Wednesday, February 5, 2014


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Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:28 AM


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From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 12:10 pm
Due to technical problems this post can't appear at therefore, it will take up
residency here. Though it doesn't belong here. With thanks 
to Urania and Plato.

                           The Eve of Destruction
                 by Richard DePersio with Jose' Jime'nez
   The brown and back-olive threat...
Written for American Moderates and Conservatives of all races,
religious and ethnic groups...
Public school text books are over 60% negative about USA. We think
that the problem had its genesis in the '60s and has gotten
progressively worse as libs tightened their grip on the newspaper,
magazine, music, TV and movie industries, as well as, public schools
where children are indoctrinated, as opposed to educated: where one
side of an issue will be taught or both sides with one -theirs - sounding
better--- no fair and balanced.(Wasn't that a long sentence!?!).
      Eugene Webber of "Western Tradition" (PBS/CUNY) sees it
somewhat differently as regards depiction of Western Civilization:
Beginning in the second half of the 19th Century, mass newspapers
went with a lurid appeal concerning the busy, crowded place; the cities.
 Mostly for crime, crisis, violence and corruption. It exists in all ages, ours
might even be less so but we know more about it.  Ordinary people
engaging in ordinary activities and doing acts of kindness isn't news.
There is no story in a wife loving her husband or a father loving his
children. It is only when they beat each other that it becomes interesting.
So, we know more about these activities. What was once neighborhood
gossip becomes amplified for the multitudes. Giving a gravely distorted
impression of those of us who live in the West.
       Eugene, I'm confident that you would agree (from your grave) that libs
are uncomfortable with: U.S. being number one in everything (thanks to
BO, we are loosing our number one status in space* and medicine);
 patriotism; capitalism; small government. Who could forget BO's
 world-wide apology tour after he first became president. Libs knock
everything that is great about Western Civilization, especially, America.
A quick look at Western Civilization, including American Branch:
The Ancient Greeks; the Roman Empire; the Dark Ages; the Middle
Ages; the Age of Discovery; Christianity with Jewish roots; the
Renaissance; the Enlightenment; the Industrial Revolution; the
Atomic Age; the Space Age; the Computer/Information Age.
      Western Culture/History is the GREATEST! No brag, just fact:
As grandpa would say in "The Guns of Will Sonnett" We're full of it.
So much so that it and only it should be taught in elementary and
high schools. There isn't time for anything else and nothing else will
help save our nation. While you can have parades and dinners
celebrating other cultures and teach about your other cultures at
home and in college electives, all Americans and immigrants must
embrace Number one. WC Unites while multi-culturalism divides.
Sadly, most children with parents of Latin American origin and, of
course, illegals and Muslims - newly American and their children 
DON'T. Don't embrace the American Branch and the rest of Western
      Forget about the Mafia and Russian and Chinese gangs. There
are far more and they have far more members and they are by far the
BIGgest threat to public safety: Latino (or Hispanic whichever you
prefer, it makes us no never mind) gangs. They largely control drugs,
prostitution, extortion and more. The police are afraid to enter certain
neighborhoods. They are comprised of Hispanic-Americans,, as well
 as the legal and illegal varieties. The are a bad influence on
Hispanic children whether or not they grow up to become members.
They don't respect Western Culture.
     They want to recreate the Islamic Empire and add UK, France and
US to it. Take UK and France: There was a time when 95% of the
people living there were British or French and then they let in  large
 numbers of Muslims who refuse to acclimate and embrace the culture
 of their hosts, enforce Shiria law when they become the majority in a
neighborhood or a town, disregarding local and even national laws.
When you visit one of their countries who have to tow-the-line and
 follow their customs.
     They place their Islamic center right town the street from where
the Twin Towers once stood; thumbing their nose at the majority of
Americans who objected. When there is a terrorist attack anywhere in
the world, most of the so-called moderate leaders and clerics don't say
a word in condemnation while the few  do so perfunctory. Most of the
 so-called moderate mosques in the U.S. receive financial support from
the muslim brotherhood (lower-case letters intentional) who aided and
 abetted hitler during WW2 and who help fund hamas and hezbolah -
terrorist groups who kill Israeli men, women and children. Fed gov
should confiscate such funds and give them to isreal or to victims of
future terrorism. We should investigate to determine how much
money a mosque received in the past and seize it from their bank
accounts. There are still muslim schools in US teaching that Americans
are devils and Jews are monkeys. They put their extra-large 'people
of the domes' in the center of small towns. It is their constitutional
right but if you are new to a place, you should consult with the locals
on a good locations. They're destroying Americana. The complexion
of these towns has hardly changed since they were founded. Then,
they have the audacity to complain that they are victims of verbal and
physical abuse much like gays who flaunt their perversion in public in
front of children.
     muslims like most of the young browns won't become part of
Western Civilization, including, American Branch (melting pot)
limiting their customs to the home and parades and dinners. They
are invaders not immigrants!!!
     Facts the mainstream media doesn't want you to know but are
stated by  browns and muslim leaders themselves.
(Read "...Telling the Facts" which will be posted in the near future).
*Over 30,000 discoveries and inventions are completely or partially
credited to NASA since '58.

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