Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fwd: GREEN with ENVY...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 17, 2013 5:25 pm
Subject: GREEN with ENVY...

             Pan Friend Apollo Presents:Green with Envy
        Lousy Lying Libs Get BIG $$$s: Grants & Subsidies
  by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
BO is talking green again; too bad annoying facts get in the
We must differentiate between real science and bogus-lib-
UN science.
They were warning us of the crisis of a mini-ice age in the '70s.
They switched gears and fears in the late '80s and were
singing the blues...or should we say, the greens...for global
warming. Oh what a difference a few years make!
And, then came the infamous year 2006: the year of the
hockey stick graph. We learned that their global graph for the
past 1000 years was doctored; the last 10 years were made to
show continued warming --- the data revealed otherwise.
It turned out that this only represented the tip of their melting
iceberg. Other data had been fudged. There were the
emails exchanged amongst UN 'scientists' on how to doctor
data. There was suppression of climatologist views that
didn't paint a green picture. There had been a lack of peer
review and quotes from prestigious publications like
"Mountain Climbing" and Walking" in their prestigious
Normally, data on land surface temperatures are more
reliable than water surface temps. Not so UN studies: Most
of their heat-sensing devices had been placed near
heat-generating sources for years!
NASA studies are different: They measure temps at various
levels in the atmosphere using their satellites. The results of
two of their studies over the past 10 years indicated little or
no global warming. UN 'scientists' who also measure cattle
 farts in determining climate change should shove their
hockey stick where the SUN don't shine!
Whom are you going to believe: NASA or UN! BO has an
excuse ignorance, what's yours?
What it does mean is a loss of jobs as BO works to put the
coal, oil and natural gas industries out of business instead
of enabling them to help us achieve energy independence.
Further, as a result of these policies, your energy bills will
quadruple over the next 10 years.
Let's not forget: he continues to pump your $$$s into the
still unviable solar and wind industries; it began with Carter
and billions of $$$s later still not viable.
Sure we should be concerned for the environment but let's
predicate our decisions on sound science --- and thread the
middle ground between environment and jobs/energy prices.
Sorry, libs, the sky isn't falling!!!
Who is primarily responsible for global warming if it were true?
--- and we can't do anything about it: APOLLO - "that's me!"
They said that it couldn't be done but we did it: Improved on a
previously posted post; it immediately follows...

Fwd: Offending with Truth: Call to Action

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 17, 2013 3:35 pm
Subject: Offending with Truth: Call to Action

