Thursday, May 30, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 9:19 am

                     SLAVES      NUTS       BIGOTS
 by Richard DePersio with (new staff member) Hugh B. Chip
                    and Momus 'Offending with Truth'
 Part of Tri-fecta - see
Mr. Chip: "I was never a slave to fashion: I could dress myself;
exercising my God-given or Mother Nature-given (evolutionary)
Momus: "Good stuff. You must have read: 'How to Make
Friends and Influence People' !"
...I chose to wear dress shirts and pants sans jacket and tie and, on
 rare occasions a casual shirt - not too wild. I never wore a pair of
jeans or dungarees in my life. I stopped wearing short pants at age
13. When bellbottom pants were the rage in the late '60s and early
70s, you wouldn't catch my with bells on. When the mini came out in
'66, I didn't wear 'em!"
Momus: "I approve of the 'new' guy!
Momus: RD, you're up. Let's see if you still have the stuff."
RD: "There are a plethora of shows about the paranormal
(ghosts, flying saucers, crypto-zoology, demons, magic, perceiving
the future (psychics), mediums (communicating with the dead),
etc. I, on occasion, watch shows of this ilk for I thoroughly enjoy
laughing at people. (Shows showing videos of stupid humans
doing stupid things serve the same purpose)."
(Please don't confuse with metaphysics which is a serious branch of
Momus: "RD was my protege!
Mr. C: "May I add the following: I reckon that it was '73 and I was
sitting on the porch with my father and a friend discussing UFOs
when a large orange circle (about twice or so the size of the
full moon) appeared in the SW about midway between horizon and
zenith; it turned purple, then, it became cigar-shaped and yellow,
then, circular and purple, then, cigar-shaped and green, then,
circular and orange. Who thought scientifically? Surprisingly, not I,
but my highly-educated but unscientific father. He said: "Why don't
you call the planetarium and see if there is any unusual activity
tonight." The planetarium had a phone number that connected you
to a recording of sky activity: when there would be a full moon,
a meteor shower, the best time and place to locate a particular
planet, etc. Sure enough, the recorded voice stated that NASA was
conducting a barium cloud experiment - seeing how air molecules
reacted to being struck by barium and that it would be visible at about
9 P.m. in the SW between horizon and zenith. How many people
have been telling their children and grandchildren that they saw a
bonafide flying saucer!?!?!
RD: "Reclaiming my time...I have similar stories. These believers
are throwbacks to an earlier time. Yet, polls show that large
minorities maintain believe in such things. It constitutes a sad
commentary on homo sapiens. If an alien visited (highly improbable)
would he think intelligent life existed on earth!?!
Momus "You're certainly 'Offending with Truth' and lost readers."
RD: "I rather think that our readers are well above average in
intelligence and well above succumbing to primitive beliefs."
HBC: "Some claim that one of the reasons for Prohibition (1920-34)
was that Italian and Irish were heavy drinkers - they are! Stereotype
or True. The French smell and the British have bad teeth. Some
will contend that such remarks calumniate originate from pure bigotry.
Nonetheless, it's likely that more than an insignificant minority would
share a characteristic for it to be ascribed to the group; noticeable or
other trait would be chosen."
Momus: "Hermes what are you doing here? You have your own
Hermes: "I just dropped by to say that RD offended the ginnies (isn't he
 one by descent?) and the micks, he better not offend us Greeks!"
RD: "Don't Greek males dance with other Greek males!?!"
Momus: "Hermes, considering the way that you dress, you could be a
male-version of the Roman god Pomona!"
Momus: "Priapus - what are you doing here? Watch where you point
that or I'll call you Pomona too!"
RD: "Momus, you still got it. Nobody 'Offends with Truth' like you."
I actually receive emails from the stupid asking what I do at my comsat!
I'm the producer cretin and Momus is co-producer/contributor. I
haven't contributed in ages. Here I go:
Hermes started it when he did the first CJCS Comsat Book Review.
Rumor has it that Urania will do it at
We choose to be different like Chip who didn't wear hot pants when they
made the scene in the late '60s either.
We shall review TV: two doc series. The paranormals rely heavily on
eye-witness testimony and highly dubious photographic 'evidence.'
While "Fact or Faked" employs both but relies much more heavily on
tests that they create. Further, they are much more skeptical of the cases
that they investigate. The other shows: the hosts readily believe stories
 hook-line-and-sinker. F or F: Nine times out of ten they either expose a
hoax or explain how witness misinterpreted data. The one times: they state
that they can't explain and that there is a remote possibility of it being
real. Bill Shatner's "Weird or What" presents both sides of issue leaning
heavily in the direction of the wackos. You might be inclined to place with
the ridiculous paranormal series if you're not in on it: it's tongue-in-cheek!
Both of these 'non-fiction' series are in Sci-Fi Channel.
(You needn't read all three in TRI-FECTA but we hope that you do.
Connections: subtle and otherwise?).
Here are some of Denis Didarot recommendations at this site: "CITIZEN
Offending with Truth JOURNALIST," "Welcome to My World," "Cosmos of
Rick," "More Offending with Truth," "Nobody Does it Better," "CJ's Hobby,"
"Offending with Truth," 'Momus' Offending with Truth," "Green with Envy"
and "Offending with Truth: Call to Action."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2013 4:33 pm

