Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Space Shuttle Spinoffs


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Fwd: WHERE are MY DIVIDENDS??? (Expanded Version)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 10:38 am
Subject: WHERE are MY DIVIDENDS??? (Expanded Version)
End all unconstitutional, socialist, costly subsidies: oil. gas. wind, solar, farm, ethanol,                   electric cars, utilities, etc., especially now when nation is facing hyper-inflation or 
bankruptcy or both.Free market forces must prevail. Subsidies a.k.a. corporate welfare.
These handouts allegedly prevent food and energy prices from going too low. Survival of the               Fittest. Those companies with flexible/adaptable business models will prosper at times and               manage just to get by at other times. Those that can't will perish. Too big to fail is a ridiculous economic concept. While criminal president, unconstitutionally played bankruptcy judge in                 order to sock it to preferred bond and shareholders and common shareholders and spare unions         of as much discomfort as he could. Obama and  union unconstitutionally assumed the largest           share of ownership and control. Fed gov can't own and manage a private company. No financial bailout. Auto companies should have faced a real bankruptcy judge and reorganized under Chapter Eleven if they could.     These are just some of Obama's impeachable offenses.                                 Grants were originally established do to Sputnik fear and were meant for universities and colleges       for physics research and developments in engineering. Later extended to social sciences and educational studies. We can no longer afford the two latter categories. One rare occasions,               grants go to private colleges and companies -unconstitutional.                                                         Subject: SPACEX $1 to $3.5 Billion Subsidy Increase in One Year!

Your tax dollars. You won't be surprised to know that it was Obama's idea!
Of course, you won't enjoy dividends - bond and stockholders will. Meanwhile,
NASA - budget 17.5 Billion faces massive cut - 1/2 of 1% of fed budget. Only
component of fed gov that gives a return: $7 return within 5 years for each $1
it is budgeted - pure and applied (spin-offs, applications, technology) sciences.
NASA developing silicon-germanium electronics for satellites that is highly  
resistant to temperature and radiation variations.
NASA and weather: Goes-P new generation satellite developed by NASA for
more precise measurements of moisture and temperature variations.Expect
clearer weather photos with your weather reports.
NASA in NANO. Nanosatellite size of a loaf of bread unfolds to over 100 square
feet with a thickness of 1/100th a human hair.
It will eventually be applied to devices in your home, car, office, farm, factory,
hospital, etc.
Upgrade and extend space shuttle for three years, have NASA develop declassified
version of Ar Force X-37B and use the $9 billion dollars worth of R & D from
CONSTELLATION Program (Orion, Ares 1 and 5, Altair) in new heavy-lifter/manned -                         beyond - earth-orbit program. (we don't believe Obama is truly committed to it).                                        We can't wait for SpaceX (Falcon 9). We will have to pay Russia whom we beat in                                 Moon Race a hefty price for tickets for them to fly us to International Space Station - our station,
we footed most of cost. What will China (our banker) charge us. It is humiliating -
needn't be the situation. 
SpaceX's biggest obstacle: in excepting gov $$$s it must except expensive red
tape, paperwork and regs to impede its progress.
NASA knows how to work he system and deliver.
We support private space programs but don't want to support with our $$$s -
unless, we share in dividends!
Read Chain Letters for our NASA proposals.

NASA successfully launches a new eye on the sun

NASA unique fed gov program - you actually get a return - - $7 within 5 years
for every $1 invested (pure sci & tech). Only program deserves fund increase


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NewsDaily: Virgin Galactic joins fray to fly NASA astronauts

SpaceX: $3.5 Billion over three years; already $1 Billion over budget. Why
subsidies are wrong at /group/nasa-our-way


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NASA spacecraft provides travel tips for Mars rover

Updated "Action Chain Letters" at groups.google.


