-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 10:10 am
Subject: THE ARTICLE (Spanking-New Version) (Four posts dealing with energy crisis
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 10:10 am
Subject: THE ARTICLE (Spanking-New Version) (Four posts dealing with energy crisis
THE ARTICLE (Spanking-New Version)
by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Dr. Yamamoto
Richard D.: "What's on the line-up?" Citizen Journalist: "We got your tax
proposals." RD: "We have the Space Launch System." Dr. Yamamoto: "I
might be yellow but I got green."
As is our wont, we start with cosmos (which means world) and then, we
deal with world by Offending with Truth!
NASA has proposed the Orion-MPCV/SLS (Multi-Purpose-Crew-Vehicle/
Space Launch System) building on Saturn 5/Shuttle/Constellation technology
which will conduct missions in earth orbit - a recent report had indicated
otherwise. It will place science satellites in earth orbit and visit International
Space Station for time-sensitive missions when and if private sector has to
cancel due to technical difficulties - a back-up. However, its primary mission
will be to Mars. Unfortunately, not to the moon as well. Moon mining would
drastically improve our energy situation - see: "Action Chain Letter 10 and
"Moon Mining: Crystalinks" at our comsat Citizenj (connect via Home Page)
and then phone and/or leave a
message at the web site of your members of congress. Get with the program!!!
It was over 15 years ago when Ross Peroit warned us about deficit-spending
and the national debt and few took him seriously. It was over 10 years ago
that Steve Forbes popularized the idea of a flat tax. Over the past few months,
Herman Cain and Citizen Journalist have been talking about a fair/flat taxes.
We are now prepared to present our final version:
Part One: A flat tax of 10% for those who earn over $50,000 per year (Thanks
to Bush those who earn less than $50,000 no longer have to pay a federal
income tax; they have a state in America and, we believe, that they should
pay a mere $100 to help reduce the debt). Everyone - super-rich, rich, upper-
middle-class, mid-middle-class and a portion of lower-middle class - will pay
10% of their salaries/wages; 10% of the interest on their savings accounts; 10%
of the dividends on stocks, bonds, commodities; 10% of rental income; 10% of
the sale of property; 10% on gifts, tips, gambling wins. For a long time, there
was a marriage penalty which hurt and discouraged marriage and while it has
been largely rectified, we would call for a deduction of up to 3 dependents for
the heterosexually married and a deduction for charitable donations. There
would be no other deductions: tax simplification. Everyone could fill out their
own taxes - no need to spend billions on accountants.
Part Two: Fair Tax or National Income Tax of 10% except for poor, elderly and
disabled who have a Benefit Card and a Photo I.D.
Cutting taxes and rolling back regulations unleashes productive forces: people
work harder, earn more and, thereby, pay more in taxes - we won't mind because
we are making more. This alone won't eliminate debt or even come close as
Medicaid/Medicare and other social programs will consume all tax revenue in
about 20 years and we won't have any money for defense, national and domestic
security, NASA and other fed responsibilities!
"When objective NASA satellite data, reported in a peer-reviewed scientific
journal, show a 'huge discrepancy' between alarmist climate models and
real world facts, climate scientists, the media and our elected officials
would be wise to take note." - James Taylor, Heartland Institute.
In contrast: U.N./Al Gore/liberal science: Infamous hockey stick graph;
suppressing opposing points of view; lack of peer review in prominent
journals dealing with climate-ology, atmospheric physics; placing heat
sensors near heat sources; emails amongst U.N. scientists containing
suggestions on how to fudge data; papers in scientific journals quoting
other papers is fine but quoting from "Mountain Climbing" and "Camping
mags isn't - "National Geographic," "Scientific American," "Discover,"
Science Digest" would be considered borderline by most reputable
scientists. As our society becomes more scientific and technological, it is
imperative that our children learn real science not fabrications regarding
global warming/climate change!
Know you enemies: the liberals. This includes that strange breed: upper
and middle management at most T.V. networks, most major newspapers,
all major movie studios and record companies, most publishing houses.
They are capitalists but social (moral) liberals, liberals on domestic issues
(other than economics), liberals on defense and foreign policy.
During and before the early 1980s, 70% of Americans considered
homosexuality to be immoral. abnormal and unnatural. The issue of same-
sex marriage was virtually never brought up. The remaining 30% considered
it to be a normal but alternate lifestyle or were undecided. Nowadays,
polls show that 51% favor same-sex marriage when there choice is same-
sex marriage or not. When the civil union option is added to the mix, the
preference is 60% for civil unions (most people are too stupid to realize
that they are both the self-same thing - it's just a matter of semantics).
