Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fwd: Article with a Special Name - Part Two...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 11:31 am
Subject: Article with a Special Name - Part Two...

                                         ARTICLE with a SPECIAL NAME - Part Two
                                          by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
The Goodbye*Farewell*Amen* Tour continues...
        It was 1993. Citizen Journalist knew a half-Jap. Yes, it is indeed true. She
        excitedly told him that her grandmother was visiting on the morrow and
        that she had been telling her wonderful things about him. The next day
        arrived as scheduled. Not long into the pleasant conversation, Citizen
        Journalist said,"Japan was fortunate that the United States had dropped
        the A-bomb on them." The next day, CJ said with much anticipation,
        "What did your grandmother think of me? He waited for praise but to his
        surprised was told, "You don't tell an elderly Japanese woman that she
        should be glad that a big bomb had been dropped on her country. She
        said, 'Keep away from him; he's dangerous!'" CJ retorted, "America is
        stupid. Countries start wars. It cost us much lives and money. We
        win and rebuild the countries that we beat. It is unprecedented in
        history. What happened to: to the victor goes the spoils? We rebuild
        an evil Japan and made it better then ever. We gave it democracy. We
        erected a top-of-the-shelf intra-structure and economic/financial system.
        Today, it is an economic powerhouse and one of our major economic
        competitors. Japan is fortunate that they lost! Or, did they?*
(Part One can be found at this venue).
"Ingins, cripples, people of the dome, etc." In that recent article, we failed to
get to the first on the list. (We are tying up loose ends before we exit stage
door right).
       If true be told: the red man owes us big time! Yes, we took virtually
all of his land and what he considered valuable. It was bound to happen: a
lot of land and resources attracted the people of England, Spain, France
and Holland and, eventually, the rest of Europe. Sooner or later, they would
be conquered - if not by them, by others. It isn't our fault that they were too
primitive and weak to protect their property.
       Actually, over 75% of the deaths of the natives was due to diseases
brought here from Europe from which the natives lacked immunity. Except
for one case, all of this was unintentional. Only 25% or less was due to
white man vs. red man wars and shoddy conditions on reservations. Between
1500 and 1900, their population declined by 95%. Largely be accident.
       What about the wars? We won. What happened in what would become
the United States and after it became the United States. We broke with
tradition going back thousands of years. We didn't enslave the vanquished
males, rape the women on a large scale and seize all of their wealth. We
placed them on land that wasn't very fertile and where there wasn't much
good hunting. We largely let them govern themselves. Out of compassion,
we taught western civilization, including, Christianity to some of their young
in order to make it easier for them to leave the reservation if they so desired.
 Did they experience discrimination? Yes. So do many other groups,
especially, blacks, Dutch, Irish, Italians, Jews, Chinese.
       Today, reservations which receive gov assistance and the Indians living
there receiving gov assistance, on average, are doing poorly. While those
without gov helping hand have fared much better: some with casinos, some
selling by mail tax-free cigs, some with farms or ranches, some with light
industry, some as tourist attractions.
       Children are being taught lies about whites in liberal revisionist history
textbooks and not a balanced perspective. Scalp collectors.
Wilson moved left - in the direction of socialism. Taft and Coolidge moved
us right - in the direction of our Founding Fathers. Unfortunately, they
couldn't move us as far in the opposite direction as Wilson had moved us.
FDR and LBJ moved us told socialism - resuming Wilson's work. Reagan
marched us right - but not as far as we had been taken left. Obama has
taken up the Wilson-FDR-LBJ efforts. Can he be stopped by moderates,
moderate-conservatives and conservatives? No Lipton served here! We
stopped partaking of Tea over a year ago, when they were hijacked by
in-the-closet social liberals called libertarians. Their approach to dealing
with debt crisis in the House has been politically naive. They don't know
when they've won and when they have secured as much as possible
under present circumstances. They have demonstrated a willingness to
transform victory into defeat!
Why can't we say niggers...pardon...blacks? Just because the Reverend
Jackson decreed in 1988 that they had to be referred to as African-
Americans. I say blacks and if liberals and black leaders don't like it -
they can shove it up their barney frank!
