Friday, November 27, 2009

Fwd: It's that time of the year Again - the unholy one!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 12:41 pm
Subject: Fwd: It's that time of the year Again - the unholy one!

Editor's Note (Richard DePersio): rickcosmos resumed writing last year after a hiatus of quite
a few years due in part to consuming too much of the nectar of the gods! This was his second 
article after having been away; we will pretend that it was his first - trust me, it's more dramatic
that way. This is the pl:ace to LOOK BACK on the last - meant past - - wish it were last! - dismal Obama year. I took the liberty of sprucing it up a little, especially, the spelling for it makes this
writer look better! Let us be the first to wish you an UN-MERRY CHRISTMAS and a DOUBLE-
Sent: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:10 

       Dear Readers,
       On the downside: the planned Oboma spending spree. It will have as much effect as FDR's had in the early '30s. On the upside: He will keep the Bush tax cuts in effect until 2011. On the economically sad side: He won't cut the corporate income tax which would create jobs and he won't cut the capital gains tax which would stimulate the economic and financial systems. I hope that a democrat can undo the damage done by democrats (Clinton, Frank, Acorn, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). I'd be remiss if I failed to point out that the unions did to the auto
industry what they did to the airline industry and the public school system. Dems won't do anything about the unions.
       Save the trees; don't save the souls. Once again, the minority liberals will score big against the majority traditional moralists. Round one goes to the liberals; being forced to
allow homos on their website (which they claim is designed for straights and violates their freedom of religious constitutional rights and the unnatural ones have their own sites by a liberal judge and sadly at this time of the year (don't want to be teased - keep your sexual preferences to yourself: be discreet). Round two went to the liberal-secularists: an annual  Christmas celebration in upstate New York was called the 'holiday celebration for life this year'; most residents objected, liberals didn't give a damn! Eighty-three per cent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Jews and Muslims never had a problem with the holyday and legal holiday until liberals told them that they did! The fast majority of our Founding Fathers were practicing Christians and a handful were deists (deists believe in God). Children are being taught revisionist American history regarding our Judeo-Christian foundations and heritage in our public schools.
                                                                                                 Have a happy Winter Solstice,
P.S. Please share this e-mail.


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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fwd: R.I.P. or Successful Membership Drive

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Nov 24, 2009 5:07 pm
Subject: R.I.P. or Successful Membership Drive

Editor's(Richard DePersio; I'm not using my nom de plume - rickcosmos) Note: Does this
Mark the Beginning of the End or a Time of Expansion?
I am appealing to the original nine (you do find me appealling, don't you?) when it was only
e-mail articles and not websites, as well as the mystery readers.
I pocess semi-conclusive evidence from Google that I have between 15 and 46 readers (it
varies from site to site and week to week) which would please me immensly.
Yet, I have only nine members of which five comprised the original group; I rarely receive
emails from readers; only one person left an extremely well-written comment on one website
abot two months ago (Brittanicus; I wish that he would contact me for I have a creative
My goal: twenty-five members (from whence ideas will disseminate to many others) and a creative
partner and a creative/business partner (I talking about one or two people) - preferably in the
latter case someone that I know. Obviously, major plans for expansion are on hold.
Become a member if you aren't already one. Tell your family, friends and co-workers to
check out and to contact me
I believe that I have achieved modest success. I've worked hard and wish that I had accomplished
moderate success and had done more for charities and non-profits.
Will you let Rick down? Do I fold or attain greater heights. The choice is yours.Insider to
Outsiders, Rick.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 10:17 pm

