Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NewsDaily: Obama expected to sign NASA budget soon: official



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NewsDaily: NASA showdown looms as shuttle workers face layoffs



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Thursday, October 21, 2010

SPACE.com -- U.S. Air Force Ponders New Rocket Engine

Gov doesn't usually do fair and logical thing.By all rights, contracts should be awarded to Rocketdyne & Areojet. For one thing: already out of starting gate.


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Oct 12, 2010 7:17 pm

Your Cyber-Friend: Richard DePersio
PLEASE FORWARD this LETTER to one or two relatives or friends or co-workers now and the day after the election. HELP SAVE OUR NASA! Keep reading: There is more
that you might want to do.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Each Space Shuttle has been certified flight-capable for over 75 more flights; we are only  talking about less then 35 flights over 4 years or less. Instead president and congress want to pay Russia whom we beat in Moon Race an astronomically high price for 'tickets' to carry our astronauts to space station for which we footed most of the cost on their timetable (How Humiliating!) or our banker (China!). and subsidize SpaceX (a private company; we contend that fed gov subsidizing is socialistic, Unconstitutional and detrimental for a company's R & D because Uncle Sam is looking over your back with thousands of forms to fill out because you excepted gov money) which won't be operational     for 3 or more years.  Further, we spent $9 billion on Constellation Project - don't let it go down same presidential black hole as stimulus funds and Fannie and Freddie! Incorporate it into the new program that is  being planned. PLEASE VISIT www.rickaddsite.blogspot.com and consider sending article "New and Improved:  "Are You a Warrior" or another article at site to one or two family members or friends or co-workers and ask them to send to  one or two people. ANOTHER  WORTHWHILE CHAIN LETTER. Or, you might opt for just sending this 'letter.'  Repeat the process the day after the election. Are No. 1 position in technology is in jeopardy. Please act now.
GOV PROGRAM - YOU ACTUALLY GET A RETURN! While it is only budgeted 1/2 of
1% of federal budget, you get $7 back in pure science and applications/spin-offs
Are you eager to do more? Write a letter to your local newspaper (if you still read one)
or their internet-version (if they have one). CONTACT CONGRESS and tell them to
extend lifespan of Space Shuttle and save as much of CONSTELLATION Program as
possible, as well as, jobs. Two key players: (www.-?)Shelby.senate.gov/public/ and/or
202-224-5744 (R; Alabama); Nelson.senate.gov/public and/or 202-224-5274 (D; Florida).
Other key players: Conrad; Greg; Sprat; Ryan and your two senators and congressman.
E-mail or e-mail and phone congressional operators for their phone numbers: 202-224-
3121 and 202-226-7200. You don't have to know their names but you do have to know
the state in which you live!

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-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Oct 12, 2010 6:20 pm


relatives or friends or co-workers and ask them to do the same.
NASA in your home, car, office, farm, factory, hospital and more. NASA is a unique; unlike any other gov department, agency or program. You get a return!

Editor's Note: There was an article entitled: "Obama's Phantom Space Program." It
has been updated (even minor corrections made), modified and expanded to the                     extent that a new title is necessitated - much as an X-plane has to have a letter added to it's number or more replaced with a new number depending on the extent of  changes to systems and/or subsystems, as well as,  changes as to the nature of it's test program. Operational craft could become X-craft again if improvements are to be made or if attempts are made to modify   it    for a new purpose. Otherwise, operational version is likely to remain in service unless problems with the craft have been discovered.