Isn't it refreshing that Americans are getting brains! The most recent data
comes from 2010 and from Gallop and Pew Research:
Gallop: How serious a threat is global warming (climate change) to you -
2007 - 63% considered it very serious or serious; 2010 - 53%.
Pew: How serious a problem? Very or serious or somewhat serious - 45%,
2007; 32%, 2010. Slightly smarter, we should say.
Discredited U.N./Al Gore science: hockey stick graph; sensors placed near
heat sources; lack of peer review; suppression of alternate views. Yet,
children are still being taught that global warming is an established fact.
The fact is: there is no consensus amongst scientists: large-scale or moderate
or modest global warming caused by humans or a change in the energy
output of the sun or both; or is global cooling the name of the game? Obama is
taking measures based on floored U.N. data which is costly in the form of
new regs on businesses and might actually be harmful to the environment
in light of revelations related to U.N. corruption of scientific method.
An A.D.D. Moment: We have created a welfare state and that's why we are
in debt and are dependent on gov (a loss of freedom). Courtesy of FDR-LBJ-
Obama, especially, LBJ (but Obama will take first place if Obama-care is
implemented). A shocking 77% of Americans receive gov assistance: food
stamps and/or Social security and/or Veteran's Benefits and/or Medicaid
and/or Medicare and/or S.S.I. and/or Welfare and/or Child Care and/or
subsidized housing and/or etc. Many don't deserve it, including, illegals
who are getting it and many get more than they need. There is $40 billion
annual waste and fraud in Medicaid and Medicare; who knows about the
other programs. And, Obama wants fed gov to assume more responsibility
for healthcare!
*In all fairness, we have military bases in Japan to protect Japan and the U.S.
from China; Japan should pay for more of its own defense - it is the fourth
wealthiest country in the world (where else?). It is our third largest lender -
after China and U.K. We mitigated our position as regards Japan slightly.
As is our wont, we end on a pleasant note: "Death is the end of woes: die soon,
O fairy's son." - Edmund Spenser. With a nod in the direction of the limp-of-the-
We have a joke: these two guys were doing a barney frank. One gay girly guy (we
 so enjoy our alliterations) said...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 2:28 pm
Subject: ARTICLE with a SPECIAL NAME...

                                    ARTICLE with a SPECIAL NAME
                               by Citizen Journalist & Richard DePersio
 Dago Red: "Citizen Journalist enjoyed 287 readers (visits) three weeks ago;
two weeks ago, 320.Last week, 345 (according to Google and AddThis Analytics).
It's very exciting!" Richard D. "Yet, he isn't popular according to 'Klout.'
DR: "It kind of reminds you of Howard Cosell when he was alive: he was the
man America loved to hate." Richard D.: "I get your point. People love the
message but hate the messenger. Actually, the negative numbers our due to
a paucity of feedback." Citizen Journalist: "Keep talking as if I weren't here!"
As is our wont, we commence with cosmos (which means world) and, then,
we offend with truth when we deal with the world...
NASA: Out of Business...Less than $2.5 billion per year for Orion/super
heavy-lifter while Orion/heavy-lifter is unlikely. The former would take us
out of earth orbit while the latter would take us to and from space station.
      SpaceX and Orbital Services will each receive over $1.5 billion over
the next three years in the form of a subsidy (See "Where are My
Dividends!?!) while Virgin Galactic is privately-funded; no subsidy for their
space efforts. End all forms of socialistic/unconstitutional subsidies!
      NASA won't go to Mars until between 2030-2035. Once a subsidy is put
into place it continues indefinitely. Give those funds to NASA! (Completely
or partially responsible for over 30,000 inventions and discoveries since
its inception in 1958). Those funds would enable NASA to be back in business
 with Orion/heavy-lifter between 2013-2015, re-instate moon program and NASA
 could return to the moon between 2020-2025 and go to Mars between 2025-2030.
