Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fwd: WHY SHOULD YOU READ rickaddsite? Original?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Aug 29, 2009 9:34 pm
Subject: WHY SHOULD YOU READ rickaddsite? Original?

A few weeks ago, I composed a series of articles with an unorthodox methodology: TRIUMVIRATE CONTROLLED BY AN INVISIBLE
SHOULD I CHOOSE? I'VE BEEN INVITED TO ONE. I proposed that an Triumvirate was being created backed by or controlled by a
an oligarchy. Beginning on Monday, August 24 and ending on Friday, August 28, Glenn Beck did a series of shoes based on a sim-
iliar proposition. In all fairness, one can make the argument that he had been building up to his original theory for weeks. Could it be
another case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace? Few people are familiar with the latter. ORIGINAL.
It's an interesting coincidence. As a well-informed individual, I formulate and present ORIGINAL and unORIGINAL ideas (always attributing credit to the originator) predicated an data that I collect independently, as well as. sources conservative, moderate and liberal (Besides, you have to be
open-minded and keep an eye on the enemy!). I watch Glenn Beck and Chris Mathews.
What is important? More and more Americans are becoming cognizant of the fact that our ORIGINAL Founding Father's Constitution is
being replaced by the so-called liberal 'living' constitution and that their are those who want to add FDR's unauthorized and unapproved
Bill of Rights to the ORIGINAL without public or congressional consent. I like Glenn Beck. You might say that crazy minds think alike!
(Although, we have the evidence). Occasionally, I disagree with him. I'm going to send him a copy of this article. I am confident that I
will receive a gracious response. What is important? That the ORIGINAL idea becomes the majority opinion. It will if more Americans
become aware of what's transpiring behind their back (czars) and take action. Don't leave it to the other guy, He won't get off  of his butt!
It's up to you to phone and/or e-mail and/or visit and/or  snail mail your local, state and federal officials. It's up to you to work in opposition
to their community organizers by joining at least one of your local organizations: political, religious (liberals will love that!) civic clubs - - - do
it for your self or your country or your children or your grandchildren (we are counting on the elderly to lead the way in preserving and
protecting the American way and creating many of the ORIGINAL approaches in dealing with this crisis). Local to federal: contact
organization like the Campaign for Liberty, the Alliance Defense Fund, Trust Common sense, Glenn's 912 Project They are holing their
cell phones and manning their computers waiting with bated breath for your call or e-mail. Ask what you can do for the United
States of America and against the United Socialist Secular States of America. Do what they ask. They'll welcome your ORIGINAL
suggestions. Disabled and homebound? Your an American, aren't you? Look at what rickcosmos does from his headquarters (home)!
A temporary aside: Glenn Beck was caught by a viewer for misspelling 'oligarchy'; I was nabbed by a reader for creative spelling on
one occasion (if truth be told: many; I often forget about spell check) involving 'triumvirate.
                                                                                  ORIGINAL To Majority Aware,
                                                                                   Member, Second American Revolution

Friday, August 28, 2009


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 26, 2009 4:40 pm

It's me again. UNITED WE STAND on DOW JONES; FINDING COMMON GROUND on rickcosmos-eclectic (group) 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fwd: In Exile in My Own Country with George, Tom and Jim

In Exile in My Own Country with George, Tom and Jim

 Dear Republicans, Democrats and Independents,
 I might see the light of day again (figuratively speaking and take my friends with me, figuratively
speaking). I sincerely believe that libertarians, conservatives, moderate conservatives, moderates,
and even some moderate liberals would agree that the Federal Reserve Bank (created in 1917 and
never investigated and audited - although a law permitting one was passed in 1998) which is
in charge of our monetary policy and our tax dollars not the president and congress and operates in stealth fashion should be placed under a legal and financial microscope (not even the president and congress know everything it does and precisely how it operates. Contact the immediately. AMERICANS UNITE!!!
I think that most of us can agree that spending is out of control, we are turning into a third
world nation and that a great grand children will still be paying off our debt --- we might suffer a complete economic/financial breakdown! Bush increased the debt by 3,000,000,000,000 and
Obama will increase it by at least 8,000,000,000,000 big ones. Congress must curb it's insatiable appetite to spend our hard earned money. Contact as soon as possible. AMERICANS UNITE!!!
Christians are being stripped of their first Amendment rights in public unlike other groups while
75% to 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. It is just plain unfair and Namibian.
Contact Post haste. AMERICANS UNITE!!!
I am heartened and shocked that some many Americans of all political stripes are participating
in Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings. It's not one political party or one political philosophy
that's engaged and on the same page.
                                                           I'm Preparing to Egress/I Expect a Crowd,

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fwd: Minuteman Unite!

