Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Our flagship {comsat}
Politics, Economics, American History with a splash of
Greek Mythology
From: b <>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:36 AM
Subject: Fwd: YOUR FINAL 'P'
This should appear at
but would create editorial problems.
The post that follows absolutely belongs here and
finally gets to make its appearance here.

Appeared at due to a gremlin.
-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 12:45 pm
Subject: YOUR FINAL 'P'

( In color where available. At the very end find out how you can do us a
CJCS Comsats is deeply honored that Poseidon's son and
trumpeter Triton has deigned to perform a solo as part of the Mousai
Orchestra in the overture for this opus.
    RD: "Quiet, please." {Music of the Gods followed by applause}
    RD: "Next on the playbill - Nostradamus presents Quatrain"
That there BO-Care and all the BO smells, zalgo, opprescedent
Quo undy, libs who follow their leader are zombieking of nation
The very odious sopa from congress, signed by this president
Michelle queefs in this toiletry causes tigger odor can't shun
                           -Citizen 'Snoop Doggy Doggy' Journalist
   CSDDJ: "My poetry rivals that of Calliope herself!"
   RD: "Retract your boost post haste. Heed my warning: Remember
what befell Thamyris, grandson of Apollo when he claimed as much."
   CSDDJ: "What demon possessed me. I retract fully and sincerely."
   RD: "Good move for you would be unable to enjoy the beauty of
   Aphrodite and Calliope."
Thales of Miletus Presents Numbers:
A rare social mixer (orgy; gods, goddesses and mortals) at RickCmtSite
 on July 4 hosted by Ben Franklin and Zeus celebrating American
Independence (although, it has been replaced by FDR-LBJ-BO
dependence, as well as, loss of freedom and liberty; American flags at all
comsats have been flying upside down - sign of distress - since election
day) and CJCS Comsat record numbers (leave your clothes at comsat
hatch as we celebrate for the last time as we move from gov servants of
the people to the people servants of gov).
Record Week at 7-day period - 6/4-6/11:
899!!! {Triton playing "Pomp Stomp" is joined by Satchmo as we graduate
to the BIG-time!} Previous record: 784. Single Day: 144 on 6/7; previous,
133 on 5/19.
Showing improvement for the week: -
- 168; - 191 (showing improvement but,
cyber-friends, you can do better!).
                   PANDORA's PRETTY BOX - Part 5 (Your final P)
                               Sub-Title: A Tale of Two Cities
  by Richard DePersio & Aphrodite and Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
(While reading all installments is not required, it is encouraged --- and
                                                  there is a missile with your name on it!)
Exposing libs: Hypocrites!
       We wrote in "Notes" and "Expanded Version: Friendly Advice from CJ to
BO" that progressives (what they were known as prior to the '50s; some try
to apply term to themselves today as conservatives have made the term
liberal a dirty word!) embraced social Darwinism/eugenics and employed
forced sterilization of over 60,000(!) poor. In order of popularity: mentally and/
or physically disabled, criminals, blacks, Jews, Indians. (Pic. 2 appeared in the
United States and Wilson was an advocate of the practice). The Nazis learned
a great deal from progressives writing on the subject. They're known as
bleeding heart liberals because of their concern for the poor. Compassion
has nothing to do with it. It's politics; the non-working poor, the working-
poor and the lower-middle class vote overwhelmingly democrat. The social
programs due to their design have done more harm than good. Libs have a
vested interest in getting as many on social services, keeping them as long as
possible on social services and giving them more social services than they
should receive. We prefer to call them: Lousy Little Lying Liberals (our
favorite alliteration).
     When Social Security was passed in '35. the southern democratic block in
Congress barred virtually all women and minorities from being eligible. The
Davis-Bacon Act was also passed in the '30s barring blacks from most public
works projects. Wagner was willing to remove the anti-discrimination provision
from his Wagner Act in '35 to placate AFL which wanted to use Act which
empowered unions to also be able to discriminate against blacks. Lib icon FDR
opposed anti-lynching legislation! The slogan 'Look for the Union Label' was
code for 'Made by Whites' as unions prohibited blacks from holding certain jobs
and limited their numbers in other types of jobs.
     Their racist ways didn't change until the '70s. Civil rights legislation of the
'60s wouldn't have passed had it not been for the party of Lincoln as it was
vehemently opposed by southern democratic block. They changed for their
votes which they take for granted.
     And, they are still at it, in case you choose to ignore their past. They
consistently vote against barring sex-selection abortions. When gender is the
primary reason for an abortion, over 90% is because it's a female. Amazingly,
feminists who are libs don't want to bar it. They fear: it might lead to other
measures that weaken abortion-on-demand. This is immoral on two-levels:
aborting a baby because she is female and most of these abortions are
performed for minorities. That's right: Libs care about women and minorities.
They love them to death! They are elitists who look down on the 80% they don't
identify themselves as libs and have a need to baby us with a BIG Uncle Sam.
      Libs not conservatives are the bigots/racists and suffer from a superiorly
complex. (See Al below).
Thou breakers..........Supplement to Section 4 in Part Four....
