Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fwd: MOMUS is BACK!!!...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 9, 2012 8:05 am
Subject: Fwd: MOMUS is BACK!!!...

                 MOMUS is BACK and OFFENDING with TRUTH!!!
                                by Richard DePersio
    Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist

October is 'Anti-Bullying' Month and we were asked not to
participate for being unqualified to do so and OFFENDERS with
TRUTH! They could have chosen their words more carefully in
notifying us: Was it necessary to call us meanies!?!
We wish to qualify...The Bible states that homo is moral, homo is
normal/natural in evolutionary terms (they aren't freaks or bad
mutations) and homo isn't abnormal according to traditional
psychology. What? We're not quite there.
Women meet the same high standards as men to wear a
uniform - military, fire, police...Cripples don't make unreasonable
demands of the able-bodied. Not yet.
Most Muslims are moderates. We still aren't eligible. Try the
following on for size:
Citizen 'Beer-Bellied' Journalist (while RD is svelte): "Fat people
are BIG-Boned and don't eat like pigs They are definitely
patriotic. Social Security (a ponzi scheme) and Medicare are on
the brink of bankruptcy. Fat people will do their part by dying
younger and enabling these programs to last a little longer for the
slender. Thank you, Patriots.
Romney was right but his numbers were off: 30 vs. 47%. This
group consist of those who receive social services and shouldn't
(this doesn't include the illegal on the American dole),
those who receive more components than they should or too
much of particular components. A neighbor said, "My family and
social workers told me to grab what I could and one size fits all.
The kept pressuring me. Grab it, even if you don't need it.
I rocked the boat by refusing to accept more than I needed.
SS (get it?) workers threatened to take decision-making away
 from me, claiming that I was incompetent. I wasn't worried;
they didn't have a case. They're not used to someone fighting
for less!!! I wanted to retain my pride." RD: "I'm proud to know
you. Of course, social workers have a vested
interest in getting as many people on social services that they
can, pressuring them to take more than they need and
keeping them in the system for as long as possible. This is
most true at budget time. They must show lib pols that they are
doing a bang up job at the expense of pride...Keep up the good
One shouldn't (tongue-in-cheek) watch NGC's Taboo and laugh
out loud, especially, when viewing solo.
It was the ancient Greeks who first used the term: barbarian. They
referred to their Persian (the Persian empire centered on present
day Iran) enemies as barbarians because it sounded to them as
ba-ba-ba when they talked.
Why was Desi 'Ricky Ricardo' Arnaz singing about: Ba-ba-lu,
Ba-ba-lu I-A. While you are on your exciting search of these
pages for the answer, you will encounter other interesting things
(like Houdini, Smith, Doyle --- and a lot of OFFENDING with
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From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 9"
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 21:02:17 -0400