                          ARE YOU A WARRIOR?
  by Richard DePersio (all comsats listed and described at              groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic)

       Far more then a white lie. Obama promises a heavy-lifter by 2015 which will
lead to manned missions to asteroids, Mars and the moons of Mars beginning
in 2025.  It is impossible to built a heavy-lifter in five years starting from scratch for he wants to completely cancel CONSTELLATION, especially, when he is laying-off  virtually all Shuttle and Constellation administrators, managers, scientists, engineers and technicians for they  are the ones with the expertise in heavy-lifting and manned spaceflight. Constellation's Ares heavy-lifter   will be operational in 2017 - give or take a year and if we prevent Constellation from being  cancelled.
       1.25 trillion went down a presidential black hole in two failed stimulus packages
and Freddie and Fannie are sink holes. We've invested $9 billion in Constellation.
Will that go down self-same presidential black hole!?! The lib dems rarely disagree with Obama   but it is close to election time and they are worried about lay-offs at NASA  facilities and private companies that contract with NASA around the nation. President Kennedy's primary motivation for the Moon Program wasn't philosophical and/or scientific/technological but political - when he made his famous "I believe that this nation should commit itself to the goal of putting a man on the moon before this decade is out..." -   he wanted to distract public attention away from the Cuban Bay of Pigs fiasco that      occurred a few weeks earlier. Most conservatives, moderates and libs in congress are primarily motivated by saving jobs  in their desire to save as much of Constellation as    Soros, Obama, Palusi and Reid will let them.The full Senate has passed a bill that will save less of it (remember: Obama wanted to do away with virtually all of it) then a House    sub-committee has proposed. The full House has to vote on a plan (they could opt to vote on Senate bill as is - we  don't want that)  and both bodies will have to vote on an appropriations bill to finance it. It might have to go to a Joint House-Senate Reconciliation Committee to iron out the differences in the bills. You can still save NASA - who are you going to call? (and message) - info below in supplement.                                 We could have a heavy-lifter by 2017 or sooner not 2015 by starting from scratch! Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan and Bush - chronologically and literally -  in that order were strongly committed to NASA and Bush to "Constellation" for primary and secondary reasons.Obama wants to shift the SPACE Programs focus from space to Muslim psycho therapy/diplomacy and to green pseudo-science.
       Recently, private sector SpaceX reached an altitude of 135 miles after three failed
attempts with a 'dummy' capsule. It claims that it will be ready to bring cargo to ISS (International Space Station) in early 2012 and astronauts in early 2014. It doesn't even process blueprints for a spacecraft and this is 2010! It recently informed fed gov that it   requires an additional $1 billion (cost over-run)  to reach an the altitude of 185 miles -    location of ISS - and lift 55,000 pounds like Space Shuttle. NASA wasn't cost-effective     prior to 1992 but shuttles were upgraded between 1992-97 and became over 90% cost-effective and each of the three shuttles are certified flight-capable for over 75 more flights. SpaceX also indicated that it might have to limit it to 25,000 pounds - we will have to pay  them to do in two flights what the shuttle can do in one.
       Unlike the president, we're Capitalists and Realists. SpaceX should be granted
more time to do it right - effectively, efficiently and SAFELY!   Extend the lifespan
of the shuttle for approximately four more years - and upgrade while still operational nf feasible
and financially viable.       
ORIGINAL PROPOSAL: NASA/Boeing have blueprints for a mini-Orion unmanned drone (not  the one without blueprints which Obama proposed) but it was cancelled during R & D
phase (NASA was criticized for not completing ISS on schedule, it would have if it had mini-Orion), resurrect it and it should be operational in 2 to 2 and a half years and be
able to lift  25,000 pounds to ISS. PREVIOUS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL: Civilian
version of unmanned X-37B could be operational in less then two years if we make commitment (let's call it "CONSTITUTION" when it becomes operational in order to drive liberals crazy!) and manned version in 3 years or less ( Our estimates regarding Air Force 'secret' program  should be in the in the   ball park and should be able to carry 25,000 to the space station).
        What about SpaceX's Falcon 9? Give it 3 to 4 years to begin cargo flights on a