NASA wants to upgrade Saturn 5 and Space Shuttle technologies,
utilize R & D from the defunct Constellation project (which should be
reactivated in order that America doesn't relinquish its preeminent position
in space and to save tens of thousands of jobs) and develop other new
      Don't put manned space flight in mothballs! Contact your and other key
 members of congress. For information, please see "Updated Afresh: Action Chain
 Letter of a Nature Different" at this venue. Together, we can prevent Obama from
 derailing our space program.
      This just in: Space Technologies and Orbital Technologies will share
$3.5 billion over three years. We are talking about cargo - food, equipment
and experiments - flights not manned. Russia making big bucks carrying our astros!
      These private companies claim that they will be able to carry astros in
three years. American hero, former astro, former senator John Glenn thinks
that 5 to 10 years is more realistic. America grounded.
      We are true capitalists and we tip our hat to Virgin Galactic. With fed gov
$$$s comes fed gov interference. We all know how well fed gov runs things:
Medicaid, Medicare, Amtrak, Post Office, etc. Sometimes, accepting gov $$$s
means being nationalized/socialized: banks, insurance and auto companies.
      NASA is the only component of fed gov that gives you a return on your
investment: for every $1 budgeted, you get between $3-5 back within 7 years
in the form of science and technology.
      We stutter: We've said these things in previous articles; we reiterate.
Our goal is to benefit our new readers while simultaneously introducing
fresh material for them, as well as, our older readers. The curse of attempting
to please young and old.
Just remember this: Add Profile Page to Favorites, a kiss is just a kiss,
a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental things apply as time goes by.
We are know how good Obama is at creating...pardon...killing jobs. Here's
another outstanding and wonderful example: 230,000 jobs lost during and
since Obama's moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (an
unconstitutional ban according to a fed judge; courts were considering
charges against the big '0' if not lifted; libs 'o' for obama - moderates and
conservatives '0' for obama; our list has reached 17 regarding impeachable
offenses by zer0, see "A Bad Case of Treason").  Ten massive rigs have
changed venues from the Gulf to Brazil, China (our banker) and Eqypt
(friend or foe?). A few rigs taken over by Mexico. Less you forget: Obama
approved of loans to Mexican Oil and Brazilian Oil during U.S. drilling ban.
He is concerned with the environment. He wants Americans to purchase
oil at a higher price from foreign countries with lower environmental/safety
standards than ours! American consumers should be offended and angry!
Subsidies continue to flow to unprofitable solar and wind industries; solar
might show a profit by 2025 if, and only if, moon program is reactivated.
(see, "Action Chain Letters" 4  Updated and Expanded ).
An A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and JumpStart - great pick-me-
upper: This is your brain + ; this is your brain on A + JS = Mars tripping.
Makes two fists knuckles to knuckles and punch; don't do that...
this is the size of your brain. Whales have biggest brains. Humans have
the biggest brains compared to the size of their bodies: humans are the
most intelligent us, it's true... how does God or Nature get
such complexity in so small a space? Picture four sheets of paper with tons
of info on it side-by-side...picture crumbling can now fit in your head...
it is the surface of the brain, it surrounds the cerebrum and cerebellum. It is
  called the neocortex or gray matter. Most people think that everyone has
gray. Actually, it is pinkish and only gray when dead or liberal.
51% of Americans don't pay federal income tax or get a refund.
Don't you be a hickeroo, get hip and follow through: Add Profile Page to Favorites
and give feedback, make the joint jump like the gators do - hip, hip!
You are a contestant on the new hit T.V. game show; "Dago Red presents T & A
...oops...B & Y (Fill in the blank and supply the year). Your celebrity partner is
Betty White...
       "__________ ________ has declared 'unconditional war' against poverty, but
manifestly there are a number of weapons he does not intend to use in order to
prosecute that war. He is not, for instance, going to fire any guns, during the
forthcoming campaign, on labor union monopolies, which aggravate poverty
by extracting artificially high prices from employers, and so cause the price of
living to rise. He is not going to drop any shells on his own Department of
Agriculture, which pays bonuses (CJ: a type of damn subsidy!) to farmers to
keep them from growing food, and so aggravate the problem of the poor by
raising the cost of bread and butter. He is not going to torpedo the minimum
wage laws, which do so much to keep the poor poor, by denying them work at
the only price marginal producers are in a position to pay. And above all he is
not going to do anything take government off of the back of
the people, to leave them freer to work for themselves, to cultivate and
distribute the nation's wealth. It is, in short, going to be a sweetheart war. And,
by the way, we are not going to win with ______ _______ choice of weapons."