                                     by rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio)
Recently, former judge, Napolitano stated on Fox News that states should begin considering
invoking "Nullification Doctrine." An idea first suggested by this writer in an article five months ago and discussed with  members of New York State Senator Marty Golden's and New York
Congressman's Michael McMahon's staffs on more then one occasion to increase probably
that it got to the senator and congressman themselves. I'm fairly confident that it did: probably,
to their regret, they know me now; persevere: keep emailing and phoning your representatives
in government and they will come to know you whether they like it or not - make them hear you!).
       I was pleased to discover that my state senator had completed a bill calling for a Constitutional Convention and planning to submit it this fall (your writer was sent a copy of the whole bill and unlike members of the U.S. Congress actually read it and endorsed it in one of his articles). Both approaches are necessary for restoring powers taken from the people and
from the states in spite of Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights. States have the power to do it
but never have but Constitutional Conventions have been called by the U.S. Congress to add
amendments to the Constitution (Obama and company are doing it with out a convention and
should be impeached but that want happen because Obama is a liberal democrat and most
democrats who control congress are liberals). And, you can easily see why they wouldn't
call for a convention to reduce their own powers which is why we must go back to the policy
of U.S. Senators being chosen by state legislators (as it was prior to 1917) and they were
more committed to the interests of their home states in real not political terms. Read about the
"Nullification Doctrine (which this writer likes even better) for yourself - - - I can't do all the work!!!!
       A number of experts and politicians are talking about reducing college from 4 to 3 years due to the high cost.I started talking about it in 1993. I stated that colleges would be taking in  less money but it would encourage more younger people to attend college - it would balance out. I further talked about: 1) too much in the way of core requirements in colleges which recover and slightly expand upon material that students should have learned in elementary and high school - they should be more like degree programs advertised on T..V. by vocational and
technical schools where you can earn a B.A. in 3 years and an A.A. in 1 1/2 years
because they focus on major and minor; B) high school should be 3 years for bright and
well behaved students and elementary school 7 instead of 8 years. Just think with these
students graduating younger they will be more inclined to attend college and graduate school
too! Something, we need as we fall behind students in other post-industrialized nations and
even some industrialized nations in education. 
      Of course, liberals would oppose it: stupid, smart and well-behaved, smart but incorrigible
or educationally lazy and those with mental and/or physically impairments must share the same classroom. Hold back our best and brightest. Don't discriminate and show favoritism
to those our nation will most need; don't reward hard work and good behavior. Redesign programs for the stupid and the smart but educationally lazy so that they'll want to go to school and contribute to society (they aren't college material) and won't wind-up on social services and dependent on government. Just the way liberals want them! They'll become productive members of society - just the way liberals don't want them!
     John Stossel, formally at ABC and now at FOX Business pointed out last year that in
most public high school classrooms one-third of students have their heads on their arms while
they sleep, one-third are chatting and the final one-third are struggling to hear the teacher!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fwd: Where is Ellery Queen When You Need Him?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Nov 11, 2009 1:42 pm
Subject: Where Ellery Queen When You Need Him?

EDITOR's NOTE: "Car 54, Where are you? We had an all-points bulletin out for Brittanica.
There's an old saying: "You newspaper people never get a name right." rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio) hereby issues a correction:' Britttanicus,' as well as, an apology. You contributed an exceptionally well-written comment a couple of months ago and I was remiss for not responding sooner. I had been going though a bad patch. I've been requesting com-
mentators and contributors for months (even when my websites only made rare appearances
like Halley's Comet!), I fear that I may have allowed a golden opportunity to slip through my
fingers. Too little, too late? I responded to and made a request to 'Brittanicus (misspelling
his or her name) yesterday on googlereader,,, Facebook and Twitter. I hope that you respond to me
and that you continue to contribute comments, as well as, articles. As you may be aware,
rickcosmos is disabled and homebound. I'm in the market for a co-editor. I believe that you're
a blogger too. Perhaps, we can collaborate. Hoping to hear from mystery writer!
      I still maintain the my five websites receive at least 15 to 45 hits per week (it varies
from site to site and I am cognizant of the fact that it is extremely difficult to become a
follower (friend') or member due to technical difficulties. I have rectified the situation by
reactivating or google/ or blogger.
com Perhaps, We'll hear from Brittanicus there. Better yet, at

While, I'm hear...Judge Napolitano has been subbing for an ailing Glenn Beck (we wish him
a speedy recovery). Although, we still maintain that we scooped him twice and have the 
proof. No matter, the important thing is that we get the message to the American public
before it is too late. Contact the following for ways to fight in the counter-revolution: our
websites; The Alliance Defense Fund; The Campaign for liberty; the 912 Project; your
federal and state representatives.
       Yesterday, the Judge stated that the states should consider the nullification doctrine which rickcosmos recommended over three months ago! If I remember my history correctly,
over 170 years ago, two states passed Nullification Doctrines declaring that they
were not going to obey a federal law or regulation on the grounds that they considered
it unconstitutional and unnecessary and/or silly and/or an intrusion of their rights and/or
a violation of Amendment Ten in the Bill of rights. The federal government blinked
first and negotiated a compromise, in return, the states rendered the act null and void.
Progressive took rights away from the states and the people between 1900 and 1920,
especially, between 1916 and 1918; again between 1934 and 1944. The second big
wave began in the 1960s with Johnson's Great Society programs. Obama is in the
process of during more in one year then was was done by progressives and, later
liberals over those many years (and that was a lot!), including, taking control
of at least 25% of the U.S. economy (healthcare, banks, businesses, cooperate farms,
and, perhaps some retail chains). UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

