Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fwd: Citizen Journalist's C.M.T./A.D.D. Perspective...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 5:04 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist's C.M.T./A.D.D. Perspective...
                      by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio

Barney 'Limp of Wrist' Frank and Citizen Journalist have only one thing in common:
there both on their way out. It was Barney's Fannie and Freddie that was largely
responsible for economic/financial crisis. (Fannie and Freddie are semi-independent
fed agencies {See. the series finale': "Microft Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen} and
are unconstitutional - fed gov shouldn't be in the business of guaranteeing mortgages).
CITIZEN American's Candidate JOURNALIST: Vote for him before he drops out of
presidential race. Insert your ballot in slots at the entrance of all five of CJ's comsats
(web sites).
Citizen Journalist attended a Catholic Elementary School and spent half of each school
year standing in the corner and in the principal's office. He didn't quite understand this
as punishment...nay...he thought it reward for he got to engage in these strenuous
activities while his classmates had to do school work. He didn't quite understand when
a nun would say: "I hope that you learned your lesson!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fwd: THE C.M.T./A.D.D. World of Citizen Journalist...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 2:28 pm
Subject: THE C.M.T./A.D.D. World of Citizen Journalist...
Please read new expanded version of "Potpourri" and the Wonderful World of Citizen
Journalist below.

///You can have an all male military and succeed but you can't have an all female or
all homo military and do so. We need to create the best military possible; there
shouldn't be room for political correctness and liberal social experimentation. The
various branches ofthe military are deciding whether or not to allow women in
combat units and in special forces. (in the early '90s, one by one, a few sailors
raped a navel officer - she couldn't defend herself! What did Clinton do: he
punished all naval fighter pilots by allowing women to join their ranks. This
represents the only exception to non-combat roles for women to date. There was
no study on the effect that this might have on fighter jocks (morale) or if women
could hack in COCKpit. Order was implemented toot sweet-ly! Women in basic
training (Army and Air Force) and Boot Camp (Navy and Marines) have to meet
lower mental and physical standards to pass tests and successfully complete
program. Is this any way to run a Fighting Force!?! We should be concerned with
creating the most effective, efficient, productive, leanest, meanest Military Machine
possible not with accommodating people so that they can play in uniform.
For more and this and related topics from an objective perspective, please read articles
2 & 3 at www.Citizenj.blogspot.com - connect from Facebook: Richard DePersio; Twitter:
@rickaddsite ).
Religion in general and Christianity in particular had been important components of
all branches of the military since their inception. Now, religion, especially, Christianity
(80% of American identify themselves as such) is being eliminated from functions
in the services due to the complaints of a few (minority rule) who can politely keep
their god damn mouths shut during such traditions (if they are so thin-skinned that
they find this offensive, they are too thin-skinned to where a uniform!). (Full disclosure:
Writer is Deist with a splash of Plato; he was raised a Catholic; he understands
importance of RELIGION, primarily Christian/secondarily Jewish and TRADITION in
WESTERN CIVILIZATION {WC and we don't mean water closet is what should be taught
in elementary and high school world history classes - period! And, 80% of American
History should be about the white Christian males who primarily made it; 7 1/2% about
free and slave blacks prior to Civil War and free since; 7 1/2% Jews since 1890s; 5% other.
Melting Pot not Multi-Cultural would benefit all Americans. One's culture is for home, clubs
and colleges - for those who wish to partake of it in college.}).
A slight A.D.D. detour: It can't be a coincidence: in 1964, the public school day could
no longer begin with a Christian prayer and the Bible (both Testaments) could no longer
be used to help teach English and the growth over the past few decades in young people
 using bad language, disrespecting parents and teachers, taking drugs, staying out late,
committing suicide, committing crimes, engaging in pre-marital sex, etc. The Founding
Fathers approved of those activities in public schools (Jefferson as President ordered that
 those activities which were permitted in public schools in the 13 states had to occur in
DC schools as well; the U.S. Supreme Court decided in '64 that that understood the U.S.
 Constitution better than Our Founders!!!
We are advocating for more liberal social experimentation:  same-sex toilets and co-ed
 prisons.Come on, ladies, you can handle it. Pretty in pink.///
Libs: It's wrong to slight anyone or make anyone feel unwanted...
                 "We are hurt. You've been creating a 21th military and our rights have been
                   ignored. We, the cross-dressers of America, have something special to add.
                   Be all that you can be in the lovely army!"
On our hiring practices...
                  "We at Citizen Journalist Comsats are equal opportunity employers. We have
more dead people on our payroll than any other company in America. And, we don't just
mean one token dead person like some companies."
Fact: Down-Under, water spirals downward in opposite direction in toilet than it does in the
Northern Hemisphere.
                  "Will the number of readers that we have go up or down? Knickers (we're feeling
                    Australian) down, good. She is unique prognosticator. Are knickers descending
                    or rising?