You: "Person: President Obama" Year: 2011 or 10 or 9 or 8." Wrong! Some
things remain the same. Dago Red: "President Johnson - another liberal or
socialist and the year: 1969. You consolation prize: a big stack of soon to be
be worthless $$$s! Who said it? Bill Buckley in 1964 ("Quotations from
Chairman Bill compiled by David Franke, Pocket Book, 1971). Dago Red: "We
are out of time. We would like to thank our contestants."
Wait...Disappoint by paucity of feedback or quitting while way ahead? Going-Out-
of-Business Sale, includes, Facebook: NASA_Ares; asking price: $87.35.
As is our wont, we end on a cheerful note: "Thou minds me o' departed joys, Departed
never to return." -Robert Burns.
                                    To Be Continued...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER 5: Bringing it Together (Updated and Expanded)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 2:47 pm
Subject: Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER 5: Bringing it Together (Updated and Expanded)
-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 1:01 pm
Subject: Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER 5: Bringing it Together (Updated and Expanded)
Original Proposals on Education, Airport Security and NASA stage.
 Good News: Wall Street Journal Report: school choice has been enacted in 13 states
 and pending in 25; Even more choice: Indiana and Wisconsin are working on school
 choice, including, private schools, in addition to, charters, magnetics and regulars.
All programs involve a form of school vouchers. Parental choice is enjoyed in the U.K.;
shouldn't it exist in the no.1 democracy - rhetorical question. Updated throughout, even
when not so indicated.
 Please read: "ATBTC's Action Chain Letter 4 (Updated and
Expanded) which contains vital info concerning our energy crisis - real not U.N. science.
          ACTION CHAIN LETTER 5: Bringing it To Together (Updated and Expanded)
                                              by Richard DePersio

(Original publication date and title: Sun, Dec 5, 2010 9:33 pm

(Where did this originate - "Together...A New Beginning"? Hint:
Campaign slogan. Answer at conclusion. Don't peak! Cogitate)}.
(New Proposals after Preface).
PREFACE: Secret Societies: "Knights Templar," "Freemasons," "Illuminati,"
"Skull and Bones," ATBTC ("Americans Taking Back Their Country"; Tea is Bad
for You, ATBTC is Good for You), etc. Mission Statement: Send each Secret
 Chain Letter to at least five family members and/or friends and/or enemies
 and/or co-workers and/or  whom-ever-you-choose for we comprise an Association
of Individuals in a loose association with a Common Cause - Constitutional
Government. Suggestion: We phone and/or leave a message (s) at the websites of
our two U.S. Senators and one congressman, as well as,
other members of congress who serve as chairmen or ranking members
or just plain members of committees or sub-committees
that interest a member. ATBTC:no membership card or dues but we are working on secret
 cyber-space handshake; as the late Steve Allen would say:
"All seriousness aside.") such as, Science and Technology, NASA, Appropriations,
Budget, Energy, Rules, etc. You can discover the names or names and phone
numbers of your congressional members (you need not know their names when
you call but you are required to know the name of the state in which you live!) and
 the names or names and phone numbers of committee members (just tell Capital
Operator the committee that concerns you). Phones: 202-224-3121 and 202-226-7200.
Websites: Example - and Some
 names, Phone #s and websites are recommended in Chain Letters 9, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1 at, /group/newfederalism, /group/
nasa-our-way. Now, Let's Do Ourselves a REVOLUTION!!!
PROPOSAL 45  Stop punishing achievement and try rewarding it.