       I know that we shocked everyone recently with my revelation about God and religion.
Admit it: you were shocked!
       According to a study of the "University of Virginia," couples who practice their
religion together are 35% less likely to get divorced, associate with like-minded people
and are less likely to produce juvenile delinquents (when I use terms like that you must
think that I'm a lot older than I am!).
       The attack on Christianity began in 1900 or 1931 or 1964 (I go with the latter figure)
and has become more blatant the last few years. Christianity is the biggest enemy
of liberal/secularists but they have been crippled as of late. We can't count on the
Catholic Church helping to protect our liberties and they be forced to support the new
       Racial-profiling? Hell, yes! African-Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population
and are responsible for over 50% of the murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, child
abandonment, etc. The want a greater police presence in their neighborhoods; black leaders don't. (Leave the white collar-crimes to the white-trash). And, racial-profiling
in the military. Government officials, including military officials, the president , the congress
are not going to convince me that we didn't witness a terrorist attack on a military
installation because  liberal PC has infiltrated the CIA, the FBI, the military, including,
military intelligence and military police! Obama has rendered the CIA useless. We
are in imminent danger again. The military has been waiting 6 months to a response
to one of their three Afghanistan plans. Excuse me: he made a decision following
the recommendation of the Bush Administration and the generals on the ground, a half of a
year ago but failed to follow through because he was busy naming the White House
dog, failing to get the Olympics for his dirty political friends in Chicago and going on a
world tour insulted America - just when his wife had finally became proud to be an

I better be careful with his plans to bail out failing liberal newspapers - UNCONSTITUTIONAL
BIG-TIME and his control of CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN and PBS (which is
unconstitutional but not his fault it occurerred in the mid-1960s when he was only 
dreaming of becoming an Acorn community organizer)and his plans to control the
internet - he's already made a 1.7 billion down payment- - - I could find myself behind
bars singing the blues!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59 pm
Subject: BABYY WHALE AND JUMBO SHIMP.........Part Two

                                                        BABY WHALE

                                                         Where Am I?
Have I been transported to a parallel universe via the Einstein/Rosen bridge? England, Germany and France are
moving toward the right - capitalism while the U.S. moves toward the left - socialism. They have had decades of
socialism (including socialized medicine and an astronomically large number of regulation on the financial sector,
the commercial sector and individuals). Maybe, they've come to realize something that we should know!
          Liberals blame the economic/financial crisis on the BIG Reagan/Bush tax cuts (under Bush those who
earned less then 40,000 per year no longer had to pay federal income taxes) deregulation. Let's put their theory
(they consider it a fact like global warming!) under a microscope. Area One: big-time deregulation between 1981
and 1993; modest between 1993 and 2001; big-time between 2001 and 2009. Area Two: Big-time Reagan tax
cuts began in 1981; Bush the Father was tricked into moderate tax increases; Republican forced Clinton to undo
much of the tax increase; big time Bush tax cuts begin in 2001 and were expanded in 2002- like Reagan for the rich
and middle class. Area Three: prosperity from 1983 to 1992 (remember tax increase) followed by less then a year
of recession and less then a year of recovery.( I was remiss, Clinton increased taxes in 1994 and their would have been
a recession in this writer's opinion had it not been for the Republican tax cuts in 1996 and 1998; recession in
2000 and recovery in 2001 followed by prosperity - in spite of what the liberal media tells you - until 1998. Nearly 27
consecutive years of prosperity is unprecedented in U.S. history, perhaps, world history. The problem: spending - Bush increased debt by 3 trillion over 8 years and Obama will increase it by 8 to 25 trillion depending on how much of what he wants he gets. What do liberals want to do: increase taxes and regulations; what does most of Western Europe want to do: cut taxes and reduce regulations.Am I in the 5th dimension of the Twilight Zone!?

                                                       JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                   Blowing his own Horn

I choose not to lead with this story because I want to convince people that I am modest! Did I scoop Glenn
Beck again?! Recently, he presented a theory regarding a new-style of government that was been formed in
America - a type of oligarchy. Months earlier, I presented a similar theory. I proved it.
         On 10/6/09, her stated that Russia, France (I thought the new president was pro-U.S. and oil-producing
Arab nations led by China may be secretly planning to no longer bas world currency on U.S. dollar (which has
been the case since the end of WW1 - which we won - - - I'm stating that for the benefit of the public school
students of today!) which will further devalue the dollar which is worth nearly one-third less then it was 10 years
ago (one-third of that one-third reduction occurred since Obama became President).Obama and Congress are
devaluing dollar by going on a spending spree and the Federal Reserve Bank merrily keeps printing more money.
China is 'dumping' it's U.S. by invested in third-world countries purchasing things for a song. Glenn Beck suggests
that hyper-inflation is being created in U.S. which means we will be like a third-world nation wherein their dollar is 
virtually worthless and the President declares Marshal Law. Glenn Beck states chances of that happening are 
        I stated months ago that there was a remote chance hat the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (He is
over all U.S. military - only the civilian Defense Secretary outranks him - again, for benefit of public school students)
might declare Marshal law to undo Obama and congressional violations of constitutional law, corporate law and
bankruptcy law. In third-world (poor - I worry about public school kids at all levels) a military coup is usually
permanent. U.S. Soldiers love their country, they would restore Founding Father's Constitution and quickly
restore civilian control of government. Did I scoop Beck? Read:" Why Should You Read rickaddsite" and
"Triumvirate Backed by an oversized Oligarchy." Toot!

