Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fwd: Sans Momus...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 4:36 pm
Subject: Sans Momus...

                             SANS MOMUS
         by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We at CJCS Comsats are angry with you...yes, you... for
few of you are visiting
If we told you once, we've told you a thousand times: If
you are a cyber-friend, you can connect from Facebook
Richard DePersio or Twitter @rickaddsite If you aren't
a cyber-friend or an enemy, you and anyone can connect
via Facebook Second American Revolution --- if
connecting directly proves difficult. We are thankful to
you that receives so many
visits - more than the other comsats combined! We
worked hard on the numerous posts at the other four
which are still relevant and pertinent. Soon you might not
be able to visit us at all! As an added incentive: FREE
 We will be serving it at the FOUR on Saturday,
December 15th from 7 PM to 3 AM eastern time with
entertainment supplied by Pan and the Nymphs.
"Plan 9 from Outer Space" is considered the worst film of all
time. We would like to nominate "Casino Royale ('67) for
the second spot. Even multiple consecutive directors couldn't
save this loser whose only redeeming component was the
theme song. It's so bad that we watched it again recently...still
unbelieving our ears and eyes.
David Niven was one of the Bonds in this incomprehensible
 'comedy satire.' He was suppose to play Bond in the first Bond
 move but in the end the producer and studio reconsidered
considering him to old for the part. Here he got to play Bond for
 laughs sans laughs.
Bestiality in Greek Mythology. Zeus slept with many women:
goddesses and mortals. He was a god about town; a real
He raped Leda while posing as a swan.
Calliopa: "There are many great posts at this site that I inspired,
including, "Nobody Does it Better," "Incongruous," "Cosmos of Rick,"
"Know Your Friends and Enemies" and CITIZEN Offending with
Truth JOURNALIST. Not enough of you are visiting us here and
at - many great posts, if I say so
myself. Problem connecting directly? Connect via FB's Second
American Revolution. Thank you."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fwd: Woe is Momus...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 27, 2012 1:13 pm
Subject: Woe is Momus...

                                       WOE is MOMUS
                      by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist

Momus: "Pity my plight. I was banished from Mount Olympus
by Zeus for what he perceived as my jealousies of the other
residents. And, yesterday, I receive a e-scroll informing me
that my services and residency at this comsat would soon be
They're busy concocting a special post at I'm not sure what it's about.
All hush-hush, you know. I'm hoping to sneak over there in
order to contribute my two obols.
I'm so misunderstood. By the way, your friend Hermes has
numerous responsibilities, including, guiding dead souls to the
 underworld; I just thought that you'd might want to know this
about your friend at
Sadly, all the Liberty Trees are gone! The first was in Boston.
They existed throughout the colonies beginning in 1665. It is
where patriots met, shared info, made resolutions --- and
plotted revolution. In light of what has happened since the
'30 and, especially, the past few years as regards liberty (see,
 "Why Regulatory Law is Unconstitutional"
at ), we hope that a civic or
conservative or politic org or historic society would take up the
 goal of replanting as near the original sites as possible or place
 a plaque at a proper location. And wouldn't it be something
if people began holding meetings there!!!
As you know, we are members of Team USA at seti@home
Since we last reported, we've fallen from 7th place to 9th. Do
join. Do it for your species; do it for the USA!!!
There is something call rosetta@home You don't have to be
an expert on proteins to compete. The best examples may be
used in targeting real world problems by targeting and
eradicating disease, and creating new biological innovations.
We at CJCS Comsats are BIG on engineering, especially,
aerospace. Leery of nanotechnology and biomedicine since
the first sex-change operation nearly 60 years ago. We
are queasy from a bioethics perspective.
Of a non-science nature, we recommend without reservations:
Alliance Defending Freedom; Justice Watch; ChildFund
(The funniest joke that we ever 'heard' has its residence at "Meteors Might Make Merry/
Mexicans Make Merry" - the version with the title in upper-case
At this locale these fine specimens of excellence and more:
"Know Your Friends and Enemies," "Offending with Truth,"
"The Cosmos of Rock," "OWT," "Call to Action," "CITIZEN
Offending with Truth JOURNALIST," " ADD/CMT J
Perspective," Action Chain Letter 4 --- still relevant, as fresh
as a new born babe or one after just one change).