limited basis and  5 to 6 years for limited number of manned flights to ISS. It should assume   nearly full control and responsibility (with NASA's watchful eye - eye opened             
wider on manned missions) by 2017. Full autonomy regarding non-NASA projects for             scientific research for universities, materials engineering and pharmacology for private             companies, as well as, space tourism.
        The astronautic-ally-challenged think that Constellation represents a step backward
by using Apollo/Saturn and Shuttle technologies and not cutting-edge technology.
Point One: it isn't using but building on those successful technologies which is smart
and cost-effective. Point two: Cutting-edge - how's this for you: 'artificial' gravity; solar
power-generation (that should please 'hockey sticks');  nuclear thermal fusion
engine (recently, the first fission power plant opened up since Three-Mile-Island. How sad.
We have had the technology to build much safer fission plants for over 15 years but
liberals wouldn't allow it - they love American energy dependence. It is estimated that
we can have even safer, less costly and -for cattle farters- non-greenhouse gas-producing
fusion plants between 2030-35. NASA and Constellation can accelerate process toward
energy independence by enabling us to have fusion a lot sooner).                                                  We have the technology - not the money - to go to Mars between 2017-2020. Steve Howe was a nuclear scientist with the NERVA (Nuclear Engine Rocket Vehicle Application; technology could  be applied to nuclear fusion plants). He appeared in a 2004 episode of  ScienceChannel Megascience series and stated while visiting NERVA site in Nevada for the first time in 7 years: "We should have been on Mars in the mid-'70's. I  see dust and tumbleweeds. It was a great age,   a golden age...". Others involved with NERVA (1963-72;we told you about a DiscoveryChannel documantary in which a senior NERVA   engineer visited site for             the first time since '72  and wants to restore and upgrade  facilities; it was to serve as the     engine of the third stage of Saturn S-N heavy-lifter in 1978 for a Mars mission  and in 1980    to begin building Moon Base. (Saturn 5 had three chemical stages;  S-N would have two          chemical and one nuclear).
       Considering cost and time: A manned mission to and from Mars would take three  years plus astronauts due to celestial mechanics and green would have to live and work on surface  for over a year and a half. Present plans call for all chemical stages. A      round-trip using nuclear thermal would take 6 months and astronauts would spend one to three months on surface. You could have over five missions instead of one mission. We     can always return to  a site if science justifies it. The cost of program about the   same...no, for there is another factor.
      The Moon Project costs about $100 billion in today's dollars while a Mars Project  would cost about $400 (although this reporter contends that price tag can safely be   brought closer to $300 - another reason to save as much of CONSTELLATION as possible.(we already invested $9 billion plus money on nuclear thermal, magnetic plasma, 'artificial gravity, unmanned probes, etc. which we might have been  incorporated into 'Constellation" which was hoped. We should foot the largest percentage of the  bill for we are    America and certain R & D will be for us alone - we get largest return and we are in      charge: $100 over 13 years. It could unable us to have nuclear thermal power plants    between 2020-25, as well as, other spin-offs and applications. We should do it with our    best friends: England, Israel, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Czech Republic, Poland and semi-allies: Kuwait, Quitter (because they have a lot a green from black gold) and India, Brazil because they are rapidly developing nations - throw in Japan and our price tag  might be $90. Three nations will have to learn to play nice together if they want to be on the Winning Team. Peaceful Non-Cold War-like Space Race with EU and Russia: EU might unite with Russia to form one team with Russia in charge. Could they afford to keep pace with the Winning Team!?!
     I'm cognizant of the fact that many are concerned with costs besides competition,
methods, systems. Let's address those issues. To think: 80% of the weight of a rocket  is fuel!   We could use Ares 1 or modified Ares 1 with two chemical stages  or  two solid booster rockets and a large external fuel tank (similar to space shuttle arrangement to get Orion to earth orbit and Ares 5 or modified Ares 5 or Citizen Reporter Original proposal Ares/Saturn S-N Combo (update: CR recently discovered that a version of Ares 5 with such a nuclear thermal stage has blueprints;