                                                          JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                    Mom, Flag and Apple Pie
                        For most southerners and many midwesterners: God, Guns and Gays (anti)
According to a study done by Frank Luntz, the top four most trusted professions in America (in order): 1) Moms
(my comment: being a successful mother and housewife are two of the most demanding and potentially rewarding
professions there are; liberals including feminists and the media look down on them); 2) Fireman; 3) Clergy; 4)
Pharmacists. You would know it from the liberal so-called mainstream media!
         Constitutional Americans and Mom's in particular your not alone which is what the liberals want you to think.
They either didn't cover Tea Parties or lied about them but the truth came out via the web. Who needs dinosaur like
NBC and the N.Y. Times. The Silent Majority is back and their roaring! 
         Your not alone. Please check out: (I'm not sure if www. is needed); www.marymbaker.blogspot.
com; Summit for Marriage, Family and Parenting located at Harrington University and headed by Linda Colon.
She on representatives of the aforementioned groups recently appeared on Glenn Beck (912 Project).  I also watch
Chris Mathews (to hear the opposition's side; only 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals (I'm not
including moderate liberals who aren't quite as dangerous; the 20% control America). Of course, you must not forget
the Campaign for Liberty and the Alliance Defense Fund (they fight the American Civil Liberty Union who don't
support civil liberties for everyone and have some weird ideas about civil liberties that they want to exist).
         Your not alone: mom, dad and kids!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 10:27 pm

                                             JUMBO SHRIMP:
                                             I WAS HIJACKED

       Good thing good old GOOGLE caught it. I was spamned and locked. A quick phone call to
F. Lee Bailey took care of that toot sweet. It uncertain as to how many hours or days they did their
dastardly deed. The ransom demand: They wanted my two favorite body parts!
       They culprits were Canadian. Didn't those from the north read what is written in the rectangle
on the top of the page. How cruel could you be? The un professionals were Patrick Nadin and
Henrietta Dotson with "Association of Faculties of Pharmacy." President Bush had stopped them there
Canadians from selling their medications in the U.S. via the Internet even though in some cases
they are cheaper (I mean that both ways!). Their Food and Drug Administration isn't as strict as ours.
The president temporarily thwarted that threat.
        President Obama wants us to have inferior socialized medicine like Canada despite his
denials. Medicaid and Medicare are trillions of dollars in debt and fraught with billions of dollars of
fraud and he wants the federal government to have greater control of your health care!

                                               BABY WHALE:

        The Union of Socialist Secular States of America. Only a few knew. They figured it out over the
last twenty-five years or so. The revelation came to this writer in the mid-'90s. They wanted to replace
the Founding Father's Federalist/Constructionist Constitution predicated on Judeo-Christian principles
and classic liberal market economics (don't faint: it later became known as capitalism; liberal came
to mean nearly the opposite) with the so-called Progressive 'living' Constitution and add FDR's
Bill of Rights to the existing Bill of Rights (this was part of the progressive movement which
became liberalism in the '50s.
        It went full throttle in the sixties: the first and biggest teacher's union formed; Johnson's "Great
Society" programs; the birth of the modern women's movement; the drug culture; the sexual
revolution. Vice President Agnew said in 1970 that the media was liberal-biased. It took this writer
a few years to figure out what he meant. Rickcosmos was a strange kid: he watched the T.V. news;
read the newspaper - not the sports and comics; attended meetings at the local Republican club -
the only kid there. The media was subtle about it. Newspapers slowly became more overt in the
mid-90s and T.V. in 2oo4 and they were practically part of the Obama campaign last year - the
so called mainstream media.
       I trace the genesis to the sixties. Liberals began the process of gaining firm control of the following:
the T.V. industry; the music industry; the movie industry; the major newspapers; public elementary
schools; public high schools; public colleges - they already had most private colleges. There were
two other obstacles: the 'living' Founding Father's and Christianity. The began lowering their prestige
in the media and public schools - slowly at first and big time later. They had a field day with
Thomas Jefferson in 1998 claiming that he fathered a child with a black slave, Two years later, it
was realized that it was probably his nephew. The media hardly said anything about it. I bet
that most Americans still believe what turned out to be a lie. In the early '80s there were a couple
of reports about misbehaving priests - the media barely covered it. They were still a afraid of
the Catholic Church - not so a few years ago when the Church did do itself what liberals wanted to do -
discredit Christianity even though 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians (only 20%
as liberals). The ACLU believe everyone has freedom of speech rights except Christians.
Muslims even terrorists according to Obama have all the rights of American citizens. The media
is turning it into a joke.
        They couldn't do it when Carter was President or Clinton because they hadn't fully realized
their aforementioned goals. It's iffy if they could have done it if Carey were elected. Our children are
being indoctrinated. They can't exercise cognitive, analytical, critical thinking that comes with
being taught only one side of issues and not just in history and economics but believe it or not
subjects like math!
         In 2004, they gained control of Congress and this year the White House. The Senate
Majority Leader said that he would employ the so-called 'nuclear' option to get 'Obama's agenda
approved in spite of a majority of American rejected the Obama plan. A few years ago, Republicans
considered the nuclear option but curb themselves on constitutional grounds. Obama has violated
the Constitution 3 times and bankruptcy law 4 times. It was a master plan. Wake up, America
the 'living' Constitution is here. Tip your hats to the liberals who will be running all aspects
of our lives - their plan was brilliant. Your all GREEN now - I'm in exile in my own country.
A few months ago, the U.S. Supreme Court bowed at the Obama alter and burnt 230 years of
corporate/bankruptcy law as a sacrifice. If they use the nuclear' option, they can't be stopped
or undone after 4 years time. The U.S. Supreme Court made it's first ruling against Christians
in the early '30s and began diminishing the sanctity of marriage in the early '70s
         If only more Americans had been aware of their master plan, They are just beginning
to wake-up. Is it too late, Comrades!?