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fwd: MOMUS is BACK!!!...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 9, 2012 8:05 am
Subject: Fwd: MOMUS is BACK!!!...

                 MOMUS is BACK and OFFENDING with TRUTH!!!
                                by Richard DePersio
    Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist

October is 'Anti-Bullying' Month and we were asked not to
participate for being unqualified to do so and OFFENDERS with
TRUTH! They could have chosen their words more carefully in
notifying us: Was it necessary to call us meanies!?!
We wish to qualify...The Bible states that homo is moral, homo is
normal/natural in evolutionary terms (they aren't freaks or bad
mutations) and homo isn't abnormal according to traditional
psychology. What? We're not quite there.
Women meet the same high standards as men to wear a
uniform - military, fire, police...Cripples don't make unreasonable
demands of the able-bodied. Not yet.
Most Muslims are moderates. We still aren't eligible. Try the
following on for size:
Citizen 'Beer-Bellied' Journalist (while RD is svelte): "Fat people
are BIG-Boned and don't eat like pigs They are definitely
patriotic. Social Security (a ponzi scheme) and Medicare are on
the brink of bankruptcy. Fat people will do their part by dying
younger and enabling these programs to last a little longer for the
slender. Thank you, Patriots.
Romney was right but his numbers were off: 30 vs. 47%. This
group consist of those who receive social services and shouldn't
(this doesn't include the illegal on the American dole),
those who receive more components than they should or too
much of particular components. A neighbor said, "My family and
social workers told me to grab what I could and one size fits all.
The kept pressuring me. Grab it, even if you don't need it.
I rocked the boat by refusing to accept more than I needed.
SS (get it?) workers threatened to take decision-making away
 from me, claiming that I was incompetent. I wasn't worried;
they didn't have a case. They're not used to someone fighting
for less!!! I wanted to retain my pride." RD: "I'm proud to know
you. Of course, social workers have a vested
interest in getting as many people on social services that they
can, pressuring them to take more than they need and
keeping them in the system for as long as possible. This is
most true at budget time. They must show lib pols that they are
doing a bang up job at the expense of pride...Keep up the good
One shouldn't (tongue-in-cheek) watch NGC's Taboo and laugh
out loud, especially, when viewing solo.
It was the ancient Greeks who first used the term: barbarian. They
referred to their Persian (the Persian empire centered on present
day Iran) enemies as barbarians because it sounded to them as
ba-ba-ba when they talked.
Why was Desi 'Ricky Ricardo' Arnaz singing about: Ba-ba-lu,
Ba-ba-lu I-A. While you are on your exciting search of these
pages for the answer, you will encounter other interesting things
(like Houdini, Smith, Doyle --- and a lot of OFFENDING with
Attached Message
From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 9"
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 21:02:17 -0400

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fwd: Momus' OFFENDING with TRUTH...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 8:16 pm
Subject: Momus' OFFENDING with TRUTH...

                          MOMUS' OFFENDING with TRUTH
                   by Ricard DePersio and Citizen Journalist