Although, we would likely discover that it is 65-75% in the 14 Northeastern
and 3 western states and 51-65% opposed in the Midwest and South.
Nonetheless, very significant change since the early '80s. What happened?
Only 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals and 12% as
atheists and agnostics. Libs are amoral or moral relativists: they
believe that each person should decide right-wrong/good-bad for
themselves without any consideration given to the Bible or what the
majority in a society think (a recipe for choas not society!). We can thank
the perverted liberal daytime talk shows (Phil, Oprah, Joan, Sally, Montel
and the rest of the slime) since the early '80s wherein homo was their
favorite topic (an audience member who was critical was sometimes
shouted down by the host or made to shut up with a "We don't pass
judgement here." Libs are big on free speech; we hear you laughing!
Often the freaks appeared: for a few years, viewers were shocked and
wanted to upchuck followed by a few years of disgust followed by a
few years of uneasiness followed by a few years of tentative acceptance
and, finally, for many: it's a normal but alternate lifestyle - not for me
but acceptable. Fag flags fly high on fairy fannies (you know about our
penchant...addiction...to alliterations!).
(Economic/financial crisis due in large part to barney frank's fannie and
freddie - are we on A.D.D. trip!; be patient for there will be our customary
A.D.D. break).
Now, shows like NGC's "Taboo" and TLC's "My Strange Addiction"
are working on further damaging masculinity with man-babies. Shows
about sadists, adults who dress like animals and people with all kinds
of fetishes that they hope to mainstream. They no longer need to focus
on homos reason their flags are flying high. Our candidate for the main
flavor for the next two decades is: man-babies.
It's time for an A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and Gallo Wines:
There are over a 160 types of cancer; 40% of us will be diagnosed as having
cancer in our lifetime.
We are facing a double-dip recession or stagflation: rising prices (rising
inflation)and inadequate growth; during prosperity prices are high and no
one complains because demand is meeting supply (little inflation: problem
when demand exceeds supply and prices rise), unemployment is low,
raises and bonuses are large, companies are expanding (new factories),
spending more on R & D, dividends are very healthy.
Starting next year under Obama-care, health insurances companies will have
to cover birth control pills and other preventative measures and an annual
physical for women without a co-pay; these are just two of the hundreds of
new regs that will prevent health insurers from making a decent profit and
result in there going out of business paving the way for socialized medicine.
Let's not forget the hundreds of new regs that will soon take effect due to
Financial Reform forcing business to expand factories and built new
factories in countries with lower taxes and fewer regs. The loss of jobs will
mean more Americans on social services, fed gov will have to spend more on
dependent citizens. Are you worried about U.S. loosing Triple A bond rating.
We might go all the way down to junk bond status.
We were remiss: Obama-care will eliminate 12% of the plans offered by health
insurers. (See our health plan:Updated-Modified-Expanded"Action Chain Letter 10"
The union myth (it too is being taught to your children): The significant growth
of the middle class in the 19th Century, especially, between the end of the
Civil War (do you know when it ended or are you ignorant?) and 1900 was due
to unions forcing big bad business which treated employees like servants (look
at your kid's elementary or high or college textbook) to increase wages 3-fold
during that period. Problem: by 1900, only 3% of Americans were in unions!
Unions helped save America by pressuring FDR to do the "New Deal." FDR's
Secretary of the Treasury stated in 1939 that "New Deal" predicated on Keynesian
economics (the same economics employed by Obama for two years) failed!
Unions are responsible for forcing those Robber Barons to institute safety in the
work place. Truth: Modern public relations began during the early 20th Century.
Execs became concerned with public image and realized that it looked bad to
have a lot of workers take ill or become injured; further, they had an investment
in worker's that they trained: an asset. Safety began to improve early in the last
century and big-time between 1933-71. Unions advocated for but didn't get
National Safety Board until 1977. Prior to the 1960s, it was difficult for blacks to
join a union and they were even precluded for certain occupations. "Look for the
Union Label" meant: made by whites. Yet, they claim and your children's teachers
teach that unions were always pro-black. Unions utter ugly untruths. (There we go
again! - alliterating).
*Finest Kind Pediatric Hospital and Whorehouse
Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Hooker.