Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fwd: Sans Momus...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 4:36 pm
Subject: Sans Momus...

                             SANS MOMUS
         by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We at CJCS Comsats are angry with you...yes, you... for
few of you are visiting
If we told you once, we've told you a thousand times: If
you are a cyber-friend, you can connect from Facebook
Richard DePersio or Twitter @rickaddsite If you aren't
a cyber-friend or an enemy, you and anyone can connect
via Facebook Second American Revolution --- if
connecting directly proves difficult. We are thankful to
you that receives so many
visits - more than the other comsats combined! We
worked hard on the numerous posts at the other four
which are still relevant and pertinent. Soon you might not
be able to visit us at all! As an added incentive: FREE
 We will be serving it at the FOUR on Saturday,
December 15th from 7 PM to 3 AM eastern time with
entertainment supplied by Pan and the Nymphs.
"Plan 9 from Outer Space" is considered the worst film of all
time. We would like to nominate "Casino Royale ('67) for
the second spot. Even multiple consecutive directors couldn't
save this loser whose only redeeming component was the
theme song. It's so bad that we watched it again recently...still
unbelieving our ears and eyes.
David Niven was one of the Bonds in this incomprehensible
 'comedy satire.' He was suppose to play Bond in the first Bond
 move but in the end the producer and studio reconsidered
considering him to old for the part. Here he got to play Bond for
 laughs sans laughs.
Bestiality in Greek Mythology. Zeus slept with many women:
goddesses and mortals. He was a god about town; a real
He raped Leda while posing as a swan.
Calliopa: "There are many great posts at this site that I inspired,
including, "Nobody Does it Better," "Incongruous," "Cosmos of Rick,"
"Know Your Friends and Enemies" and CITIZEN Offending with
Truth JOURNALIST. Not enough of you are visiting us here and
at - many great posts, if I say so
myself. Problem connecting directly? Connect via FB's Second
American Revolution. Thank you."

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