Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fwd: Minuteman Unite!

Number of Obama Czars (he promised open/transparent government): 45 (for the benefit of those
of you still keeping count; exceeded one of idols FDR by 11?; presidents between FDR and
Obama - 0 to 3; rickcosmos contends that Czars, as well as, semi-independent agencies are
VISIT: immediately and click on their petition to congress to curb spending
if you think congress is spending us into bankruptcy and turning the U.S. into a third-world nation
and that you, your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will be left to pick up the tab.
VISIT: if you think that the Federal Reserve Bank which played a major
role in economic/financial crisis should be audited. It's a semi-independent agency which largely
operate in secret and can pick and choose which presidential and congressional questions to
answer. Like czars they avoid the press; unlike czars they occasionally answer questions from
White House and Congress. Time is of the essence: contact CFL within the week and request
that they mail you a petition to sign to lift the veil for the sake of Americans on how your money
is being spent. Created in 1917 (during so-called progressive era) it has never been investigated
or audited (although a law permitting it was passed in 1998, it hasn't been invoked). They
will send your three petitions to sign with the names of your two U.S. Senators and your U.S.
Representative on it.
CONTACT : your State Senators and your State Assemblyman (called a Representative in some
states about calling for a Constitution Convention and a Nullification Doctrine (promoted by
ATBTC - rickaddsite project) to restore powers to the states and the people by the federal
government in violation of Amendment ten in Bill of Rights by misinterpretation and unconstitutional
expansion of Commerce Clause. New York State Senator Martin Golden is proposing one
in New York but only has slim chance of passage. Help him out!  (More on his Constitutional
Convention bill coming soon). It most be approved by thirty-eight states. Get to work!!!
Call his office and ask him who else you should call. Hurry!
Find out about Nullification Doctrine. You have to do most of the work!
New York Senators Schumer 212-224-6542 and Hillidiand 202-224-4451 oppose spending like a
drunken sailor on shore leave and don want to know what the FED is doing with your money!
Call the White House. I misplaced their number. Their located somewhere in Washington D.C. -
big building, you can't miss it. Make a right).
       Get on your horse! The lantern is lit!
                                                 In Exile in My Own Country with good Company:
                                                 George, Tom and Jim,

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