Sunday, May 10, 2009

To the Union of Socialist Secular States of America (part 2)

Bush gave loans to financial institutions (disagreed on principle; agreed in practical term). He

gave loans to auto industry which was destroyed by the unions a long with the airline industry

and the public school system. (He disagreed with loans on both scores). He allowed republicans

to spend like drunken democrates increasing the debt by 3 trillion in 8 years; Obama will

increase debt by at least 10,000,000,000,000 mega-bucks! He turned loans into shares.

He became a backruptcy judge. He had congress pass A.I.G. bill (abill can not be directed at

and individual or just one of many such organizations). He fired a company executive. He

gave control of Chrysler to the union (that crippled it) and the government. This constitutes

just a sampling of his and congressional violations of the real Constitution!

He should have done the following: Cut the corporate income tax; cut the capital gains tax; cut

the small business tax; gave a rebate attached a rebate to the payroll tax; only gave loans with

interest to financial institutions with as frew strings as possible; gave loans to the states at

low interest for one purpose to help cover state and municipal bonds. He should have frozen

federal spending (and eventually reduce the growth in spending) except in vital areas and

encouraged states to cut state income tax, freeze spending and convert all regular public

schools into public charter and magnet schools (an investment in our educational future.

Still in exile, Rick. (End of part 2).

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