Monday, December 26, 2011

Fwd: Citizen Journalist: Welcome to My World...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2011 2:32 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist: Welcome to My World...

                         CITIZEN JOURNALIST: Welcome to My World
                            by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
                                            (More Downstairs)
Scrooge: "I was born with a strong nasty gene. The excuse works for homos,
why not me? Wait a bloody minute! I was changed by environmental factors,
why not they? I shall not disappoint: HUMBUG!"
Will we have to PROTECT ourselves from that special class of asteroids called
TROJANS which orbit ahead of and behind some planets (60 decrees ahead,
behind). They appear to be about .6 miles wide - asteroids this size and
larger could cause mass extinctions. However, their orbits seem very stable
(being where the planet's gravity balances the more distant sun's) and they
appear to have been there as long as the planets have.
OWS-er: "I went from living in my parents house to living in a tent. I have big
aspirations: I hope someday to have my own curbside spot leading to a spot
at the city's landfill."

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fwd: The World and the Cosmos...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 11:59 am
Subject: The World and the Cosmos...

                                   by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
Kuiper Belt Objects: After Solar Nebula collapsed to become pancake shaped, the Kuiper objects
were unable to coalesce into a planet due gravitational perturbations caused by the forming
giant planets.
Oort Cloud Objects: Material that was left-over in the inner solar system after inner planets
formed was hauled into a cloud surrounding the solar system by...yes, the same culprit...
the giant planets. Earth, for example, swept up material in its path (orbit). We are talking about
material between the inner planets.
(See: "Topper Presents..." at ).
Sad Story: CJ became a little cripple and had to give up promising career as a ballerina. Just
kidding! Could you picture 6', 225 lb. CJ in a tutu! If you can, you have serious issues. Don't hang
in my crib.
Numbers, beautiful numbers. Last week: Readers: 105, Visits: 385. This week: 133, 456! Thank
You. Things are looking up. CJ is really cooking!

Monday, December 12, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 12:01 pm

                         THE C.M.T./A.D.D. COSMOS of CITIZEN JOURNALIST
                                  by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
"I was born with strong cross dressing gene!" (See web site 3)
Occupy Wall Street-er: "Taxpayers should pay off my student loan. I can't get
work. I majored in library science; my smelly friend to the right majored in
women's studies; the friend who is squatting, peeing and defecating in public majored in
gay studies; incessant drummer majored in sociology and ancient literature."
County Court House in Texas has a Nativity seen out front. It has been told: "You'll
have to remove it unless you add a gnome or Frosty the Snowman to it (Lemmon Law)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Fwd: Citizen Journalist Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 5, 2011 1:20 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist Presents...

                                  Citizen Journalist Presents C.M.T./A.D.D. Universe
                                       by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio

There were only two nuns in Catholic elementary school who worked with rather than
against Citizen Journalist. He had been told a few years after he had graduated that
both nuns had turn in their stripes. He had wondered for a long time if he were somehow
partly responsible. A month ago, he discovers that his home room and science nun in
6th and 8th grade was still a nun and now in her 80s. What follows is the opening to the
letter that he sent her:

Dear Sister XXXXXX,
      You favorite student here! Although, I spent half of the school year standing in the
corner or in the principal's office! You and Sister Mary Edith were the only two nuns who
worked with me instead of against me. (It sounds as if I'm still bitter after all of these years.
Far from it. I realized a long time ago that most nuns can't help being what they are. And,
I've enjoyed a modicum of success in spite of them).
It's not surprising that union bosses would want 'card check' for their union thugs. They
want the thugs to intimidate workers into voting in favor of the creation of a union at their
place of employment and, then, be able to break legs subsequent to the vote. Card check
would take away an employee's (U.S. citizen's) right to a secret ballot. Union thugs would
be able to check how you voted - whether, you behaved properly or not!
      Why hasn't the ACLU spoken out against card check. The truth about the ACLU: When
it was founded in the 1920s, its first director Roger Baldwin told the org's new members
that the overt and public mission of the ACLU was to protect civil liberties but its covert and
secret mission was to transform America into a progressive/secular nation.
      After Republicans seized control of the House, dems had to put card check on hold.
Obama signed an Executive Order making it harder for management to make its case to
employees. They've decided to settle for that for the time being.
Actors and Actresses have you ever seen them on talk shows? Without writers putting the
words in their mouths and directors telling them how to use their bodies, most of them can
barely put together a coherent sentence.
     Five...ten...fifteen takes mostly due to actors and actresses (some actresses want to be 
macho and be called actors) flubbing their lines. They're paid large sums of money. All they
have to do is memorize lines. Can't they have enough respect for their profession to do just
that instead of partying or maybe the problem isn't partying but a lack of ability.