Saturday, July 31, 2010


Thank you, Al.

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Globus <>
To: Rickcosmos <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 1, 2010 1:10 am

Constellation is a turkey. Already late. Not enough money. No funds for a lunar lander. No Ares I until 2017. Dump ISS in the ocean in 2015. Canceling it is the best thing that's happened to human space in decades. The key feature of the new program is commercial human launch. Huge game changer for the better. 
The new plan, particularly the original before Congress got ahold of it, is MUCH better. See and for details. 
On Jul 31, 2010, at 9:23 PM, Rickcosmos wrote: 
> Check out first four posts at and frst 
> five at 
> It includes recent Senate Sub-Committee on Justice-Commerce-Science 
> (that sure makes sense!) and 
> House Committee on Science and Technology and "Citizen Reporter" 
> proposals concerning NASA. You 
> want new technology as do we; we also want to build on existing 
> technology which makes technological 
> and fiscal sense (since NASA no longer has virtual 'blank check that 
> it enjoyed in '60's and it too eventually 
> makes it's way to the private sector)Saving "Constellation" or the 
> bulk of it accomplishes those objectives 
> plus saves the jobs of those involved in Shuttle (must be extended 2 
> to 4 years; SpaceX is already over budget 
> and can't reach it's goal of transporting cargo to space station by 
> early 2012 and astronauts by early 2014) and 
> "Constellation' Programs. 

> On May 29, 1:24 pm, Al Globus <> wrote: 
>> I think the decision to kill Constellation is a sound one. I think 
>> that the new space policy is much, much better. 
>> Here's why: (from my blog 
>> Prologue: I want to build space settlements. I want Life to grow 
>> outward from this beautiful but tiny planet and fill the solar >> system. 
>> This is technically feasible but incredibly difficult (for engineers, 
>> that's the fun part). 
>> Yesterday's space program was all about putting a very small number >> of 
>> people on the Moon entirely at enormous government expense. It wasn't 
>> doing much for space settlement. For space settlement, we need to put 
>> huge numbers of people in space mostly at their own expense. The key 
>> is much, much better transportation from Earth to space because today 
>> it costs thousands of dollars per pound and the failure rate is a 
>> percent or two. Yet another expensive government owned transportation 
>> system, as we were developing, can't deliver. We need better 
>> technology, a private sector human-rated launch industry so people >> can 
>> buy a ticket with their own money, and, above all, much higher launch 
>> volume. Today, the whole world launches less than 100 times per year. 
>> At that rate we'll never settle space. 
>> In Paths to Space Settlement I identified three near term projects 
>> that would develop most of the technology and infrastructure >> necessary 
>> to settle the solar system: space tourism, space solar power, and 
>> planetary defense. President Obama's new space policy takes a big >> step 
>> for all three. 
>> Much of President Obama's new space policy, about $2 billion/year, is 
>> to develop better Earth to orbit transportation and, especially, 
>> develop private sector companies to take people into orbit. After a 
>> year of ramping up, the budget provides $1.4 billion per year to help 
>> private firms develop human-rated launchers and successful companies 
>> will have a core tenant flying government astronauts to the 
>> International Space Station (ISS). But the real payoff isn't flying >> to 
>> the ISS, it's space tourism. In "Researching the Space Tourism 
>> Market," Crouch estimates that at $100,000/flight about 400,000 >> people 
>> will want to go a year. Even with a 100 person vehicle, and the 
>> largest today carries 10, that would pay for 4,000 launches a year. 
>> There are many surveys supporting traffic at similar levels and >> higher 
>> if the price comes down. Furthermore, Bigelow Aerospace has launched 
>> two small space hotel prototypes and plans to launch a full sized 
>> system in a couple of years, but there will be no customers without a 
>> private sector vehicle to bring them there. President Obama's new 
>> space policy may be just the ticket. 
>> The other big potential market for launch is space solar power (SSP) 
>> -- gathering solar energy in huge satellites with wireless power >> transmission to Earth. For SSP to supply 1/3 of today's energy needs 
>> would require approximately 125,000 launches of a heavy lift vehicle 
>> capable of taking 500 tons to orbit (the largest vehicle today can 
>> lift perhaps 40 tons). President Obama's budget allocates almost $600 
>> million/year to develop heavy lift launch technology. SSP development 
>> is not part of the new program, the policy's biggest deficiency, but 
>> vehicle development won't start for a few years giving SSP advocates 
>> time to make the case for SSP-related requirements. 
>> President Obama's policy also quintuples NASA's planetary defense 
>> budget, from $4 million to $20 million. This will not only help find 
>> asteroids in time to deflect them before hitting Earth, but locate 
>> most of the larger near-earth asteroids which will tell us where the 
>> materials we need for space settlement are. For example, one of the 
>> key problems in orbital settlement development is access to >> sufficient 
>> materials as millions of tons of radiation shielding and structure >> are 
>> needed. Building an orbital settlement co-located with an asteroid 
>> solves this problem very nicely. 
>> The new budget also ramps up to $3 billion/year to develop and 
>> demonstrate new space technology, including fuel depots, life >> support, 
>> and space resource utilization, which will help when the time comes >> to 
>> build space settlements. 
>> President Obama's policy does a lot of other sensible things. For 
>> example, the old policy, after spending something like $100 billion >> to 
>> develop the ISS, planned to destroy it five years after completion >> and 
>> had very few plans to actually use it. The new policy extends the 
>> ISS's life and provides funds to actually use the ISS for America's 
>> benefit. The new policy also increases Earth observation funding 
>> substantially so we can understand what is happening to Earth and 
>> perhaps avoid creating serous problems. 
>> President Obama's space policy abandons "Apollo on Steroids," the 
>> third attempt to recreate the glory of the brilliant 1960s era >> program 
>> by going back to the Moon and on to Mars. Apollo was great. It ended 
>> 35 years ago. Get over it. We don't need "Apollo on Steroids," we >> need 
>> a program that benefits the people of Earth and lets millions of us >> go 
>> to space on their own dime. I doubt that Obama read Paths to Space 
>> Settlement before creating his space policy, but he might as well 
>> have. Brilliant! 
>> On May 16, 2010, at 5:38 PM, Rickcosmos wrote: 
>>> I spent much of the day on Twitter and Facebook encouraging people >>> to 
>>> contact the 
>>> Chairmen and Ranking Members of House and Senate Budget Committees 
>>> suppling 
>>> email addresses.Further, I recommended that they contact Shelby of 
>>> Alabama and 
>>> Nelson of Florida, as well as, their senators and congressman. I 
>>> suggested that they 
>>> visit for "Mission Statement" which might >>> give 
>>> them ideas 
>>> as to what to say in emails. I have other ideas and would like to >>> hear 
>>> yours. I'm 
>>> a member of your group. Quid pro Quo: How about joining: "Cosmic 
>>> Trinity" at: groups. 
>>> and NASA_Ares at Facebook or 
>>> Twitter. 
>>> Does the group or any members want to work with me on CONSTELLATION 
>>> Project? 
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 
>> If we had gotten serious about space solar power (SSP) in the 1970s 
>> it's quite likely that we would not be in the global warming and 
>> energy pickle we find ourselves in today. Let's make sure we're not 
>> saying the same thing in 2040. 
>> For details see: 
>> Al Globus 
>> Views expressed in this email are only my opinions and are not the 
>> position of any organization I'm familiar with. 
Space Solar Power (SSP) can solve our energy and global warming problems. For details see: 
Al Globus 
Views expressed in this email are only my opinions and are not the position of any organization I'm familiar with. 