he is still amazing: having proposed it without knowledge that plan existed) where   third stage wouldn't be discarded like in Apollo but would serve as Mars-Transfer-Vehicle (aka nuclear thermal rocket engine and fuel container - stage 3).    Altair Mars Lander brought up on separate flight. All components will be assembled at       ISS (space station). Normally, you would fire engine - increase speed - to raise you to a higher orbit and having arrived at higher orbit and expended energy, you will be orbiting     earth at a slower speed because you are now further from earth's gravity. Mars Mission:     you are orbiting earth at 17,500 mph at altitude of ISS. You fire nuclear thermal             engine for over              three hours and you spiral outward gaining speed and after              30 days, you sling shot out of spiral coupled with firing engine for over three hours again            and adding earth's speed (orbital velocity around the sun) to spacecraft's speed.     Efficiency 1: Hydrogen fuel is lighter then - two chemicals needed to combust to         produce thrust (chemical rocket) and less weight         means less cost. Efficiency 2:        You can attain higher temperatures with H which means     higher speed: exhaust or thrust. Efficiency 3: Just about any gas will do. We want to use H to Mars because it's       the cheapest. We can use carbon dioxide from Martian atmosphere -are Martians going        to charge us!?! - for return trip. Further, Mars Transfer Vehicle instead  of it being one        long  and wide engine plus tank for H, we can place Orion inside of MTV (in earth orbit)       enabling H to shield astronauts from cosmic radiation and solar 'wind.'
       Neil Armstrong and many other prominent people oppose Obama space plan
and suspect that he is giving up America's number one position in space - pure science
and all the benefits - - NASA in your home, car, office, farm, factory, hospital. SAVE
CONSTELLATION. ( find more info  at: rickaddsite.blogspot.com, group.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic, rickscisite.blogspot.com, /group/science-space-technology, YouTube: Rickaddsite - "NICK..." and "A CRYSTAL PERFECT        VISION" and "WORLD-VIEW."                                                                                 Prepare for battle!  Became a SPACE WARRIOR! The Romans believed that the red         color of Mars was actually for some and symbolically for others the blood of Roman     soldiers and called it    Mars - the god of war.Engage in the War to Save NASA and let's           make it a war - a Peaceful Competition - with the U.S. in charge of the Winning Team.It         isn't presently planned that way. Don't let NASA FADE to BLACK!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUPPLEMENT:   CONVINCE YOUR NEIGHBORS of the IMPORTANCE of the WAR.WRITE COMMENTS       and BLOGS on the INTERNET. WRITER LETTERS to the EDITOR of YOUR                   NEWSPAPER (if you still read a newspaper) print version and internet-version - if they  have one.                                                                                                  Contact Congress:                   EVERY WEEK (three to five members) or, preferably, EVERYDAY, (one to three) until November 15 or December 15 or January 15 might be necessary. Weekends and when they are out-of                -session too. Staff members available.                                                                                                                       TELL NINE KEY MEMBERS of CONGRESS to EXTEND LIFESPAN of SPACE SHUTTLE      for 4 YEARS and SAVE MOST of CONSTELLATION (YOU MAY or MAY NOT WANT to RECOMMEND SCALED-DOWN MOON PROGRAM and ARES 5/SATURN S-N COMBO).     TWO MAJOR NASA PROPONENTS: (www. -?) shelby.gov/public/ (R; Alabama) PHONE:       202-224-5744 and nelson.gov/public/ (D; FLORIDA) PHONE: 202-224-5274.                                                                                                                                                                 CHAIRMAN and RANKING MEMBERS of SENATE and HOUSE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEES: Conrad, Greg, Sprat, Ryan; your two Senators and one Congressman. LEAVE MESSAGE at THEIR WEBSITE and/or SPEAK to STAFF    MEMBER.                                                                                                           SENATE PHONE: 202-224-3121 and HOUSE PHONE: 202-226-7200 (Senator Operator will  usually give you House info too; you need not know the names of your members of            Congress...BUT, you have to know the NAME of the STATE in which you LIVE!

Sunday, October 10, 2010



Air Force Considers New Space Plane

Citizen Reporter: original proposal 5 months ago: NASA should extend lifetime of Shuttle or use a declassified-version of X-37B & planned manned-version instead of Russia.


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