Sunday, June 28, 2009

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E-Mail enviado pelo Webmail

Friday, June 26, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jun 26, 2009 10:00 am

over the next 10 YEARS. will it be used to reduce the deficit? will it be used To pay for the so-called stimulus
package and socialized medicine. NO! 85% will go to special interest groups. Obama promised you an open and


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jun 26, 2009 9:37 am

202-224-3121 Smoke and Mirrors. The liberals pulled a fast one. They detracted us. They are going to pull a rabbit
to know your congressman's name but you do have to know the state in which you live. Moderates and Conservatives unite. CALL. CALL. CALL.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!


Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!

-----Original Message-----
From: RRDD3939 <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 25, 2009 12:50 am
Subject: Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!

Attached Message
From: RRDD3939 <>
Subject: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:09:37 -0500
(We are going for something unorthodox here perhaps unique. An article consisting of a title, two subtitles, sectional
titles and an epilog!).
As Groucho Marx would say: You Bet Your Life...I never heard of a major broadcast network giving a president an hour
of prime-time real estate to promote a program that's steadily loosing public support primarily because of it's astro
nomically high price tag (what results are there to show for the 8,000,000,000,000 dollar, 8-year stimulus package thus far!?Most of which isn't really stimulus). I won't name the network - why give aid, comfort and publicity to an enemy
America enjoys the most advanced medical technology in the world. Why do liberals believe that a major and expensive
overhaul of the Health care system is necessary? They just love spending your hard earned paycheck. Expect taxes in many areas  to go through the roof in 2013 and not just on the super-rich! The democrats won't do it next year because it's a non-presidential election year. Liberals believe in hurting the many for the sake of the few. Only twenty percent lack health insurance - this necessitates a major overhaul as opposed to a little fine-tuning? Who doesn't have health insurance?Bums but they can get emergency and non-emergency medical care in any hospital emergency room for free just like
any illegal aliens (one of the perks they receive for breaking the law: entering a sovereign nation illegally.Young people
in their twenties who shun it if their employer doesn't pay a hundred per cent of it - they think that they are invincible to
disease because of their youth! And those who can't afford it and their employer can't afford to pay all or half like
large corporations do. There is a simply inexpensive, private section solution: associations (please read ATBTC by this
writer on this website/blog). Allow a group of small- and medium-sized businesses to for associations. They will
be totally autonomous except when it comes to health insurance for their employees. They can purchase in bulk and
thereby get a discount. You have to pay full price if you have less then  a hundred employees but if as an association
you can say that we have over a hundred employees - you will be about to afford to pay all or half of the insurance.
Over ninety per cent will have it. One hundred per cent is impossible to achieve (universal).
Universal health care means socialized medicine in spite of what the lousy, little, lying liberals (do you like the
alliteration?) are telling you. Have you heard any of the horror stories about countries like England, Japan and
Canada with government-controlled socialized medicine like having to wait up to two weeks to see a primary
physician and up to three months to see a specialist or a lab. technician! Liberals claim that you will have a choice between the government program and a private program. I told my doctor that the government will determine how
much he can make and his already high medical malpractice insurance will go higher (Liberals have to appease
trial lawyers and price controls on medication will mean less money spent on pharmacology R&D. In 2013, not
next year - an election year, those who have private insurance will be taxed unless your a union boss or
a union member - only they will have choice and you can be sure they will prefer private insurance but there will no longer be private companies. Non-unionized workers will form or join existing unions in order to no longer be taxed for
having private insurance. And then the government will drop the second shoe: increase taxes on private insurance
companies putting them out of business. With so many new union members the unions will have a lot more
money to contribute not the Democratic National Committee, state and local committees and individual democratic candidates  ---   taking us one step closer to a one-party system...
Like some girls use to say: What You See is What You Get...(I was remiss: don't forget about the health care czar -
of course, you can't see him; please read The Invisible Government on this website and please call: 202-224-3121
this week - they might vote on healthcare reform this week - - it's too let to leave it to the other guy!). The union
gofers will be overflowing with new member and new money. Step Two: Bring back the Equal Time law to muzzle
moderate and conservative voices. Step Three: Take away the secret ballot so that union strong men can strong-arm
you into voting in favor of a union at your place of employment. PLAN 9 FROM ALIEN SPACE: Those who come here
legally have to wait five years to become citizens and can only bring their underage children and elderly parents. Illegal
will be rewarded for their crime by being granted amnesty and becoming citizens overnight and be allowed to bring