Friday, July 9, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 9, 2010 1:40 pm

(Double) Editor's Note: Bizarre!?! This constitutes a 3-part series (all material updated and expanded).                It gets tricky to follow...Part One sans article proper followed by an update followed by a hybrid:      all                concerning economics, including NASA's role in it; American history; missile defense; other things.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Feb 6, 2010 10:19 pm


EDITOR'S NOTE: rickcosmos' (Richard DePersio) high school teachers and college professors
would have a field day with article and supplement and utterly relish giving him a BIG FAT 'D' and
he would enjoy it immensely!! He wrote articles back then and not book reports and term
papers to their dismay and frustration. They would turn the BIG FAT 'D' into a BIG FAT 'F' because
of the supplement with a preface and a game. Let the A.D.D. good times roll. He hated school and
driving teachers up the proverbial wall but took great proud in his self-education.
       Let the games begin...There is a contest at group site:     The three questions are:1) Who was the Patron Saint of hookers; 2) Who remembers Topper and Harvey; 3) What odd couple is alleged to be members of the "Illuminati" (Saw movie "Angels and Demons" but that                 won't help you with question)?
      The prizes: a BIG WET KISS for one correct answer, two BIG WET KISSES for two correct
answers and five BIG WET KISSES for three correct answers (by reservation only). Everyone is
eligible except homos and you must be a female between the ages of 18 and 70. (Answers at
end of supplement; don't peek; honors system: you can only collect your prize if you can refrain 
from peeking - which is hard for girls to do!). (The end of preface shouldn't be 'red' Just realized it
and too lazy to rectify it (memories of school days!).