                                            JUMBO SHRIMP:
                                          AL GORE SCIENCE

          The six major studies on 'global warming in the past ten years, five indicate that little or
no 'global warming' is taking place. Two conducted by the reputable NASA team. Lousy,
Little, Lying Liberals (it's my favorite alliteration - I copywrited it!). Two months ago, Congress
was debating cap-and-trade a.k.a. let's make Al Gore richer. NASA had completed it's
second 10 year study on 'global warming'. The most open and transparent administration had it
suppressed until recently. An anecdote: One month ago, I was telling my 8 year old niece the
truth about 'global warming (my background being in science). She interrupted me
and said: don't you mean 'climate change'? A few weeks earlier, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to stop using the term 'global warming'
and replace it with 'climate change.' because it was becoming trite and a majority of Americans were no longer buying it. This marketing not science! It's all nonsense. I guess that he doesn't only send memos
to democratic politicians but public elementary school principals too! Don't let them paint you
green - demand energy independence coupled with a scientific concern for the environment.
Is it to late, comrades!?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2009 10:42 pm

                                      by rickcosmos (Richard DePersio)
Al Haig served in Vietnam. He was Top NATO General during part Of Nixon's first term
and Nixon's Chief-of -Staff during Nixon's second term. He briefly served as Reagan's
Secretary of State in the early '80s. His biggest crime: he was a true conservative and a potential threat -
he might become president some day. The so-called liberal mainstream (only 20%
of Americans identify themselves as liberals; what qualifies them to be classified as mainstream)
media made him Liberal Enemy Number One; He had to be stopped; He posed a serious
threat to their dream of replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called
progressive 'living' constitution: the former being Federalist/Constructionist in nature predicated
on Judeo-Christian principles and capitalistic economics and the latter being socialist
and secular.
       Shortly after becoming president there was an assassination attempt on Reagan. Haig
was in the White House at the time and declared: "I'm in charge here!" The story really
had legs lasting weeks. The liberal media had a field day labeling the West Point graduate
and hero a 'dummy.' Doesn't the Secretary of State know about chain of command?
If the president dies of natural causes or is killed, the vice-president becomes president
and if the president becomes incapacitated the vice-president becomes acting president.
If both are side-lined the House Speaker assumes the post of president. If he's knocked
out of the game, the Senate President pro tem goes to the plate and then comes the
Secretary of State.
       Haig was right: he was the highest ranking government official in the White House,
therefore, he had to assume command until the vice-president arrived. The power of the
press: after ridiculing him for weeks on that score, they were highly critical of
the job that he was doing at State. He could no loner be effective and credible and had
to resign.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dan Qall, former senator, was vice-president in the early '90s. His biggest crimes:
he was a true conservative and pro-real Constitution. Red Alert: He must be stopped -
potential president. He made a BIG mistake: he misspelled potato in front of school
children. Once again, the liberal news media and stand-up comics were unrelenting:
magnifying any slip of the tongue out of proportion. A man who graduated in the
top ten per cent of his law school was portrayed as a 'dummy.' While rendered
damaged goods as a presidential prospect, he had the last laugh at the expense
of liberals. Very few people know what I'm about to reveal and I can't wait to guffaw
when liberals find out. Surreptitiously, he was helping small and big businesses get around
unnecessary and/or costly (to the company, as a result, the consumer) and/or silly
government regulations. You know how liberals love regulated all aspects of business
and private. And, to a lesser degree streamline the compliance procedures, of course,
undone by Clinton.

