-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 12:41 pm
Subject: Fwd: It's that time of the year Again - the unholy one!
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 12:41 pm
Subject: Fwd: It's that time of the year Again - the unholy one!
Editor's Note (Richard DePersio): rickcosmos resumed writing last year after a hiatus of quite
a few years due in part to consuming too much of the nectar of the gods! This was his second
article after having been away; we will pretend that it was his first - trust me, it's more dramatic
that way. This is the pl:ace to LOOK BACK on the last - meant past - - wish it were last! - dismal Obama year. I took the liberty of sprucing it up a little, especially, the spelling for it makes this
writer look better! Let us be the first to wish you an UN-MERRY CHRISTMAS and a DOUBLE-
Sent: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:10
Dear Readers,
On the downside: the planned Oboma spending spree. It will have as much effect as FDR's had in the early '30s. On the upside: He will keep the Bush tax cuts in effect until 2011. On the economically sad side: He won't cut the corporate income tax which would create jobs and he won't cut the capital gains tax which would stimulate the economic and financial systems. I hope that a democrat can undo the damage done by democrats (Clinton, Frank, Acorn, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). I'd be remiss if I failed to point out that the unions did to the auto
industry what they did to the airline industry and the public school system. Dems won't do anything about the unions.
Save the trees; don't save the souls. Once again, the minority liberals will score big against the majority traditional moralists. Round one goes to the liberals; e-harmony.com: being forced to
On the downside: the planned Oboma spending spree. It will have as much effect as FDR's had in the early '30s. On the upside: He will keep the Bush tax cuts in effect until 2011. On the economically sad side: He won't cut the corporate income tax which would create jobs and he won't cut the capital gains tax which would stimulate the economic and financial systems. I hope that a democrat can undo the damage done by democrats (Clinton, Frank, Acorn, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). I'd be remiss if I failed to point out that the unions did to the auto
industry what they did to the airline industry and the public school system. Dems won't do anything about the unions.
Save the trees; don't save the souls. Once again, the minority liberals will score big against the majority traditional moralists. Round one goes to the liberals; e-harmony.com: being forced to
allow homos on their website (which they claim is designed for straights and violates their freedom of religious constitutional rights and the unnatural ones have their own sites by a liberal judge and sadly at this time of the year (don't want to be teased - keep your sexual preferences to yourself: be discreet). Round two went to the liberal-secularists: an annual Christmas celebration in upstate New York was called the 'holiday celebration for life this year'; most residents objected, liberals didn't give a damn! Eighty-three per cent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Jews and Muslims never had a problem with the holyday and legal holiday until liberals told them that they did! The fast majority of our Founding Fathers were practicing Christians and a handful were deists (deists believe in God). Children are being taught revisionist American history regarding our Judeo-Christian foundations and heritage in our public schools.
Have a happy Winter Solstice,
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