"Journey from the Earth to the Moon" Western Europeans, especially, the smelly French have
 always looked down at us (The British are true friends). Yet, Jules Verne, Frenchman, was a
visionary and science prophet (he and the Englishman, H.G. Wells, are called the "Fathers
of science fiction; although, there are those who only recognize one - it has been a raging debate                    for decades. Wells was a science teacher and Verne was self-educated in science and had
many friends who were scientists. They were 'science' science-fiction writers. Is your ADDed
reporter going off on a tangent!) who chose a site in Florida not far from today's space center.                       Why would he think that the first flight to the moon would take place from the U.S. and
not his beloved France. How unlike a Frenchman not to be a snob!. He believed that the U.S.                          had great potential and would soon be number one in science, technology and economics. He
penned his book in the 1860's. It was around 1870 to 1900 that we began our move to number one. We          won the trophy in '20 and held it to '29 and regained it between '43-'46. Verne was indeed a science           prophet! In a fit of madness they gave us the Statue of Liberty circa 1880 for our growth as a nation, 
in the hope that we would remain true to our ideals and that France would move in our direction                        (of course, they didn't; they even have a unionized army! Wait! The way things are going that could happen here!).  So un-Frenchy! Our growth  in the '40's - atomic age, the '50's - the television age and the '60's - the space age. Problems began in the '70's when we reduced spending on the space agency - a unique           federal program which benefited so many of the sciences and was at the cutting edge of developments in electronics, computer technology, micro miniaturization, engineering (other government programs are           limited to just one thing) which enabled our enemies in World War 2 - Germany and Japan - which we          rebuilt after the war (what a strange thing for the WINNERS? to do after a war) and set them on the                         right path in science and technology so that they could begin breathing down                                                 our economic necks by the '70's. Germany and Japan were tied for second by the '80's. Japan fell                   due economic crisis in Japan in '90's - tried to spend their way out of it - - sound familiar?: FDR before               and Obama now. Rebounded after 2000 with sound policies and was replaced by China in 2005 which       placed. (An economic miracle begun by China in '85. Today, we still have the world's richest and biggest economy but it is shrinking .China is number two while Japan shows. China (our banker) is expected to take      trophy off of our         mantle courtesy of Obama by or before 2015. Science and technology
have been the engines of the economy since the Industrial Revolution and now we are number
one in very few areas - one of which is improving existing and creating new medications(new regs                 could change that Japan is now number one in the most important area: computer/robotic technology.          China was a third-world nation until '85 when it began to become a developing nation. They are now an industrialized nation. They will be a post-industrialized nation (or service economy) within 5 years but with a strong industrial base which we failed to do thanks to growing outlandish demand of unions. China makes       you dizzy. They moved through the phases even more rapidly then us! 
       It is broke but can be fixed. NASA only receives 1/2 of 1% of the federal budget. It
should have the budget that it enjoyed in the '60's adjusted for inflation. Obama wants to cancel Orion -      Version one to replace space shuttle, version two return Americans to the moon and version three take     humans to Mars!.Instead, thanks to the un-American we will have to beg the Russians for a ride to the 'International Space Station' international my foot! It was largely built with American money - when                   our money was worth something internationally! With it's usual collateral benefits in other areas -                unlike other government programs - medicine, solar energy, ion energy, nanotechnology and               applications from home to car to office to factory to farm to hospital.Once again, there will be a                   couple of nations in the world in second place but third or fourth place for U.S. or worse with India's               horse on a sprint! Obama is unwilling to take broken and put in that thing that they use to crush cars.              We must invest in grey energy - using heat generated in the process of making something...say, steel...           to turn turbines to produce electricity for the plant. It's what's done at traditional and nuclear power              plants where nothing else is produced in the process - say: steel. Grey plants which produce comparatively    little in the way of pollutants don't receive subsidies and have an astronomically high number of regulations    most of which are silly or unnecessary or duplicates or expensive or stifle innovation. They shouldn't           receive un-capitalistic subsidies but deregulation.    We must assume that certain plants are eyesores while solar and wind plants are pretty to explain     discrepancy in treatment by green fed gov.NASA could           directly or indirectly help develop grey.               More importantly, it could play a dramatic role regarding    nuclear thermal and ion (see articles at rickscisite.(and rickaddsite) Experts predict                  that we will have nuclear fusion plants between 2030-35.           NASA could accellerate that process with   proper funding for ion and nuclear thermal propulsion and             power-generators. Nuclear fusion                 will be more effective, safer, efficient, cost-effective and bring us closer to energy Independence and for         cattle farters and hockey           pucks less greenhouse-producing gases then coal, natural gas and oil.      During 2008, T. Bone Pickens, oil magnate, ran a lot of radio and T.V. PSAs            promoting using all domestic energy sources to achieve energy independence  instead of purchasing energy from countries with lower environmental standards then ours (strange: it doesn't bother  libs -wait: George Soros  has a lot of Brazilian oil stock!). He was willing to put his money where his mouth was by promising to build                  wind-generators across a whole state. Recently, he reconsidered declaring it wasn't viable but might be             in an indeterminate numbers of years. Not surprisingly, story was ignored by lib mainstream media.      Hypocrite? No. Shrewd businessman? YES.                                                                                                                                                        Obama will continue to spend your green on green! The red-white-blue will                  soon be yellow!

HOOKERS AND OTHER THINGS...Hint: December. Santa Claus - more precisely, Saint
Nicholas, who amongst other things purchased 6 hookers from a pimp (or whatever, they
were called about 1600 years ago. There is no truth to the rumor that he was a party guy.
Although, there is no record of what became of the 6 pros! Catholics - Roman and Orthodox -
are angry with me. Wait a minute, didn't the Pope demote him in the '70's. No compromising
photos surfaced - there was no photography back then. What about the Shroud of Turin.
I don't want to get in trouble was all Christians.
       There were a movie and a sequel in the '40's about Topper and a T.V. series in the '50's.
 people have bad memories and think Topper was the ghost - the ghost were Merriam and George.
       Harvey was a 6' tall invisible rabbit in the movie "Harvey" starring Jimmy Steward in the'40s.
       According to Wikipedia, the Illuminati, "is the name a several groups, both historical and
modern and both real and fictitious." Further, it is rumored that members of this 'secret society'
include Bush and Obama!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Jul 8, 2010 11:15 pm

UPDATE TO UPDATE: Obama's "NASA in a CASKET." Decisions, he makes now will have                               lasting effect. Does anyone really think that America will ever leave earth orbit when he wants to shift               NASA focus from space to 'hockey stick' pseudo-science and as Charles Krauuthammer of FOX                  News puts it: "Making Muslims feel good about their historic contribution in science, math., and therapy... pseudo-psycho babble...adolescent 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 5:40 pm