over their under and overage children, elderly parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. You keep hearing the figure of
12 million what where really talking about is 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 million and the cost of their health care,
education and social services not that many aren't already receiving these services  because of liberal governors and mayors - which constitutes a crime! It's estimated that over 2/3 will register democrat. Are will becoming
a socialistic or a communist nation? The real Constitution has already been violated 7 times. It won't mean
anything when you virtually have only one party!
Get Smart...'I've been telling people for years that the unions ruined the school system (the airline industry and the
auto industry and so Obama rewarded them with ownership and management of GM) and giving dozens of examples
and that our children aren't being educated but indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy. Pravda -Russia's largest
newspaper states that Obama is doing the things that were done in the the former Communist Soviet Union including
the dumbing down of children in public schools. Recently, it hit home. I now process my own anecdotal evidence:
I was talking to my eight year old niece Alexa (namedropper; you should have gotten Diane and Andre permission
before naming their daughter; oops, I revel their names too; I don't think like most parents they want to know the
truth). Where was I...I've been ADDed again...oh, yes...I was telling Alexa the truth about global warming - real
science vs. Al Gore science, after all, she is only supplied with one perspective on issues in her classroom. She
interrupted me a said: "Don't You Mean Climate Change?" It was less then two weeks earlier the the Chairman
of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to switch from global warming to climate
change because Americans weren't buying it: large scale global warming caused by humans. They teach our children
that glob --- please excuse me for not being PC --- climate change is scientific fact. The only fact is: scientists have
not yet come to a consensus. Is there large- or moderate- or modest global warming (I'm not a PC kind of a guy!)
caused by humans or a change in the energy output of the sun or both or no global warming and is global cooling the name of the game.
And, further, the bulk of the so-called green contracts are going to GE (owner of NBC which was virtually an arm of the
Obama campaign - we can't jeopardize them. It was a marketing decision regarding the public and the so-called science being taught in the public classroom. Our little ones pay the price. It's imperative that children learn real science as
our society becomes more and more scientific and technological and that they are told more then one point of view in all
subjects so that they can acquire analytical skills. It wouldn't surprise me if the Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee sends memos to public school principals!
As they used to say in the T.V. series Laugh in: Sock It to ..Most of the stimulus package hasn't stimulated gold
bullion in heat (whatever that means). My friend received a so-called stimulus check and he socked to the liberals.
The distributed it as follows: one-third went to the Alliance Defense Fund which does battle with one of the two most
dangerous liberal organizations there is The American Civil Liberties Union (the other is ACorn). The U.C.L.U. doesn't
think that Christians have civil rights (in spite of the fact that my friend isn't a Christian exactly); one-third to the
Campaign for Liberty which favors state and people rights and not a federal government with czars lurking min the shadows.
And the administration promised to be open and transparent.; the final third to the child that he sponsors in Odorous.
Obama and co-president Nancy Polusi are fuming.
As Jackie Gleason use to say: How sweet it is...Pure science: the acquisition of knowledge for knowledge's sake;
increasing man's storehouse of knowledge. It's a beautiful thing. Applied science or technology: making life
more livable and pleasant and enjoyable; it's practical. I claim that NASA is the most important federal program
save for The Department of Defense, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Justice and the F.B.I.
Do you think that rickcosmos belongs in a celestial rubber room!? Visit NASA or or just NASA
and check out NASA IN OUR LIVES, TECHNOLOGY AND NASA HISTORY and you'll get just a taste of how
NASA has affected your life over the past few decades and most of you weren't even aware of it. NASA focuses on
space exploration (pure science) and all forms of engineering (applied physics) but is multi-faceted benefiting
medicine, botany, zoology, meteorology, communications, household devices, oceanography, physics, transportation,
fire-fighting and so much more. I'm a member of the NASA team having joined My NASA and I hope that my nieces
join NASA's Kid's Club.
                                                                 DEAL OR NO DEAL
Is Our Future in the COSMOS or in COMMUNISM...Time is running out - Have you called 202-224-3121. You don't need
to know your congressman's name but you do have to know the name of the state in which you live! Let him or
a member of his staff know that you don'\t want to live in a 'nanny state' and have a government that takes care of you
from cradle. And that you don't want Big Government to be in charge of your medical decisions and you like
associations and not a plan that will cost ?,000,000,000,000 of dollars.
Contact your governor, your state legislators, may and councilman and tell them you want more local and citizen powers.
Look in to the Alliance Defense Fund, The Campaign for Liberty, the New Federalism and the 912 Project.
Remember: we are talking about ??,000,000,000,000. You and your children will have to pay the piper. Watch your
energy costs go higher while the government gets more green - you have less green!!!   

Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fwd: Title: The Invisible Government Subtitle: WHo has the Biggest Guns?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Jun 13, 2009 9:32 pm
Subject: Title: The Invisible Government Subtitle: WHo has the Biggest Guns?



                                                                                                     MOST     OF US CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!!!
TURNING RED BUT MOST OF US CAN'T SEE IT BECAUSE                                                         



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     & amp; nbsp;                                                     

An invisible government exists parallel to the one in which the mainstream media is a part. Most people consider CBS. NBC, ABC and most of the major newspapers to comprise the mainstream media but some include
CNN and PBS while others. . incorporate the major movie studies and record (I dated myself). NBC was practically
a part of the OBama campaign. These governments are juxtapose to one another with identical agendas and
goals but employ different methods. Why listen to me? Maybe RickADD have become RickADDPARANOID.He
probably thinks that he lives in a parallel universe; he couldn't even choose between two possible titles so he went
with both of them. There is evidence. I claim to have a clear head having quit smoking and drinking cold turkey
after many years of 'pleasure.' Please reread ATBTC for starters. Did I dream that Miranda rights were read to
terrorists and enemy combatants (excuse me: misunderstood Muslims who enjoy common hobbies like chop-
ping off heads and blowing themselves up and taken others with them - it's a travesty on justice for only they will
get the virgins! I'll submit; you'll decide. There will be recommendations at the end of the affidavit (What only
Obama reserved the right to rewrite law and corrupt the meaning of legal terminology. Only 20% of Americans
define themselves as liberals and yet they control it all: government; media; education. A crisis is transpiring in
this once great nation and I don't mean the economic/financial one I'm mainly addressing the moderates in the
cyberspace audience. Time is of the essence. Read, decide and I hope that you act posthaste.
            The progressive movement lasted from 1880 to 1920 and had a return engagement from 1933 to 1943.
The were honest and transparent about their agenda - save for the stealth American Civil Liberties Union -
they want a new constitution - a 'living constitution including a new Bill of Rights component to the Constitution
(the darling of the left even proposed one. It called for socialism, secularism, the 'nanny state, income redistribution
--- sound familiar. Did you ever hear of presidents firing the CEO of a private company, guaranteeing warranties
on mufflers, forcing private companies to merge, government ownership and control of some but later all of the
private and financial sectors, choosing a citizens doctor, telling him what kind of car he can drive and what
he can eat!!! Orwell was off: he predicated big brother in 1984!
            I'm cognizant of the fact that 75% of Americans (I'm in exile in the former U.S.A.) are woefully uninformed
except readers of rickcosmos or whatever this website/blog is called. I'll have to ask the editor. Forget it. I'm
the editor.
           Roosevelt had a secret government t consisting of dictators (as Jack Parr often said: I kid you not;
oops, I dated myself again - actually my father told me) who weren't accountable to the public, the congress
and the courts. The dictators interestingly enough were accountable to a president (a democrat). Republicans
Nixon and Reagan had weaker ones and the name was changed to the more palatable - czar. Obama has 16
0r 21 (I've checked with numerous sources and no want is sure), they're as powerful as the dictators and we
don't know if he has equaled or surpassed the number one of his idols had. Luckily Republicans (amazingly they weren't the majority in congress) and the U.S. Supreme Court undid much of his "new deal" in the late '30s -
yes your children are being taught revisionist American history regarding the drunken spending spree - now,
history is repeating itself and you, your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will have to pay
the tab. Clerk, I want this written into the legal transcript: The government headed by the President owns more
and more of the private sector with taxpayer money but for example you the taxpayer don't own 35% of Citicorp!
This is the new legal system, 'living' constitution style.
          A temporary aside: Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood supported the progressive
item: eugenics. Hillary Clinton is a great admirer of Margaret.
          Let's go aside again... In the early '30s Germany was taking baby steps toward fascism prior to Hitler
coming to power in 1934 and made a deal with the Soviet Union - you continue to use the term communism
and we'll start using fascism. Most people think that the two ideologies are polar opposites on the political
spectrum - nay - the both have command economies in which the government controls prices, wages, production.
In fascism most houses, stores, factories and farms by the people but are dictated to by a centralized government
regarding all aspects of the business. Germany was the first country to recover from the world-wide depression
but at what price. The Founding Fathers created a Federalist, Constructionist Constitution predicated on
\Judeo-Christians principles are they were classical liberals (like today's libertarians or conservatives.
Progressives became liberals and now the want to be called progressives again but unlike their ancestors
there not telling the truth about their hidden agenda.
          Hey! What Happened to the dictators - I mean czars. Some Americans know we have secretaries
who are accountable to the public, the congress and the courts like state Treasury, Interior, Housing,
Agriculture etc. Why are there czars for the Great Lakes, Technology, Health (isn't there a Health
Secretary?), Automobiles (what does the Secretary of Transportation do in the Obama Administration?), etc.
Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing in the middle of the night when the rest of us are
sleeping? As the announcer said in that popular radio series in the '30s and 40s: Only the shadow knows.

