Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fwd: To the UNION of Socialist and Secular States of America

Attahment: Constitutional Convention recommended by Randy Barnet is endorsed by rickcosmos.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 6 May 2009 11:59 pm
Subject: To the UNION of Socialist and Secular States of America

        Item one: in the former United States of America when a corporation when public (issued stocks) the company
was owned by the stockholders who chose the Board of Directors. When a cooperation declared back
ruptcy it appeared before a bankruptcy judge. In the UNION of Socialist and Secular States of America, the company appears before
judge Obama. Who owns Chrysler? The auto UNION (55%), stockholders (35%), U.S. Government (8%), and
Canada (2%). The UNION will choose 4, U.S. Government 1, Canada 1 and stockholders 3 members of Board of Directors Chrysler's debt to
the taxpayer is forgiven and will receive an additional 'loan'. Obama debt to the UNIONS (which destroyed the
public school system and the airline industry) still is being paid regarding the other auto companies.
Corporate executives, stockholders and taxpayers make concessions while union bosses and workers make

      Item two: The new country is purchasing 40% of commercial and investment banks and giving stockholders
pennies on the dollar. The oil, coal, nuclear, and natural gas industries are in jeopardy of being destroyed with
the lose of millions of jobs because of green nuts. Modern technology produces much less pollution than
it did in the past. We could have energy independence in less than 15 years: the price of energy would
decline and security will rise. Large scale global warming caused by humans is a myth created by liberal
democrats, the liberal media, U.N. 'scientists, Hollywood celebrities and Al Gore. I know real science.Obama owes

    Item three: We will have socialized medicine. Countries like Japan, England and Canada's health care systems
are crumbling from socialized medicine. America will no longer enjoy the most advanced medical technology
in the world. And, our best doctors will give up their professions because medical malpractice insurance which
is sky high will go higher and frivolous lawsuits will rise. Oboma has to pay his debt to trial lawyers who donate
to democratic committees on all levels and Democratic candidates.

    Item Four: GE. It is in terrible financial shape. GE owns NBC. NBC was practically a part of the Obama
campaign. GE will get the bulk of the Green Contracts.

     Item Five: Sunday: Bush advisors shouldn't be investigated; Monday: He receive a call from George
Soros (The most powerful and dangerous liberal in the country and yet most Americans never heard of him,);
Tuesday Obama does a big flip flop. He has more debts to pay: ACorn (Oops, I forgot, they recieved a chunk
of 'stimulus' money).

                                                                                             From Exile,

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