Monday, May 26, 2014

            MOMUS PRESENTS OFFENDING with TRUTH                             
   (Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist: "We approve
                                    of these messages."*)
                (Check out * when sufficiently offended)

Zephyus the Greek god of upskirt devotees.
Karpos the Greek god of homos.

Psychologists have discovered differences between those 
 of the superior Western Culture and Asians.
       When shown a cartoon of fish wherein one fish separates
from the pack, WC-ers will say that the fish left because he
wanted to be independent and individualist; he had difficulty
conforming. While Asians would say that he was kicked out
of 'school' because he was bossy and wanted to be the leader;
he wasn't interested in what's best for the group.
       Wc-ers have no difficulty telling guests to help 
themselves while the yellows must know what's best for each
        When asked to describe themselves, Westerns on 
average state four positive attributes for one negative while 
the opposite is true of the slanted eyes; they think more in
 terms of self-improvement and not letting the group down.
         We think in terms of making a difference in the world
while they think in terms of benefiting the group and not
winning; meeting the high standards of the group and not
disappointing the group. We live more by the Protestant 
Ethic: Individual achievement; self-reliance; personal
responsibility; control over environment; hard work.
         For those of the inferior Hip Hop Culture, here and
 now. Social time: in the present. For African-Americans 
behaviour determines time. While for WC-ers time determines
 behaviour. They like to improvise while WE want to regulate,
 shape our behaviour, control our future.
         CPT: Colored Peoples Time. Southerners who were
racially-inclined would in the past disparagingly say of blacks
that they were on CPT meaning slow and lazy. Maybe, it was
 valid. Honkys are in a rush; we think five steps ahead. We
 aren't in the moment. We move like Zeus' lightning! (Wink)
**This was based on an episode of Philip 'the Famous or
Infamous Prison EXperiment' Zimbardo's Discovering 
Psychology (PBS/CUNY). Before Philip gets mad: the last
paragraph was all Momus!
African-Americans (anecdotal evidence: not Blacks from 
countries controlled by England for many years like Haitians,
 Jamaicans and Guyanese seem more educated and cultured), 
over ninety percent vote Democratic. This in spite of the fact
 that Republican Lincoln freed the slaves, the Civil Rights 
Act of '64 (and this isn't taught in lib public schools) wouldn't 
have passed were it not for Republicans for Southern-bigoted
 dems opposed it, Republican Nixon did more to help blacks
 start small businesses than any president before or since and
thanks to Republican Reagan's economic policies in '90'
for the first time, there were more rich and middle-class
blacks in American than poor ones!
          Democraps talk the talk while GOP-ers walk the walk
but their too stupid to realize it!
Prez BO has proven to be no friend of Israel.
          A sad story...In '39, there were 17 million kikes world-wide
with most in Europe: 11 million. Hitler's Final Solution was to
kill all the Jews of Europe; he succeeded in killing 6 million!
Today, there are between 12-14 million Jews in the world;
they still haven't recovered from the damage.
           We consider Western Civilization to be Europe, especially,
Western Europe, especially, UK --- and U.S. While the Jews
mainly came here from Russia and Eastern Europe between
1880 and 1925, we have declared them to be honorary WC-ers!
Why? For their many contributions to the U.S.A unlike the
little mohammads (see and
other posts here for detailed truth about muslims of America).
Going back thousands of years and all over the globe when
one group beat or conquered another group, the winner's
took the wealth, raped the women and enslaved the men
and women.
          Not us! 
          We won WW1, WW2 and the Cold War. After
WW1 and, especially, WW2, we rebuilt the losers. We broke
with precedent: we whopped Germany and Japan and courtesy
 of us, today they are two of the richest nations in the world!
          Not us!
          We defeated the Ingins and while 90% of their deaths
were accidental (we brought diseases from the Old World
to the New World for which they had no immunity --- back
then we didn't even know about germs), we did nothing
wrong for one group conquering another group transpired
globally and way back in time. At more or less the same
time, the Spaniards were conquering Mexico, much of Central
America, much of South America and the Caribbean Islands
--- they raped the Indian women and enslaved the men and
women according to tradition. We won their land and put
them on lousy reservations. Again, we didn't go with
precedent: rape and enslavement. 
           We taught many of their young about Western Culture,
including, Christianity because we wanted them to partake
of the superior and more sophisticated WC. This was
considered a noble thing until the '60s when libs began the
process of lying about and degraded WC and America
History; since then its got progressively worse. Children
aren't taught the truth with respect to whites and reds in
public schools like how many of the children and grand-
children of those that attended the special schools were
able to succeed in white man's world. Many succeeded by
waving bye-bye to reservations. Those that stayed and
refused gov help are the one's that have successful farms
or ranches or mail-order businesses or casinos today!
Those that chose to receive social services and gov
regulations are living in dire poverty. Libs say that we
should spend more on them. Loving them to death;
throwing good money after bad.A superior group conquering
an inferior group has been the policy for thousands of years
and all over the planet. Remember: we owe them nothing,
in spite of what libs think!
           (What about darky slaves? Not even the Holy Bible
condemns slavery but offers rules concerning their treatment.
As we've stated many times: at the root of the slave trade
were the Africans themselves!).
Momus: "My friends Richard and Citizen aren't Greek but
have a fond interests in me and my godly friends. I'm trying
to get the BIG boss to name a constellation after them.
perhaps, Janus. He named constellations in the distant 
past and he keeps telling me that he can still do anything!"
            The earliest part of ancient Egyptian Civilization saw
fewer gods and goddesses and about 90% were depicted as
animals. The number grew and about 50% would be depicted
 with human bodies and animal heads, all animal approximately
25% and the remainder all human.
            Aegean culture - civilization around the Aegean Sea -
didn't begin with the Greeks but with the Minoans about
3,000 B.C.; they lived on the island of Crete. If you like, you
can  consider the Minoans as the first Greek Civilization,
mainly kept to themselves but there were periods when they
traded with those of Pyramid fame. In about 1,500 B.C.
Greek tribes invaded Crete (see, everybody does it) and
established the first Greek culture. They would fan out 
over the Peloponnese peninsula and Aegean Islands.
             The conquered Minoans didn't disappear completely,
they merged with the Greeks creating what we call
 Mycenaean culture. The Minoans are responsible for
 most of the Greek Myths handed down to us. Many of their
descriptions of gods, goddesses and heroes came from
Egyptian descriptions of their gods, etc. as well as, the stories
about them; however, about 90% were human from top to
              Today, there are 88 official constellations with half
named after Greek gods, goddesses, heroes and beasts. Some
historians and archaeologists credit the Minoans for naming
many, if not most of the 44.
              We - Momus, RD and CJ - say three cheers for the
*The latest fad: people, especially, the famous variety,
   apologizing on Twitter due to lib pressure. Own it! Don't
   back down if truth and fact are your companions! Momus
   will never apologize.
   Also, libs believing in free speech if it meets with their
   approval and demonizing those who disagree on issues like
   homos (immoral according to the Bible plus are original
   arguments: abnormal in evolutionary terms and abnormal/
   unnatural according to traditional psychology. Gov and
   society should never sanction three-fold loser. Nobody
   cares what they do in private - so long as it doesn't involve
   children. And, they shouldn't  parade their  perversion in 
   public{nice alliteration!}, especially, in front of children!); 
   global warming; BO-care; etc.
We believe that we have soundly defeated their arguments
here and at our other four comsats:
Also at this venue: the truth about women in uniform and
numerous other controversies!
Little Joe's third half-brother, what was 'Ricky' singing about-
Babalou, Watson critical of Sherlock (shame!).

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