To the UNION of Socialist Secular States of America Part 3
Dear Fans, This represents a mini-article (or mini-part).
I am not a Christian (not since I was 18) I am a moral traditionalist. I am upset about attacks
on Christianity and liberal efforts to undermine it. It began with the Supreme Court in the'30s.
I believe that there was a liberal agenda. I tip my hat to them! Their effort expanded in the
'60s with Johnson's Great Society programs, the birth of the one-dimentional modern women's
moverment, the drug culture and the perverted sexual revolution (don't misunderstand, I'm no prude!). Prior to the '60s, we spent little on public schools and yet they were nearly as
good as Catholic schools when it came to education and discipline. What happenned in the '60s:
the first and biggest teacher's union was created, the school day could no longer begin with
a prayer and the Bible could not longer be used to help to English. During the '7os to the
present, we witnessed pc and self esteem run amock, the teaching of revivisionist American
history and students being indoctrinated into the liberal philoisophy instead of educated (kids
only learn Al Gore science, one perspective on homosexuality, the seperation of church and
state myth, only evolution (my position on evolution would shock you!) and more (non-
critical thinking while we increased spending on public schools 4-fold!)
The agenda: the had the unions and the northeastern states; they spend the last few decades
gaining firm control of public elementary, high schools and most private colleges; decade
after decade they solidifies their control of the movie, music and T.V. industries; the last few
years they turned up the heat on their number one obstacle - christianity. Their time had
come; they worked hard for it.
A personal aside: The CHRISTIAN CHILDREN'S FUND is changing its name to "Children
Fund Alliance." I called and lodged a complaint. I said, " You too! Your doing the liberal,
secular, Obama agenda. I am a man of principle. I might have no choice but to terminate
my associatiuon with you but I don't want to hurt my little girl. Please reconscider and I will
ask others to contact you and complain. The dirty word with liberal and now it is Christian.
How sad." I got the depressing letter of notification on Friday.
A mini? I let the hem down a bit along with my spirits. Please join me in exile; pick up my
spirits; let's march (I can in amagination) together! Rick.
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