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Tuesday, December 7, 2010




-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sun, Dec 5, 2010 9:33 pm

                                         ATBTC Suggestions by Richard DePersio
             (all comsats listed and described at groups.google.com/rickcosmos-eclectic)
(Where did this originate - "Together...A New Beginning"? Hint: Campaign slogan.
Answer at conclusion. Don't peak! Cogitate).
PREFACE: Secret Societies: "Knights Templar," "Freemasons," "Illuminati," "Skull and
Bones," ATBTC ("Americans Taking Back Their Country"; Tea is Bad for You, ATBTC is
Good for You), etc. Mission Statement: Send each Secret Chain Letter to at least five
family members and/or friends and/or enemies and/or co-workers and/or whom-ever-
you-choose for we comprise an Association of Individuals in a loose association with a
Common Cause - Constitutional Government. Suggestion: We phone and/or leave a
message (s) at the websites of our two U.S. Senators and one congressman, as well as,
other members of congress who serve as chairmen or ranking members or just plain
members of committees or sub-committees that interest a member (no membership card
or dues but working on secret cyber-space handshake; as the late Steve Allen would say:
"All seriousness aside.") such as, Science and Technology, NASA, Appropriations, Budget,
Energy, Rules, etc. You can discover the names or names and phone numbers of your
congressional members (you need not know their names when you call but you are
required to know the name of the state in which you live!) and the names or names and
phone numbers of committee members (just tell Capital Operator the committee that   concerns you). Phones: 202-224-3121 and 202-226-7200. Websites: Example - (www.)jones.
senate.gov/public/ and smith.house.gov/public/ Some names, Phone #s and websites are
recommended in Chain Letters 1 and 2 at groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic,
/group/newfederalism, /group/nasa-our-way, www.rickkaddsite(and quasarpolitics).blogspot.
com. Now, Let's Do Ourselves a REVOLUTION!!!
LUCKY 13 for CHILDREN. We should individually and, in our own words, phone our
governor's office and speak to a staff member (supplying name is optional; they keep
records of citizen's position - a tally of pros and cons - and report most interesting statements
to their boss) and/or leave a message at his/her website. Ditto OUR representatives in state
legislators and/or county exec and/or mayor and/or council member.
       Convert all regular public schools into charter and magnet schools. On average,    children in private schools (most of which our Christian, especially, Catholic) score higher    on national standardized and state-wide tests (which helps prevent teachers from awarding
social promotions - for example, promoting a child who has failed fourth grade to fifth grade
for fear of damaging child's ego - isn't it more compassionate to say to child: "We care about
you, we want you to master fourth grade and not get lost and fall behind in fifth and have
to be rewarded with another social promotion until you receive a meaningless  high school
diploma; of course, the vast majority of teachers give such promotions to cover their tracks,
they don't want to look bad with so many failing students under their tutelage; further, it is virtually impossible for principals to fire incompetent teachers. You digress; on verge of A.D.D. attack) then home-schooled, magnet and charter kids who in turn score higher then regular public school youngsters. Regulars have improved somewhat due to Bush's "No   Child Left Behind" (liberal-dominated media has lied about policy and results) but not
enough and won't progress any further due to teacher's unions. Public schools were
nearly as good as Catholic schools - academics and discipline - prior to the early 1960s.
What happened? In early '60s, the first and biggest teacher's union formed! Since then, on their orders, states pumped hundreds of billions of additional dollars into public schools      and they got worse! Albert Shankor, the former head of union, said in 1985: "We'll care          about the kids when they're old enough to pay union dues." (By the way, on average it costs $12,000 a year to 'educate' a regular public school child; $6,000 Catholic).
      The problem with regular public schools: teachers aren't paid enough and most
schools don't have the latest textbooks and/or computors and/or etc. They earn only an
average of 10% less then firemen and cops and their benefits and retirement packages
are better then theirs! Pay more and you'll have better teachers and better-performing kids...
Debate in progress...Charter and magnet school teachers are paid less then regular public
school teachers and can easily be fired for poor performance. Charters and Magnets
aren't as well-equipped as regulars.
     What possibly can explain this state-of-affairs? Unions have no control over charter
schools and only limited control of magnets. Citizen Reporter has a niece, Alexa (age 9)
in a magnet plus is in Delta program and another niece, Katie, in a magnet. Their
teachers are creative and innovative, their principals don't spend most of school day in
their offices but in classrooms helping students they suspect are falling behind and can
call teachers at home with homework questions (truly dedicated teachers!). Less then 20%
of schools in most states are charters and magnets. Deplorable! Encouraging: some states
are experimenting with virtual academies which are sort of charter/magnet/home school
combos. Discouraging:  Some states where home schools are legal want to rescind their
legality claiming parents aren't qualified and don't possess teacher's licenses. But, they are
outperforming your regular public school teachers! The real reason: Most parents
who home-school are religious and object to immoralities being taught in public schools
and incorporate religious training as part of curriculum. How dare they! Liberals object:
they must be indoctrinated into liberalism like good, little brain-washed regulars.
     The hell with the socialist unions. Let's do what's right by the kids.
Proposal 14:
Prohibit Unsupported Mandates. Fed gov dictates to states that they must do a
particular thing and fed gov contributes between 0% and 65% of the necessary funds.
It shouldn't be retro-active but we already proposed something to make up for that
fact in previous Chain letter: Reduce budgets for unconstitutional federal  departments
of Eduction, Agriculture, Housing, Interior, Transportation by over 75% over a period
of ten years with three-quarters going toward reducing deficit/debt and the remainder
being added to what fed gov already gives to the states in these areas - and with no
strings attached! The new fed committees (no longer departments) should monitor how
money is spent (without dictating how it is spent), propose programs to states in these
areas and if state is interested, fed gov must fully fund it! Returning to Mandates: Fed
gov must prove that they have the constitutional authority (no more abusing commerce
clause) to order it and then fully fund it, preferably, each state would design its own       program to carry it out. (Healthcare too!; it is not constitutionally within the domain of  national government - let each state design Medicaid and Medicare programs while fed       gov is responsible for trillions of debt and fraud due to their mismanagement of these        programs). Restoring powers to states unconstitutionally stolen by an increasingly
distant and powerful and incompetent dictatorial Washington D.C. (Washington must
be rolling in his grave for he had left us a Federalist Republic with an Amendment 10 in
the Bill of Rights). Gov unions will object. Who ever heard of (public) servants on
average making 25% more then those they serve!- and better benefits to boot! Another
first in American history: more people work in government then in the private sector.
This is bad for America: private sector workers produce, gov workers spend and spend
and spend. We borrow and borrow principally from China and the Federal Reserve Bank
orders Treasury Department to print more money (Federal Reserve Notes; Fed Reserve Bank Funny Money) but, you say, inflation is at a record low of .9 (under brand new system  inflation figure no longer includes rise in food and energy costs! - go back to old system      and stop trying to fool citizens/consumers; since Fed was created in 1913 the value of $ has
declined 85% in value and 20% since 1999 - - these are the real inflation numbers - - -
read them and weep! An A.D.D.-ing, we will go!