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 5:55 pm

                               by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
(comsat-ak is our least visited comsat. Try visiting from Profile Page. Much good
stuff, including, "Return to Plato's Cave," "Plato's Cave"; "The Masterpiece"; "The
Article"; "You Name this Article for We are too Lazy"; the above named article.
Mosey on over to www.rickaddsite.blogspot.com for "Journalism," "The Article
(a different version)," "Action Chain Letter 4" and "Moon Mining," as well as,
www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com where you can enjoy "Niece Speaks," "Potpourri,"
"Dago Red," "Citizen Journalist: Bigot or Savior," "The Truth about Blacks
Colored," "Meteors Make Merry/ Mexicans Make Merry" and the Above Named
                                 Citizen Journalist Giving You the Finger
In utero, fetus is bath in testosterone with a peak dosage about four months into
gestation: males stronger than females; some males stronger dose
than others; some females stronger than others. This appears to correlate with
males being more right-hemisphered (the top of the brain, the neocortex is divided
into two hemispheres - the matter isn't gray until dead - - stop making that mistake...
you...yes, you...you who is reading this). One of the areas in which right-hemisphere
 has primary control is with geometry and spatial dimensions: male less likely to get
lost; more likely to get all suitcases into drunk of car; more likely to excel at sports.
One of the characteristics of left-hemisphere is verbal skills. Humans with the most
advanced brains aren't slaves of their biology (so much for sociobiology: being born
with a strong homo or greedy or criminal gene; we are a product of everything that we
learned/experienced in the order that we learned/experienced it and those we have
known, especially, parents in most cases; not genetic, although, hormones may play a
role - male brain is usually bath in more testosterone than female in intense situation
and, therefore, more likely to choose fight over flee) there are women who excel at
 sports - it might take them more time and be harder; there are men who discuss/
debate well. The dose might explain why some women are aggressive.
It appears to manifest itself in the hand: Ring finger longer than Pointer Finger
equates with strong dose. Ladies, Citizen Journalist's Ring Finger is twice as long
as his F...Middle Finger!
                                            Contact Established
Pioneer 10 was launched in 1972 to Jupiter and Pioneer 11 was launched in 1973 to
Jupiter and Saturn - both carried a plague with the principle designer being the late
Carl Sagan; we can assure you that he was alive at the time. Plaque depicted male
and female, our location in The Galaxy (it is acceptable to use 'The Galaxy' in the
place of 'Milky Way Galaxy.' The word moon isn't capitalized except when referring to
our Moon: the Moon). They have gone a long way, baby! These probes, the first built
to exit our solar system (Ss never capitalized) are now over 100 AUs from earth (rarely
capitalized except when listing with other planets; AU = Astronomical Unit = about 93
million miles - the distance of the earth from the sun). The Kuiper Belt (capitals) is
between 30 and 50 AUs from the sun (rarely capital). The asteroid belt is located
between Mars and Jupiter and consists of rocky and iron/nickel asteroids. Kuiper Belt
is made up of comets - out there they are dirty snowballs: boulders covered with ice and
ice containing rocks and pebbles. The Oort Cloud is a spherical cloud of comets
surrounding the rest of the solar system ranging from 50,000 to 150,000 AUs out or 1 to
2.5 light years. The outer shell being about half way out to the nearest star which some
consider the boundary of the solar sector (system was getting redundant). Carl hoped
that a space-faring civilization might retrieve it some day; that day has arrived! The
plaque also indicated the hydrogen atom - the most abundant atom in the cosmos -
and the 21cm line in which it strongly radiates. AS hoped, they attached info to the
microwave line which NASA has translated into a visual image (see above).