To: Senator Shelby
Expend Space Shuttle for two  to four years,create and replace with declassified unmanned and manned    version of  Air Force X-37B(if feasible;experimental not in final operational form) which likely be                  operational in less then four years and call it CONSTITUTION to drive libs crazy!  SpaceX is over-budget and can;t reach 2012 goal (cargo) and 2014 (astronauts) Building on proven technology (cost-effective) and cutting-edge technology resulting in Orion/ Ares  and Aries/ Saturn S-N Combo(S-N was cancelled in 1970; would have had certified in 1967nuclear thermal engine for third stage)  heavy-lifter for which we picked a name that libs will love! until commercial sector is ready to handle earth to orbit to earth with their heavy-lifter,    as well as, turn over Orion and  CONSTITUTION (Two chemical stages and two solid booster rockets) programs to them when they are capable of responsibility except for nuclear thermal third stage version which should be used by Air Force to place operational mini-Orion or CONSTITUTION - both of which can more easily be moved and maneuvered from the ground then a satellite near GPS to temporarily move it and replace it if necessary             - speed would be of the essence- if becomes an enemy target in the future. NASA-version nuclear third-stage with Orion for deep space using reusable first stage and second stages plus liquid boosters (liquid for safety reasons: can be turned on and off). Cost: Recent directive allows  for greater cooperation between NASA and military.Check out original theory and proposals at Also check out: YouTube: Rickaddsite - "A Vision of America's NASA's Future," "Citizen Perspective" and "Nick."


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:14 pm

                                 Subtitle: WE GOT A PLAN
                                     by Richard DePersio                                                                                        "Citizen Reporter" components listed at, including,                          NASA_Ares (Facebook; by permission), Twitter: nasa-ares, nasa-ares-associate and                                   nasa-ares-aerospaceguide (by permission),YouTube: Rickaddsite.         