Number of Obama Czars (he promised open/transparent government): 45 (for the benefit of those
of you still keeping count; exceeded one of idols FDR by 11?; presidents between FDR and
Obama - 0 to 3; rickcosmos contends that Czars, as well as, semi-independent agencies are
VISIT: immediately and click on their petition to congress to curb spending
if you think congress is spending us into bankruptcy and turning the U.S. into a third-world nation
and that you, your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will be left to pick up the tab.
VISIT: if you think that the Federal Reserve Bank which played a major
role in economic/financial crisis should be audited. It's a semi-independent agency which largely
operate in secret and can pick and choose which presidential and congressional questions to
answer. Like czars they avoid the press; unlike czars they occasionally answer questions from
White House and Congress. Time is of the essence: contact CFL within the week and request
that they mail you a petition to sign to lift the veil for the sake of Americans on how your money
is being spent. Created in 1917 (during so-called progressive era) it has never been investigated
or audited (although a law permitting it was passed in 1998, it hasn't been invoked). They
will send your three petitions to sign with the names of your two U.S. Senators and your U.S.
Representative on it.
CONTACT : your State Senators and your State Assemblyman (called a Representative in some
states about calling for a Constitution Convention and a Nullification Doctrine (promoted by
ATBTC - rickaddsite project) to restore powers to the states and the people by the federal
government in violation of Amendment ten in Bill of Rights by misinterpretation and unconstitutional
expansion of Commerce Clause. New York State Senator Martin Golden is proposing one
in New York but only has slim chance of passage. Help him out!  (More on his Constitutional
Convention bill coming soon). It most be approved by thirty-eight states. Get to work!!!
Call his office and ask him who else you should call. Hurry!
Find out about Nullification Doctrine. You have to do most of the work!
New York Senators Schumer 212-224-6542 and Hillidiand 202-224-4451 oppose spending like a
drunken sailor on shore leave and don want to know what the FED is doing with your money!
Call the White House. I misplaced their number. Their located somewhere in Washington D.C. -
big building, you can't miss it. Make a right).
       Get on your horse! The lantern is lit!
                                                 In Exile in My Own Country with good Company:
                                                 George, Tom and Jim,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Aug 5, 2009 6:54 pm