GE which owns Nbc was paid back with the bulk of the green contracts. I warned my doctor that medical malpractice
insurance will go higher and we will no longer be number one in medical technology with socialized medicine.
The democrats are lying they want to control you health care too - they are your nannies! Socialized medicine
has failed in countries like England, Canada and Japan. Big Brother will run your life from cradle to grave.
Vocabulary test: Do you look up the terms from ATBTC like I suggested - - - Constitutional Convention,
Commerce Clause, Nullify Doctrine, etc. I beg you. I never begged anyone in my life call and/or e-mail and/or
visit (it might be to late for snail mail) you U.S. Senators. your Representatives, State Senators, Councilman
etc. Talk to them or a member of their staff; they keep records. Americans think that it's a waste of time
to talk to a staff member - not true. Tell them or want a Nullify Doctrine or the you want your real Constitution back!
Contact the Campaign for Liberty, Alliance Defense Fund, the Federalism proposal at and the 912 Project.
See how you can help - maybe a contribution- find out what else you can do. Get your family, friends and
coworkers inv olved. Take Back America.
            The Fed Reserve Bank has never been audited. China owns a chunk of America. The U.s. Supreme Court
bows at the alter of the demi-god and made a sacrifice - they burnt 230 years of contract law!
            Will it take the unconstitutional to restore the constitutional: the U.S. Military declaring Marshal law!
Could it happen? Did you ever think that the U.S. Constitution would be flushed down the toilet!
The citizens have the biggest guns. USE THEM NOW-CALL STATE

Sunday, June 7, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 6:48 pm
Subject: ATBTC