Fact: NASA and Boeing were working on X-37B and mini-drone Orion                                                      (controlled from ground;
unmanned)  in 1993 to carry supplies, equipment, experiments to
ISS (International Space Station; our station, we paid most of the cost, as usual -
worth it but to think that we might be denied access to it by the president who
travels the world putting down America and who  learned science from Al Gore!;
we also pay the bulk of the cost of the useless U.N. and the cold-war relic - NATO...
is writer's A.D.D. showing again!?!) and return materials to the earth. There were those
who complained that NASA was behind schedule  in completing
station - that wouldn't have been the case if it had the X-37B or mini-Orion. It lost it due to
budget cuts and was taken over by the military (while mini was scrubbed) which always                              wanted a military
space plane...don't ask; they won't tell. It was the X-37B which was tested
on April 23 (This reporter saw it 'live' on Fox News - the only network which isn't
liberal-biased and gives all points-of-view) and the 'secret' launch was televised!                                           Leading one to suspect that program is closer to operational then they would have us                                   believe.All the military would say was that it would A) Carry new technology for testing
purposes before possibly being used in future satellites and B) lift components
and subsystems into orbit (presumably, for assembly). They denied that it was in
response to last year's Chinese missile knocking out one of it's own satellites -
China claimed that the 'faulty' satellite had to be terminated because it might crash
in a populated area - - many foreign observers, including, American suspected
that China was signalling that it would have no compunction militarizing space if
it so choose (think about comsats and weather sats, especially, GPS during a
war). The Air Force (did you know that it's only the Air Force and CIA that have U.S.
missile programs!) has been developing it since '94; how many tests have they
had?; is it nearly operational? Speculation has it that the X-37B which is about
one- third the size of the shuttle could be expanded to carry 2 or 4 'military'
astronauts (we never had those). The military gives that question a BIG "No 
1) Most Shuttle, Space Station and CONSTELLATION   administrators, managers                                ,scientists, engineers and
    technicians, as well as, many members of congress want the Space Shuttle
    extended for two  to four years (the green president wants it cancelled).( NASA is a
    unique government component - you actually get a return on your investment!
    It is estimated the for every  dollar invested in NASA - which receives about
    1/2 of 1% of the federal budget that we get approximatively $7 back in pure
    science and technology - applications and sin-offs: NASA in your phone,
    pacemaker, microwave, T.V., car, office, farm, factory, hospital. It is 
    imperative that we cut federal spending in real terms in certain areas and
    we reduce the growth of spending in others, including, so-called entitlement
    programs. We must freeze and, in some cases, grow spending in departments,
    agencies and programs having to do with national and domestic security.
    NASA must be the exception. It only receives a pittance compared to it's
    hay days back in the '60s. It is our main scientific/technological engine of
    our economy but it must be BIGGER again...tangent?..Is he again!).
    The danger factor as regards the aging shuttle fleet.All Mercury, Gemini, Apollo,
    Skylab astronauts (commanders and pilots) were former test pilots as are
    shuttle astronauts (although, some shuttle might be a notch below: fighter pilots) and                             
    all have the "RIGHT STUFF." Exceptions: one Apollo astronaut was a
    scientist-astronaut as were a couple in Skylab; there are - unless, we do
    something, probably were - many in the the shuttle and the name has been
    changed to mission specialist and a new breed known as payload specialist
     usually an engineer dedicated to  one activity or experiment. Spaceflight
    is dangerous business. Talk of it becoming routine back in the '8'0's was
    premature to say the least. Commercial spaceflights like airliners can
    potentially become routine by 2020. Due to delays with respect to
    R & D, the space shuttle no longer represented cutting edge technology when it
    first flew in the  '80's...I'll get back to the mission specialists...He caught
    himself...I'm wasn't implying that they necessarily didn't have the "RIGHT 
    STUFF...Unlike other areas of NASA due to budget cuts causing R & D
    problems, it was predicated on '60's and '70's technology. All shuttles enjoyed
    '80's-level technology in virtually all of their systems and subsystems by the
    early-'90's. Major upgrade between '93 and '97 and now each of the three                                                              are certified for over 75 more flights.  We must extend the lifespan of
    the shuttle for two to four years during which time, we continue to upgrade it and, if,
    possible, have it test Orion command and service module components, after all, your
    president said that he would 'tolerate' a mini-lifeboat version of Orion - not that
    Ruskkies would hold our astronauts hostage even in the event of war!; Russians                         
    always have one at the ready- which also doubles as a cargo vessel. We extend
    longevity of shuttle, would astronauts fly it? We're confident that 95% of commanders
    and pilots would...We told you that we would get back to it, people don't have
    enough confidence in us...and 50% of mission specialists. No problem. We are
    only talking about 7 to 10 flights over two years or more - contigent    on progress of                                 Falcon 9 (not promising at this time but we have confidence in private sector) and we must                      evaluate feasibility and budgetary constraints. Your president extends life of space station from
    2015 to 2020 to humiliate U.S. Americans have flown aboard Soyuz and Russians
    aboard shuttle - no problem. This president like progressive Wilson doesn't have
    deep love of country - yes, we're questioning level of patriotism, Obama hasn't to
    the best of our knowledge  instituted sedition yet(Soon, we might not be able to write                              things like this as Obama takes control of internet) like Wilson - nor a profound
    interest in American history and Constitutional Law. FDR wanted to reinvent
    America, damaged it severely, but I think loved it and respected what it had been.
    Obama is the first president to travel the world for the purpose of knocking U.S.
    Human beings - and they were American - walking on a heavenly celestial body
    for the first time - - we won the space race and dramatically demonstrated to
    the world the superiority of our space technology and indirectly our military
    technology - for the two technologies are related. We will have to beg Russia
    (whom we beat) to fly us to our space station (international, my foot, we footed
    most of the cost) and they've made it clear that they will charge an astronomical
    price. What if they refuse to fly us or fly us when we need to be flown due to scientific                                                      windows or scheduling considerations. Do you
    think that this president - bowing: how low can he go - will have the Bs to tell
    Russia to keep their putin hands off of our station - he's no Bush. Worse yet,
    riding our banker's Shenizhou! Obama wants the private sector to carry tourists
    and astronauts to and from space station. Unlike Obama, this reporter is a
    capitalist and not a Marxist and he is also realistic. The private sector would
    have to do R & D with NASA for at least 2 years to develop a vehicle followed
    by at least 2 years of tests flights.It should be able to conduct some cargo missions                                           beginning around 2014 and astronauts missions in approximately 2016. It will become                                           operational and virtually
    independent  of NASA except for periodic inspections for some times they will be                                                                carrying NASA  cargo and sometimes precious cargo - 
    astronauts missions approximately 2016 after 6 years of humiliation if Obama has his way.                                   And,
    further, there is no guarantee that national and international commitment to
    station will last until 2020. You're right, sometimes, the writer wears science some times