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 2:43 pm
Subject: Fwd: POTPOURRI...

(Originally published: Oct. 23, 2011; Expanded: Nov. 18, 2011).

                       by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
FOX NEWS ALERT: This article is being investigated by Ellery Queen.*
                                   Six Degrees of Separation
                                    by ? and the Mysterians

(Copies of emails sent to nieces and nephew in the past; prior submission to their
parents for approval or censorship).
 Are you taking anti-bullying classes? Public schools, even superior magnet schools,
indoctrinate rather than educate.
                                       The Other Side
Expanded/ Fed gov has been violating "U.S. Constitution" for a hundred years: Presidents,
Congresses and U.S. Surpreme Courts. The biggest Presidential Culprits (in order)
have been: Obama, FDR, LBJ and Wilson. The fast majority of Americans embrace
the Real Federalist/Constructionalist/Capitalist/Judeo-Christian U.S. Constitution while
the liberal 20% who control public elementary and high schools, colleges, as well as,
most major newspapers, TV networks, movie studios and record companies support
the bogus progressive/secular 'living' constitution which calls for fed gov usurping state
powers and minimizing and negating citizen's rights (for more info see the series "Alfred
Hitchcock Presents Second American Revolution
Verbal harassment and bullying and hate speech are protected by the U.S. Constitution!
We have  rights that we can exercise or not, rights that we can abuse. Private companies
and clubs can limit certain constitutional rights if they choose but not gov!!! Except in
prisons and, perhaps (see the following paragraph), public elementary and high schools
 but no where else - but they have been, when it comes to speech for the past 30 years.
As a result of getting away with it, they have been doing it in other areas (which don't
concern you right now) for the past few years. When you allow a door to be opened a
crack, libs will force it all the way open!/
Yes, there is another side. Bullying has been going on for thousands of years.
You uncle was bullied and he bullied. It is part of growing up. School should
prepare you for the adult world: adults bully. People tease friends and insult
enemies. Be on guard for people exploit the weaknesses of others for their own
You were right when you said, "People should be judged as individuals." Judged
by their intelligence, personality, attractiveness and physical attributes. They
should also be judged by the company they keep: the kind of friends that they
have. They can be understood by the groups for which they are a part: gender;
race, nationality, ethnicity; religious affiliation; political party; clubs. You can
gain a full picture of a person by  how much money that they have, their
musical preferences, job, etc. All are important in formulating an opinion.
There is nothing wrong with teasing and joking. PC people are dull people. There
is nothing wrong with responding to an insult with an insult.
Your uncle's friend is Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple Journalist.
Your uncle is proud to know 'the talking horse' Mr. Ed. Recently, your uncle sent him a
treat: oats. He had phoned and complained that he tired of just hey. I placed it in a
sealed-container, otherwise, post office wouldn't deliver it.
I know the banker Topper and his companions - the ghosts George and Marion for many
years. They visited me the other day and I took their picture which I am sending to you
as proof that I know them.
                                                  by You
Back in the 1960s, 27 to 40 fresh episodes of a television series were made per year. The
number decreased as you moved from decade to decade. Today, a paltry 22 or 23 episodes
are made which explains why there are a lot of repeats during the year in addition to the
summer repeat season.
Back then, a 60-minutes show was 50 minutes plus commercials and promos (ads for other
shows on the same channel). Over time it has been reduced to today's 43 minutes. Have
you ever watched an old episode of one of your favorite series from the past and had a
feeling that a scene or two was missing? You're not crazy. The powers-that-be have been
known to squeeze in a 30- or 60-second commercial at your expense.
CBS created color television in 1954 but it didn't fly. RCA's version did in 1954
 Color shows are more expensive to make than black-and-white ones. Back in the
1950s, shows were owned by the sponsor or the sponsor and the studio (if the studio didn't
own a piece, it was paid for the use of its facilities were the series was made; if they owned
a piece, the executive producer worked for them) or the sponsor and the network or the
sponsor, network and studio. Fifty per cent were owned only by the sponsor.
A show took the summer off and was replaced by a summer replacement show which may
or may not return the following summer. On rare occasions, a summer show would graduate
to the regular season. Shows began going into summer repeats in 1954 and by 1960 virtually
all shows were doing so. Around 1960, people began to wonder: what will become of episodes
of old series? The concept of repeat syndication was born. Now, CBS, NBC and ABC wanted
to own a piece of all the shows that they aired. Further, they didn't like the creative control
that sponsors had over shows. And, it was becoming too expensive for sponsors to own all
or part of a series in which only their commercials aired. The networks bought out the
sponsor. What if the sponsor didn't want to sell? After the series ended, it would be replaced
by a series that was owned by the network and executive producer or the network, executive
 producer and studio. By 1970, the networks owned a piece of all the shows on their network.
The FCC decided that this was bad and that the networks could only own a piece of 15%
of their shows. It took until 1980 for them to completely comply.
Your thinking: You are A.D.D.-tripping. The more shows that were made in color, the more
color sets were sold; the more color sets that were sold, the more shows were made in color.
It was a commitment - a commitment of more money. RCA owned NBC but that didn't mean
that all shows were made in color in 1954. CBS didn't want specials or weekly series in color
because RCA would profit. ABC had no such qualms but was the third placed network. Only a
few specials, sitcoms and anthology series were in color prior to 1959; that year, Bonanza was
the first weekly drama.By 1966: NBC aired about 75% of specials in color and about 50% of
weekly series and ABC about 50% of specials and 15% of series and CBS none. By 1970,
everyone (CBS included) and everything was in color.
                                             Spinning Wheel
                                      by Blood, Sweat and Tears
The earth orbits that sun at about the distance of 93 million miles. The sun orbits the center of
the Milky Way Galaxy which is 100,000 x 6,000,000,000,000 long. The sun is about 1/3 of the
way in from the edge. The Milky Way contains 150,000,000,000 stars and moves through space.
Let's not forget that the earth rotates. Don't you feel dizzy?
*He was the author and the main character in the Ellery Queen series of books. Actually, it was the
 pen-name for two authors. Citizen Journalist knows Ellery Queen too.