This post is so good that we are repeating it! We even improved on perfection with
For more on bogus global warming science, see "BO Offends at Also green: "wasn't he the guy..." (second red section);
"Ah Puch: The End"; "The Article: Spanking New Version (purple area). More truth as
regards capitalism and the so-called Robber Barons at the "Nighthawk Diner" (black
   Calling All Moderates and Conservatives/Lousy-Little-Lying Crisis Creating Libs
                                                   Need Not Apply
                                   by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and YOU*
Portions of many articles, all pages and all comsats contain info on Western Civilization,
 including, U.S. Branch: History and Culture. It includes: Ancient Greece and Rome;
Judeo-Christianity Heritage/Traditional Morality; Dark Ages; Middle Ages; Age of
Discovery; Renaissance;  Enlightenment; Industrial Revolution; Democratic Ideals...It
includes: Science/Technology; Art, Sculpture, Architecture; Music.
      It is our contention that only IT should be taught in elementary and high schools.
Leave multi-culturalism for home, parades and college. American Identity: It should unite
all of us in the United States of American. Multi divides, it doesn't unite. It should be
embraced by all.
(web site Citizenj {connect via Twitter @rickaddsite or Facebook Second American
__________or__________is the biggest threat to American Identity, Western Civilization
 ------- and
blacks!!! HonorableXXX Dishonorable Mention: __________).
Let's work together. Pick one or more issues here, and at
 our three other web sites (connect via Twitter @rickaddsite and Facebook Second
 American Revolution) and give those damn politicians a piece of your mind (not too big,
you can't afford it!). Depending on issue: Contact your governor and/or your members of
state legislature; your county executive; your mayor and/or city councilman...
White House phone # Comments: 1-202-456-111; White House Switchboard phone #:
1-202-456-1414 or fill out an email form with your comment at Official White House Web
 Site; ditto, Department of Defense Official Web site.
Congressional Operator: 1-202-224-3121.  To secure the name and phone # of your two U.S.
Senators, you need to know the state in which you live!; Operator will supply you with name
and # or connect you. Securing info on your congressman requires more data.
Can you make a difference? Yes, especially, with non-ideologue who tend to bend to
 the wind. The poll watches. The moderates. Their staffs keep a record of phone calls,
 emails, snail mail, visits to office-holders office: who, what remarks were made; pros
and cons. Politicians know that those who take the time to contact their office are likely 
voters and understand the issues, as well as, how well their representative is doing.
Keep saying to yourself: 'I'm the boss, he works for me.' be succinct and forceful. Let's
 make a difference, Cyber-Friends. Contact those that you select at least once-a-month.
A SECOND AMERICAN EVOLUTION!!! Pass the idea to at least one family member or
 friend or co-worker and encourage him or her to do the same thing. Let's get our
Revolution rolling!!!
Some issues to consider: Threats to Western Civilization/American Branch; Debt Crisis;
 National Security/Public Safety - the lowering of standards for women to wear a uniform and
 the damage done; media immorality; the destruction of NASA;  attacks against the religious; BO
violations of U.S. Constitution; media/school invasion of the world of the innocent; of the U.S.
Constitution; move toward nationalization of industries and socialism-capitalism hybrid; over
regulation; excessive taxation of the rich: wealth and job creators; the collapse of public schools,
 including indoctrination as apposed to education; undermining traditional marriage and traditional
family; unionized public servants making more - salary plus benefits than their masters - taxpayers
 in the private sector; Need for Tax Reform; U.N. green/global warming/climate change science
 masquerading as real science; Illegal Immigration/Treat to our identity and sovereignty; m-o-r-e.
Elect and re-elect moderates and conservatives to congress.
Let Our Motto Be: ATBTC: Americans Taking Back Their Country. Let George, John, Tom,
Jim and the rest of the gang be with us.  We won't hold hands and sing Kumbaya - for that
 isn't us!
Picture One: It started with Kevin, six floors down. Before that: First grade in public school. Get the
 kids and the teens - brainwashing. It is only here and at our other web site Citizenj that you have
gotten the truth about homo presented in unorthodox fashion: Theology; Evolutionary Science;
 Traditional Psychology. Sociobiology is bunk! God or Mother Nature gave us Free Will. We have
 the most advanced brains on the planet and aren't slaves of our biology.
       Race, Ethnicity, Gender are all normal, moral, natural - this is genetics. Religion is the very
first item protected in the Bill of Rights. Homo is a behavior. Stay in the closet and you won't be
victims of verbal and physical gay bashing. You ask for it, especially, when you parade it in front
 of our children.
 More details on these pages.
       What's next: a little gay Santa's Helper!?! Or, a gay tooth fairy? Come to think of it that
 might be appropriate!
CJCS Comsat NEWS ALERT!!!: We were remiss as regards Section Five of "Plato: the Guest
Who Never Leaves" at This paragraph should have appeared...
We interrupt this CJCS Comsat News Alert with another CJCS Comsat News Alert: CJ has been
hand-cuffed and is being made to stand in the corner by the English Teacher Police Force for
some sort of breach of English rules...Nonetheless and not-with-standing we will run the First
 News Alert boldly - although, we are being threatened by erasers! Insert this paragraph here -
there: when CJ was a little whipper snapper of 15, the drinking age was 18; he didn't look older
than his age. Yet, he could purchase booze. The owner of the liquor store was a chink. Young CJ
 would enter, walk to the counter making sure that money in hand was obvious. The yellow's
 slanted eyes quickly gravitated to the green! Well-Executed; Mission accomplished.
Picture Two: Fortean... Say it isn't so: Our friend Arthur Canon Doyle, creator of the highly rational
Sherlock (frequent contributor to our web sites) believed in spiritualism! Doyle and Houdini (whom
we haven't had the pleasure of meeting) became close friends but over time their friendship
became strained. For one thing, Harry couldn't convince Art that what he did were elaborate
tricks; Art insisted that Harry had supernatural powers. You can imagine how this would become
 progressively more and more infuriating for the greatest magician/escape artist. While Houdini
was 99% certain spiritualism was bogus but hoped otherwise, Doyle shockingly bought it hook-
line-and-sinker. You might have thought that Sherlock's Doyle would have the more skeptical eye.
 Harry publicly exposed fake and fraudulent psychics and mediums, including one of Art's
favorites. Another selected by Art - his wife - claimed to have contacted Harry's mom - he was
very close to mommy - at a seance for Harry. He  realized that she too was a trickster (though
Harry didn't think Art was aware of this fact - deceiving wife!), further, damaging the friendship; he
harbored feelings of
resentment. After the exchange of sharp letters on spiritualism and each other in the N.Y. Times 
their friendship (1920-24) was beyond repair. Harry 'mama's boy' Houdini was obsessed with
communicated with her from beyond the grave. Phoney after phoney declined his believe as his
friendship with the gullible Art declined. The weaknesses of two great man. Harry was a bit of a
conceit. He told his wife that probably only he could communicate from heaven. He wrote a
message on a piece of paper and told his wife that after he had departed this mortal coil if any
 medium could tell her what he had written that he or she would be the genuine article. Harry died
on Halloween '26 and for ten years thereafter on the anniversary of  his death his wife would go to
one of these nut cases - no dice, they had no clue as to message. On the ten anniversary the
seance was aired on radio - no spooky. We don't know how the Amazing Randy
 gained possession of note but he did a TV special in '80s reminiscent of Geraldo's Al Capone
 embarrassment. Randy arrived on a stretcher (was he really ill?) for the seance which revealed
mediums sitting around a table in 'deep thought!'
{An aside: Let's get physical wasn't something that many people athletes and non did in the
 olden days. Prior to the '50s, few people did callisthenics (some but not all athletes - most just
practiced their sport; that changed due in large part to Jack Lalanne); prior to '70s few lifted
 weights, other than weightlifters when they practiced and performed - few others; changed due
 in large part to Arnold). (Muscular women: sexy or sickening? Our vote: vomit-inducing!).
Harry - who many believe was double-jointed did both for he felt that it helped him with his
Picture Three: Female Airman... Women served proudly as WACS (Army), WAVES (Navy),
WASPS (Air Force) and Marines. They were a special branch of the armed forces during WW2 
until the establishment of the All Volunteer Armed Forces in '73: they were now Soldiers, Sailors,
Airman and Marines. For some strange reason, prior to '73, only  nurses were considered soldiers,
 sailors, etc.). Prior tp '73: They received some of the training that man did, as well as, training that
men didn't.  They didn't receive most of the training that males received. They didn't pretend to be
 fighting machines or equal in status to men. Although, they could issue an order to a lower ranking
male, They weren't  allowed at or near the front (combat).  Exception: Some WASPS delivered
 planes to men near they front. (Also, some, far from front helped train men to fly). Our motto: Fair
 and Balanced. And, then came All Volunteer: even though women, most of the time, didn't train
with, compete with or were graded with the men, very few could cut it in basic. So, standards were
 lowered (lower passing grades on mental and physical exams to pass). They are danger to
themselves and others. PC trumps National Security (and Public Safety:Cops and Fireman). They
 virtually destroyed the fighter jet fleet in the Navy according to former admiral and might due the
 same to special group: Army Ranges (See posts on these pages). Lib social experimentation. We
  don't think that a real women would want to fight. It is a free country. If they want to fight, they
shouldn't be allowed to play at it. compete. train and be graded with men - end lower
standards --- there numbers would significantly drop from 15% of regulars and reservists -----
feminist groups would have a fit! Play: No pride! Embrace lower standards.
They should return to being proud WACS, WAVES, etc. deserving of admiration and respect!!! Do
 you think that gays and women are an asset to our fighting machine? From blood and guts to
tampons and limp-of-wrist!!!
 Learn more in posts below...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.coms>
Sent: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 3:37 pm
Subject: Fwd: PREDICTION...
Just remember this: A kiss is just a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh;
the fundamental things apply...older posts here and at our
other web sites are still relevant and time
goes by.
                         MOMUS' OFFENDING with TRUTH
                   by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist

The debate as to whether or not to lower the rim in
professional women's basketball is trivial in nature but is
emblematic of a bigger and serious issue: women in
 uniform. The lowering of standards so that women can
qualify  constitutes a threat to national security (military)
 and public safety (police, fire), especially the navy (see
numerous posts below).

Hollywood vs, reality...Have you ever noticed that in movies
and TV lightning and thunder occur simultaneously - don't
directors or directors of photography know that light travels
faster than sound? Further, when someone is shot, even
at close range, the actor falls forward, as opposed to
 backward. Hasn't Hollywood been notified of Newton's
Second Law of Motion!
(Pic: She loves to be 'shot').
Most of the so-called experts maintain that TV on the
'broadcast' networks in prime-time is more sophisticated
since the '80s. What? In your face filth, as opposed to
subtlety, when children may be watching. Do critics know
 the meaning of sophisticated.
CJ is proud to state that he outgrew the broadcast networks
when he first got cable about 12 years ago (slower to cable
than most, it took him awhile to be willing to pay for TV -
cheap Jew!). What does he watch? Fox News, CNN (to
get the enemy's corruption of the news), Science Channel,
NGC, Discovery Channel, Military Channel, History
Channel, Travel Channel (he's a hermit), ME-TV, Tru-TV,
Music Choice (Oldies rock, Jazz-Bebop/Cool, Jazz-Swing -
 no, he isn't old but knows quality)...BOOKS!!!