    hat and, sometimes, political hat.
2) We made the case for extending the space shuttle. And, now for a proposal that
    we haven't heard elsewhere: what about the X-37B. The Air Force has been
    secretly working on it since '94. Allowing launch to be televised would serve to
    indicate components had been tested on the ground followed by sub-orbital
    flights followed by orbital ones. They showed confidence in it via T.V. could a
    modified version - modified for security reasons - be employed by NASA within
    two years to ship materials to and from station? Would it surprise anyone if the
    Air Force had blueprints for, and more then that has a mock-up of a 2- or 4-
    manned version? And, further, that it is prepared to conduct a suborbital flight in two years.                             We wouldn't be surprised.
    Mercury, Gemini and Apollo had unmanned suborbital tests prior to human
    occupancy. The shuttle was the exception. The military will have to come-up
    with a cover story. Telemetry: Russia, China and other countries would know that
    men were aboard. It's being developed to repair military satellites? Russia, China
    and U.S. have military sats and sats that are used for military purposes and it hasn't
    been considered a violation of the international treaty on the militarization of space.
    Pleasant surprise: have NASA astronauts sub-tests for AF and then thumb our nose at Russia
    and China. NASA should go with less expensive 2-manned version. Green
    president wants to shift focus of NASA from space science to 'hockey stick' pseudo-science.                       Sure he's committed to deep space!
    We can't afford to be too pushy. Outlandish? This reporter contends that
    speculation has been plausible and reasonable.
3) Don't cancel "Constellation" Program. The Ares heavy-lift rocket was suppose                                                   to  to be operational by 2015 and Americans were suppose to return to the moon as part                                     of an international team with the EU or EU and Russia. Forget about it! We will do
    it with our real friends: England, Canada, Australia and Isreal (?), Georgia, Czech
    Republic and Poland and our semi friends: Quirter and UAE (because they have
    green stuff. We would pay 50% of the cost, Quitar and UEA - 27%, England and
    Canada - 18%, Isreal, Georgia, Check Republic and Poland - 5%. $s would determine
    where facilities would be built and how many, level of responsibility, number of seats
     and backup seats per country. We would get the most, of course. We would be
    in charge, of course. We would develop certain technology in the program separately from                                   the others so that are private sector can eventually benefit from it! Obama plan wouldn't
    put us in charge, he is diminishing us in prestige. Israel might very well be our
    best friend in the world. Although, president with Muslim roots is jeopardizing
    that relationship. Every president from Truman to Bush has claimed a balanced
   approach as regards Middle East while in reality learning slightly in Israel's favor.
   He's leaning the other direction. Or, we can say to Muslims: "Play ball if you want                                                 to be on the winning team!"It might help peace process. The other team being the EU or                                      the EU and Russia. China, India and Japan are question marks. We could include them on                              our team. Peaceful competition can accomplish more. We're not suggesting cold war-like                      competition.            Buzz Aldrin likes  Obama's plan and is in minority,
   as far as, former astronauts, including, even BIGGER WORLD-HERO ARMSTRONG.
   We hate to say this but he seems to have lost it. Recently, we saw clip of him
   on wresting show (He did suffer a nervous breakdown after his return to earth).
   About a month ago, he wrote  about Russia's Soyuz and A2 rocket which they
   have been sing since late '60's - it has been modernized and upgraded a number
   of times put never with cutting-edge technology, otherwise, it might necessitate
   a name or number change. He praised this approach and indicated that it would
   be good for us. We've been there. Gemini was 90% based on Mercury and Apollo
   25% based on Gemini. Mercury was atop Atlas and Gemini - Titan. Slight 
   modifications were made to Titan from what we learned from Atlas. Saturn 1B
   and Saturn V were rockets in truest sense. They weren't modified missiles like
   Atlas and Titan. Our first space station, Skylab, consisted of the Apollo command
   and services modules, the lunar lander and a Saturn V third stage outfitted with
   equipment and experiments instead of containing fuel. The shuttle was brand-new.
   What's wrong with building on it? In another article, Buzz states that "Constellation"
   is based on Apollo and Shuttle. We need brand-new cutting edge technology. Buzz
   is a rocket scientist, this writer has a lot of nerve disagreeing with Buzz but while
   about 75% of Program takes Apollo and Shuttle technology up a few notches which
  is good from a safety perspective, it also involves cutting edge technological
   development in areas like solar energy-generation (that should please hockey
  pucks), nuclear energy-generation, ion propulsion, medical equipment, space suits,
   construction and materials engineering and more - much of which will find applications                                  on Terra fer-ma. It would combine Buzz's apparently contradictory articles
4)Let's be practical - money! We should forgo years building and using a moon base.
  We're not talking abandoning moon.For technical and budgetary reasons, we  should                                    have 4 to 7-week mission to between lunar north and arctic circle  and south pole and antarctic                            circle and the moon's backside at the antartic circle with a satellite in
  orbit high above moon so that astronauts can keep in touch with home for 5 weeks during 2020.
  Up to 5 follow-up missions(2021-2023) will take place if NASA can justify returning to a particular
  site one or more times or returning to new  site.Private sector should begin Lunar mining in 2025.                        It would necessitate geologists, metallurgists, surveyors to locate promising and viable sites                                for mining.NASA should participate in this aspect making it scientific as well but not in                                   constructing mining camps.  The EU and Russia have
  made it clear that they are bypassing moon. China and Japan are competing for
  moon while India is an unknown. Will these counties join EU or EU/Russia for Mars?
  Russia and EU have also made it clear that they will test technology on the ground,
  in earth orbit (how many times?) and in Martian orbit (how many times?). Similar
  to approach we took in Apollo. Under Bush plan: tests on ground, in earth and lunar
  orbits and at moon base. He wanted a moon base for two reasons: scientific and
  technological (developing new technologies, including, technologies for Mars mission.
  We wouldn't conduct  test missions in Martian orbit prior to a landing.
5)Orion Version One was to replace shuttle. We will eventually turn that over to commercial sector.
  Orion Version 2 with 4 astronauts for moon and Version 3 carrying 6 for Mars. 
  MARS MISSION 1: nuclear thermal - round trip - - 3 months; landing site - equator - - length
  of stay - - - 1 & 1/2 to 3 months; length of mission: 4 1/2 to 6 months. Mission 2: Same as                                 MISSION 1 except landing
  site between Martian north pole and arctic circle. MISSION 3: Same as 2 except
  south. MISSION 4 or 4 and 5 or 4, 5 and 6 (depending on budget constraints): Round trip 6 months;
  length of stay 1 & 1/2 to 2 years. Where? Missions 1, 2 and 3 will dictate that.
  Bush and Obama called for a Martian mission in 2035. Due to big savings on moon
  base, we can move that  up  to about 2030. We might decide to begin building
  a moon base in 2035 and a Mars base in 2033 or 2037. Obama calls for a
  manned landing on an asteroid in 2025. Why not? We can consider landing on
  a comet and a moon of Jupiter after 2040. At this point a majority, not a large
  majority, but a majority, nonetheless, speculate that using suspended animation or
  nuclear propulsion or a combination of both or by using matter/antimatter propulsion
  that we could visit one or more of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons and visit the nearest
  star by 2050 or sooner! And, why not, en route, land on a Plutoid (a large Kuiper-iod) or                                       Oort comet to boot!