Monday, November 21, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 2:45 pm

(Alfred Hitchcock {ironic - he was born in England} Presents "Second American
Revolution - Part 3 {New} and Parts 2 & 1 {immediately follow plea below}).

                                  GOODBYE*FAREWELL*AMEN* *
by Citizen Journalist, Editor/Senior Writer and Richard DePersio, Publisher/Editor-in Chief,
Chief of Writing Staff (Publishers: Richard DePersio and Google Blogs; Citizen Journalist
Comsats, Owners: Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist).
Number of weekly readers: 50-150      Numbers of weekly visits to five web sites: 225-325**
                           (Numbers haven't grown over the past seven weeks)
Is Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' (cmt, nosey!) Journalist saying: "Goodbye,
Farewell, Amen?" It's up to his readers/cyber-friends. Will you tell family members, co-workers,
friends, cyber-friends and enemies about Citizen Journalist Comsats (web sites)?
We also need writers: Science; Poetry; Politics; Humor; History...Go where your Muse takes
you! (You can include a plug for your company and/or favorite charity/non-profit in submitted
Facebook (and they are within their rights) are limiting Citizen Journalist activities, including,
promos for the next month.
Former museum educator Citizen Journalist (previously known as Citizen Museum), present
business partners are George and Marion Kerby.
Please connect to five web sites via Home and Profile Pages (Twitter: @rickaddsite; Facebook:
Richard DePersio.
Will you and will you encourage those that you know to visit or visit and become a member of our
Facebook Pages: Second American Revolution, Diogenes Club; Our Associates: Holmes Sherlock,
Alfred Hitchcock TV, Twilight Zone, De Persio's Clan, Alfred Hitchcock Geeks, Invidia Staff Stefano
Rinaldo, THE Meeting Place (Citizen Journalist has numerous posts at these sites).
Will we do ourselves a Second American Revolution!?!
*Name of the series  finale' of M*A*S*H **Statistics based on Google and AddThis Analytics.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Check out Diogenes Club; Founder: Mycroft Holmes

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Check out Diogenes Club; Founder: Mycroft Holmes


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