Sara Pallin vs. Mr. Noble Prize Winner (for being the first president to travel around the
world knocking America), she wasn't qualified to be president (of course, she wasn't
running for president) but she was more qualified to be president then him when you
take into account that president is a executive not a legislative position. He
was a community organizer (ACORN), he served on two state commissions with
a former domestic terrorists who never apologized for the government buildings he
damaged and the people he injured (he also introduced Obama to the dirty Chicago
politics and to the anti-white Rev. 'Wrong' and was the biggest contributor to
Obama's campaign for state senate - - - but according to Obama, he hardly knew
his ACORN mentor nor his spiritual advisor of 20 years. He served in the U.S. Senate
for 4 years spending nearly two years running for president and devoted little time
to his senatorial duties,
       Sara Pallin was president of the local PTA; served two terms as a mayor; was a
member of two state commissions and was a governor. She was guilty of being a
true conservative and a believer in the real Constitution - - - dangerous! We all know how
she was victimized. My favorite: The same week that she debated foreign policy/defense/
history expert Biden in which she made one minor mistake mispronouncing the
name of our top general in Afghanistan, Biden made ten whoppers, she was accused
of going on a 1000,000 dollar shopping spree (which turned out to be untrue). Guess
which story the biased media covered in depth barely issuing a retraction when it
turned out to be false.

CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MS NBC and most major newspapers are character
assassins and news creators not reporters.

Afterthought: I have no problem with a women serving as vice-president or secretary of state!!!

Fwd: Where Ellery Queen When You Need Him?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Nov 11, 2009 1:42 pm
Subject: Where Ellery Queen When You Need Him?

EDITOR's NOTE: "Car 54, Where are you? We had an all-points bulletin out for Brittanica.
There's an old saying: "You newspaper people never get a name right." rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio) hereby issues a correction:' Britttanicus,' as well as, an apology. You contributed an exceptionally well-written comment a couple of months ago and I was remiss for not responding sooner. I had been going though a bad patch. I've been requesting com-
mentators and contributors for months (even when my websites only made rare appearances
like Halley's Comet!), I fear that I may have allowed a golden opportunity to slip through my
fingers. Too little, too late? I responded to and made a request to 'Brittanicus (misspelling
his or her name) yesterday on googlereader,,, Facebook and Twitter. I hope that you respond to me
and that you continue to contribute comments, as well as, articles. As you may be aware,
rickcosmos is disabled and homebound. I'm in the market for a co-editor. I believe that you're
a blogger too. Perhaps, we can collaborate. Hoping to hear from mystery writer!
      I still maintain the my five websites receive at least 15 to 45 hits per week (it varies
from site to site and I am cognizant of the fact that it is extremely difficult to become a
follower (friend') or member due to technical difficulties. I have rectified the situation by
reactivating or google/ or blogger.
com Perhaps, We'll hear from Brittanicus there. Better yet, at

While, I'm hear...Judge Napolitano has been subbing for an ailing Glenn Beck (we wish him
a speedy recovery). Although, we still maintain that we scooped him twice and have the 
proof. No matter, the important thing is that we get the message to the American public
before it is too late. Contact the following for ways to fight in the counter-revolution: our
websites; The Alliance Defense Fund; The Campaign for liberty; the 912 Project; your
federal and state representatives.
       Yesterday, the Judge stated that the states should consider the nullification doctrine which rickcosmos recommended over three months ago! If I remember my history correctly,
over 170 years ago, two states passed Nullification Doctrines declaring that they
were not going to obey a federal law or regulation on the grounds that they considered
it unconstitutional and unnecessary and/or silly and/or an intrusion of their rights and/or
a violation of Amendment Ten in the Bill of rights. The federal government blinked
first and negotiated a compromise, in return, the states rendered the act null and void.
Progressive took rights away from the states and the people between 1900 and 1920,
especially, between 1916 and 1918; again between 1934 and 1944. The second big
wave began in the 1960s with Johnson's Great Society programs. Obama is in the
process of during more in one year then was was done by progressives and, later
liberals over those many years (and that was a lot!), including, taking control
of at least 25% of the U.S. economy (healthcare, banks, businesses, cooperate farms,
and, perhaps some retail chains). UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

       I know that we shocked everyone recently with my revelation about God and religion.
Admit it: you were shocked!
       According to a study of the "University of Virginia," couples who practice their
religion together are 35% less likely to get divorced, associate with like-minded people
and are less likely to produce juvenile delinquents (when I use terms like that you must
think that I'm a lot older than I am!).
       The attack on Christianity began in 1900 or 1931 or 1964 (I go with the latter figure)
and has become more blatant the last few years. Christianity is the biggest enemy
of liberal/secularists but they have been crippled as of late. We can't count on the
Catholic Church helping to protect our liberties and they be forced to support the new
       Racial-profiling? Hell, yes! African-Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population
and are responsible for over 50% of the murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, child
abandonment, etc. The want a greater police presence in their neighborhoods; black leaders don't. (Leave the white collar-crimes to the white-trash). And, racial-profiling
in the military. Government officials, including military officials, the president , the congress
are not going to convince me that we didn't witness a terrorist attack on a military
installation because  liberal PC has infiltrated the CIA, the FBI, the military, including,
military intelligence and military police! Obama has rendered the CIA useless. We
are in imminent danger again. The military has been waiting 6 months to a response
to one of their three Afghanistan plans. Excuse me: he made a decision following
the recommendation of the Bush Administration and the generals on the ground, a half of a
year ago but failed to follow through because he was busy naming the White House
dog, failing to get the Olympics for his dirty political friends in Chicago and going on a
world tour insulted America - just when his wife had finally became proud to be an

