Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fwd: More OFFENDING with TRUTH...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 28, 2012 12:32 pm
Subject: More OFFENDING with TRUTH...

                              More OFFENDING with TRUTH
                   by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
Ever since Madonna and Michael Jackson in the early '80s, young
people...correction: younger people...look like they are taking
inventory when they dance: touching their own bodies from head-to-
toe and grabbing their crotches - making sure that everything is still
Feminists think that female crotch-grabbing is a sign of female
power and independence while we think that it is a sign of a lack of
class and dignity, an inability to be a lady, as well as, poor upbringing.
"Out of nearly 130,000,000 votes cast in the 2008 presidential election,
as many as 3% of them - nearly 4 million - were likely cast by illegal
voters, most of them illegal aliens."
"With his popularity collapsing, and the economy in a shambles, Obama
knows he needs an 'edge' this time around."
"And he is going to get it with even more illegal alien votes!"
"It's terrible. This man will trash the Constitution, encourage widespread
law breaking and even endanger our nation - just to ensure his reelection.
He will stop at nothing!"
"...For the sake of our great country we must work together to prevent
illegal aliens from casting votes that will reelect Barack Obama and at the
same time promote their agenda of more welfare and health benefits,
more free schooling and ultimately - the Holy Grail of the pro-illegal
lobby: a free and clear amnesty for all illegal aliens."-American Council
for Immigration Reform
(The extra emphasis at the end by us.
 It is the real reason BO opposes Photo Voter I.D.).
The police and military caved immediately in the early '80s enabling women
to play cop, soldier, sailor and airman - go a couple of floors down for facts.
Fire departments around the nation fought for over two decades to keep their
standards high - not to preclude women but in the name of public safety. A
few years ago, they were finally defeated: They had to change their mental
and physical requirements and tests because very few women and minorities
could pass, in other words, make them easier. In the case of NYC, they still
can't pass and their working on their third revision - even easier. Libs don't
care about public safety -- they care about lib social experimentation.
Combine with above - they want to change America with their warped ideas:
Their vision of America.
Citizen Journalist is a Citizen Journalist and now, he is a Citizen Scientist
(Astronomer) too. He is a member of Team U.S.A. in the seti@home Project.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fwd: Welcome Back, Kotter...nay, Cyber-Friends

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 7:45 pm
Subject: Welcome Back, Kotter...nay, Cyber-Friends

                             WELCOME BACK to RICK's COSMOS
     by Richard DePersio sans Citizen Journalist (who still hasn't been found)
     (Please visit the many floors below this one where we Offend with Truth
      predicated on science/religion/philosophy/other; take the steps as
      elevator is still out-of-order)/It has become fashionable to apologize on
      Twitter after one has engaged in exercising their free speech rights.
     (OFFENDING with TRUTH best enjoyed with a cold beer, cold pizza and an
      X-rated Presentation at YouTube: Rickaddsite)
On average, 3.5% of private sector workers are fired or laid-off each year; on
average, .5% of gov workers are. We certainly can't afford so many during a
debt crisis - yet, there numbers continue to grow. In France, there are
nearly as many civil servants as there are citizens - are we heading in that
direction!?! Today, the servants receive more (salary + benefits) on average
then those with similar occupations in the private sector. Yes, in deed, the
servants make more than the masters!!! Maybe, few get fired because they
are so good? No; we have all experience the royal run-around when
calling a gov agency. Did you know that you get an automatic ten points
added to your civil service exam if you have a vagina or dark skin!!!
Women and minorities don't seem to object and complain. It's an insult
to those who can cut it. We can thank lib politicians, lib judges and gov
unions. Even Mr. Lib himself - FDR - hoped that there would never be that
type of union!!! The beat goes on...The incompetence and the debt crisis go
According to the president and his fellow libs in congress and an unmarried law
school slut, (we won't apologize the way Rush did) insurance
companies (they'll pass the cost on to the rest of us through higher premiums)
businesses, schools and religious institutions (even if it  violates their the First
Amendment) have to provide her with a $1000 worth of contraceptives per
year!!! Libs think that rights exist in the Bill of Rights such as the right to a
college ed, the right to shelter, the right to food, the right to day care, etc.
And, now, the right to gov assistance with sex promiscuity! She spends
$1000 a year - where does the hard-working law student find the time!?!*
As you know, this past week might have represented our swan song; it is all
contingent on the missing Citizen Journalist. You registered your vote by giving
as the second highest rating in our history. Thank You. The Past Week: Visits:
930; Readers: 267. (You could have given us our highest; let's see how you
perform over the next few days).
Libs have never liked free speech other than their own (Ditto the American Civil
Liberties Union!). They used to enjoy a virtual monopoly on info, news and
entertainment: CBS, NBS, ABC, most major newspapers, the movie and music
industries. The became upset in the '90s when conservative talk radio became
popular and FOX News debuted. They have tried various mechanisms to muzzle
Beginning in the early '80s with harassment laws in general and sexual harassment
laws in particular (the verbal variety) and early in the new century with bullying laws,
especially, when applied in the adult arena - they have violated the First Amendment.
They Founding Fathers made it clear that Americans had a right to: intelligent and
ignorant speech; kind and cruel speech; encouraging anf offensive - and that others had
 the right to respond in kind if they so inclined. Are we to be nervous and carefully  measure
every word that we utter or write for fear of lib PC police. Are they the arbiters of what is acceptable.
 Libs talk about the importance of creativity but they stifle it. It is not the gov's role to protect
from words. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me - is
what children have been saying for decades.  There is more at