President Bush's successful "No Child Left Behind" (you know that it is successful
because school unions hate it!) has substantially reduced but has not
completely eliminated (mainly via national standardized tests): the mainstreaming
of the physically and/or mentally crippled (Citizen Journalist is non-P.C. cripple
 but not when he was a school boy chasing school girls
in plaid skirts) who require extra attention - attention diverted from those
better equipped to handle the workload and are, thereby, held back; social
promotions - the promoting of a child from, say, 6th to 7th grade in order
not to deflate the child's ego and in order for the teacher to prevent
herself from looking bad: look - over half of her students have failed.
Instead of saying: we care about you; we want you to master grade
before you advance. Child is promoted and lost, needs extra attention,
deserving students are short-changed. Update: It appears that teachers are
figuring out how to return to doing social promotions.
There are public schools which no longer post
'A' test papers for fear of hurting the feelings of those who didn't attain an
'A.' Old-fashioned thinking: Stroke the ego of the 'A' student to encourage
him to a repeat performance and motivate the others to work harder
in order to see their paper on the bulletin board; some schools - non-competitive
activities in gym class, whatever, that is. It sure prepares child for
capitalistic society; there are schools which have done away with grading and
determine whether or not child is promoted predicated on effort,
social development and projects - stupid, nonsensical liberal thinking.
We have already proposed converting all regular public schools
into charter and magnet schools: on average charters (no union control)
 out perform magnets  while mags out do regulars (mags
semi-union control, regulars - nearly complete union control;
by the bye, regulars are budgeted more than mags and mags more
than charters - fascinating! Yet, libs tell us that the problem
with regs is that they don't receive enough money - - the problem
is unions!). On average students in mags and charts perform as well in
well-to-do safe neighbors as they do in poor, dangerous ones.
      Don't hold back our brightest stars. A big problem: boredom
and a feeling of not being challenged. ORIGINAL PROPOSAL:
There is no reason that
elementary school can't be 7 instead of 8 years (8 is largely review)
for the well-behaved 'A' and 'B' students. Further, those who
were As and Bs in grades 5, 6, 7 should go to high school for 3
instead of 4 years. Freshman who earn an 'A' can transfer to
advanced program; no transfers after freshman year. These
students would earn academic-regents diplomas or an
associate degree (if school can afford it; it presently takes 2
years to earn an associate in college, it would take 3 in high).
      We hear you: you're saying: "In Japan and Western Europe,
where in many of those countries Americans are being
out-performed in international comparisons, they spend more
days per year in the classroom. They don't get 12 weeks off in
the summer. Instead, they receive a week here and two weeks
there totally (it varies from country to country) 6 to 9 weeks." Fine;
if a state can afford it. We think our plan is even better. Let
us continue and stop interrupting us by thinking out loud (
A.D.D. distracting).
       Stop poorly-behaved, slow students and class clowns from
holding back our brightest. Motivate them to want to attend
class with a livelier curriculum: electronics, plumbing, home
economics, book keeping, basic computer, house painting,
gardening, a lot more physical education, shop, etc. Challenging
courses - a lot of poorly behaved students are brighter than you
think (just ask CJ). Their not college material, give them the
skills for the real world. Also: business math., dance, map-reading,
the production of graphs. End remedial courses in college.
Those students don't belong in college. Many states are and are saving $s.
       In college, associate degrees should take 1 1/2 years not 2;
bachelors, 3 not 4. Reduce the core requirements: these students
should have acquired the basic skills in elementary and high school.
They should be focusing on their major and minor: specializing not
so much general subjects. You're interrupting and saying, "Colleges
 will lose money because students
will be spending less time there. But, more students will want
to attend college and that's what we want. Imagine graduating
high schools at 16 instead of 18. What are you going to do? You
have an academic-regents diploma and you're being offered the
opportunity of earning an A.A. or A.A.S. when you're 17 or 18;
you might go for two associates (or three, if you were able to earn
one in high school). Graduating with a B.A. or B.S. at 19 or 20,
you have time for a second B.A. or B.S.(second takes 2 or less years) or
starting a master's or doctorate program). We must take into account the
taxpayer and student debt: no second associate accept for 'A' and 'B'
students - same for Bachelor's. More students might have to
work while in college - grants should be reduced to reduce
the deficit. We will be producing more graduates with more degrees
wherein they focused on their discipline of choice.  America will be more
competitive on the world stage for our students will be better educated
and no longer the victim of the liberal policy of homogenization:
bundling the able bodied with the disabled, the bright with the slow,
the well-behaved with the delinquents. College degrees and debt aren't
for everybody. ITT and other trade/specialized schools should be
encouraged for certain students.