             To rickcosmos readers,
             I had nearly completed what I felt (with all due modesty) was when of the best articles ever me.
When the computer won one.
             There's a crisis in America. I don't mean the economic/financial one per se. Eighty to Ninety per cent of
Americans aren't even aware of it. I knew as soon as Obama stated in his inaugural address: We are a nation
of believers and non-believers. It meant that he was replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called
'living' constitution that progressives created during the progressive era (1900-1920). Obama had given them what
they craved and what their liberal descendants have know received.
             I am certain that conservatives will believe me and liberals won't. I ask conservatives and implore moderates to take about an hour for your country's sake and look up the following: Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights; the nullify
doctrine of 1832; the due process clause; the commerce clause; categorical and block grants; revenue sharing;
New Deal; President Truman's failed (he was stopped by U.S. Supreme Court) in 1951 to take over steel mills
(private sector)- - -does he remind you of anyone living today and where is the Supreme Court today; this one is
going to pique your curiosity - Darby Lumber.
            rickcosmos hereby endorses and BEGS you (I have never BEGGED anyone in my life) to check out the
following organizations: Campaign for Liberty; Alliance Defense Fund; the 912 Project; Randy Barnett's A Bill of
Federalism at or Ranndy Barnett's@RandyBarnett (he spells his name with one or two Ts).
           Times is of the essence...Only the four largest health insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield
will survive and they'll serve as fronts for socialized medicine (In countries with socialized medicine you have to
wait up to 2 weeks to see a primary physician and up to 3 months to see a specialist or lab technician. America
will no longer be at the forefront of developing new medications due to price controls. The unions destroyed
the public school system, the airline industry and the auto industry. They've been rewarded by being part in
charge of the auto industry in violation of bankruptcy laws - creditors, bond holders, shareholders got the shaft.
The Federal Government owns part of the financial and private sectors - not the taxpayer even though its your money.
           Do you feel over-regulated? Soon your doctor will be chosen for you, you will be told what you can
eat and what you can drive, etc. Even if the economy were to temporarily improve would it be worth the loss in
state rights and individual rights?
           Pravda (Russia biggest newspaper) published an article in its paper and posted it on its blog that
America is doing what was done in the former Soviet Union. Britain's Daily Telegram states Obama is completed
Bin Laden's work (Editor's note: Many major corporations had their headquarters in the World Trade Center.
           The A.I.G. bill signaled out one company; the president and the congress can not signal out an
individual or only one of a number of similar companies. Judges swear an oath to be impartial. Obama and Supreme
Court nominee know that she will be committing perjury. I could continue but my 2 fingers hurt. President Bush
took a big step in the wrong direction prior to leaving office; Obama went UNCONSTITUTIONAL (some of the
many examples have been given).
           Pick a uniform. It's the ATBTA (rickcosmos presents AMERICANS TAKING BACK THEIR COUNTRY -
Please e-mail and/or phone and/or visit and/or snail mail (even if it winds up in the hands of a staff member - they keep records for numerous reasons and report data to their superior - - most Americans think that getting involved in that manner is a waste of time --- it is not) your U.S. Senators, U.S. Representative, Governor, State Senator, State Assemblyman (or representative depending on where you live - some of you were going to say: Those New Yorkers of full of themselves - they think that because they call them Assemblyman everyone does!) County Executives, Mayor and Councilman and say: Constitutional Convention; Amendment 10 Nullify Doctrine; Darby Lumber. Say whatever you want but give the hell!!!...Where were we... I'm being ADDed...oh, yes...ATBTA Revolutionaries vs. the Redcoats (no; I don't have the wrong war - the Russians are calling us reds like will referred to communists and communism as reds and red - - - slang, putdown terms that we used for communists including Soviets. The organizations listed above like the Campaign for Liberty need ammunition. Wear the uniform of...
                                                                                                              Freedom and Liberty,
                                                                                                              In exile in My Own Country,
                                                                                                              I'll Be There to Fight a long with       
                                                SPIRITS OF   
                               TOM, JIM AND THE OTHER
                         ORIGINAL REVOLUTIONARIES