     We must establish a 21th Century Military within budget constraints by getting
more bang for the buck: eliminating waste and redundancy, desist in out-dated
thinking, think outside-if-the-box.
     Increase the Air Force budget by 20% over the next ten years while we decrease
the budgets of the Navy and Army by 10% apiece. Double the budget of the Marines
and triple the budget of special forces. The size and budget of special forces has
already increased 3-fold since 9/11; it should do another 3-fold increase over the
next 5 years. According to Great Decisions in Foreign Policy (PNS/CUNY):
"Military planners have turned away from waging ground wars in favor of more
nimble special operations."
     We've dominated the Pacific with aircraft carriers but now China is engaging in a
military build-up of land-based conventional missiles and subs rendering our
carriers vulnerable. Banish ol' school thinking and reduce numbers of carriers to an
elite force while focusing on land-based missiles in Japan and more subs - convent-
inal and nuclear-tipped missiles. Navy should play a role in missile defense,
Close all overseas bases except those in UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Israel,
Qatar and Japan. (Missiles in U.S. and mid-air refueling reduces need for so many
      On U.S. soil, we need to reactivate plans for mobile ICBMs - nuclear- and
conventionally-tipped (which hasn't been in our planning) as well as, developing
conventionally-tipped for subs. Conventionally-tipped ICBMs are the ticket to security.
Surgical ops with special forces and drones. Bush started latter and BO increased
number of such attacks considerably. It is about the only thing that BO has done
with which we agree; although, with a qualifier, it would be preferable to capture but
BO can't decide what do with them. Kill not capture for valuable intel. We favored
 Bush's enhanced interrogations and military tribunals. BO inconsistent: drones - fine;
enhanced - not. We oppose domestic drones on constitutional grounds.
Presidents had only a handful of White House staffers which increased slightly
under Wilson and astronomically under FDR. Presidents have had secret czars
most of who are unconfirmed by the Senate and only answerable to the President
for less than 100 years. Most had between 0-3. Bush the Son had 13 while FDR
held the record at 33. And, then came BO! He promised the most transparent and
open government. He wins (and we lose) at 43. A shadow government is
unconstitutional --- what an understatement! Here's a good place to save money:
reduce numbers of staffers with excessive paperwork, responsibility over-lapping
and redundancy. Czars are an impeachable offense.
He's Back: Heeeeeeeres Al --- Al Hitchcock Presents. Al: {Safe} "...this should be a
relatively simple task; nothing to it really. I'm not really hungry but I resent the
implication that I haven't the self-control to stay on my diet. Tonight, we have friend
chicken, cold apple pie, potato salad, a story entitled {"Pandora's Pretty Box - Part 5,"}
and one fast-frozen commercial." {CJCS Comsats temporarily unable to post on regular
comsats, we hope that you will join Sherlock on following the clues to the location
of new posts. CJCS: Nobody does it better. Look for the Olympus label.}. Neurons,
unlike the other cells in your body, don't die and aren't replaced on a regular basis.
You have most of the same neurons throughout your life. Some will die after a long
period of time; they die faster when your old. They aren't replaced. On the other hand,
 lib neurons, especially, those in the brain die on a regular basis and aren't replaced. Al:
Thawed-out, he demands another. {The nectar of the Gods (or the wrath of the Gods if
they find out that you're drinking it ---- they'll be Hades to pay!). The recipe: one part,
sweet liquid from a flower; two parts, overcoming death; two parts, amanita muscuria;
 three parts, grinded Adderall. Chill} Are humans ready to play God? A brain transplant
has been done on a monkey (species: lib). Actually, it was a  whole head transplant to
 prove that a brain could live in another body. In '70. Dr. Robert White surgically
attached the head of one monkey to another. It appeared to be quite healthy but lived
for only eight days. Al: "Goodnight."
Breaking the Rules, again! Supplement 2 to Section 6 of Part 4...
      End the death tax which constitutes double taxation and causes small business
and farms to closure.
      Institute a national sales tax of 1% for three years contingent on Congress first
agreeing to reduce the % that some areas have been growing and real cuts in others,
totaling  $5 trillion over ten years. Tough choices now or more painful choices later.
Food would be exempt from tax for everybody. Veterans, disabled and elderly with a
Benefit Card totally exempt. Poor wouldn't. Why? Over 75% have cell phones, BIG
screen TVs, microwaves, computers. and over 50% cars. We thought social serves
were for necessities! Libs want taxpayers to foot the bill for job training programs. Why
can't poor forgo cable-TV for a few months and attend training programs in most
 neighborhoods or one nearby - offering courses in typing, basic computer-ing, EKG,
phlebotomy, medical assisting --- costing between $150-500.
     Other option: Don't take meaningful action against debt crises and face certain
economic/financial collapse from which we can only partially recover if at all! (See:
"Original Proposal" here).
P.S. Add museum educator to mini-bio at the end of Part 4.
P.P.S. Share posts so that we can reach the same numbers of readers, in spite of,
technical problem on our end regarding posting. Thank you.

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