PROPOSAL 46: Return student loans to banks, It was unconstitutional
of Obama (17 constitutional infractions thus far by our count) to have
fed gov assume responsibility for student loans - private sector activity.
Just look at gov involvement (unconstitutional in nature) with Fannie,
Freddie and Amtrak.
LUCKY 13 for CHILDREN. We should  phone our governor's
office and speak to a staff
member (supplying name is optional; they keep records of
citizen's position - a tally of pros and cons - and report most
interesting statements to their boss) and/or leave a message at
his/her website. Ditto OUR representatives in state legislators
and/or county exec and/or mayor and/or council member.
       Convert all regular public schools into charter and magnet
schools. On average,  children in private schools (most of which
our Christian, especially, Catholic) score higher    on national 
standardized and state-wide tests (which helps prevent teachers
from awarding social promotions) It is virtually impossible for 
principals to fire incompetent teachers due
 to union. You digress; on verge of A.D.D. attack) than
home-schooled, magnet and charter kids who in turn score
higher then regular public
school youngsters. Regulars have improved somewhat due to
Bush's "No   Child Left Behind" (liberal-dominated media has
 lied about policy and results) but not enough and won't progress
 any further due to
teacher's unions. Public schools were nearly as good as Catholic
schools - academics and discipline - prior to the early 1960s.
What happened? In early '60s, the first and biggest teacher's union
 formed! Since then, on their orders, states pumped hundreds of
billions of additional dollars into public schools and they got worse!
 Albert Shankor, the former head of union, said in 1985: "We'll care     
     about the kids when they're old enough to pay union dues."
(By the way, on average it costs $10,000 a year to 'educate' a
regular public school child; $6,000 Catholic).
      The problem with regular public schools: teachers aren't paid
 enough and most schools don't have the latest textbooks and/or
computers and/or etc. They earn only an average of 10% less than
 firemen and cops and their benefits and retirement packages
are better than theirs! Pay more and you'll have better teachers
and better-performing kids...Debate in progress...Charter and magnet
 school teachers are paid less than regular public school teachers and
can easily be fired for poor performance. Charters and Magnets
aren't as well-equipped as regulars.
     What possibly can explain this state-of-affairs? Unions have no
control over charter schools and only limited control of magnets.
Citizen Journalist has a niece, Alexa (age 9) in a magnet plus is in Delta
 program and another niece, Katie, 13, in a magnet. Brag: They are
Charter teachers are creative and innovative, their principals don't
spend most of school day
 in their offices but in classrooms helping students they suspect are
falling behind and they can call teachers at home with homework 
questions (truly dedicated teachers!). Less then 20% of schools in
most states are charters and magnets. Deplorable! Encouraging:
some states are experimenting with virtual academies which
are sort of charter/magnet/home school combos. Discouraging:  Some
states where home schools are legal want to rescind their
legality claiming parents aren't qualified and don't possess teacher's
 licenses. But, they are outperforming your regular public school
teachers! The real reason: Most parents who home-school are
 religious and object to immoralities being taught in public schools and
incorporate religious training as part of 
curriculum. How dare they! Liberals object: they must be indoctrinated
 into liberalism like good, little brain-washed regulars.
     The hell with the socialist unions. Let's do what's right by the kids.