-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 6:48 pm
Subject: ATBTC

             To rickcosmos readers,
             I had nearly completed what I felt (with all due modesty) was when of the best articles ever me.
When the computer won. Anger eventually led me back to drawing board.                                                                                                                                                                        There's a crisis in America. I don't mean the economic/financial one per se. Eighty to Ninety per cent of
Americans aren't even aware of it. I knew as soon as Obama stated in his inaugural address: We are a nation
of believers and non-believers. It meant that he was replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called
'living' constitution that progressives created during the progressive era (1900-1920). Obama had given them what
they craved and what their liberal descendants have know received.
             I am certain that conservatives will believe me and liberals won't. I ask conservatives and implore moderates to take about an hour for your country's sake and look up the following: Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights; the nullify
doctrine of 1832; the due process clause; the commerce clause; categorical and block grants; revenue sharing;
New Deal; President Truman's failed (he was stopped by U.S. Supreme Court) in 1951 to take over steel mills
(private sector)- - -does he remind you of anyone living today and where is the Supreme Court today; this one is
going to pique your curiosity - Darby Lumber.
            rickcosmos hereby endorses and BEGS you (I have never BEGGED anyone in my life) to check out the
following organizations: Campaign for Liberty; Alliance Defense Fund; the 912 Project; Randy Barnett's A Bill of
Federalism at or Ranndy Barnett's@RandyBarnett (he spells his name with one or two Ts).
           Times is of the essence...Only the four largest health insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield
will survive and they'll serve as fronts for socialized medicine (In countries with socialized medicine you have to
wait up to 2 weeks to see a primary physician and up to 3 months to see a specialist or lab technician. America
will no longer be at the forefront of developing new medications due to price controls. The unions destroyed
the public school system, the airline industry and the auto industry. They've been rewarded by being part in
charge of the auto industry in violation of bankruptcy laws - creditors, bond holders, shareholders got the shaft.
The Federal Government owns part of the financial and private sectors - not the taxpayer even though its your money.
           Do you feel over-regulated? Soon your doctor will be chosen for you, you will be told what you can
eat and what you can drive, etc. Even if the economy were to temporarily improve would it be worth the loss in
state rights and individual rights?
           Pravda (Russia biggest newspaper) published an article in its paper and posted it on its blog that
America is doing what was done in the former Soviet Union. Britain's Daily Telegram states Obama is completed
Bin Laden's work (Editor's note: Many major corporations had their headquarters in the World Trade Center.
           The A.I.G. bill signaled out one company; the president and the congress can not signal out an
individual or only one of a number of similar companies. Judges swear an oath to be impartial. Obama and Supreme
Court nominee know that she will be committing perjury. I could continue but my 2 fingers hurt. President Bush
took a big step in the wrong direction prior to leaving office; Obama went UNCONSTITUTIONAL (some of the
many examples have been given).
           Pick a uniform. It's the ATBTA (rickcosmos presents AMERICANS TAKING BACK THEIR COUNTRY -
Please e-mail and/or phone and/or visit and/or snail mail (even if it winds up in the hands of a staff member - they keep records for numerous reasons and report data to their superior - - most Americans think that getting involved in that manner is a waste of time --- it is not) your U.S. Senators, U.S. Representative, Governor, State Senator, State Assemblyman (or representative depending on where you live - some of you were going to say: Those New Yorkers of full of themselves - they think that because they call them Assemblyman everyone does!) County Executives, Mayor and Councilman and say: Constitutional Convention; Amendment 10 Nullify Doctrine; Darby Lumber. Say whatever you want but give the hell!!!...Where were we... I'm being ADDed...oh, yes...ATBTA Revolutionaries vs. the Redcoats (no; I don't have the wrong war - the Russians are calling us reds like will referred to communists and communism as reds and red - - - slang, putdown terms that we used for communists including Soviets. The organizations listed above like the Campaign for Liberty need ammunition. Wear the uniform of...
                                                                                                              Freedom and Liberty,
                                                                                                              In exile in My Own Country,
                                                                                                              I'll Be There to Fight a long with       
                                                SPIRITS OF   
                               TOM, JIM AND THE OTHER
                         ORIGINAL REVOLUTIONARIES




Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fwd: The Obama Report

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:28 am
Subject: Fwd: The Obama Report

-----Original Message-----
To: Sent: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 9:49 pm
Subject: Fwd: The Obama Report

Let's go nostalgic together. It seems like years since Obama became President - he accomplished so much in such
a short span of time. In the beginning...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 9:10 pm
Subject: The Obama Report

       Dear Fans,
       Hide the children! Liberals have waited 40 to 70 years for this day: liberals control the White House and
Congress; the mainstream media - CBS, NBC, ABC and most of the major newspapers; public elementary/
high schools and colleges, as well as, most private colleges; the music and movie industries; and the Internet
(a bonus - the Internet didn't exist until 1990 when Al Gore invented it). They will have a majority of federal
judges and appeals court justices within 4 years and a majority of of U.S. Supreme Court justices within 8
years. They have successfully diminished the influence of their  major adversary: Christian churches.
      You were warned: A) President Obama is in the process of reinstated that heinous late-term abortion
procedure in which labor is induced and a needle is stuck in the baby's head in order to suck out his or her
brain - Bush had put a stop to the inhumane act;  B) Obama will now allow federally funded doctors to perform
abortions in poor countries - Bush had stopped that from occurring  (How many people know that Bush did more
to fight disease in Africa then any of his predecessors?); C) You can now be OPENLY GAY in this WOMEN'S
ARMY (where standards are lowered so that they can play soldier). Obama has can further then Cllinton's
don't ask/don't tell policy which resulted in Colin Powell resigning as Clinton's Chairman of the military's Joint-
Chiefs-of-Staff. He made it clear that morale had to be his primary consideration, He wouldn't reveal his position
on homosexuality. He felt that it was dangerous from a military perspective and could result in a crisis if Clinton went further.
       This is just the beginning.
                                                                                                                 An anti-secular gene,
P.S. This has nothing to do with color; it has everything to do with political philosophy. I outgrew being a semi-
racist when I was in my 20s. Actually, I think that Nancy Polisi (an Italian, I believe, is far more dangerous.
P.P.S. I'm looking forward to hearing you views.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:22 am

-----Original Message-----
To: Sent: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:08 am