I better be careful with his plans to bail out failing liberal newspapers - UNCONSTITUTIONAL
BIG-TIME and his control of CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN and PBS (which is
unconstitutional but not his fault it occurerred in the mid-1960s when he was only 
dreaming of becoming an Acorn community organizer)and his plans to control the
internet - he's already made a 1.7 billion down payment- - - I could find myself behind
bars singing the blues!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Nov 9, 2009 5:38 pm

Editor's Note: It has been brought to  the attention of rickcosmos that individuals have found it impossible to become followers or members or to leave comments at the five websites due to a technical difficulty: A missing step in the process of setting up the sites which we are unable to rectify at this time. We recommend that you send comments and other material to We have reason to believe (it varies from site to site) that we receive 15 to 60 hits per week. has been inactive save to advertise other websites will now be active and you will be able to become a member there and also indicate which other sites you follow. We will be in a position to more accurately gauge how many hits we're receiving.                                                                                                                                                         :                        ARTICLE: WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW!                                                                                                                                                                                              SUPPLEMENT: CASE FOR MARSHAL LAW NOT IMPEACHMENT                                Editor's Note: It's imperative that you read or reread or at least glance at: :"WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW" and "HERE'S WISHING YOU A DREARY CHRISTMAS" and the "TRIUMVIRATE" series. Less you think rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio) has taken complete leave of his senses; some of you have probably thought that for a long time. Those articles serve as a foundation which for many, perhaps, most will justify my proposition.Before, you label me a right-wing nut: I have the law on my side and wait to you read what the third highest ranking democrat has to say.                                                                                                                                  I              was             a                                                                                                                                                      Super-Patriot once.                                                          What seems                                   likes years        of an Obama presidency those days have fading to black.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Constitutional/Contract/Bankruptcy/Property Laws: President Bush stretched but did not violate '1 law' , 12 times (it may have fell under more then one of the four categories listed)with congressional support toward the end of his presidency;                                                     President Obama BROKE '1 law', 12 times (it could fall under more then one area)by Executive Order without congressional support and BROKE six more 'laws' (falling under one or more classes) again by Executive Order;                                                                                    The House broke 2 laws and 2 House procedures;                                                              The Senate 1 law and 1 Senate procedure (They are a disgrace; they must try harder!). (I listed all the infractions in previous articles).                                                                                                        This was the scoreboard until last week. According to Dr.David Janda, author, "The Awakening of a Surgeon," one of the many items passed  in the so-called 'Stimulus Package'  by Congress and signed by the president in February having nothing to do with stimulus was a provision calling for government medical rationing. The president, congressional democrats and the liberal media have told us that there is no rationing in healthcare reform and they were technically telling the truth - it was already in the stimulus bill that members of congress didn't read. There were laws approving eugenics in 35 states between 1905 and 1935 though rarely enforced and were eventually deemed unconstitutional. What was approved in the 'Stimulus Bill' would fall under the category of eugenics though different then the ones in force early in the last century. If and when implemented by the executive branch it will probably call for government bureaucrats to play God. Priority One: 15 to 45 years olds will be christened the most valuable members of society and 1) if there is a shortage of a drug it will have to be given to that age group first and if there is any leftovers to people of other ages and 2) if a 30 year old and a 60 need a liver transplant, it will have to be given to the 30 year old and 3) Triage (the treating of patients in the order of the severity of their condition) will be modified by the 15-45 factor. The decision will be taken away from the Chief of O.R. in consultation with the Chief Surgeon, the House physician, one of the hospital administrators and the head nurse (of course, consultation isn't always indicated but should be a medical  not a government  descision.UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE  ILLEGAL VIOLATION TO BOTH THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS!!!                                                                             The healthcare bill just passed will force people to get health insurance and punish             those who fail to do so. You might say - it will save taxpayers money but notice the words: force, health and punish and think of the term: individual liberty .Violations galore.They might come to think that they have the power to tell you what kind of car that you can drive and what you can eat!UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE VIOLATION TO HOUSE!!!                                                    