices will quadruple over the next 10 years!
Liberals: "No oil, No nuclear (we haven't opened a new one in twenty years;                                                                                                                                                                               10x less then what is required to cause illness and
50x less for death in Japan if people had been exposed to levels over a
3 hour period - they weren't), No coal - greenhouse gases." What we
do doesn't make a scintilla of a difference because of China, India and
Brazil (they are becoming industrial nations in spite of the environment
and aren't interested in expensive environmentally-friendly processes. Besides,
global warming is a crock. U.N. not real climate science. See serious
energy proposals from someone who knows science - you should know
Proposals in a Supplement to Addendums? (Watch this! And, with no safety
Proposal 38: We wrote extensively - you know where - about federal abuse
of "Commerce Clause" and how it unconstitutionally usurps state rights.
We hereby propose a "Constitutional Amendment" restating "Commerce
Clause" predicated on "U.S. Constitution" and "Federalist Papers"
retroactive - this will obviate the need for states to consider invoking
constitutionally questionable "Nullification Doctrine.
Proposal 39: Preventing federal bailouts (Bush) and turning those loans
into virtual stocks and bonds (Obama) resulting in president (obama)
unconstitutionally playing bankruptcy judge and CEO.
Let's work together: pick 1 or pick all proposals - leave a message at your
(www.) and See "ACLs" for
info on key members of congress.
Please send progress report.

Sent: Wed, Mar 9, 2011 7:21 pm

Last week, the Air Force for the second (known) time, launched the 'secret'
X-37B and we heard a reporter on FOXNews say: "Perhaps, this is a
potential shuttle replacement." To the best of our knowledge, we were the
first to suggest that a declassified-version might bridge the gap between
the final shuttle flight and when the private company, SPACEX, was
capable of sending cargo (an estimated three years) and astronauts (an
estimated four years) to the space station in an article entitled "The
Mystery Flight of the 37B" - posted about a year ago. More recently, in
"Action Chain Letters," we also write about how this would enable us to
avoid the humiliation of dependency for over three years on Russia for
space flight. After his 'world apology tour' during his first year, we don't
think that Obama would care.
The unmanned X-37B is one-third the size of the shuttle and a manned-version
would seem likely. In so much as X-37B is more maneuverable then a
satellite, we recommended another original use for it. (Not saying; we want you
to read the article and "Action Chain Letters").

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 9, 2011 7:21 pm

Last week, the Air Force for the second (known) time, launched the 'secret'
X-37B and we heard a reporter on FOXNews say: "Perphaps, this is a
potential shuttle replacement." To the best of our knowledge, we were the
first to suggest that a declassified-version might bridge the gap between
the final shuttle flight and when the private company, SPACEX, was
capable of sending cargo (an estimated three years) and astronauts (an
estimated four years) to the space station in an article entitled "The
Mystery Flight of the 37B" - posted about a year ago. More recently, in
"Action Chain Letters," we also write about how this would enable us to
avoid the humiliation of dependency for over three years on Russia for
spaceflight. After his 'world apology tour' during his first year, we don't
think that Obama would care.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Preface to Abbreviated Bio: We never purchase a non-fiction book until
we've read the "About the Author" section. We need to know how much
credence to attach to the author's words. We never spend good money
on a book without AtA. We felt that after all this time that you might
require more data on his credentials.

Sent: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 6:53 pm

Politics, Economics, Science, Technology and more? Besides being
the proud owner of advanced-CMT and A.D.D. (regular, as well as, two
special forms), he enjoyed an unorthodox childhood and adolescence.
Becoming interested in astronomy and astronautics at the age of
seven and catching the political bug by age ten. He was reading the
newspaper everyday sans comics and sports and attending meetings
at the local republican club by age thirteen (the only kid there; until                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     had  verbal altercation with the leadership at age twenty-one). Unorthodoxy not by
design. Don't wish to generate false impression: anything but a nerd).
Rick is much prouder of his self-education then his formal. With
respect to schooling: six schools after high school. There were
(he hated school not finding the classroom particularly conducive
to learning): College of ...., associate of arts degree in liberal arts
with a concentration space history and science journalism (Rick
completed his junior year); York Institute, certificates in general
science; ... Planetarium, certificates in space science; Center for
Degree Studies, credits in business management; Davis Computer
School, certificates in computer applications; ... School for
Medical Assistants, certificate in E.K.G. Plus awards not worth mentioning
(attempt at demonstrating modesty).
His other interests include: American History, Geology and Foreign
Policy, Anthropology, Physics, Biology, Entertainment History.
More then Most: A.D.D.-ed, Rick.