Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fwd: RETURN of 'OwT'

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 9, 2013 3:19 pm
Subject: RETURN of 'OwT'

Pan: "It's Greek...pardon, my Freudian be back...
hey, both are true! I love the forest but I also love my comsat being
 interior decorated by Hephaestus aka Vulcan himself. I go with the
 best; no matter how many virgins it costs! After visiting (Facebook's)
Diogenes Club and my good
 Momus came here to Offend with Truth!"
Momus: "I once offended Aphrodite and Zeus made me pay a
heavy price for it. Now that RD and the beautiful and perfect
BIG 'A' are an item, I will watch my Ps and Qs for I fear the BIG
'RD' even more than the BIG 'Z.'"
                 The RETURN of 'OFFENDING with TRUTH
    by Richard DePersio/Aphrodite Janus Citizen Journalist/Calliope

As our readers know, we aren't that old but know quality and feel that
when it comes to a production that the writers and producers and
 directors are far more important and far less paid then the puppets
aka actors. Further, when it comes to depicting reality, today's shows
 are no more realistic then yesterday's; after all, we are talking
Hollywood's understanding of reality!
And, now: The Something Change and Something don't Change
Department. "My Three Sons" originally aired on CBS (1960-72)
and currently can be seen on Me-TV. This is a show that you can
comfortably watch with your family and not be embarrassed like
the children and family programming on much of Nick, Disney and
family. 'MTS' was fair which is better than today's good shows.
Me-TV also offers the excellent "Twilight Zone," "Bonanza," Dick Van
 Dyke, MASH...Two points: Are we starting to ADD and will Me-TV
compensate us for plug!?!...We'd mention "Mister Ed" on Hallmark
but he'd only send hay!
We believe both episodes aired in '68...we're back to 'MTS.' Robby's
(portrayed by Don Grady who recently passed away at the young
age of 68) wanted to throw a Tea Party for some of her college
girlfriends (female friends; nowadays, you think in terms of those
lovely to watch freaks). Weren't college girls throwing Pot Parties
back then. Where have the ladies gone!?! Too bad feminists told
young when to assume male traits rather then continue to focus on
their brains, bodies and femininity. Prior to the late '60s, males
over 16 had class: they wore suits and ties to school, church,
parties, dances, movies, restaurants, etc. while women wore
dresses, house dresses in house and when shopping. Casual party
meant sport coat men and skirt for women. Males didn't wear wild
and bright colors. They could wear polar or tee shirt for barbeque or
 play. Everybody was bursting with manners. Girls didn't have filthy
mouths. I wished I lived then. An ADD-ing we will go!
In the other episode, Katie wanted to visit Robby who was serving in
the Army reserves. Only woman arrives and nearly screws up war
games. Later, she realizes, after observing army activities, why
army is for men. Today, in basic women don't rain with, compete
with and aren't graded with (lower grades on mental and physical
tests are passing for females. Men go on to serve in combat or
support positions. Now, BO wants women to hold combat positions.
No doubt, they will lower standards for them so that they can be a
danger to themselves and others!!! BO downgrading US in every
category, including, military. Athena displeased!
(See articles below. Do something about it!).
In public school, science and history (as well as, political science,
 economics and sociology in upper grades), either just the lib side
 of an issue is taught or the lib said is presented more favorably
and mainstream while the conservative position is presented less
favorably or depicted as fringe (in spite of the fact that twice as
many Americans identify themselves as conservatives than libs) or
disparaged. Your children are being indoctrinated not educated ---
and your paying for it. Do something about it! Get involved.
Sadly. American blacks and Muslims have something in common.
Muslims kill more Muslims than non-Muslims! According to the
census 12% of population is African-American and 3% black non-
African). According to FBI and police stats, AAs are responsible for
over 50% of murders, rapes, assaults, armed robberies, robberies
with over 60% against their own - black-on-black crime!