The president is determining the salaries and benefits of top executives at companies and banks that received government loans which he illegally translated into virtual stocks.He's even determing salaries of executives at some companies and banks which didn't take a penny of taxpayer money.Does this constitute one of the Constitutional powers enumerated in the Constitution for the president?I think not! You might think that curbing executive compensation is a good thing. So what! The law: stockholders choose a board of directors who choose a chairman of the board (have you noticed that over the past 15 or so years, they've wanted the second title of CEO; it reminds me of movie directors, by 1940 or thereabouts the director's name appeared last in the opening credits - prior to that it was about 75% of the time and then about 20 years ago he wanted his name to appear twice - the second or third credit as a John Smith film - - rare prior to then - - - did I just go off on an ADD tangent!?) and they - confused? - board of directors determine his compensation, he in turn hires the president (and COO!) and the president puts a price on the senior vice-presidents and comptroller (and CFO!)who takes charge from there.He illegally made himself a bankruptcy judge so unions didn't have to make concessions. Why doesn't he determine what goes in the wallets of unions bosses?UPDATE: THE PRESIDENT BREAKS THE LAW AGAIN!!!                                                                               The federal government partially funds the "National Endowment of the Arts"                         and is telling creative artists to create artwork supporting his policies - that's a legal no-no! UPDATE: PRESIDENT CONTINUES TO USE CONSTITUTION AS TOILET PAPER!                           As a constructionalist, I deem semi-independent government agencies like Fannie Mae      and Freddie Mac to be unconstitional. The Founding Father's didn't want agencies or bureaus or commissions to be half way in and half way out of the executive branch. They wanted everything to be smack dab inside one of the three branches of the Federal government - that's not Obama's fault.(I don't blame everything on Obama: just the other day, I stubbed my toe and I didn't blame him; unconstitutional measures were passed by progressives, 1990-1920, 1934-1944).President Clintion, Senator Barney Frank, ACorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the semi-independent Federal Reserve Bank and the semi-independent Securities and Exchange commission are largely responsible for the economic/financial crisis. The unions destroyed the auto industry and so what does your president do? He puts the union in charge of GM. Fannie and Freddie deal with mortgages - now he's going to make them landlords - they will be renting houses and apartments. Illegal - perhaps; stupid - definitely. UPDATE: I JUST DECIDED TO ADD STUPIDITY TO THE OBAMA LIST!!!                                                                                            Watergate a cover-up of a break in(some say: dirty politics or political shenanigans)         looks like child's play and Iran/contra which was largely successful, well, I think that the Founding Father's would cut presidents some constitutional slack when it comes to directly or indirectly protected America via defense policy, foreign policy and national security - a little slack. George, Tom and Jim would approve of Reagan and Bush's actions. Nixon, Reagan and Bush were Republicans.                                                                                                                   On the other hand, Clinton had 5 affairs and lied about one under oath, Travel-gate, Whitewater, FBI-gate, magically disappearing and reappearing subpoenaed documents, and the China-Connection - it was only investigated superficially and had to do with Mr. Green (Al Gore) at a Buddhist Temple and claiming not knowing why he was there and the sale of nuclear technology to China and illegal campaign contributions - - - if the spam hits the fan on that one it could turn out that democrat Clintion was a TRAITOR!!!                                                                       RECENTLY, FORMER  JUDGE NAPOLIANO ASKED  JAMES CULBURN,                        THE THIRD   HIGHEST RANKING DEMOCRAT IN THE HOUSE-THE WHIP, WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GET AUTHORITY TO REGULATE HEALTHCARE (By the way, it happened on a large scale once before: democrat president Johnson and a democratically-controlled congress as part of the failed and still with us Great Society social programs) AND THE DEMOCRAT RESPONDED "MOST OF WHAT CONGRESS HAS BEEN DOING THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS IS IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION." I never thought it was possible. And they are doing it in front of you and most of you are too stupid and lazy to find out. They have plans to take control of the internet and seize partial ownership and full control of many corporate farms -can you say: soviet collective farm? This is 100% unconstitutional as is telling people what to drive and what to eat which they have begun to do and silly you thought that I was kidding earlier!. Liberty wanes; the nanny-state takes care of you and makes decisions for you from cradle to grave. You wake up to discover that the words freedom, justice, liberty, equality have been redacted from the the dictionary and you better make sure that an Obama unconstitutional czar doesn't  hear you utter those words. The word Tyranny will loom large in your lexicon. Impeachment? The donkeys control congress and are co-conspirators                                                                                                                           In third world nations, when there is a military coup the military never voluntarily returns power to the people and/or a civilian government. I can't believe what I'm about to say: I want the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to declare Marshal Law before Commander-in-Chief Obama does. THE CHARGE: REPLACING THE FOUNDING FATHER'S FEDERALIST/CONSTRUCTIONALISTS CONSTITUTION PREDICATED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES AND CAPITALIST/FREE MARKET CONCEPTS with the progressive 'living' constitution based on secularism and socialism if not communism. The American soldier loves the country they voluntarily serve and take an oath to upheld the Constitution. I can't believe what I am saying: I'M CALLING UPON THE MILITARY TO COMMIT AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESTORING THE CONSTITUTION AND I HAVE NO FEAR THAT THEY WILL QUICKLY RESTORE CIVIL:IAN AUTHORITY ONCE THEIR MISSION IS COMPLETED .REMEMBER: WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AN AMERICAN SOLDIER!