HOUSE BUDGET COMMITTEE: Chairman: (www.-?)
                                                Ranking Member: Ryan
                                                Ranking Member: Greg
House: 202-226-7200                                                         Senate: 202-224-3121

Contact your two senators and one congress. You need not know their name but you must
know the state in which you live!
Two BIG NASA proponents: Senators Shelby of Alabama and Nelson of Florida.
All 9 phone
numbers and websites - older posts: "Our Plan to Save NASA." Join the CAUSE!!!

Recommendation: Leave a message at their website demanding shuttle extension and saving most                       of CONSTELLATION program, perhaps, in combination with upgrade and cutting-edge Saturn S-N                    which was never built, every month. According to law, the budget is suppose to
be completed by Oct. 1 but never is! In September, leave a message and speak to
staff member. You might want to alternate beginning this month: message and phone calls. Phone            numbers available at



Fwd: A 'QUICKY' and a DOWNER

Updated and Expanded 
-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, Jul 5, 2010 7:33 pm
Subject: Fwd: A 'QUICKY' and a DOWNER

Saw a documentary a couple of years ago about NERVA Project which was to lead to nuclear thermal third                            stage of Saturn S-N.
As opposed to Saturn 5 which had chemical-fueled third stage
It was a joint NASA-Los Alamos-Atomic Energy Commission-Westinghouse                                  Project. In the doc, a NERVA engineer showed the tank where the successful tests were conducted                 and said that the facilities should be brought back too life.* NERVA was certified ready(in 1967) for                 Saturn S-N stage when ready for a Mars Mission in 1978 and to begin construction of a Moon Base in 1980!     Let's bring back - even though we have their data - NERVA and X-20 teams from the '60's - it would be       nostalgic and besides those pioneers might have more technology up their sleeves. Bring back those                that are still alive and those that aren't! A few years ago, Project Prometheus was cancelled. Cost?
I'm confident that some would serve as part-time paid consultants and that some would settle for a stipend.
Now, we are talking about an exciting space program like Apollo. And, why not a NASA theme song to help get teens and young adults excited to the degree that they were in the late '50's to early '70's. I happen to know the right song and the right composer:  aerospaceguide administrator!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Jun 23, 2010 6:17 pm
Subject: Fwd: A 'QUICKY' and a DOWNER

l                              Subtitle: The Rise and the Fall
                                     by Richard DePersio
(All components of "Citizen Reporter" listed at

NOTA BENE': Last year, we composed a series of articles: "Triumvirate...
Oligarchy," "Oligarchy: The Delay," "OLIGARCHY continued," "The Dog
Ate It," "Oligarchy: I was Invited to One Party which One Should I Choose."
The series was repeated in January and can be found at www.quasarpolitics.                            under January!
They aren't out-of-date and prove that we scooped Beck and others by many
weeks. Under our system, George Soros was placed in the first tier. It appears
that others are playing catch-up.(Hurry! Check it out now. We are feeling down
and can use the applause!).
       George Soros who aided and albeited the Nazis during WW2 in their program
of stealing from the Jews. He concentrated his efforts on Jewish-owned artwork.
George Soros who was kicked out of England for causing the British Sterling to
collapse and ordered never to return. George Soros who made over half of his
money in the U.S. but pays little in taxes  because of his off-shore bank accounts.
George Soros who is the biggest contributor to the most dangerous liberal
organization in the United States: The American Civil Liberties Union (who believe
that everyone has rights except moderate and conservative Christians and who have                                       done the most to destroy the sanctity of marriage and the traditional American family
and the most to promote immorality and abnormality and did the most since it
first formed in the 1930's when progressive FDR was President to eliminate the
teaching of constitutional law in law schools and limit law schools to case law. They
didn't accomplish that overnight but by about 1980 virtually all law schools no longer
taught it and that remains the case to this day. He is the biggest contributor to ACorn
(which is undergoing a name change so that it can get Obama money again) which
played a major role in causing the economic/financial crisis; planting the seeds                                       between 1995 and 1998 along with a few others and watering and making them grow;
they blossomed between the last quarter of 2007 and the last quarter 2008. He's                                             the big money-man behind the following: the Democratic Party; Family Matters; Move-On; Tide Foundation;Apollo Project (which has nothing to do with the good Apollo Project);   others.                  Interestingly enough, virtually all of the top officials in the Obama Administration,       including,                       the man himself Obama worked in one or more of his organizations besides                                                  the Democratic Party. He favors nationalizing banks and the oil industry which Obama                                      is in the process of doing. George (where getting to know him so well that he's like                                    family now - the black sheep of the family) favors the government spending beyond it's                                means which it  has been doing. He wanted and got the two failed stimulus packages.                              George stands to make a mint off of Cap-and-Trade like Al Gore. Green pseudo-science                                    is a massive fraud and front for a money-making scheme at tax-payer expense BIG-TIME.                               He demanded and got      California to agree to build a smart-grid though no blueprints    exist!                          (It kind of reminds           us of SpaceX's Falcon 9 which orbited a 'dummy' and   doesn't even                       have blueprints for a spacecraft but claims it will bring cargo to ISS in early   2012 and astronauts                      in early 2013. Obama is trying to end Shuttle and Constellation -   please read or browse at first nine posts on and join the        CAUSE! It almost appears as if Obama    wants both NASA and SpaceX to fail! Is writer!?!...where were we?). GE - owner of NBC and an arm of the Obama         campaign-got the green grid contract. Oh, you're ahead of me - George is heavily                                    invested in GE! Obama is demanding a six-month moratorium on off-shore drilling
which will cripple the U.S. oil industry and eventually lead to the loss of hundreds of
thousands of jobs. The rigs in the Gulf of Mexico won't remain idle. Plans are underway
to move them to Brazil. Guess who owns a lot of stocks in Brazilian oil! 
       Do you remember during the presidential campaign when T. Bone Pickens,
the oil magnate was airing PSAs on radio and television encouraging Americans to
invest in all forms of energy and that he would put his money where his mouth was
and finance wind power-generating plants across a whole state. A few months ago,
he announced that he had abandoned idea. Is he a hypocrite. No, he's a smart
businessman. Further studies indicated that it wasn't practical and viable at this time.
The dominant liberal media didn't cover the story. Reasonable experts tell us that
35 to 50% (and no more) of our heat and electricity MAY come from solar and wind
in 40 or so years. Give it time and a chance to succeed (like SpaceX - give them 4
to 6 years for cargo and 5 to 7 years for astronauts so that they can do it right and
safely. Extend life span of Shuttle for 2 to 4 years and consider Rick's original                                         proposals- as Reagan would say: "There he goes again." A.D.D.).
      Does Obama want America to fail? Spain has been telling America                      ( was number one in Spain in January.                                                           Twitter-Analytics couldn't explain it nor could we - but we were mighty grateful!). that they went                      green and two
industrial or service jobs were lost for every one green job created and that green
job had to be partially government-subsidized. Greece desperately needs a loan
from the IMF and the IMF is considering attaching strings: down-size socialized
medicine and encourage the development of private sector medicine for socialized
medicine isn't sustainable. What does Obama do? He has Congress pass an
extremely expensive - and make no mistake about it - health care bill (which
over 60% of Americans opposed) which will result in socialized medicine in 4 years
or less! (Did you do it? Will you do it? Oligarchy and January. We need applause!).