Proposal 14:
Prohibit Unsupported Mandates. Fed gov dictates to states that they
 must do a particular thing and fed gov contributes between 0% and 65% of the 
necessary funds. It shouldn't be retro-active but we already proposed something to
make up for that fact in previous Chain letter: Reduce budgets for unconstitutional
 federal  departments of Education, Agriculture, Housing, Interior, Transportation
by over 75% over a period of ten years with three-quarters going toward reducing
 deficit/debt and the remainder being added to what fed gov already gives to the states
 in these areas - and with no strings attached! The new fed committees (no longer
departments) should monitor how money is spent (without dictating how it is spent),
propose programs to states in these areas and if state is interested, fed gov must fully
 fund it! Returning to Mandates: Fed gov must prove that they have the constitutional
authority (no more abusing commerce clause) to order it and then fully fund it,
 preferably, each state would design its own program to carry it out. (Healthcare too!;
it is not constitutionally within the domain of  national government -  while fed     
  gov is responsible for billions of debt and fraud due to their mismanagement of these       
 programs). Restoring powers to states unconstitutionally stolen by an increasingly
distant and powerful and incompetent dictatorial Washington D.C. (Washington must
be rolling in his grave for he had left us a Federalist Republic with an Amendment 10 in
the Bill of Rights). Gov unions will object. Who ever heard of (public) servants on
average making 25% more than those they serve!- salaries and benefits.
This is bad for America: private sector workers produce, gov workers spend and spend
and spend. We borrow and borrow principally from China and the Federal Reserve Bank
orders Treasury Department to print more money (Federal Reserve Notes; Fed Reserve
Bank Funny Money) but, you say, inflation is at a record low of .9 (under brand new
 system  inflation figure no longer includes rise in food and energy costs! - go back to
old system      and stop trying to fool citizens/consumers;  since Fed was created  in
1913 the value of $ has declined 85% in value and 20% since 1999 - - these are the real
inflation numbers - - - read them and weep!  An A.D.D.-ing, we will go!

Proposal 15:
Student Loans, Water, and more commerce clause abuse.  In a recent power-grab,
Obama took student loans away from banks - think Fannie and Freddie - and
announced that  all water in and around the U.S., including, the puddle in front of
 your house belongs to fed  gov! Even intra-state water: rivers, streams, lakes,
 ponds that aren't shared by more than      one state will be regulated by
overweight Uncle Sam.  Americans put him on a diet!      Pregnant with power
 'his' water is  about to break.

Proposal 16:
Just say "no!" to 'stimulus' packages. According to the Federal Reserve Bank
 branch in San Francisco the $1 TRILLION-PLUS 'stimulus' created zero000zero
 new jobs!; Obama claims that it created or saved 2 million jobs - according to
Fed branch: the actual figure was much less and were all temporary jobs that
those who had them have waved 'goodbye' to them. There are 1 million fewer
jobs today than there were in 2001.

Proposal 17: Just say "No" to porno pix and feel-ups!!! Original Proposal:
Privacy vs. security. Union of Socialist Secular States of America. Citizen Journalist
doesn't fly; doesn't go outside. In exile in the former United States of America.
Nonetheless, is concerned about cyber-friends experiencing the unconstitutional,
 immoral, unnecessary breach of privacy and rights. Being treated like a criminal
without a search warrant or probable cause which can be easily rectified by 
exercising some common sense. Proposals: 1) Place SENTINEL which was at
"Reagan International Airport" back there and at other airports - it kind of sniffs:
you walk through and feel puffs of air, a vacuum device sucks in air with particles
 dislodged from head to shoes or socks before particles hit the floor, it can
 determine if person was near a bomb or materials used to make bombs within
the last 36 hours; 2) Randomly (say, every 7th traveler) use metal-detecting wand
 which guard runs 'all over your body' at a distance of about half a foot, no contact;
 3) Profile! Not babies and blue-haired old ladies. Security should keep a closer
eye on Arab-looking males 18-45, question if circumstances warrant followed by
no action or feel-up or full-body scan or both. Our proposal is unconstitutional
but much less so than present system. 100% safety is impossible.

Proposal 18:
America's Destiny. In  previous chain letters, we discussed NASA's role
 as the premier technological engine of our economy, the future of space
 exploration and the major role our space program should play in what
should be our effort to attain energy independence.