Momus: "After being kicked off of Mt. 'O' by the BIG guy himself
followed by a short gig a * I hope that
 comsat rickadd will be my permanent professional abode. I hope
 my translator isn't having a problem. Actually, one could live here
quite comfortably surrounded by Greek sculptures. Over here is a
replica of a Greek home; one where a member of the elite would
have dwelled. There is even a room-sized replica of Athens. As you
 know, all five comsats were designed and built by my good friend
Vulcan. We consider Greece as the birthplace of Western Civilization.
 I dropped by comsat rickcmt were Erida was working..hateful. Here I 
 am at rickadd, must concentrate, it is so tempting to do otherwise.
They're serving an interesting rum concoction at rickcmt and are
calling it patriotic!"
CJ: "Wagwan."
FOXNews ALERT: "They have every reason to celebrate at CJCS
Comsats. There has been a dramatic increase in readership
after changes were instituted. Now, each of their five comsats
are averaging about 400 readers every 10 days! That's a
total of about 2000...for those amongst you who can' do simply
math. Citizen Journalist issued a statement: 'We have our
wonderful and semi-wonderful readers to thank, especially, the
pretty girls Here's looking at you, kid.'"
Truth or bigotry or better left unsaid (you know that we aren't capable
of the latter; most will agree, most won't say so).
Have you have noticed blacks who come here from non-Latin
American countries (countries which were controlled by the British or
the French for many years; most countries south of us had been
controlled by Spain which had a far larger slave population - see:
"The Truth about lacks Colored" at this site) and their offspring are
more educated and cultured than African-Americans**?
CJ: "Shit just got real."
The way that they sound and carry themselves too. While 13% of our
population is African-American, only 3% is black-Other --- Western
Civilization influence. You rarely hear that they have been arrested.
According to FBI and police statistics, over 50% of arrests for rape,
murder, assault, armed robbery, robbery, etc. is performed by blacks,
virtually all African-American. And, well over 60% of their crime is
black-on-black. This wasn't the case prior to the mid-'60s when more
black youths were religious and their parents stricter and less likely
to divorce. Things have clearly improved for them in the way of
opportunities and bigotry has been minimized --- but they became
victims of lib crackers and black leaders like  the Reverends Jackson,
 Farrakan, Sharpton and BO's 'Wrong.' Being told since the '60s that
they deserve social services because their ancestor might have been
a slave. Social serves became known as 'entitlements.' You might say
that more whites are on the dole - far more blacks as a percentage of
their population. Lib honkey pols and black leaders telling them that
they need not try - just collect. If you do try and fail, it's whitey's fault
and you need not try again. So they work to create new failed social
programs and to get as many of 'em on them as possible and give
them more than they should receive (as America faces a debt crisis).
Lib judges let AA offenders off with a slap-on-the wrist which sends
the wrong message to other AA youths. LJs blame parents, schools
system and American society laying no blame on criminal.
They are called bleeding heart libs. It has nothing to do with compassion
and everything to do with politics. Get us many able-bodied on
handouts as possible because the poor vote dem - most don't bite
the hand that feeds them! Many have more babies for more social
services, claim that their husband disappeared ( actually, browns are
more guilty of these practices). Yet, blacks who come here not from
countries like Mexico, Central America, South America and the
Caribbean Islands where the influence was Spanish but where it was
other - countries that are more strongly part of Western Culture have a
totally different mindset. Most of them or their parents came here to
study hard, work hard, obey the law and melt, for the most part, into
the pot. Less you forget, slavery wasn't limited to here but in most of
those other countries as well, followed by years of freedom and a
chance to educate themselves.
Western Tradition, including, Christianity (99% of Americans identified
themselves as Christians when our nation was founded, today - 80%;
more info at Citizenj) have been part of the military. Ever since BO
assumed the presidency, Christianity has more and more been shown
 the door while muslims are accommodated. The latest
accommodation centers around muslim (lower case 'm' intentional)
turks. There are rules regarding what can be worn on the head having
 to with purpose, effectiveness, particular utility, conformity and
 tradition. Also, you can't have something on the head that might
distract or interfere with performance of duty. These rules were
designed for good reasons and not just for the fun of it. Nonetheless,
 they will be allowed to wear their funny hats under most
circumstances. In addition, won't they look more like members of the
 turkish (remember what damn turks pulled at the inception of Iraqi
war which eventually led to many American deaths and our having
to remain longer). Doesn't internal law state that you must look like
 a member of your nations military and not appear in another
 uniform to wreck havoc. What will muslims demand and get next!?!
Please share articles with others (giving credit where credit is due; PT-
type copyright) and recommend our five comats to friends and foes.
OFFENDING with TRUTH: homos; women in uniform and so many
 more! Who was suppose to be first man of the moon?-One stage
*If you can't connect directly to our comsats, please connect via
Second American Revolution at Facebook (available to everyone) or
become a cyber-friend/follower - Facebook, Richard DePersio and/or
Twitter, @rickaddsite.
**We rarely use the term African-American preferring black but it
couldn't be avoided in this article. Why? We don't take orders from
Jackson who ordered everyone to say African-American in '88.
(The honored guest who just doesn't leave). Plato: "Goodnight."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fwd: Our Tribute...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 11, 2012 7:21 pm
Subject: Our Tribute...

