Wednesday, February 6, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.coms>
Sent: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 3:37 pm
Subject: Fwd: PREDICTION...
Just remember this: A kiss is just a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh;
the fundamental things apply...older posts here and at our
other web sites are still relevant and time
goes by.
                         MOMUS' OFFENDING with TRUTH
                   by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist

The debate as to whether or not to lower the rim in
professional women's basketball is trivial in nature but is
emblematic of a bigger and serious issue: women in
 uniform. The lowering of standards so that women can
qualify  constitutes a threat to national security (military)
 and public safety (police, fire), especially the navy (see
numerous posts below).

Hollywood vs, reality...Have you ever noticed that in movies
and TV lightning and thunder occur simultaneously - don't
directors or directors of photography know that light travels
faster than sound? Further, when someone is shot, even
at close range, the actor falls forward, as opposed to
 backward. Hasn't Hollywood been notified of Newton's
Second Law of Motion!
(Pic: She loves to be 'shot').
Most of the so-called experts maintain that TV on the
'broadcast' networks in prime-time is more sophisticated
since the '80s. What? In your face filth, as opposed to
subtlety, when children may be watching. Do critics know
 the meaning of sophisticated.
CJ is proud to state that he outgrew the broadcast networks
when he first got cable about 12 years ago (slower to cable
than most, it took him awhile to be willing to pay for TV -
cheap Jew!). What does he watch? Fox News, CNN (to
get the enemy's corruption of the news), Science Channel,
NGC, Discovery Channel, Military Channel, History
Channel, Travel Channel (he's a hermit), ME-TV, Tru-TV,
Music Choice (Oldies rock, Jazz-Bebop/Cool, Jazz-Swing -
 no, he isn't old but knows quality)...BOOKS!!!



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