Proposal 15:
Student Loans, Water, and more commerce clause abuse.  In a recent power-grab, Obama took student loans away from banks - think Fannie and Freddie - and announced that  all water in and around the U.S., including, the puddle in front of your house belongs to fed   gov! Even intra-state water: rivers, streams, lakes, ponds that aren't shared by more then      one state will be regulated by overweight Uncle Sam. Americans put him on a diet!      Pregnant with power 'his' water is  about to break.

Proposal 16:
Just say "no!" to 'stimulus' packages. According to the Federal Reserve Bank branch in
San Fransisco the $500 BILLION-PLUS 'stimulus' created zero000zero new jobs!; Obama
claims that it created or saved 2 million jobs - according to Fed branch: the actual figure
was much less and were all temporary jobs that those who had them had waved 'goodbye'
to them.

Proposal 17:
Privacy vs. security. Union of Socialist Secular States of America. Citizen Reporter
doesn't fly; doesn't go outside. In exile in the former United States of America.
Nonetheless, is concerned about cyber-friends experiencing the unconstitutional, immoral,
unnecessary breach of privacy and rights. Being treated like a criminal without a search
warrant or probable cause which can be easily rectified by exercising some common
sense. Proposals: 1) Place SENTINEL which was at "Reagan International Airport" back
there and at other airports - it kind of sniffs: you walk through and feel puffs of air, a
vacuum device sucks in air with particles dislodged from head to shoes or socks before
particles hit the floor, it can determine if person was near a bomb or materials used to
make bombs; 2) Randomly use metal-detecting wand which guard runs 'all over your
body' at a distance of about half a foot, no contact; 3) Profile! Not babies and blue-haired
old ladies.  