                   OUR TRIBUTE followed by OFFENDING with TRUTH
                          by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Pic 1: Armstrong with our flag on the moon.
The late great Neil Armstrong is on a trajectory to the heavens. He
should be admired for being the first man to walk on another heavenly
body (arguably, mankind's...oops! humankind's biggest accomplishment
...nay, "It was one small step for {a} man, one giant leap for mankind.")
 and for his decision not to financially capitalize on it. Opting instead
to become a professor at a small Midwestern college and making rare
public appearances.
He was chosen for the historic flight for many reasons, including, the
following: 1) Former X-15 test pilot; 2) His ability to function well under
 pressure. During his Gemini 8 mission, he successfully docked to the
unmanned Agena. Shortly thereafter, the mission was heading for
disaster as a short-circuited thruster on Gemini commenced to fire
continuously, sending the spacecraft cartwheeling through space
at a rate of 360 degrees per second. It led to dizziness. It could have
been followed by unconsciousness and death, however, Armstrong
skillfully brought Gemini under control, thereby, demonstrating the
Right Stuff! 3) While flying the lunar module trainer a problem arose
necessitating his ejecting - a split second later and he wouldn't be
around for Apollo 11. Afterwards, he was unbelievably calm. Proving
once again that he had the Right Stuff! 4) He was a civilian. Many
years earlier, he had been a Navy pilot. They didn't want to choose
an astronaut who had recently left the military for NASA, after many
years in uniform; NASA would have suffered a headache if they chose
a Naval or a Air Force or a Marine Officer caused by the two branches
not chosen.
It was man who landed on the moon as the autopilot was taking the LM
to a crater filled with many large boulders. The Right Stuff guy had
to assume manual control.
He was indeed a quiet and shy hero and clearly not a good capitalist!
There is a little known fact that might shock some of our readers: The
original plans were for 'Buzz' Aldrin to take the first step onto the lunar
surface, but, Armstrong exercised his authority as commander and
rewrote the script less than two weeks before launch, putting himself
first and thus causing considerable friction between the two men
which lasted quite a few years. Of course, they were too professional
to allow it to effect the mission of Apollo 11.
Contrast with wrong stuff Sally, appropriately below (one floor down).
(Please see, "Citizen Journalist Reporting: The Devil made Me Do It"
at this venue. Go to mid-section of article: "TV is giving a lot of
coverage to wedding." Start reading from here).
Pic 2: Well put. Libs disdain black conservatives. How dare they think
outside of the lib plantation. (Please see, "Born Free at
Pic 3: We remember his inaugural address when he first became
president. We are deists. We were shocked when he stated that we were
a nation of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists. How ignorant!
Eighty per cent of Americans consider themselves Christians; it was
99 per cent when our nation was founded. It is abundantly clear
that our Founding Fathers and Founding Documents are predicated on
Judeo-Christian Principles for a Christian nation - whether we like it or
not! He did have a Muslim father and grandfather. He has a Muslim
aunt living illegally in the U.S. He subscribed to the theology of the
Reverend 'Wrong.' And, he is no friend of Israel while most Christians
Americans consider Israel one of our closest allies and stand with it
(Please see, Three articles on "Our Chosen People" - one at Citizenj
and two at quasarpolitics; "Christians {Deists too} for Israel at Ctizenj).
He did approve of taking God and Jerusalem out of the Democratic
Party platform before he disapproved of it. Remember Kerry: "I
voted for it before I voted against it." (See below on how to connect to
our web sites).
(See what he has done regarding Christianity/tradition and the U.S.
Military in "Parents and Grandparents Beware - Expanded version" at
Pic 4: We aren't afraid of PC Police. Learn the truth about how
national security and public safety have been jeopardized by women in
uniform in numerous posts at this venue, including, "More OFFENDING
with TRUTH," "Tying Up Loose Ends," and "Cultural War - search pages
1 & 2. As we heretofore stated, Armstrong once served as a Navy pilot.
Learn what a former admiral says about the status of the aircraft carrier
fighter jet fleet do to female fighter jocks - inexcusable!). Learn the truth
about homo on many floors below, including, "What Every Parent and
Grandparent Should Know - Update 10 at Citizenj.
Numerous posts or portions thereof at rickcmt (including, "Born Free") 
and Citizenj about Western Civilization, including, American Branch
which can bring us together.
It is most disconcerting that readership for
unexpected turn southward last week. If you have difficulty connecting to
these sites, please try connecting via Facebook's Second American
 Revolution. DRUM ROLL, PLEASE....(drums rolling)...Our overall
numbers for last week: 1305 - an average of 221 per web site -- a

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:30 pm
Subject: OFFENDING with TRUTH...