NOTA BENE': Recently, Russia announced that it possesses the most
advanced fighter jet, as well as, an unstoppable missile. Meanwhile,
Commander-in-Chief Obama canceled plans to place an anti-missile
radar system in Poland and anti-missile arrays in Czech Republic after
Bush got them to agree to excepting the systems in spite of their fear of
Russia. Why did Obama do it? Russia demanded it!  And, he cancelled new                                                fighter jet!                                Obama tries to
accommodate our enemies and semi-enemies and every time he does so he
fails to get anything in return thereby humiliating U.S. Then again, he travels
the world knocking America and apologizing for alleged American mistakes
here and as regards American activities internationally over the past 100 years
and thinks that he is endearing America to the world in acts of humility when
in return the world is laughing at us! No other president acted in such a
despicable manner. They talked up the country that they loved. Four presidents
in the last century - Theodore Roosevelt (R), Woodrow Wilson (D), Franklin
Roosevelt (D) and Lyndon Johnson (D) - talked up the country that they loved                                                 while loving it some much that they worked toward  reinventing it!The worst 
offenders having been FDR and LBJ. Until now! Obama has replaced more of
the FOUNDING FATHER'S "Declaration of Independence," "The Constitution,                                            including, the 'Bill of Rights,'" and the "Federalist Papers" with "the progressive
'living' constitution" that the documents will soon be eclipsed! A.D.D.ed again...
Weren't we talking about national security!  
       Why do liberal hate offensive military (do they want us to be sitting ducks)
and defensive military (the latter is harder to understand). We could have had an
impenetrable, cutting-edge technology shield for ourselves and our real allies.
President Nixon wanted an ABM system but liberals killed it in 1970. President
Reagan wanted SDI. It's budget was cut by over 90% between 1989 and 1995. And,
Obama continues to shrink the Bush Plan because Russian told him to so. By now,
we would be invulnerable to missile attack from any country and in the future from
terrorists groups if they were to acquire missiles. Bonus: all the military R & D and
actual systems deployments for the past 40 years; they say that military technology
becomes accessible to and applied to civilian purposes after 30 years or less. (Don't
forget to join the cause at and Oligarchy/January. We need
the applause!).                                                                                                            .

NOTA BENE': More on Cap-and-Trade (the following article is a must-read) it will
effect businesses of all sizes forcing them to purchase carbon credits, in effect,
a massive tax increase which translates into higher prices and fewer jobs created.
An estimated one million jobs lost every year as energy-intensive industries are
forced to shut their doors or move overseas. Obama and company will decide
which businesses get government subsidies and which don't - a recipe for
large-scale corruption and the government takeover of more companies. Finance
Reform is similar but would apply to commercial banks, investment banks and
savings-and loans. And, we all know how well government is at running things!!!
According to the "Campaign for Liberty":
       "One day, you hear a loud knock on your front door.
         But it's not a neighbor visiting or someone trying to sell you a subscription.
         Instead it's a federal agent -- the federal government's newest threat to
your liberty coming to check your household appliances...your light bulbs...and
this is NO JOKE."
       And further, "More government control. More international control with the
corresponding loss of freedom and sovereignty."
       You still don' believe it? A few months ago, Obama asked Twitter for it's
files of tweets for historical purposes for the "Library of Congress." if anybody
believes that that is the real reason the Obama Regime wants it, we have a
Constitution no longer in use for sale. (You'll need a light bulb to read the following
article, rickscisite and January/Oligarchy).

We honestly believe that liberals are embarrassed by the fact that America is the world's
super-power in economics/finance-military-science-technology (including, space and
medicine)-LIBERTIES. They want the rich and middle-class to give the poor even more
- and they already give a lot, some might say too much -
then they all ready do - to the point where everyone is lower middle-class and there
is no incentive to be creative or work hard (socialism). And, they want post-
industrialized and industrialized nations to give more - and they already give a lot,
some say too much - to developing and third world nations so that everyone is about
on the same level: somewhere between the present U.S. and Ethiopia or Durfur (a
new form of socialism - international socialism). AMERICA FADES TO BLACK.
(*MARS RISING: Episode - "Rocket Power" - Original air date: 10/2007. Senior engineer
Stan Gunn: "This test-stand and rest facility of facility that still remain can return to
operational again for future NASA development of nuclear engines with upgraded safety and