Proposal 18:
America's Destiny. In  previous chain letters, we discussed NASA's role as the premier 
technological engine of our economy, the future of space exploration and the major role
our space program should play in what should be our effort to attain energy independence.
Project NERVA (see previous letters) involved NASA, Atomic Energy Commission, Los   Alamos Scientific Lab, AreoJet and Westinghouse from 1963-73. The facilities should be restored and upgraded. They've been neglected.
       The Space Nuclear Propulsion Office might have to be reactivated or not. It was
established so that NASA and AEC could work together in this classified program.
Last year, Obama signed a directive enabling NASA and the military to work more
closely together. We, unlike Obama, have been making proposals toward that end. He
might just need to sign another directive which he wouldn't be inclined to do, unless, we
order him. Of course, this raises the issue of the constitutionality of executive orders which
circumvent congress. Congress should reactivate.
     We suggested looking into feasibility of combining Orion/Ares 1 and Ares 5 with three
stages or two stages with two reusable liquid booster (not solid) rockets. The top stage
should be nuclear thermal or VASIMR plasma unlike the other stage (s) which would be
the traditional chemical. It should be used for "Constitution" (our name for what we
believe will soon be the operational AF X-37B). We propose ascertaining if we can do
something unorthodox: creating doughnut- or tire-shaped (long) stages for Orion-version
so that thermal nuclear or plasma stage (aka moon-transfer module and Mars-transfer    module) can surround (we build on our proposals with each letter) Orion or Orion-like
craft. Hydrogen or plasma would protect crew from solar wind and cosmic radiation
(actually not radiation but plasma). H or P would be surrounded by magnetic field (to
contain it) which would supply much greater protection like magnetic field protects us on earth from solar wind and cosmic rays.
     The plasma propulsion system definitely and the thermal nuclear, perhaps, can vary
exhaust velocity; this can help reduce propellant usage and improve acceleration at
different stages of flight  - - don't deviate too much exhaust velocity and
vehicle speed  for that would degrade not enhance performance. 

Proposal 19: 
Useless U.N. Exit U.N. and kick it out of U.S.! We pay 25% of its budget and the
majority of nations are enemies or semi-enemies. It passes useless resolutions which it
can't enforce because of pathetic peace-keepers without testicles. The humanitarian/
charitable programs are fraught with fraud. They still violate our laws claiming diplomatic
immunity. It serves no valuable function. We just learned that Obama has been giving
-bribing - nations to vote for climate change/cattle fart/lack of appropriate peer review/
questionable sources/hockey stick graph/george soros, al gore get richer/ global
warming pseudo-science plans. Carbon emissions? It is not settled science so China
and India not motivated to what? Undo what they have been working for since about
1980: moving from third-world status to developing nation to industrial nation by
instituting expensive emission filters. Carbon won't decline significantly without them.
Obama wants us to do it anyway so your energy bills can rise and companies won't be
able to create as many jobs us they can otherwise. Only libs favor useless U.N. - which
is another reason to kick it into the Atlantic!

Proposal 20:
U.S.-Russia Arms Treaty. Nixon SALT was good; Nixon-Ford-Carter Salt 2 was good;
Reagan START was better. We would have high-tech missile shield with tech benefiting
other aspects of economy as well if Nixon's ABM wasn't cancelled by dem-controlled
congress in '72 and Reagan's SDI not been considerably shrunk by clinton and other
dems. Rogue nations and terrorist orgs. Bush unilaterally dis away with ABM treaty
claiming it was signed by U.S. and Soviet Union and Soviet Union no longer exists!
He finally persuaded our friends, Poland and Czech Republic, who fearful of Russia, to
put part of shield in their countries during his last year in office and Obama undid
during his first year by caving to Russian pressure and  a vindictive Russia has,
nonetheless, promised to punish our two allies. It would place unacceptable constraints
on missile defense and replacing nuclear warheads on missiles with conventional ones
which Russia can't afford and doesn't possess the technical know-how. Giving away 
advantages U.S.
       Stop treating Russia as if it were still a super-power. Dictate terms of a treaty that
doesn't forgo our advantages necessary. Don't make our plans subject to a Russian
veto. One more thing: we can only inspect their declared sites for compliance!

ATBTC. Together...A New Beginning (Reagan's main campaign slogan in 1980).

NewsDaily: Secret military mini-shuttle lands in California

Richard DePersio (rrdd3939@aol.com) has sent you a link to the following page on NewsDaily:

NewsDaily: Secret military mini-shuttle lands in California

A miniature robotic space shuttle wrapped up a 224-day classified military mission and made an unannounced landing in darkness on a California runway on Friday, Air Force officials said.

* Note: the sender's email address has not been verified.

Fwd: NASA SONG (Instrumental) at...

...JANGO. Musician: Vic Stathopoulos. We thank "areospaceguide at Twitter                                                for the head-up.