                NUMBERS...WE GOT NUMBERS!!!
Last three weeks: - 324, 440,
563 (a weekly record; we also must thank you for daily record
of 113 in 5/14); - 193, 103, 79; - 91, 139, 355 (Pan: "That's
us! A record for witch Momus and I would like to thank you
mere mortals."); - 41, 291,
CJ: "A couple of weeks ago, we asked you to improve our
numbers at comsat, qp and cj. We at CJCS Comsats work
hard on those sites. You came through for Pan. Showed
signs of helping cj - what happened. Urania is sad at comsat.
You're responsible for making a Muse cry. You know how libs
feel about BIG bullies.
Please read end of "More PP..." at rickcmtsite. While you there
read the whole article - enjoy! We aren't pleased with AddThis
Analytics. Please tell friends about and email them pages from
our comsats.
Just a reminder: If you gave a problem connecting with a
particular comsat directly, you can connect via Facebook
Richard DePersio and Twitter @rickaddsite - if you are Followers;
anyone can connect at Facebook Second American Revolution.
RD: "I gave my 13 year old niece a $100 Challenge to buy and
make things for her new room, as well as, buy and make things
educational and fun. My 5 year old nephew is enjoying model
planes and my late fathers Air Force cap. Both are in advanced
school programs.....,.I usually don't get personal with my readers.
While I'm on the socializing sites Facebook and Twitter, I don't use
them to socialize but to promote comsats........The 'little' girl in 
Honduras that I sponsored in ChildFund International since age 5
is now 18 and just got married. Thanks to me she got training as a 
seamstress and bookkeeper (tooting my own horn three times and
rightfully so). I moved to another state.
As you may know, I'm a member of Team USA in seti@home and
urge you do  the same. Unlike astronomers, I think that the
likelihood over there being another earth-like planet is slim, one with
life slimmer and one with intelligent life barely registering. Too many
elements in a proper sequence not likely to be repeated,
nonetheless, I'm with seti project as a citizen scientist because I'm
only 99% certain that intelligent life doesn't exist elsewhere.
We're - even though I live in a galaxy far, far away from family - are
strongly urge you to do the same.
                                NEW READERS
Urania's Astronomy and Plato's Cave at comsat while Hermes Flight
is at qp. They are prepared to open the hatch for you. (Not meant to
generate dirty thoughts about Uriana. You wouldn't want to get Zeus
The Doyle/DePersio Collaboration via the Einstein-Rosen Bridge:
"Citizen Journalist is Missing" here (start with 'Gone Fishin'" and work
your way backwards); "The Return of Citizen Journalist" at rickcmtsite;
"Prequel: Citizen Journalist in the Diogenes Club" at qp. A new
collaboration with the Wolfman presently appearing at rickcmt.
Why Hermes thinks that moon mining is cst-effective and why he thinks
nuclear thermal should be the propulsion of choice for solar system but
not interstellar exploration at qp.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 1, 2013 7:44 pm
Subject: THINGIES...

(New Version)
1) To Hermes, Love Urania at and
2) At this comsat: "Potpourri," "For the Feminists," "Traveling Reporter,"
    "In and Out of Plato's Cave - Totally New Version" (Get to know
    'guess who' better?), "Please Don't Do it, For the Love of NASA..."
3) Most importantly learn the truth about the field of sociobiology
    (making excuses for bad behavior), today's military (liberal social
    experimentation trumps national security), cripples (how their
    extensive and absurd invoking  of ADA is abusive and costs you and
    businesses in the wallet.
4) Remember: If you have a problem connecting to any of our web sites,
    try: Facebook Richard DePersio (Followers); Twitter @rickaddsite 
    (Followers); Facebook Second American Revolution (anyone).
           -CITIZEN Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple JOURNALIST
FOX NEWS ALERT: Citizen Journalist is missing Again! There are
unconfirmed reports that he is in a forest, dancing with the nymphs, as
Pan plays his Shepard's pipe. We will keep you posted of any and all
developments concerning this monumental story. May the gods be with
him...if he's with the nymphs, let privacy be with him.