Project NERVA (see previous letters) involved NASA, Atomic Energy
Commission, Los   Alamos Scientific Lab, AreoJet and Westinghouse from
 1963-73. The facilities should be restored and upgraded. They've been neglected.
       The Space Nuclear Propulsion Office might have to be reactivated or
not. It was established so that NASA and AEC could work together in this
 classified program. Last year, Obama signed a directive enabling NASA and
the military to work more closely together. We, unlike Obama, have been
 making proposals toward that end. He might just need to sign another directive
 which he wouldn't be inclined to do, unless, we order him. Of course, this
 raises the issue of the constitutionality of executive orders which
circumvent congress. Congress should reactivate.
     We suggested looking into feasibility of combining Orion/Ares 1 and Ares 5
 with three stages or two stages with two reusable liquid booster (not solid)
rockets. The top stage should be nuclear thermal or VASIMR plasma unlike
 the other stage (s) which would be the traditional chemical. It should be used
 for "Constitution" (our name for what we believe will soon be the operational
 AF X-37B). We propose ascertaining if we can do something unorthodox: creating
 doughnut- or tire-shaped (long) stage for Orion-version so that thermal nuclear
 or plasma stage (aka moon-transfer module and Mars-transfer    module)
 can surround (we build on our proposals with each letter) Orion or Orion-like
craft. Hydrogen or plasma would protect crew from solar wind and cosmic 
radiation (actually not radiation but plasma). H or P would be surrounded by
 magnetic field (to contain it) which would supply much greater protection like
 magnetic field protects us on earth from solar wind and cosmic rays.
     The plasma propulsion system definitely and the thermal nuclear, perhaps,
 can vary exhaust velocity; this can help reduce propellant usage and improve 
acceleration at different stages of flight  - - don't deviate too much exhaust
velocity and vehicle speed  for that would degrade not enhance performance. 

Proposal 19: 
Useless U.N. Exit U.N. and kick it out of U.S.! We pay 25% of its budget and the
majority of nations are enemies or semi-enemies. It passes useless resolutions
which it can't enforce because of pathetic peace-keepers without testicles.
The humanitarian/ charitable programs are fraught with fraud. They still violate
 our laws claiming diplomatic immunity. It serves no valuable function.
We just learned that Obama has been giving-bribing - nations to vote for climate
change/cattle fart/lack of appropriate peer review/
questionable sources/hockey stick graph/george soros, al gore get richer/ global
warming pseudo-science plans.  Obama wants us to do it anyway so your energy
bills can rise and companies won't be able to create as many jobs us they can
 otherwise. Only libs favor useless U.N.- which is another reason to kick it into the

Proposal 20:
U.S.-Russia Arms Treaty. Nixon SALT was good; Nixon-Ford-Carter
 Salt 2 was good; Reagan START was better. We would have high-tech
missile shield, with tech benefiting other aspects of economy as well, if Nixon's
 ABM wasn't canceled by dem-controlled congress in '72 and Reagan's SDI had not
been considerably shrunk by Clinton and other dems. Rogue nations and terrorist
 orgs. Bush unilaterally did away with ABM treaty claiming it was signed by U.S.
 and Soviet Union and Soviet Union no longer exists! He finally persuaded our
friends, Poland and Czech Republic, though fearful of Russia, to
put part of shield in their countries during his last year in office and Obama
 undid during his first year by caving to Russian pressure and  a vindictive Russia
 has, nonetheless, promised to punish our two allies. Arms agreement which
Obama signed with  Russia would place unacceptable
constraints on missile defense, will prevent us from converting offensive missiles
to defensive missiles and replacing nuclear warheads on missiles with
 conventional ones which Russia can't afford and doesn't possess the technical
know-how. Giving away advantages U.S. Treason!
       Stop treating Russia as if it were still a super-power. Dictate terms of a treaty
that doesn't forgo our advantages. Don't make our plans subject to a Russian
veto. One more thing: we can only inspect their declared sites for compliance!
Obama sold out U.S.A. in arms treaty he signed with Russians last year!

 *Together...A New Beginning (Reagan's main campaign slogan in 1980).
(Please read                                           which is somewhere in the area).