Wednesday, May 23, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 12:19 pm
Subject: OFFENDING with TRUTH: NDIB...

                     OFFENDING with TRUTH: NOBODY DOES IT BETTER*                     
                              by Richard DePersio & Citizen Journalist                               
Over at we tackled the issue: The Fall of Western
Civilization/American Branch included. On a number of floors below and portions of
Citizenj (connect via Twitter - @rickaddsite or Facebook - Second American Revolution),
we deal with women and gays in uniform, including, the military. Actually, we have been
talking about these issues since '93.
The Fall of WC/AB via the Fall of the U.S. Military!!! The U.S. Air force has a song
"The U.S. Air Force" aka "The Air Force Song" aka "Into the Wild Blue Yonder"
since '39. Airman used to add a line not in the original composition. After "Nothing
can Stop the Air Force," they added "But the women!" It hasn't been PC since the
All Volunteer Militarily was established in '73 allowing women to serve as soldiers and
sailors - prior served honorably as WAACs and WAVES. The line might turn out to be
Having the best military possible in the name of national security, as well as, military
morale should trump women and gays. Instead the latter, in the form of, liberal social
experimentation has prevailed! Sexist and homophobic? No; Concerned with national security!
A few months ago, it was decided to allow women closer to the front in future wars. Why?
It is the best way to get promotions and citations. How will that come to pass? A further
lowering of standards for women in order for them to be rewarded!?! A few months ago,
it was decided that they still couldn't serve in the infantry, armor units and special ops.
Now, part of that has been reconsidered. The army is considering allowing females to attend
the prestigious Ranger (Special Ops) Training School. Will they do to the Rangers, what
they did to the once elite Naval Fighter Pilots flying off of aircraft carriers!?! (See 2 and,
especially, 7 floors down). Is anyone else covering these threats to national security and
public safety!?! Or, are even moderate-conservatives and conservatives afraid of the PC
We have been on top of military women since '93 and we haven't been behind gays!
The FALL of AMERICAN MORALITY...These young whores wear their pregnancies as a badge
of honor as they continue to attend school. They played adult. Who pays the price? You: the
tax payer for their social services!
It isn't PC to make them feel humiliated; we don't wish to damage their precious self-esteem!!!
Prior to the '70s, they were punished by being kicked out of school and unable to serve as bad
examples. In some cases, parents placed them under 'house arrest' to minimize embarrass-
ment to themselves and the family. Or, were sent to live with a relative in another neighborhood
or town. This enabled parents to lie to their neighbors: she's away at school; it enabled relative
(usually an aunt) to lie to her neighbors: isn't it a pity, she married young and her husband
died shortly thereafter. When possible: Boy was forced to marry the girl. Abortion - unlikely; 
Adoption - proper course of action. Of course, such occurrences were rarer back then due to a
higher sense of morality and stricter parents, as well as, public school teachers working in
conjunction not in opposition to parents. (Studies have shown that over 60% of public school
teachers don't possess traditional moral values!).
*To be read in tandem with 'Supplement' at
(Homo: Unnatural-Immoral-Abnormal (Evolution/Bible/Pre-PC Psychology). Nobody cares what
they do in private - and not in front of children. Gov shouldn't grant its stamp-of-approval to aberrant
behavior. Details on some of the floors below. Most have one argument against homo in general
and same-sex marriage in particular; a few have two. We: Three strikes and you're out. More below
and at  'Addendum to Supplement' at rickcmt; more at Citizenj - connect via FB Second American
(Ladies, there's good stuff down below!...And, on other pages too).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 2, 2012 9:07 am

                        by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio                          
FOXNEWS' REDEYE (3 A.M. eastern): Complimenting not offending for starters.
CJ is a thighman. This show is a thighman's delight with its strategically positioned
thigh seat.
Beginning in the early '80s, we were told by social scientists (that's a joke) that
Americans had acquired short attention spans. Yet, two-part episodes of TV series
were rare in the '50s and '60s and mini-series where very popular in the late-'70s to
the late-'80s. And, we have no difficulty concentrated for an hour of REDEYE.
Social scientists and many nutritionists and dieticians (there funny too and are rarely
 on the same page) tell us (they're on the same page in this case) that living
in congested cities and eating foods with additives are bad for our health. Biochemists
tell us that additives - preservatives, fortifiers, enhancer - aren't harmful chemicals for
our chemical bodies. From the days of early homo sapiens to 1800, most people lived
to between 35-37; this increased to between 45-47 for those born around 1900; it
jumped to 75-80 for the newborns of the '60s and '70s; those born in the '90s can expect
 to live to 80-85 or longer. Most of the lengthening of live expectancy between the mid-1800s-
mid-1900s wasn't due to medical advances but to city planners, engineers, plumbers:
water purification; sewage treatment; regular garbage pick-ups. Alright, will give medical
science some credit: they pointed out what needed to be done. Medicine began to have
a significant impact beginning in the '30s and surgery in the '40s. Modern cities began to
be created 150 years ago and became progressively more congested. Most modern
preservatives came into use about 60 years ago. It doesn't seem to us the the rapid increase
in life expectancy since about 1900 has been retarded. Food is fresher, last longer (good for
 our wallet), taste better. Sometimes natural is in thighs. Homo Sapiens are very
adaptable: we live near the poles and at the equator; high up in mountains; underwater and in space. 
Most Americans are lousy. TEAM U.S.A. is in 5th place and they aren't doing a damn thing
about it. seti@home More info: Citizenj (see below on how to connect). Get your computers and
aim them at the stars. Where's your proud, dude!
Below: The truth that you aren't hearing elsewhere - the truth regarding homo - - the truth
about women in uniform and its effect on national security and public safety, including, naval air
power! More info at web site Citizenj - connect via Facebook- Second American Revolution and
Twitter- @rickaddsite