            OFFENDING with TRUTH: Ride and Sappho from Planet Lesbos
                           by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Nota Bene': We are deists with a mission; We are deists on a crusade:
1) The preservation of Western Civilization; 3) The restoration of
traditional morality; 3) Returning America to our founding documents; 4)
Burying liberalism; 5) Moon Mining and nuclear thermal propulsion for
manned missions to Mars and saving NASA.
This includes protecting traditional (Western Civilization) marriage for
religious (though we aren't), historical and cultural reasons, as well as,
centuries of legal precedent. Just say "NO" to civil unions and domestic
partnerships - semantics - just giving marriage new names for they enjoy
most, if not all, the rights and privileges of marriage. Romney knows this.
Don't let libs trick you.
Others give one or to reasons while we five three: Homo is immoral (Bible);
abnormal (traditional psychology until it was hijacked by libs in general
and gay lobbies and feminists groups in particular); freaks or bad mutations
(evolution). (Please read details at this site - numerous posts on these
pages and at - you may have to connect via
Facebook's Second American Revolution. Moderates, it is of paramount
importance that you check it out).
We're the only ones who continually supply you with facts regarding the
deterioration of the U.S. military by the invasion of PC, homos and women in
uniform (read what has become of Navy's carrier fighting jet fleet. (Here
and at Citizen Also at Citizenj "Normal Parents and Grandparents Be
Our regulars are saying: "He repeats this info ad nauseam." It's for the
benefit of our new readers.
Pics 1 & 2:
Sally Ride died and everyone is praising her. Let us be the first to do
       Homos complain that they are victims of verbal and physical gay
bashing. They ask for it by their in your face and in your child's face
regarding their sexual perversion. Stay in the damn closet! Suffer the
consequences if you step out of the closet because of your perverted
convictions. If you're proud of your  lifestyle and don't subscribe to the
notion that one's sexual preferences should be private.
On the one hand, privacy/possibility of loss of work/possibility of loss of
family. On the other hand, you want to go public because you have no
shame. We think that you should stay in the closet but sometimes
doing so can have dire consequences.
       They represent less than 5% of the population. Studies have shown
that most Americans think that the number is much higher - no doubt due
to the disproportionate representation that they enjoy in media.
       Raymond 'Perry Mason/Ironside' Mason was a popular TV actor from
the late '50s to the mid-70s and didn't work much after that. Not many
people noticed when he died in the '90s and it was revealed that he was
homo. It must have been shocking to his fans. He wasn't a role model
for the young.
       And then came Sally Ride. She became the first US women in space
after competing with other women (no doubt lower standards had to be
realized if military and police are a guide; these women lack pride). She was
a role model for young women and girls after her flight and until she died.
Devoting much of her life to meeting with girl orgs. A legacy tarnished.
Upon her death her true nature is revealed. Did she want this to transpire?
How do the morally traditional parents feel? What confusion are young girls
      There was a large increase in teens having oral sex after Billy-Boy
disgraced himself in America's Oval Office. An amount that has remained
steady. His legacy.
      Movies, TV and music videos promoting homo, especially, lesbianism
over the past ten years coinciding with teen girls experimenting with lesbo
      What damage has Ride done? Sally needed a rocket in her crater!
(See "Parents and Grandparents Be Wary" at Citizenj).
RD's and CJ's Philosophy: OFFENDING with TRUTH and being true to
oneself is more important than being liked.
Pic 3:
Citizen 'Zeus' Journalist: "We BUILT this comsat (web site)! We defy BO to say
Pic 4:
Our definition of patriotism.
The PC Police will never catch us. Below: We even OFFEND with TRUTH:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fwd: CJ's Hobby: OFFENDING with TRUTH...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 4:40 pm
Subject: CJ's Hobby: OFFENDING with TRUTH...