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:47 pm

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 8:35 pm

      Dear Other Selfs,
      Don't worry about paying your rent: the liberal/secular media's messiah has arrived. Actually. I wish him
the best - he is my president and Bush left him a financial mess. The liberal biased media doesn't want you
to know that Billy-boy Clinton made it possible for individuals with little or no credit to get mortgages through
Fanny and Freddy! President Bush thought that it was good idea to allow low income people to have the
opportunity to own a house until '93 when he realized that the policy Clinton implemented '98 had gone too
far. He tried through executive decisions in '93, '94 and '95 to rectify the situation to no avail. He directed
republican leaders to raise the issue with the chairman of the Senate Banking and Finance Committee, Barney
'is my skirt to short' Frank. He was told that there was a housing problem that could turn into a crisis. He
refused to take any action and claimed that the republicans were making things. He was on watch and there
were no problems. And then came the domino effect: the mortgage domino fell leading to the fall of   investment
bank and wall street dominos. By the way, he. Oboma and other democrats were receiving campaign
contributions - some for many years - from Fanny mae and Freddy Mac - - - both of which are semi-independent
federal agencies. Possible crime here. Do you that the democrats will investigate their own. They and their
liberals cohorts in the mainstream media will continue to blame Bush. You should spend some time thinking
about the big, profound, cosmic questions before they place you six feet under. As for the democrats in
congress - they were born with strong liberal genes...

     The mind-body problem: Sociobiology; Tabula Rasa and Saving Self.
     At least they don't tell me when to speak or go skydiving: Or, do they?!
     Physicalists are philosophers who like most computer scientists, evolutionary psychologists and neuro-
scientists harbor the view that the mind is physical and that mental states are neurological states or prop-
erties. And most of them subscribe to the sociobiological perspective regarding mind: intelligence; con-
sciousness; thought; perception; memory; emotion; will; imagination; unconsciousness; personality; behavior.
There's more in your genes then you think! neurons are the brains nerve cells and cells contain genes. You
can be born with a strong homosexual gene and therefore are likely to grow-up to be homos. They can't help
being what they are anymore then you can, as a result, their life style should be excepted as normal
and condoned by society and recognized by government. (They aren't immoral -Bible; they aren't abnormal - trad-
ional biology). You can be born with a strong criminal gene. Consequently,criminals shouldn't be severely punished
they just couldn't help but shoot that guy. As Ann Courtler points out in her book,  The church of liberalism:
godless" Why is it that liberals say that child molesters shouldn't be imprisoned but    should receive psychotherapy
instead. Weren't they born with a strong child molester gene? They can be helped but homosexuals can't.
(I paraphrased somewhat). You can even be born with a strong nasty gene or a strong greedy gene - you
got the idea. You programmed like a computer!
    Some say that it's part nature(genes) and part nurture (environment). I don't find this argument palatable.
X was born with a strong nasty gene and Y a weak nasty gene. What determines weather or not he will grow up to be nasty? They should just drop nature from the equation.
    Their strongest argument: twins separated at birth have a 50% chance to grow up to have a similar person-
ality and background. I don' find their argument compelling.
    Bible: man has free will; traditional biology: human's have the most advanced brains and therefor aren't
slaves of their biology.
    Tabula Rasa. Ibn Sina, Persian philosopher in the 11th century, "human intellect at birth is rather like a
tabula rasa (blank slate), a pure potentiality that is actualized through education and that knowledge is
attained through empirical familiarity with objects in this world from which gains abstract, universal concepts
which is developed through reason ; observations lead to propositional statements which when compounded
lead to further abstract concepts." The theory - originally proposed by Aristotle - has gone virtually unchanged.
    Clearly, psychosis are the result of genes or structural brain structure damage. The meaning of facial ex-
pressions made by infants are universal.
    Saving Self: at this juncture, we can all agree that genes determine hair texture, eye color, eventual height, 
congenital and hereditary disease, etc. There can be environmental constraints on realization. Genes might
indicate that an individual will be  tall and muscular due to lack of food or sanitary conditions or other factors in
which the individual inhabits this might not come to pass,
    Supporters of dualism maintain that mental phenomena are in some respects non-physical. They hold the view that phenomena may be perceived through a person's senses  or with the mind and the mind doesn't exist in non-
living things. Mind is subjective and isn't spatial (height, length, width) like brain or brick. Some dualist go so far as to suggest that mind and brain are properties of an unknown substance.
    Let's put all are cards on the table...The average man is much taller and stronger then the average woman; 
male ad female chromosomal differences; women tend to be left-hemisphered (cerebral cortex) while Rick prefers the right (in more ways then one).
    Let's make some assumptions: intellect and reason (the higher functions partially genetic-jury still out).  John Pokinhorn,
physicist and priest (how's that for a combo!) states, "reductionist - replicating, information processing, and
existing is all that they think that we do."
    We take in data through our senses and neurons light up as a result of the input while other neurons light up to generate a response. Memories are held in neurons and neural connections. Our mind can light up neurons in dreaming, day-dreaming and when engaging jn abstract thought without sensory input. matter and energy are
two forms of the same thing as are particles and waves.
    You see the sky and the pond floor when you look into a pond. Some photons of light bounce off of the
water a strike your eyes while others bounce off of the pond floor. Quantum physics isn't deterministic. It
can only talk in terms of probabilities. The probability of weather a particular photon will bounce off the water
or floor. Is the photon thinking? no, energy can't think.
    What is mind? A phenomenon that accompanies another phenomenon is usually parallel to it and is related 
in some way to it - precise electric correlates of conscious things in the human brain. Option one: mind and
brain are different forms of the same thing; option two: mind fills out, completes, compliments brain; mind is
made up of a mysterious unknown substance.
    I'm going with option one: the abstract, imaginations dreams, will and emotions complete brain. It isn't genetic. Husband and wife complete each other; wave and particle complete each other; matter and energy
complete each other. There different manifestations of the same thing and interact with each other.
     I was born with a strong conservative gene. Issue two: the science-politics problem. Was this a political or
science article? With a nod toward Mozart, Einstein and Edison...
                                                                                                     My A.D.D. Self,

Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:20 am
Subject: Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:09 am
Subject: Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
To:  Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:48 pm
Subject: Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 9:06 pm
Subject: addendum

Self - you are the product of everything you learned in the order that you learned it; you are the product of everything you experienced in the order that you experienced it; and you are the product of everyone you have known - espec-
ally your parents. Genetics is too simple in comparison.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 2:07 am
Subject: REVIEWS

                                Rickcosmos has been 4-Star Reviews
                                                       Thus Far We Have Received Praise From:
                                                                                                        Britney Spears
                                                                                                        Paris Hilton
                                                                                                        Larry King

Nota Berne: rickcosmos has endorsed the Alliance Defense Fund. Calling on all Moderated and Conservatives -
RED ALERT (pretend RED ALERT is in red) - whether or not you received a so-called Obama stimulus check
please consider donating to ADF in order to restore the real and true Constitution to this nation and to drive liberals crazy and prevent the from re-creating this country in their own warped image. We are also
on the verge of endorsing A Bill for Federalism. Even if the economy were to temporarily improve - at what


Fwd: Big Bang!!!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 1:52 am
Subject: Big Bang!!!

                                       rickcosmos was launched with a BANG!
                       Christian Children's Fund & Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny

                          Did You Figure Out the Maze and Get Your Cheese?
Followers (another attempt at writing a regular e-mail like everyone else can);Reconsider: A Poorly Conceived Idea;
Union of Socialist Secular States of America; Constitutional Note; In Exile in My Own Country.
                                                    There may be other variations.
             Don't Ask Me. I don't have a Clue. Ask my MUSE.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 1:27 am
Subject: Fwd:

This is copy of an e-mail that I sent to my beautiful and intelligent 9 year old niece.
Dear Readers, Does this constitute a regular e-mail?
-----Original Message-----
To: Sent: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 3:43 pm

         Dear Alexa,
         I realize that you are a busy young lady but you should have responded to my e-mail. A big shot assemblyman
was rude to me. I taught him the things that Damon is learning from one of his books!
         I was thinking. It's dangerous when Uncle Rick does that! I think that this is safe: space shuttle; there are four
of them; they all have the same first and middle names but different last names but they're all in the same family;
isn't that strange? Everyone in your family has different first names but the same last name. The last name of one
of the space shuttles is Atlantis. It's full name is: Space Shuttle Atlantis. NASA - the space program - has been
strange since the beginning. When I was your age the first spaceship to fly people was Mercury (it was
named after the planet. You might have a classmate who was named after someone like pipe. No, people aren't
named pipe. He might have been named after his father or uncle). Mercury was the first name but they had different
last manes like: Mercury Freedom 7.
        I have to get back to work.
                                                                                                 I'll see you aboard Orion,                     
                                                                                                 Uncle Rick