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From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:32 AM
To: citizenjournalistrd@gmail.com
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:32 AM
To: citizenjournalistrd@gmail.com
Couldn't appear at pan-multiverse due to a gremlin. Gremlin
is dead.
-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 12:36 pm
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 12:36 pm
(Check out: groups.google.com/group/newfederalism and
by Richard DePersio
with Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist
Fairy Tale from the not to distant future...
Place: Grocery Store
Clerk: "Can I help you?"
Customer (age 13*): "I'll have a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread,
a dime bag of coke and the red-headed whore out front."
Clerk: "The male or female?"
Caffeine Withdrawal has been added to the psychiatrist's** BIG
book of mental disorders. Will it be covered by the Americans with
Disabilities Act!?!***
Will they soon add Broadcast Withdrawal for those of us who
have outgrown the major broadcast networks? and Gender
Confusion for guys who are attracted to girls?
Dominoes is attempting to develop an unmanned drone**** (using GPS,
camera) to deliver their pizza to replace delivery boys and men (how sad!).
At first, they will need someone to operate the remote-control; later,
simply programming method without need of remote-control device. Do
you remember when Dominoes pizza (certainly nothing like real Italian
pizza) guarantied a free pizza if it wasn't delivered within 30 minutes.
Will they now guarantee a free pizza if it's delivered to destination within
30 minutes without exploding? One more thought: We bet remote-
controllers will have pizzas soar to rooftops to observe sunbathers. The
marksmen will be able to serve pizza-on-a-rack. So what if they didn't
order the pizza. And, we'll bet you a real Italian pizza that when policeman
have drones that they won't be keeping their eyes peeled to criminals ---
like TSA agents who target lovelies.
Let's all take solace in the knowledge that the IRS will be responsible
for collecting details about your health and medical history and
present status under BO-Care!
Animal Channel scores its highest ratings ever faux-doc 'showing that
mermaids real!!! Truth revealed during closing credits. Over six
million views with nearly two million taken for Triton-ride. Who would believe
that so many would be so gullible nowadays.
Orson pulled it off pre-WW2 on a Halloween night '38. An estimated 6 million
heard all or part of radio play on alien invasion with an estimated 1.7 million
believing it true and 1.2 million of them terrified across the nation, especially,
N.Y. City, Grover's Mill (Orson had them land in a real town) and other parts
of New Jersey. Pre-WW2 with some people fearing Nazi invasion. Our
grandfather was in a hotel lobby and a drunk ran through hollowing: "The Nazi's
are here!!!
Triton: "Momus, I just got back from condescending to pay my
trumpet for mortals at www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com Although, that
RD is god-like, therefore, makes it go down easier. By-the-bye, did
you know that I was a merman?"
Momus: "That would be like Priapus asking, 'Did you know that I was a...'
Never mind. Triton, you unlike me, don't Offend with Truth. Look who else
is visiting a CJCS comsat for the first time."
Glaucus: "Momus, while I'm not in your league, I'd like to irk Triton. As I
once told a maiden..."I am no monster, nor sea animal, but a god; and
neither Proteus nor Triton ranks higher than I." Though,they may be
Poseidon's sons! "Once I was a mortal and followed the sea for a living; but
now I belong wholly to it." I underwent a metamorphosis and was promoted
to my present dignity. Momus: "Just fine but a little to subtle for my taste."
*There is little evidence that psychotherapy is effective. Studies show:
in one-third of cases, it's beneficial with meds or meds alone; no change
in one-third without meds; 1/3patients gets worse with just therapy (Inside Out:
Introduction to Psychology, PBS/CUNY). I'd like to witness Gestalt Therapy
for it seems the most likely to succeed (!): Patients are told to speak for their
legs; they are told to address an empty chair pretending that the person who
is giving them the most trouble is sitting there. It's reminiscent of Clint at
Republican Convention! Lib judges have been undermining Christianity and
parental authority since the '50s. Now, an appeals court has decreed that
the so-called 'morning after pill' must be available to girls of any age! BO won't
appeal decision! Freedom Outpost is reporting that students were
prevented from distributing pamphlets about an upcoming Bible study
class by the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CIAR) (Bible Study was
part of public schools until the mid-'60s, as well as, Christian prayer
per Founding Fathers wishes; minority non-Christians would stand politely
but not prayer) while they give booklets to school officials on Islamic
religious practices. The are demanding Muslim prayer in public school.
Indications are that Michigan will cave and after all these years prayer
will return to public schools - the prayers of the 1 % per cent of
Americans who are Muslim! First Michigan, where next. Freedom post
points out that CIAR is like gay lobby, they claim to be victims when their
the aggressors.
We implore you to read posts here and at www.cj-rickaddsite.blogspot.com
(not out-of-date/still highly relevant; if you have a problem connecting directly,
anyone can connect via Facebook's Second American Revolution) on what
libs are teaching your children and grandchildren about gays, Muslims,
Founding Fathers, Founding Docs without your knowledge and approval.
How military hymns, traditions, ceremonies going back to our Founding are
being discarded or modified to suit libs, gays, feminists and Muslims.
Christianity is being suppressed in military while Muslims are accommodated.
Find out what this cult - not a religion - is doing to small towns and Americana.
We are witnessing the death of Western Civilization! All with the support of BO.
**We have college textbooks on abnormal psychology and early childhood
development from '70s. explaining that homo is abnormal and unnatural and
why it would be bad for girls and boys for girls to be on boy's little league teams.
Then, came the early '80s, homo was reclassified by the American
Psychiatric Association as a normal but alternate lifestyle and there was
no problem with girls on boys balls. Decades of research thrown out the
window due to pressure from fem and gay lobbies. Minority positions lead
to minority rule. Now, it's the Muslims turn! Decades of research sacrificed
a lib alter. It's laughable that psychiatry is a medical 'science' and psychology
a social 'science'!
***CJ: "In 1990, I was in the hospital with a fractured rib (you should have seen
the other guy!) when I nurse rushed excitingly toward me (playing with cane)
and shouted, 'You must be so happy that Congress just passed the Americans
with Disabilities Act!' I replied, 'Cripples will abuse it and it doesn't allow free-
market forces to operate.' I, sadly, was right on both scores. What I didn't
predict that silly stuff would be classified as a disability --- costing taxpayers
and businesses BIG-time. She was shocked and I was disappointed that she
hadn't run excitedly in my direction for a different reason!
****Cameras on street corners, soon drones in the sky watching you as you
leave your house (they're already monitoring you on your computer), BO
feel-ups and porno pics even of little girls and blue-haired old ladies --- all
unconstitutional!!! (no search warrant or probable cause) While 100% security
is unattainable, Bush had largely solved problem via sealing doors to cockpits
during flight and Sky Marshals). Only one major airport - name slips our minds -
still has private security and it beats gov-security airports hands-down (and
they do keep hands to themselves) in test after test using more traditional
methods and equipment - private sector prevails! At airports, profile, if you're
going to violate rights limit it to the few: 75% of the time surreptitiously watch
the Muslims males, 18 to 50; 15%, other Muslim- looking travelers; 10%, other.
Porno and/or feel-up when circumstances warrant: suspicious behavior. This
might actually be within the bounds of U.S. Constitution.
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