                                  CJ's Hobby: OFFENDING with TRUTH
by Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist and Richard DePersio
                       (Dedicated to the newly wed: Barney 'Pomona' Frank)
Note: It is with great sadness that we inform you that after our collaborations (Citizen
Journalist is Missing" "The Return of Citizen Journalist "Prequel: "Citizen Journalist in Diogenes Club" - try connecting directly, otherwise, Facebook
Second American Revolution), we are no longer on speaking terms with Arthur. He took
umbrage at our comments in the post one floor down - so sensitive! Now, he isn't on
speaking terms with Harry and CJ!!!
CJ has been called a sexiest. Can you imagine that!?! When all he does is OFFEND with
TRUTH and that includes what is happening in today's military (see: ,as well as. numerous posts below). He can't be called a
sexiest anymore as a women concurs with him - and a captain no less -- Captain Katie
Pastronio. She contends that women shouldn't serve in combat and that it is wrong when
women are even near the front line. She states that "we are all not created equal." It
could result in crippling and career ending medical conditions for females is extremely likely
 -- and not career advancement. She says that she could sweat 200 pounds as a hockey
player but suffered from muscle leg syndrome and muscle atrophy and a profound loss of
agility after finding herself near a combat zone. She opposes plans to regularly position
women near combat in the future. perhaps, combat  unless there is a thorough feasibility
study. We doubt that will come to pass as this administration is motivated by politics and not
national security!
Those annoying cripples are at it again! (See numerous posts here, including, second post
on page two and second one {fourth  purple section} at ) It was
miniature horses in restaurants and, now, that want pigs to fly! A decision is pending by the
BO Administration on the former (we know how they will rule because...) while a decision has
been made on the latter: yes, pigs can fly! If disabled nut has an emotional attachment to a
pig - nut has to purchase a seat and if no seat is available, stewardess must ask for a volunteer
to offer foot space!
Will capitalism be the winner? Communism failed; socialism is on the brink of failure. It depends
on whether or not, we continue to more in the direction of creating a socialist/capitalist nation (the
direction we've been taken by TR, Wilson, FDR, LBJ and BO) or the direction of capitalism
(Coolidge, Reagan). Over the past one hundred years, we have moved further to the left than the
right. Farther away from our Founder's ideas. If Obamacare and Finance Reform go into effect,
 fed gov will control over 25% of the economy - it would be disastrous for free enterprise --- and
for freedom!
(The economic/financial crisis was caused by: Bill Clinton (he was pressured by ACorn and
Senater Barney 'To the rear, march' Frank to give mortgages to people who couldn't afford them.
At the outset of his second term, Bush tried to rectify the growing problem and his efforts were
thwarted by 'Backdoor' Barney); unions, especially, in the auto industry; a few unscrupulous
capitalists (the evidence was there, beginning in 2000, the SEC failed to acknowledge it. Costly,
 new laws and regs are necessary while competent SEC members are); irresponsible speculators
(those who invest know that it is a risky business. Most of those who speculate do so responsibly.
New laws and regs on finance and business will likely inhibit creativity/innovation and job creation);
 Bush (who created a moderate- to large-sized problem by letting debt increase by $3 trillion over 8
years; Obama(who is responsible for our debt crisis - debt has mushroomed by $5 trillion in 4 years!).
The president and many governors and mayors want to take care of us from cradle to grave. This
president doesn't even think that successful people are responsible for their success - government
is! They should give back by paying more in taxes - their fair share; the 10% wealthiest Americans
pay 60% of fed income taxes while 40% pay nothing or get a refund - the rich pay more than their
fare share. Libs want more $$$s to spend not to reduce debt which can cause America's collapse.
The rich should receive a cut but enjoy fewer deductions - result: they will pay more $-wise but less
%-wise but won't mind because they will be making so much more and in the process creating jobs
(more tax revenue) and financing more R & D (via stocks and bonds). This was the Reagan Way.
Obamacare will add at least $1.2 trillion to the debt over 10 years! There is $40 billion of annual
waste and fraud in Medicaid and Medicare - how much more if government assumes more
 responsibility for your healthcare! (See: "Born Free" at on ma and pay