(Editor's Note: You've heard of a show within a show? This constitutes a article within an article. Rickcosmos is my ace reporter.
I always cut him a lot of slack and trust his judgement implicitly).
       Unions...Healthcare reform...Equal-time Doctrine...immigration reform ............What could such disparate things have in common?
Unions peaked in the '20s, '30s and '40s when well over one-third of workers were unionized. Today, less then 10% are. Unions
contribute mega-bucks to the Democratic National Committee, State committees, local committees and to democratic candidates.
Members pay dues. This money is used. Members who are registered Republicans or independents or don't vote can't do thing
one about it! It won't happen next year because it's a non-presidential election year and Obama doesn't want to lose dem seats  in
Congress. It will happen in 2011 (the same year taxes will be raised on the rich and the middle class and your energy bills begin to
climb -Obama will take the green from your wallet to support Al Gore Green Science and to pay for socialism): the demise of the
sacred secret ballot, Right now if a union want to unionize workers at a company the workers decide via secret ballot if they wish to
do so. Dems want an open vote so that union muscle men can strong arm employees into voting 'yea.' There are some laws even if
there is no longer a constitution! This method will be employed carefully, selectively and on a limited basis. It should result in union
membership rising to 15% or so - more money for dems!
        The so-called Fairness-Equal Time Doctrine. Reagan did away with it. Obama wants to resurrect it. It won't be applied to
the liberal-biased: CBS, NBS (GE OWNS NBC and as pay back for NBC practically being a part of the Obama campaign the nearly
bankrupt GE will receive the bulk of the so-called green contracts that had been ear-marked for small businesses; it's reminiscent
of Obama violating 230 years of contract law to repay the unions in the GM crime!), ABC, the vast majority of newspapers in
America, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, the movie and music industries.
        It would apply to FOX NEWS Channel which is perceived as being conservative-biased. It's an illusion for they present liberal,
moderate and conservative views equally. It's an illusion. When your have six liberal networks, they appear mainstream and the odd-
man out appears on the right: there must be a law of physics to explain it. Fox will be forced to favor liberal philosophy. Conservative
radio talk show hosts - far more of them are popular then liberal ones (Do you remember the all liberal talk radio network AirAmerica?
It went bankrupt, Those networks will be forced to hire an equal number of liberal hosts - their ratings will plummet and they will
go out of business. There are far more liberal websites and blogs then conservative ones. They claim conservatives look to the past.
Liberals will once again have a monopoly like they did from the '60s to about 1990. One VOICE!!!
       Socialized medicine...If you don't stop Obama, you'll have a choice between Hillary-care and Blue Cross next year -elections, you
know - but in 2011, you will have to pay a special tax if you choose private insurance - - - in effect: fined! It won't apply to union bosses
and members. you'll see a mad rush of workers wanting to be unionized in 2011, 12 and 13...tell us what will happen next.In 2013 (non-election year) unionized workers will have to pay a tax for having private insurance - virtually everyone will be sociable! Second rate healthcare, tons of
bureaucratic paperwork, long waits for medical treatment; your doctor will be chosen for you,
care will be rationed (the elderly will suffer the worst). Don't worry about the super-rich, the rich, union bosses and members of congress - they will continue to receive quality care and private health insurance - tax or no tax - they can afford the best. The dems will be rolling in dough and the only voices that you will hear are liberal ones!
      Immigration reform...If you come here legally, you have to wait 5 years to become a citizen and then you can bring over
your underage children and your elderly parents. There are an estimated 12 million illegals: 9 million Hispanic or Latino or whatever
they want to be called; 6 million of the 9 million are Mexican; three million are Italian, Chinese, English, African, etc. DEms want to
grant then amnesty so that they can become citizens overnight - it's a reward for breaking our law and entering our soveign nation
illegally. Plus a bigger gift: they can immediately bring over the underage children, elderly parents, grown children, aunts, uncles
and cousins. We are really talking about 40 to 50 million people to help Obama make America go bankrupt! It is estimated that
     Make a choice. You are going to a party. You've been invited to one party. Which party will you attend? It sure smacks of COMMUNISM
to me. Pravda was the biggest newspaper in the former Soviet Union and now they are the biggest in Russia and they are the biggest
news provider on the Internet (virtually one VOICE) states that Obama is doing what had been done in the Soviet Union. They are the
authorities. Communism: political system; legal system; educational system (children in public elementary high and public and
private colleges are taught only one view on many issues in America already). THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST SECULAR STATES
OF AMERICA. Communist economics???
                                             THE TRIUMVIRATE...continued
Imagine, if you will, a graph (this website isn't equipped for photos, videos and graphs - People like my picture and I like graphs.
If I can track down the graph Czar - last week I told you that Obama had 33 Czars - - - UPDATE: 44 CZARS!!! What a difference a week makes!) with communism on the lower left (how apropos) and capitalism on the upper right and socialism in the middle. As you
move from right to left: taxes increase; subsidies increase; regulations rise (even though your going down the sliding pond (graph; does
anyone under 35 know the term sliding pond?); revenue sharing and block grants decrease (look it up!); quality, quantity, variety of
goods and services decline; the government makes more and more decisions for you. Do you remember a long time ago when Obama
'week'(the opposite of a New York minute)had 33 Czars and you nearly fainted when I told you the Founding Father's favored classical liberal market economics which later became known as capitalism - the kind of capitalism that conservatives and libertarians wish we still had. Back to our graph. Yougo from influence to influence and control to control.
              Fiscal policy: how much the federal (state too; we are talking about the top of the food chain)spends; taxes; subsidies; revenue sharing(look it up); regulations. Monetary policy: printing money; "INDIRECTLY" determining interest rates and ?. The president and congress
have the former and the Federal Reserve Bank created in 1913 as a semi-independent federal agency which I consider unconstitutional
and created during the so-called 'progressive era' - they would become modern liberals - I was ADDed! - - - have the latter.
Very few outside of the Fed know what the Question mark covers. Barney Frank (3), chairman of the Senate Banking/Finance Committee
and Housing Committee, knows. Obama probably like most presidents knows little or nothing of what the ? covers and yet, he wants
it to have greater power (they played a major role in the economic/fiscal crisis) - go figure. I wonder whose pushing - bf - for it.
Monetary policy became more important then fiscal policy in the '30s - Roosevelt.
             Roughly speaking, between the founding of our country and the last quarter of 2008 the Federal fiscal /monetary influence on
the economy went from 2% to 10% except during crisis like depressions when it was 20% or more. Socialism: 20% to 30% influence
and control all of the time. Communism: 100% control. I was negligent... no you weren't, you covered it in installment 2. Courtesy of Obama it's now between 15% and 20%. What will happen? Let me get one of my big crystal balls: it depends on whether he gets
over 50% or over 70% or over 90% of what he wants. Right now, we have a mixed (capitalist/socialist)
economy - I hate to spring it on you like that.  Smelling Salts! My prediction 60% within four years - a mixed (socialist/communist) economy.
There are encouraging signs: he won't get a second so-called stimulus bill and he might have to scale back on cap-and-trade and
health reform. Keep calling members of Congress and donate to organizations like the Campaign for Liberty.
             We have arrived. The TRIUMVIRATE: Obama, Polusi and Frank. Our work isn't finished though. The OVER-sized OLIGARCHY.
             Are they behind the curtain pulling the strings or are they major players? Tier One (in order): The Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank; the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; the bosses of the major unions; the executives of ACorn.
Tier Two: George Soros (find out who he is; hint: he is one of the most dangerous men in America; the Reverend Farrakan; Bill Ayes; the
execs at GreenPeace. Tier Three: the American Bar Association (Trial lawyer division); the head of the National Organization of
Women); the head of the largest gay/lesbian lobby (I'm falling asleep, I can't vomit up their name); and his other father, the Reverend
'Wrong' (in spirit anyway; he was also raised by Ayes - I'm tired, I left out Bill, my fingers hurt, I should have wrote Bill, I spent an
Obama 'week' it seems telling you I left out Bill, Bill is with the third father - he's an ACorn!).
             It isn't my America: President Obama (black man); President Polusi (white woman); President Frank (gay 'man')!

                      (It's Finally Finished. Rickcosmos wrote the book on journalism but not brevity!).